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Any x Any Some Ideas of Mine: Including Futas, A Sentai-Inspired Prompt, A More Military Inspired one, And so on!

Jun 11, 2024
The USA !
Hey there!

Below are some ideas, along with kinks and limits with each! If any catch your eye, let's get in touch and discuss~ Thanks for reading!


Here's a Super Sentai Idea I've had for a bit. A silly and perverted sort of world, with colorful suited heroines and their battle against monstrous bullies! If anything below catches any interest, please feel free to send a inbox message my way!

The day was just like another, until-


A mighty crash exploded out into the air, smoke filling the road and causing traffic to start to pile and crash. Panic followed, as people started to rush away from the street, leaving their cars and belongings- as the source of crash slowly revealed itself. Humanoid enough in build and structure, the being stood at a tall seven foot, with crimson skin and long jet-black hair running down its back. Bipedal, but also having four human-like arms along with two luscious bare breasts hanging freely as the being stood essentially naked. Between its crimson thighs, hung a notable crimson cock and balls. The muscle tone on the being was defined and easily seen with simple glancing towards the towering crimson beast; its intelligence was where it lacked, as it only growled before slamming all four fists into a nearby car!

However, a hero was rushing to the scene!

Flipping into the air, her body twisting at least three times before her boots landed onto another car not too far from the mighty beast! With the sun shinning down over her, the bright orange suit cladding her body emitted brighter! Grey gloves over each hand, with matching boots, along with a utility belt wrapped around the skirted waist, Nerd-Onger Orange stood up. The helmet was shaped around her head, the visor at the front started slender and thing at the chin area, as it extended up the mouth and nose, and around the eyes, the black tinted visor grew more into a curved T-like shape.

Bringing a wrist up to the bottom of her helmet, she pressed a single button, "Level-II Bullymind located. Requesting back up. Rangers, do you copy?"


This post is my attempt of setting up a Super-Sentai/Power Rangers inspired world. Our Colorfully clad heroes are the Nerd-Ongers! (Name still in the works and open to being changed or altered!) A Brand new team of heroes, all female/futa (or feminine passing) , bound together to deal with a new threat emerging! These monsters, all somewhat human like, are experiments by some mad genius somewhere and unleashing them onto the people.

The 'Bullyminds" as they have been deemed by the public and the Nerd-Ongers alike have unusual behavior patterns. Each roughly standing about seven feet tall, with varying colors of skin- from reds, to blues, greens, and purples, the muscle tone of these 'Bullyminds' also vary on the leveling system in place. They are measured and categorized in levels : I to V. Lower levels, I-II, seem to be more bulky, and toned, while Level III's are a lean sort of muscle, quicker than I's and II's. Level IV's and V's, are less bulk, but more brain. Each however, despite of their level, has four arms. Their base behaviors seem to all flow:
From administering mind-clogging and memory wiping wet-willies to anyone they can catch, to lifting humans up by their panties and using them as both a means of curling and working their biceps and as huma-yo-yos, to more extreme measures of using humans for sex and other sexually deviant acts-
Level V 'Bullyminds' are more lewd,. and use their cocks more: The more Futa-level monsters. Level I 'Bullyminds' are more muscle than brain but still can handle a ranger if they are not careful!

A very unique note, for Level IV and V Bullyminds also have a strange ability: able to release strange 'nerd' pheromones within a 100 meter radius of themselves. There hasn't been enough encounters with these higher Level Bullyminds to fully understand the range of differencing pheromones.

The Nerd-Ongers will try their best to handle the new threat, while also trying to under cover the mystery of the master mind behind it all- or be bullied out of commission...At the start of this adventure, the' Bullyminds' have some basic intelligence and very clearly monstrous forms, but as time goes on they will grow smarter and more human like to blend in. For the City our heroes live in, I was imaging it to be a made up city, but one close to how San Francisco is, if that makes much sense? If not, we can plot out a city a little bit more.

Two important notes of the Nerd-Ongers:

1) While most Rangers have like one-piece suits; the Nerd-Ongers' suits are two piece, a top and bottom. This is to allow a hand to dip into the back and wedgie them to kingdom come!

2) I'd like the colors of the team to be less traditional . Like, the ranger mentioned in the setter up there being an Orange instead of a Red.

This will be more light-hearted, silly action and bullying with lewd fucking and what not! Think on the terms of say, a Echi-styled manga, or even a tone like Akibaranger: goofy, over the top, silly, playfully lewd and so on~
Ideally, I'll be writing as the Orange Ranger,(as either a cute Femboy like character, or a woman.) along with some of the monsters and others.

If a possible partner is open to writing as multiple characters, even better! Open for a partner to write as a fellow ranger, their ranger or rangers can be women, futa, feminie males, etc.

  • General Kinks:
    • Third Person writing, Hand-holding, Femdom. Futa-dom. Orgasm Control/Denial. Chastity cages. Blindfolds/bondage/gags/Panties used as gags. Cock and Ball Torture/Play. Risk of being seen. Public Teasing. Dub-con. Edging/stimulation play. Pegging. Forced Cross-dressing. Feminization. Sounding. Wedgies/Bully like things. Rewards and Punishments. Hentai/Porn World Logic being used. Panties in general And more!
    • Orgasm control/Denial- Prolonged denial is always fun to me. Even the more unrealistic elements. A cock cage being on for long periods, if on always after a point.
    • Bullying: Name calling, and playful insults. Wet-willes. Spanking. Bondage. Predicament-bondage. Prolonged Bondage. Wedgies in panties. Sillier, more cartoony wedgies Love the terms, "Slitty" referring to a cock in a cage, "Leaking" referring to pre-cum oozing out of a caged cock too. And more
    • CBT- All sorts, from the basic slapping, kicking- to more unusual. Balls being used as a foot rest. Humblers used. Leashes tied around balls and led about. And so on! (For Futa, and more feminine-males
    • Hentai/Porn logic: Sillier things like, Cum being pushed back down a dick and it causing the balls to swell a little. Large breasts, that should totally hurt one's back! Open to other ideas, too
    • Panties: Big Panty fetish. So, things like panties showing, when someone bends down, upskirts, whaletails, are all fun to me
    • In terms of transformations
      • There's the general fun of morphing/Henshin- our heroes suiting up in tight spandex suits, with their fun skirts and pullable panties
      • The Higher Level Bullymind's Pheromones'. From generally making people more nerdy, by being too close, I am also open to the idea of some Bullyminds and their pheromones messing thoughts and such. Fogging minds, and making it harder concentrate. Some might even just make the heroes and anyone closer by too horny to do much
      • Open for some Feminization, for more feminine males and the more tomboyish ladies
      • Other fun concepts, that could fit the Sentai like setting are: mind control, mind corruption, slight body mutation.
  • Open to other thought too!


  • Blood/Gore/Vore. Musk/Bad-Body Smells. Dirty Body Parts. Hyper-sizes of any sort. In Terms of CBT-popping, or parament damage.1st Person writing. Male-dominant characters. Submissive only partners. Poop/Piss/Bathroom Kinks/Diapers. Cuckolding. Low-effort messages like, "Hey, I'm interested"
Thunder roared.

Overhead, the deluge poured constantly, had it been for days now; it wouldn't stop anytime soon either. It drenched the ground, mudding the grass and soil. However, the conditions did not slow Agent-Shadow ' crawling through miles and miles of jungle and mossy grassland within her 'Chameleon-tech Suit'. With its light reflective-tech, she appeared completely invisible; the fibers of the skin tight suit were made of specialized components which allowed a series of reflective options to blend in or to completely vanish from sight. Her destination was only a quarter of a mile remaining, and she was not going to stop now; even with the Bipedal-Security-Bots (B.S.B's) wandering around the closer she got to the hidden facility. Each inch she crawled, every time she moved her elbows to dig into the dirt to shift her body forward and onward, the feeling of the natural ride up of her own panties plagued 'Agent-Shadow ' every 'step' of the way. One of the many downsides of skin-tight suits that members of SpearHawk were equipped with was the natural wedgies. It had to be pushed aside, for the longevity of the assignment.

Her Mission was a two- objective based assignment.-

About ten years ago, A large sub-section of the United States Military broke away- brilliant minds of all sorts suddenly vanished in the middle of the night. Washington was beyond pissed. Rumors started to spread this splinter group was forming its own sort of United Organization from other splintering groups of militaries all over the world. Rumors claimed these splinters united were attempting to create their own answer to the 'Enhanced- Solider-Program'. A experimental program that originated in the United States, with specialized serums were injected into volunteers in the hopes of creating the ideal 'Super Solider'. Most trials were failures. Only a small handful of soldiers survived and were placed into A new Special-Ops Branch known as: SpearHawk.

The Surviving members of the 'ESP' trails, were 'Super' in many ways now; however, they did suffer some level of unseen side-effects. Most, experienced a disassociating phenomenon. Extremely close to some forms of BPD- these surviving members lost a sense of emotion. While still duty beyond, most found previous hobbies, and notions of life no longer offered them joy. Some even lost sense of their previous names, and families. Memories still lingered, but they no longer cared about them. To combat these issues, the members that's would end up joining SpearHawk were given new names, and call signs. Their previous names abandoned. Each member was given an over-seer, someone who monitored their health and vitals as often as possible. Usually these over-seers were also informed of any new assignments a member of SpearHawk was given.

The Enhanced-Soldiers of SpearHawk were trained in many forms of combat; despite the world using drones and bots more and more, the members were trained in espionage, standard combat, and destabilization.

The splinting and formed Unison of multiple groups of military personnel from across the globe was given the place-holder name of: The Independent Confederation. A recent series of attacks, and robberies across the globe point towards them, and the suggestion they are planning to create their own Enhanced-Soldiers. Through many attempts of trying to locate any proper base of operations, the Untied Nations finally located what they presumed to be such a warehouse out in the middle of no where. And so, Agent-Shadow was deployed. Her main objective was reconnaissance, and to confirm if the IC worked within the warehouse or not.

'Shadow come in; Momma Hawk Signing in." came through the ear-piece the Agent wore under her Chameleon mask. Reaching a cliff side, she slowly started to bring herself from the prone crawling, to that of a kneeled position.

"Seems your wandering around with a wicked wedgie," the Overseer commented, as her green eyes studied the multiple screens before her, within the small command lab. Half the world away, 'Momma-Hawk' a ginger haired woman, also had a geometric scan map of the area Agent-Shadow moved around in. Along with multiple reports from drone scans, and hear-say about a mysterious building lingering out there.

"I'd prefer if you'd not focus on that area with your scanners." 'Agent-Shadow' commented, monotone and quietly.

"Can't help it, with that being the only sensor going off. Your cheeks really don't like it."


Groaning into her mic, 'Momma-Hawk' spun her chair around twice before nodding. "Right the buzz kill. According to my scans and everything, you should be seeing some sort of building up ahead. Can you confirm?"

"Affirmative. Its located over a mountain, and seems to have some shield active of it. Explains why the drones couldn't get a heat signature through." Agent-Shadow commented back, using the lenses within the mask to zoom closer and closer to the slightly moss-covered building built half in the mountain side.

"Understood. Proceed with caution. And as always, the Primary Order still stands- if any signs point towards the creation of more Enhanced individuals, we must collect a Semen Sample. However, you are not authorized to kill. Stun only." She reminded the hidden woman.


Hey there!

So, this prompt is a little choppy. My idea is this is set within a Slightly-futuristic-militarized world. Sorta akin to some level of something like Metal Gear Solid- where heavy military themes are present, but sometimes over the top characters and elements- but mixed with a healthy dose of lewd and perverted nature. The world is also heavily populated by Futas and Women. Not too interested in having male characters within this world, so please do not come suggesting such. It's just not my cup of tea.

Our Enhanced-Soldier here- 'Agent Shadow', is one of our leads. Ideally, I'd like to write as her. Though, if you really want to, we can discuss. All agents of SpearHawk are ideally Futa! As any Super-Soldier should/can be. Their skin-tight suits, think like Steller Blade or Samus Aren from Metroid. The Super-Soldiers/Enhanced Soldiers- at least those from SpearHawk suffer from a lack of emotions. Any other Super Soldier say made by the IC can be fully emotional and what not.

Agent-Shadow's looks are in the air at the moment!

If any of that makes sense!

Ideally, searching for a partner open to writing possibly as multiple characters, as our heroes work in the shadows. I do ask a partner is more of a Switch, than someone who only likes writing Submissive characters. Of course, if you wish to write another member of SpearHawk as a main, feel free!

I have some ideas for the starting this tale off. But if reading through this has spawned any thoughts, please feel free to mention them!


  • Femdom/Futa-Dom. Sounding. - Prolonged Denial. Orgasm Control/Denial.. F Realistic Cock Sizes. Switches. Edging/Teasing. Boob-jobs. Smothering. Encasement. Bondage/leashes. Sorta Hentai/Porn Logic can't hurt as well. Switches,.gynarchy
  • Cock-slapping (like slapping the cock, and not a cock slapping something.) Ballbusting/CBT of all sorts*. Cock stomping.* (I really want Agent Shadow's balls abused!)
  • Military/slight futuristic themes/elements. Tight suits, holsters, military talk (to the best of our ability.)
  • Different operatives and enemies having different kinks to use against them.
  • And open to more.

  • Blood/Gore/Vore. Musk/Bad-Body Smells. Dirty Body Parts. Hyper-sizes of any sort. parament damage.1st Person writing. Poop/Piss/Bathroom Kinks/Diapers. Cuckolding. Low-effort messages
Thanks for reading! If interested, feel free to get in touch! Ideally, inBox messages~
For everything pure, and kind- for the joy of the world, and the encouragement of dreams: there stands a champion to defend the weak!

Such power, was reward due to the natural determination to do good to Shinohara Kazue: a college student, in her second year of university. Gifted this power, from the Goddess that watches over the world, Shinohara accepted the duties that came with it! No questioning why she was chosen, or if someone better could have been; instead, she took it with all the honor possible. For most of her second year at college, she double-life'd it as a Heroine of Justice- even sometimes missing classes due to a new dark threat emerging in the world. However, as the heroine, 'Twilight-Heart', she's earn a public reputation as a hero who will help anyone and everyone. Always smiling as she jumps about, offering greetings and well wishes to anyone who tries to talk to her.

Though, the prescience of such a hero, did cause a new issue she will need to handle. Perverted thoughts swarmed her and through the unconsciousness of humanity, something new was born...



This post is heavily based off a Doujin-hentai I was reading, of the premise of a team of Magical Girls learning to defeat a Demon due to her Masochistic Cock. And, clearly I wish to use this premise for a story to craft with someone here! Thing, are still a little rough in terms of concept here, but I think we can make something fun! Though, unlike the Doujin, our tale will have one Magical Girl who defends the world with all the pureness and kindness she can! 'Twilight Heart' stands as a true heroine of Justice, and has defeated many unusual foes and monsters; however, when a Demoness suddenly appears- one who stands very strong in combat, with showing little to no actual weakness in combat, 'Twilight- Heart' has to trust her ability to scan individuals for 'any" weakness....

Just happens, this Demoness, born of ill-thoughts, and perverted minds of humanity, was crafted with a cock of her own. Something, by a natural beyond even her understanding, is quite the source of masochism for her.

With one of her special abilities, 'The Goddess' Eye', Twilight-Heart discovers the existence of this masochistic phallus and decides that is how she will best this new Foe! "The Goddess' Eye' allows the user, who keeps eye contact over someone to scan not only their physical body, but mental thoughts, hopes , desires, and so on. The longer the eye contact on someone, the more the user can learn.

From there, I'd like for us to take a turn in our own direction. Of course, it will take a few encounters, and battles of the two, Twilight-Heart learning how to abuse, edge, and control such a phallus, and our Evil Demoness slowly lose control and become a bumbling mess for the Heroine of Justice; that said, I think it would be lovely for our Magical Girl to force the Demoness to either fully commit and become a Magical Girl herself, or simply pledge to fight alongside our Magical Girl Heroine. (While she constantly keeps the Demon on her side, with further edging, orgasm control and abuse to such a cock.) From there, new foes, new monsters, possibly new heroes to join the group can all be introduced as our story unfolds!

For a possible partner, I am searching for: someone open to write as Shinohara, our Magical Girl. As a second year college student, twenty-one years old, she is full of energy, but approachable. She is very tactical, however when it comes to her duties as the Heroine of Justice; while she will never turn away from those in need, she also doesn't jump into a fight without observing the environment and who might be waiting for her. Shinohara's looks are open for discussion, though the one want I'd like for her, is red hair. Since this is anime-inspired type of world, the unusual hair colors being normal and natural can be a thing! Shinohara is not a Futa though! (Unless you really want her to be.)

I intend to write as the Demoness, that Shinohara encounters. The name is in the works at the moment. Created from perverted, lust-filled thoughts of humanity, the Demoness is a bit mean, ill-spirited towards her new foe, the Magical Girl who wishes to stop her! I'd love for her, to be quite a bully. Wedgies used as her main means of messing with humanity. (I love wedgies, and the more cartoony ones too) .

On top of this, I will also write others in our world. Still thinking on the setting- ideally a fictional city will be the main location. Still workshopping names there too! I'd love for this to be a longer-term thing, that we craft together in some fun! Silly anime-ish actions, mixed with lewd fun.


  • Wanted Kinks for this: Femdom. Orgasm Control/Denial/Prolonged Denial. Edging. (Towards the Demoness). CBT/Ballbusting. Use of Orgasm control/denial to control someone. Bullying wedgies (used against the Magical Girl). Possible Romance, and cute things like hand holding and such.
  • My General and other kinks:
    • Femdom/Futa-Dom. Orgasm Control/Denial/Edging. Orgasm control weaponized. Characters not allowed to cum for long periods of time. Switches, rather than just strict dom and sub characters. Chastity devices/cages. Face-sitting. Human-furniture. Bondage. Leashes (tied around the balls too). Light spanking. Panties used as gags, and blindfolds. Risk of being seen. Public Teasing. Edging/stimulation play. Hentai/Porn World Logic being used. (Sillier things like, Cum being pushed back down a dick and it causing the balls to swell a little, for example. ) Some combat, since its a Magical Girl world, and powers! Monster girls/creatures.
    • Playful combat
    • Open to more, as well!

  • Blood/Gore/Vore. Musk/Bad-Body Smells. Dirty Body Parts. Hyper-sizes of any sort. In Terms of CBT-popping, or parament damage.1st Person writing. Poop/Piss/Bathroom Kinks/Diapers. Cuckolding. Low-effort messages like, "Hey, I'm interested"
If this makes sense to anyone, great! I'd love to get in touch, through Inbox messages and talk details out! If you could mention any big kinks you have, favorite color for panties, and any other thoughts in your first message, amazing~! Thanks for reading!

The halls were dimmed.

In fact,

the only source of light came from seven white-wax cancels standing erect within rose-gold chamberstick holders. The seven candles were held, by the eldest sisters of the gathering. Veils covered their faces, and the dark robes they wore concealed the majority of their bodies. Only their hands were uncovered, and they were folded one over the other, while carrying the candles towards an alter. The seven passed through lines of other Nuns. All on their knees and hands, faces towards the ground and tops of heads pointed towards the alter. The stone slab that acted as a an alter table was dressed in rose-gold silken drapery. As the seven made their way down the path, two of the seven candles were set onto the table and those nuns stayed at each side. Four of the others, took spots around the alter, all without blocking view to a large statue that stood the tallest in the room. It was cast in bronze, and resembled a nun of their order too. Her bronze hands held together, points of fingers skyward. The statue's face was calm, and her eyes closed. The only oddity to the statue, protruded around the pelvis.

It was fleshy...

It was a penis, and testicles.

Erect, and stressed. Veins pulsing along the tired shaft. The pink head was shiny, more so than usual, as the clear premature juices oozed out by fear. Balls plump and full, if not just a little blue already. When the final of the seven grew close, a small chant started to fill the halls. Every head that was laying against the floor, lifted and eyes focused onto the sister closest to the statue.


Inside the bronze cage-of sorts that made up the Statue, the new individual groaned and tried to wiggle more and more. Her wrists were restricted to the interior, while the silk cloth around her privates kept the metal from scratching and harming her body, but at the same time made it rather impossible to retract back in. Beyond being difficult to hear what was going on outside, it was impossible to see anything. Inside the statue, it was dark, and his breath warmed the interior and more.

Unable to move or escape and unaware of the golden beaded rode held up outside in the hall. The tip of the beaded rode aimed towards her defenseless erect phallus...


"Welcome, sisters." The veiled woman closest to the bronze statue spoke aloud, filling the room. As the eldest sister of the older, Elizabeth was permitted to remove the veil from her face when speaking in gathering such as now. Her face was naturally pale, and green eyes sat calmly on her face. On top of that, she was gifted with high and defined cheek bones. Within her left hand, was a golden rod- beaded down to the handle, which was wrapped in dark leather. "We gather here, as one of our own has failed to stay pure and on her studies. Thus, we must punish her accordingly. Do not be mistaken- this was not her first offense. We are fair- always have been." Sighing, she turned towards the statue!

Without warning, she took the rod and pressed the end towards the tip of the exposed strained cock from the statue. Her next gesture, her hand thrusting forward at, the beaded wand slowly started to force its way into the phallus; forcing it to expand a little, and swell around the beads. By the time Sister Elizabeth was finished, only the leather handle stuck out of the exposed cock. She turned, but her hand remained and suddenly opened wide and squeezing down harshly on the already blued balls.

"Sister ___________!" She spoke firmly, as her grip tightened more and more. "As our new member, the onus of watching over Sister Joan here falls onto your shoulders. Starting today, your studies and practices will be held within here, as you watch over here. Joan's punishment will last thirty days. On the hour of every hour, every day , for a period of time you find fit, you will attend Joan's testicles and cock. To remind her of her failures of giving into self pleasure. This is both a great honor, and a great responsibility- please keep such in mind."

Hey, hey!

The basic set up here is- a Order of Witches/mages of sorts, study and earn their strengths and powers through prolonged denial; Following the Teachings of a Goddess who created their world. The Goddess in question, was a Futa herself and denied herself any real pleasure- which only heightened her powers. The Order in her name now, does the same. Longer denial, the greater the faith, and greater the power.
That said, big themes on religious orders, and such. As their denial grows, so do their strengths and abilities. This world harbors innate magical powers within people, though not everyone is gifted enough to use them. The Sisterhood finds and accepts candidates, at the age of twenty.

This Order is be on self-denial of sexual pleasures. Our Tale Starts here, with Sister Joan being punished for giving into her own. And Such, lives as the 'Statue of Punished Desire' for a month. Sister Joan will be a character I control, ideally my main. I also intend to write as other members of the Order here; Sister Elizabeth , is one I shall control as well. As for the newest member of the order? Ideally, that will be your character! Name, and look up to you! As the newest member within, she is still learning the ropes and such. Keep in mind, the newest member can always end up int he Statue too. So, I am looking for partners open to write as Switches, not only submissive.

Should also be noted, and not fully needed to be stated- but All characters are to be twenty plus. There is No exception to this. Also, this idea is written with Futa and women characters in mind. Not really looking for Male characters to be included.

Eventually, our two characters will be sent out to help with different problems in the world. From ghost-sighting, to spirit possessions, different demons and such popping up and other fun!

Kinks I'd like Included:

  • Femdom/Futa-Dom. Sounding. Cock-slapping (like slapping the cock, and not a cock slapping something.) Ballbusting/CBT of all sorts*. Cock stomping.* Prolonged Denial. Orgasm Control/Denial. Realistic Cock Sizes. Switches. Edging/Teasing. Boob-jobs. Smothering. Encasement. Bondage/leashes.
  • Religious Themes/Designs. Fantasy Setting. Monster Girls. Succubus. Possible Magic and spells being used in more perverted means.
  • Cursed marks/tattoos. Maybe on the balls, to keep orgasms from happening! Body Possession.
  • And open to more.

  • Blood/Gore/Vore. Musk/Bad-Body Smells. Dirty Body Parts. Hyper-sizes of any sort. parament damage.1st Person writing. Poop/Piss/Bathroom Kinks/Diapers. Cuckolding. Low-effort messages
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