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Any x Any Futa Ideas! Some Fandom Some Not!


Jun 11, 2024
The USA !
Hey there!

Below are some ideas, along with kinks and limits with each! If any catch your eye, let's get in touch and discuss~ Thanks for reading!

Thunder roared.

Overhead, the deluge poured constantly, had it been for days now; it wouldn't stop anytime soon either. It drenched the ground, mudding the grass and soil. However, the conditions did not slow Agent-Shadow ' crawling through miles and miles of jungle and mossy grassland within her 'Chameleon-tech Suit'. With its light reflective-tech, she appeared completely invisible; the fibers of the skin tight suit were made of specialized components which allowed a series of reflective options to blend in or to completely vanish from sight. Her destination was only a quarter of a mile remaining, and she was not going to stop now; even with the Bipedal-Security-Bots (B.S.B's) wandering around the closer she got to the hidden facility. Each inch she crawled, every time she moved her elbows to dig into the dirt to shift her body forward and onward, the feeling of the natural ride up of her own panties plagued 'Agent-Shadow ' every 'step' of the way. One of the many downsides of skin-tight suits that members of SpearHawk were equipped with was the natural wedgies. It had to be pushed aside, for the longevity of the assignment.

Her Mission was a two- objective based assignment.-

About ten years ago, A large sub-section of the United States Military broke away- brilliant minds of all sorts suddenly vanished in the middle of the night. Washington was beyond pissed. Rumors started to spread this splinter group was forming its own sort of United Organization from other splintering groups of militaries all over the world. Rumors claimed these splinters united were attempting to create their own answer to the 'Enhanced- Solider-Program'. A experimental program that originated in the United States, with specialized serums were injected into volunteers in the hopes of creating the ideal 'Super Solider'. Most trials were failures. Only a small handful of soldiers survived and were placed into A new Special-Ops Branch known as: SpearHawk.

The Surviving members of the 'ESP' trails, were 'Super' in many ways now; however, they did suffer some level of unseen side-effects. Most, experienced a disassociating phenomenon. Extremely close to some forms of BPD- these surviving members lost a sense of emotion. While still duty beyond, most found previous hobbies, and notions of life no longer offered them joy. Some even lost sense of their previous names, and families. Memories still lingered, but they no longer cared about them. To combat these issues, the members that's would end up joining SpearHawk were given new names, and call signs. Their previous names abandoned. Each member was given an over-seer, someone who monitored their health and vitals as often as possible. Usually these over-seers were also informed of any new assignments a member of SpearHawk was given.

The Enhanced-Soldiers of SpearHawk were trained in many forms of combat; despite the world using drones and bots more and more, the members were trained in espionage, standard combat, and destabilization.

The splinting and formed Unison of multiple groups of military personnel from across the globe was given the place-holder name of: The Independent Confederation. A recent series of attacks, and robberies across the globe point towards them, and the suggestion they are planning to create their own Enhanced-Soldiers. Through many attempts of trying to locate any proper base of operations, the Untied Nations finally located what they presumed to be such a warehouse out in the middle of no where. And so, Agent-Shadow was deployed. Her main objective was reconnaissance, and to confirm if the IC worked within the warehouse or not.

'Shadow come in; Momma Hawk Signing in." came through the ear-piece the Agent wore under her Chameleon mask. Reaching a cliff side, she slowly started to bring herself from the prone crawling, to that of a kneeled position.

"Seems your wandering around with a wicked wedgie," the Overseer commented, as her green eyes studied the multiple screens before her, within the small command lab. Half the world away, 'Momma-Hawk' a ginger haired woman, also had a geometric scan map of the area Agent-Shadow moved around in. Along with multiple reports from drone scans, and hear-say about a mysterious building lingering out there.

"I'd prefer if you'd not focus on that area with your scanners." 'Agent-Shadow' commented, monotone and quietly.

"Can't help it, with that being the only sensor going off. Your cheeks really don't like it."


Groaning into her mic, 'Momma-Hawk' spun her chair around twice before nodding. "Right the buzz kill. According to my scans and everything, you should be seeing some sort of building up ahead. Can you confirm?"

"Affirmative. Its located over a mountain, and seems to have some shield active of it. Explains why the drones couldn't get a heat signature through." Agent-Shadow commented back, using the lenses within the mask to zoom closer and closer to the slightly moss-covered building built half in the mountain side.

"Understood. Proceed with caution. And as always, the Primary Order still stands- if any signs point towards the creation of more Enhanced individuals, we must collect a Semen Sample. However, you are not authorized to kill. Stun only." She reminded the hidden woman.


Hey there!

So, this prompt is a little choppy. My idea is this is set within a Slightly-futuristic-militarized world. Sorta akin to some level of something like Metal Gear Solid- where heavy military themes are present, but sometimes over the top characters and elements- but mixed with a healthy dose of lewd and perverted nature. The world is also heavily populated by Futas and Women. Not too interested in having male characters within this world, so please do not come suggesting such. It's just not my cup of tea.

Our Enhanced-Soldier here- 'Agent Shadow', is one of our leads. Ideally, I'd like to write as her. Though, if you really want to, we can discuss. All agents of SpearHawk are ideally Futa! As any Super-Soldier should/can be. Their skin-tight suits, think like Steller Blade or Samus Aren from Metroid. The Super-Soldiers/Enhanced Soldiers- at least those from SpearHawk suffer from a lack of emotions. Any other Super Soldier say made by the IC can be fully emotional and what not.

Agent-Shadow's looks are in the air at the moment!

If any of that makes sense!

Ideally, searching for a partner open to writing possibly as multiple characters, as our heroes work in the shadows. I do ask a partner is more of a Switch, than someone who only likes writing Submissive characters. Of course, if you wish to write another member of SpearHawk as a main, feel free!

I have some ideas for the starting this tale off. But if reading through this has spawned any thoughts, please feel free to mention them!


  • Femdom/Futa-Dom. Sounding. - Prolonged Denial. Orgasm Control/Denial.. F Realistic Cock Sizes. Switches. Edging/Teasing. Boob-jobs. Smothering. Encasement. Bondage/leashes. Sorta Hentai/Porn Logic can't hurt as well. Switches,.gynarchy
  • Cock-slapping (like slapping the cock, and not a cock slapping something.) Ballbusting/CBT of all sorts*. Cock stomping.* (I really want Agent Shadow's balls abused!)
  • Military/slight futuristic themes/elements. Tight suits, holsters, military talk (to the best of our ability.)
  • Different operatives and enemies having different kinks to use against them.
  • And open to more.

  • Blood/Gore/Vore. Musk/Bad-Body Smells. Dirty Body Parts. Hyper-sizes of any sort. parament damage.1st Person writing. Poop/Piss/Bathroom Kinks/Diapers. Cuckolding. Low-effort messages
Thanks for reading! If interested, feel free to get in touch! Ideally, inBox messages~
The halls were dimmed.

In fact,

the only source of light came from seven white-wax cancels standing erect within rose-gold chamberstick holders. The seven candles were held, by the eldest sisters of the gathering. Veils covered their faces, and the dark robes they wore concealed the majority of their bodies. Only their hands were uncovered, and they were folded one over the other, while carrying the candles towards an alter. The seven passed through lines of other Nuns. All on their knees and hands, faces towards the ground and tops of heads pointed towards the alter. The stone slab that acted as a an alter table was dressed in rose-gold silken drapery. As the seven made their way down the path, two of the seven candles were set onto the table and those nuns stayed at each side. Four of the others, took spots around the alter, all without blocking view to a large statue that stood the tallest in the room. It was cast in bronze, and resembled a nun of their order too. Her bronze hands held together, points of fingers skyward. The statue's face was calm, and her eyes closed. The only oddity to the statue, protruded around the pelvis.

It was fleshy...

It was a penis, and testicles.

Erect, and stressed. Veins pulsing along the tired shaft. The pink head was shiny, more so than usual, as the clear premature juices oozed out by fear. Balls plump and full, if not just a little blue already. When the final of the seven grew close, a small chant started to fill the halls. Every head that was laying against the floor, lifted and eyes focused onto the sister closest to the statue.


Inside the bronze cage-of sorts that made up the Statue, the new individual groaned and tried to wiggle more and more. Her wrists were restricted to the interior, while the silk cloth around her privates kept the metal from scratching and harming her body, but at the same time made it rather impossible to retract back in. Beyond being difficult to hear what was going on outside, it was impossible to see anything. Inside the statue, it was dark, and his breath warmed the interior and more.

Unable to move or escape and unaware of the golden beaded rode held up outside in the hall. The tip of the beaded rode aimed towards her defenseless erect phallus...


"Welcome, sisters." The veiled woman closest to the bronze statue spoke aloud, filling the room. As the eldest sister of the older, Elizabeth was permitted to remove the veil from her face when speaking in gathering such as now. Her face was naturally pale, and green eyes sat calmly on her face. On top of that, she was gifted with high and defined cheek bones. Within her left hand, was a golden rod- beaded down to the handle, which was wrapped in dark leather. "We gather here, as one of our own has failed to stay pure and on her studies. Thus, we must punish her accordingly. Do not be mistaken- this was not her first offense. We are fair- always have been." Sighing, she turned towards the statue!

Without warning, she took the rod and pressed the end towards the tip of the exposed strained cock from the statue. Her next gesture, her hand thrusting forward at, the beaded wand slowly started to force its way into the phallus; forcing it to expand a little, and swell around the beads. By the time Sister Elizabeth was finished, only the leather handle stuck out of the exposed cock. She turned, but her hand remained and suddenly opened wide and squeezing down harshly on the already blued balls.

"Sister ___________!" She spoke firmly, as her grip tightened more and more. "As our new member, the onus of watching over Sister Joan here falls onto your shoulders. Starting today, your studies and practices will be held within here, as you watch over here. Joan's punishment will last thirty days. On the hour of every hour, every day , for a period of time you find fit, you will attend Joan's testicles and cock. To remind her of her failures of giving into self pleasure. This is both a great honor, and a great responsibility- please keep such in mind."

Hey, hey!

The basic set up here is- a Order of Witches/mages of sorts, study and earn their strengths and powers through prolonged denial; Following the Teachings of a Goddess who created their world. The Goddess in question, was a Futa herself and denied herself any real pleasure- which only heightened her powers. The Order in her name now, does the same. Longer denial, the greater the faith, and greater the power.
That said, big themes on religious orders, and such. As their denial grows, so do their strengths and abilities. This world harbors innate magical powers within people, though not everyone is gifted enough to use them. The Sisterhood finds and accepts candidates, at the age of twenty.

This Order is be on self-denial of sexual pleasures. Our Tale Starts here, with Sister Joan being punished for giving into her own. And Such, lives as the 'Statue of Punished Desire' for a month. Sister Joan will be a character I control, ideally my main. I also intend to write as other members of the Order here; Sister Elizabeth , is one I shall control as well. As for the newest member of the order? Ideally, that will be your character! Name, and look up to you! As the newest member within, she is still learning the ropes and such. Keep in mind, the newest member can always end up int he Statue too. So, I am looking for partners open to write as Switches, not only submissive.

Should also be noted, and not fully needed to be stated- but All characters are to be twenty plus. There is No exception to this. Also, this idea is written with Futa and women characters in mind. Not really looking for Male characters to be included.

Eventually, our two characters will be sent out to help with different problems in the world. From ghost-sighting, to spirit possessions, different demons and such popping up and other fun!

Kinks I'd like Included:

  • Femdom/Futa-Dom. Sounding. Cock-slapping (like slapping the cock, and not a cock slapping something.) Ballbusting/CBT of all sorts*. Cock stomping.* Prolonged Denial. Orgasm Control/Denial. Realistic Cock Sizes. Switches. Edging/Teasing. Boob-jobs. Smothering. Encasement. Bondage/leashes.
  • Religious Themes/Designs. Fantasy Setting. Monster Girls. Succubus. Possible Magic and spells being used in more perverted means.
  • Cursed marks/tattoos. Maybe on the balls, to keep orgasms from happening! Body Possession.
  • And open to more.

  • Blood/Gore/Vore. Musk/Bad-Body Smells. Dirty Body Parts. Hyper-sizes of any sort. parament damage.1st Person writing. Poop/Piss/Bathroom Kinks/Diapers. Cuckolding. Low-effort messages
It...was so bright...

The sound of seagulls in the sky hovering around, mixed with the heavy smell of salty water in the air slowly but surly woke Tifa Lockhart Stretching one arm higher than the other, as she shifted over a slightly squeak mattress, the brawler kicked her legs over and onto the wooden floor. There was a strange soreness to her body all over; her muscles screamed, and ached. On top of that all, there was a weird new weight between her legs? Was that something she was imagining?...She tried to ignore it, and shook her chin side to side.

As her red-brown eyes adjusted to the influx of sunlight pouring in from the window, the blurriness of the room she was within started to vanish; a hotel room, of sorts? Maybe a resort room. A rather large bed, within the already considerable room, along with the balcony and the multiple glass windows suggested so, but the problem... besides the small string to her head was the fact Tifa did not recall every coming here...

W-wasn't she with the others? Cloud and Barrett on some cruise ship..?

Standing up, the stringing like throb in her head tensed and made the brawler wince for a moment before it slowly faded. Groaning that off, Tifa paced to the balcony doors and pushed them open to feel the instant wave of heat brush against her skin. As far she could see, orange shingle roofs and palm tree like decorations on top of buildings, beneath the open bright sky. There was plenty of people wandering the stone streets around and extending further away from the building she was in. Within the crowds of people, Tifa spotted one familiar person! Someone she could never mistake for another; that light pink dress, and red jacket was all too identifying!

Without second thought, she leap from the balcony!


With the grace she always carried, the flower-girl turned and rose a welcoming and also curious brow towards her friend....



If it was not clear from above, this is a FFVII/Rebirth inspired post! As I've been playing, but haven't finished yet- I am kinda stuck in the FFVII brainrot mode, and wish to make a more lewd tale to play within. I am aware of some later game things, but I'm only within Chapter-6 and wish not to bring up too much spoiler-y things. This is more of its own enclosed space aha!

The concept here is: Separated from the others, as I wish to focus on female and futa-characters, - Tifa and Aerith find themselves at Costa del Sol- but with no memory of how they got here. Little do they know at the start, at some point on the cruise, they were captured by ShinRa, experimented on (Both are now futas) and now kept as prisoners on the resort island. ShinRa Infantry keeps all exits of the resort blocked off, and even some patrol the streets. Tifa, and Aerith (and room for others to be trapped there with them) must work together to figure out the mystery of how they got here!
Also open for Yuffie and Kyrie to be involved too!

Who knows, people like Scarlett and Elena can even be there within Costa del Sol to watch over those two. Natural inhabitants of the small resort town are also very much now working for ShinRa, like Fran, Naomi and Yorda.

Ideally, Costa del Sol will be a more perverted place in this telling. Leaning more in the Dub-con side of things; it is not too strange here, for someone to just walk up and grope another , run up and yank someone's panties so high! Bullying and things of that nature. Though, working for ShinRa those within the town are to keep Tifa, Aerith and whoever else within and too busy to think on the ins and out of how they got there. From using their new 'assets' to keep their minds fuzzy, to smack their balls like materia and so on!

So, in terms of possible partners: I am searching for those open to write as Aerith or Tifa, and possible as others as they move throughout Costa del Sol and are trapped within. Ideally, partners who are more Switch in nature, rather than Submissive only. On the counter, I'll write as the other as a main, and other characters they encounter within.

In terms of Kinks:

  • General Kinks:
    • Third Person writing, Hand-holding, Femdom. Orgasm Control/Denial. Chastity cages. Blindfolds/bondage/gags/Panties used as gags. Cock and Ball Torture/Play. Risk of being seen. Public Teasing. Edging/stimulation play. Pegging. Forced Cross-dressing. Feminization. Sounding. Wedgies/Bully like things. Rewards and Punishments. Hentai/Porn World Logic being used. Panties in general And more!
  • Orgasm control/Denial- Prolonged denial is always fun to me. Even the more unrealistic elements. A cock cage being on for long periods, if on always after a point.
  • Transformation: Women into Futa, as a big one. Memory altering/controlling. Open to more.
  • Bullying: Name calling, and playful insults. Wedgies in panties. Love the terms, "Slitty" referring to a cock in a cage, "Leaking" referring to pre-cum oozing out of a caged cock too.
  • CBT- All sorts, from the basic slapping, kicking- to more unusual. Balls being used as a foot rest. Humblers used. Leashes tied around balls and led about. More unique, the more fun And so on! This is a big one I'd love to include.
  • Hentai/Porn logic: Sillier things like, Cum being pushed back down a dick and it causing the balls to swell a little.
  • Panties: Big Panty fetish. So, things like panties showing, when someone bends down, upskirts, whaletails, are all fun to me

  • Blood/Gore/Vore. Musk/Bad-Body Smells. Dirty Body Parts. Hyper-sizes of any sort. In Terms of CBT-popping, or parament damage.1st Person writing. Poop/Piss/Bathroom Kinks/Diapers. Cuckolding. Low-effort messages like, "Hey, I'm interested"
So, yeah! If anyone would like to possibly discuss and set up a Lewd FFVII based idea together, let's! Feel free to send a message my way. " Thanks for reading!
A soft echo hummed within the enclosed room; while the almost blinding red light got brighter. The echo itself was a single drop landing in a large source liquid somewhere out of sight. A drop would fall every five seconds. Alone, the single source of the light was enough to cause the temperature within to be around 80 Degress Fahrenheit. It was warm enough to sweat, and sweat he did. Impossible not to, even while stripped completely naked. And, the only other source of sound came from the only other person within the room; however, due to the warm red light, her details like facial structure were shadowed.

*Click, click.*

Her heels snapped their clicks, as she rounded the man strung up tall with his hands tied and restricted above his own head. While he was stripped down to nothing, she had her heels. She was Morgan Masters, handler of this particular operation. She would oversee it all , and be in constant contact with the operative.


The collision of flesh meeting the top of a foot sounded into its small echoes within the room, as she kicked out and struck his exposed testicles. She did this, at seemingly random and this time, she was behind the man before she struck. “Do not cum.” Her voice commanded out, followed by the sounds of her heels moving once more. The ropes were taut, as he flinched and wanted to curl up and deal with the tightness swelling in his stomach. “You do not have permission, and only I shall grant that.” She added, at the same moment the crimson light emitted a brighter glow.

”It does not matter who you were before- going forward, you must be someone new. You understand this, correct?”


She struck again! This time, standing in front of him, hidden away from the overwhelming light and glow- his testicles utterly defenseless; despite the treatment underway, his cock stayed as firmly erect as possible. This was good- had it gone flaccid, the process would need to start again from step one. Stepping forward towards him, her right hand jetted out and gripped his length; her palm sweaty from the heat of them room added to the sudden surge of stimulus. Tensing: muscles flexing, toes pressed down on, arms jerking at the restraints, a loud exhausted groan escaped his lips with the first three pumps she forced along his cock. Every urge in his body demanding he erupt- however, with each following pump, the control over this need seemed to further itself. Part of his mind telling his body to just give up and finally cum, but for one reason or another-he couldn’t. The reprogramming was setting in…

”It doesn’t matter who you were before- Your new name is Jennifer Dulles. “ She explained, continuing pumping his cock, her sweat made it easier to glide up and down the length, “Starting tomorrow, you will be enrolled into '_____________ University' you will locate and gain the trust of Anastasia Sokolova ’ As she added to this, her thumb pressed down over the very tip of his cock, covering the head. “Our contacts in the KGB have confirmed she is the sleeper agent here, within the US. Everything we know about her, she prefers the company of women. You will gain her trust, befriend her, and when you have, you will bring her to us. “ She watched as his hips bobbed side to side to her stroking- sweat running down his body.

“As long as these balls are full, Jennifer Dulles will exist- and you may not cum until I command such. Your Mission is the key to this “ Moaning and groaning as the urges burnt within him, his mind slowly started to fade..? Was it the added hums of bells within the room, or the bright emitting light that transcended his own consciousness and thoughts, but the new commands were forced into him and before his handler knew it- his head dropped and drool ran out from the side of his mouth.

Exhaling, Morgan Masters released his cock.

This was all part of the plan. While it might seem strange, and cruel, the man ‘Jennifer Dulles’ was seconds ago was their best agent. To fully commit to their next assignment, they had to become Jennifer. Later this day, she would go under scalpel and her body crafted more feminine to fully engage in the role. Her cock, would remain- as it was the quickest way to create such a persona. It was an experimental procedure of mental reprogramming; therefore, a special device shall be placed onto Jennifer’s cock to keep it contained and utterly flaccid within. As per the procedure, as long as Jennifer did not cum with her cock properly, the persona will remain.

Morgan glanced down, and nodded firmly. “Perhaps, if you complete this mission without failure, I shall sleep with you.”


Hey hey!

So, above is a small snippet of background leading into the prompt’s world. I imagine this world, a sorta alternative 1960‘s/70’s type world. Sleeper agents galore here! Not really, just the two as it seems. And, why a man must go under such strange mental-reprogramming in the attempt to capture a KGB sleeper? Because it makes for fun porn-world logic, and femdom goodness. That said, I am still thinking if the US based organization should be the CIA, or some made up black op joint. This is still very much a work in progress idea, so please excuse any weirdness in the post.

A small little fact about me, as I do enjoy the yearly slop that is Call of Duty is, that I love playing the Campaigns. Typically speaking, the Black Ops series are my favorite Campaigns; I loved the first two when they came out, and still do, but I think Cold War took them over in my heart. And now, Black Ops VI seems right now in my eyes even better. So, this post was heavily inspired by the nature of the Black Ops stories.

In this, I pictured Anastasia Sokolova, the KGB sleeper agent, perhaps is a super soldier or some early experimental one. Could go the futa-route, where her primary objective is to spread her seed into as many women as possible to continue some futa based control. For the time being, under cover as a college student in a US university. (Perhaps an all female Uni!) Or, perhaps her objective is captured some important target,; perhaps the President's daughter attends this college.

As the new 'Jennifer Dulles' , code name: Agent Blue- for her infinitely denied balls, enrolls into the same university, her handler posing as a parent or benefactor, its her job, in this new persona to befriend and earn the trust of Anastasia, or fail trying!

In general, this world is meant to be somewhat silly, and perverted- like a weird comic world! Over the top in some elements, femdom all around, and fun~! A lot of concepts here are still work in progress, so totally open to re-work anything! Or, if a possible partner has any thoughts, please feel free to toss em out!

Speaking of which- for any possible partner reading: I ask that you are open to write as Anastasia as your character. If you’re interested in writing multiple characters, like the handler too, great.
3rd Person, in terms of writing too. As for Anastasia's looks, they are totally open! Personality, while under in sleeper mode, I picture a more timid, shy woman. Someone who gets the good old 'gay panic' when another woman talks to her. When the KGB mode kicks in, someone more aggressive and intense. Stronger, etc.!

I'll personally be taking the role of 'Jennifer Dulles' and her side. I'll also write other characters who appear, and if a possible partner wishes to have any side characters, feel free~

In terms of Kinks and limits-


  • Blood/gore. Bathroom Kinks/related: Diapers, bad body odor, musk, piss, scat, puke. Lots of pubic or body hair. In terms relating to CBT- castration, popping. Cucking. Male-dom. Anal-plugs. Hyper sizes of any sort.

  • General/I like to include: Femdom/Futa-dom. Alt-history settings. Spy/military themes. Mind-control (in this case, through orgasm denial/edging.) Face-sitting. Bondage/blindfolds. Gags. Doggy style. Clothed sex. Orgasm control, and denial.
  • Orgasm control and related: /edging/orgasm denial- prolonged, almost unhuman like denial. Chastity cages. Pre-cum leaking. Balls turning blue.
  • Some others, that aren't needed, but I also really like:
    • Bullying, and wedgies. Wedgies can be over-the top and whacky- like panties not ripping, or snapping right back in place. Spitting down someone's butt crack. Panties/butt crack showing above pants line when a character is sitting or bending down.
    • Cumming on someone's back, butt, breasts, or balls.
    • If its a case of two futas or a futa and a male, balls slapping against one another during sex.
  • Transformation
    • Male to Feminine Form/male.
    • Body altering to fit new persona.
    • Female to Futa
    • Mind control/personality control. Sleeper agent elements.
    • Open to more.
  • Open to more~
If this post has made any sense and caught your liking, let's chat in messages ~ Oh, and of course- all characters and writers in this are to be 18+.
Life in Green Dolphin Street Prison required change.

A lot of change.

Jolyne Cujoh had done the best she could to adapt to the new way of life as an Inmate. Whether fate had truly decided she was meant to end up here, for a murder she did not commit, or the ill-intentions of parties outside her control, Jolyne simply had to adapt! What's worse, is that after coming into contact with that pendant from her father, things got even more bizarre! String protruding from her fingers? A weird voice in her ear? The new cock and balls between her legs...?! Prison life is turning out to be a little more abnormal than she might have hoped...

One simply can hope to survive...!


A small little blurb later, and here we are! I've been watching some Jojo's Part VI, and have been in love with Jolyne and her crew in prison. So, what's better than adapting some lewd, and some futa-fun into the mix? Stand Users are drawn to one another after all, what if Futa-stand users want to fuck one another?! Stands can be a fun mix when mixed with sex, and other lewd matters. Though, I will also admit to really loving the idea of Hermes/Ermes making Jolyne her bitch and fucking her as much as she wants within Jolyne's own cell. Her much larger balls, bashing into Jolyne's whimpy Joestar pair! That said, I am more then open to brain storming and making more lewd encounters and Stand-users and so on!

Characters like: Jolyne, Ermes, FF, Muiccia Miuller, Gwess, are all welcomed and wanted to be tossed in for some futa-fun!

I should note, before going any further: this is intended for mostly futa x futa, and futa x females. I am not too into men x futa or men x female in terms of this lewd, and it should be noted here.

Of course, I will not claim to be the biggest or most knowledgeable Jojo's fan, so any of you who are more so, please forgive any mishaps I might cause!

Some general Kinks I enjoy:

    • General Kinks:
      • Third Person writing, Hand-holding, Femdom. Orgasm Control/Denial. Chastity cages. Blindfolds/bondage/gags/Panties used as gags. Cock and Ball Torture/Play. Risk of being seen. Public Teasing. Edging/stimulation play. Pegging. Forced Cross-dressing. Feminization. Sounding. Wedgies/Bully like things. Rewards and Punishments. Hentai/Porn World Logic being used. Panties in general And more!
    • Orgasm control/Denial- Prolonged denial is always fun to me. Even the more unrealistic elements. A cock cage being on for long periods, if on always after a point.
    • Transformation: Women into Futa, as a big one. Memory altering/controlling. Open to more.
    • Bullying: Name calling, and playful insults. Wedgies in panties. Love the terms, "Slitty" referring to a cock in a cage, "Leaking" referring to pre-cum oozing out of a caged cock too.
    • CBT- All sorts, from the basic slapping, kicking- to more unusual. Balls being used as a foot rest. Humblers used. Leashes tied around balls and led about. More unique, the more fun And so on! This is a big one I'd love to include.
    • Hentai/Porn logic: Sillier things like, Cum being pushed back down a dick and it causing the balls to swell a little.
    • Panties: Big Panty fetish. So, things like panties showing, when someone bends down, upskirts, whaletails, are all fun to me
  • Blood/Gore/Vore. Musk/Bad-Body Smells. Dirty Body Parts. Hyper-sizes of any sort. In Terms of CBT-popping, or parament damage.1st Person writing. Poop/Piss/Bathroom Kinks/Diapers. Cuckolding. Low-effort messages like, "Hey, I'm interested"

I am interested, mostly in writing as Joylne Cujoh, but open to others and such! I ask that a possible partner has some knowledge and such! It would make things easier! Thanks for reading this small, a little all over the place post!
Sleep was meant to be a time of rejuvenation and restoration;

A time where one's body was at its upmost relaxed state. Growth happened in sleep, as was the way nature intended. Such couldn't be further from the truth for a woman, tossing on the Endar Spire: shifting back and forth on her bed, body and muscles tensed as sweat ran down her forehead- her mind was plagued with visions or a dream. The short black hair, that was usually combed neatly was soaked, and messy-ends still up and around. Her face, panicked and stressed even within the unpleasant deep slumber. The dreams were plaguing her mind and body. But, they were only glimpses into some reality, somewhere far, far away:

Some...command deck of some cruiser by the looks within her mind. Within the cruiser, on the deck stood someone clad in dark robes; though, the haziness of the dream blurred much of the detail of this figure. Despite this, she could tell within the hazy dream this figure stood proud there. Their posture was proper, and firm; they looked outward through the display port of the command deck towards the endless void that was deep space. Before the dream could focus further into what tale it wanted about this cloaked figure, a sudden boom let out!


The Endar Spire took yet another harsh blast from the laser canons of attacking fighters. Violently, even the barracks where the dark haired woman slept shook, and she was almost thrown from her own bed. Dark eyes shot open, as the sensation of a sweat covered face cooled her tensed body, she sat up and looked about: the barracks were empty... Kicking her legs off to the side, the bottoms of her bare feet brushing the cold durasteel floors, she almost jumped in place as the metallic barracks doors opened and rushed in a blonde wearing a Republic uniform. She was injured, holding one side, but assured the doors closed behind her before addressing the other.

"You need to get up, now! We've been ambushed by a Sith Battle Fleet, and they're already boarding."

Throat weirdly sore, the dark haired woman stood up, and glanced to the blonde. "What? Who are you..?"

"Trish Ulgo." She answered, a heavier exhaling pushing through her lips. "We're bunk guess we do work opposite shifts huh...Either way, I'm an ensign for the Republic fleet, like you." Each word seemed to have taken more out of her lungs, but she was trying.

"I see.."

"No time, we need to find Bastila!"


Hello, hello!

Or, hello there...

This is clearly a post about Knights of the Old Republic. My basic wants are: : I'd love to dwell into the game's story, and essentially re-tell it. Mixing in more lewd, crude fun into the Galaxy, Far, Far away. Recently, gone through a second playthrough of the First game, and the setting and everything is on the mind; I do plan to try out the second game as I have not done so yet. But again, I wish to make the Galaxy a lewder place, while also Re-telling and adding in our own wants, funs and desires into the mix.

A big first note to keep in mind
: I'd like this Re-telling to be a Yuri-faction! Cringe word aside, a bunch of lesbian/woman on woman loving going on. Ideally, this would be a big gender bent telling too- all members of the party /story turned into women, or futa, and so on. Not really interested in focusing on Male on Female sexual interactions. One element I'd like to make: is the idea of the Jedi and Bastila using some level of orgasm denial to keep Revan's memories suppressed; whether its some variant of the Force-battle-mediation technique, keeping Revan's cock locked away or something else we establish.

Another important note: I am searching for a partner, more in the Switch territory. Not looking for someone who only writes sub-only or dom-only characters. The ideal partner would be able to write in third person, and maybe interested in writing multiple characters with me. Kinda sharing GM-duties, but that can be further discussed within DM's. There we can discuss kinks, limits and all sorts of details like if Revan should be just a woman, or a futa, etc, etc!
I'm open to writing as Revan herself, or any number of the party she will meet along the way. As a main, again, open to have Revan-though, if a partner wishes to have her, by all means!.

If this makes sense to anyone, great! I'd love to get in touch via Inbox messages so we can discuss and plot some stuff out. Then, we can kick off into Discord!

First, my limits so they are known:

  • 1st Person writing. . Dirty Body Smells/Musk/B.O. Super amounts of Gore/Vore. Hyper sizes for any body part. Fisting. Cuckcolding/cuckqueening. Large amounts of blood. Pregnancy/Impreg. Parament Damage to genitalia. Bathroom Kinks/Piss/scat/fart/diapers. Low-Effort-messages.
Kinks- Not all Need to be included:

  • General Kinks:
    • Third Person writing, Hand-holding, Femdom. Possible Romance. In-universe powers used in lewd manners. Orgasm Control/Denial. Chastity cages. Blindfolds/bondage/gags/Panties used as gags. Cock and Ball Torture/Play. Risk of being seen. Public Teasing. Edging/stimulation play. Pegging. Forced Cross-dressing. Feminization. Sounding. Wedgies/Bully like things. Rewards and Punishments. Hentai/Porn World Logic being used. Panties in general And more!
  • Orgasm control/Denial- Prolonged denial is always fun to me. Even the more unrealistic elements. A cock cage being on for long periods, if on always after a point.
  • Transformation: Women into Futa, as a big one. Memory altering/controlling. Open to more.
  • Bullying: Name calling, and playful insults. Wedgies in panties. Love the terms, "Slitty" referring to a cock in a cage, "Leaking" referring to pre-cum oozing out of a caged cock too.
  • CBT- All sorts, from the basic slapping, kicking- to more unusual. Balls being used as a foot rest. Humblers used. Leashes tied around balls and led about. More unique, the more fun And so on! This is a big one I'd love to include.
  • Hentai/Porn logic: Sillier things like, Cum being pushed back down a dick and it causing the balls to swell a little.
  • Panties: Big Panty fetish. So, things like panties showing, when someone bends down, upskirts, whaletails, are all fun to me
The day was just like another, until-


A mighty crash exploded out into the air, smoke filling the road and causing traffic to start to pile and crash. Panic followed, as people started to rush away from the street, leaving their cars and belongings- as the source of crash slowly revealed itself. Humanoid enough in build and structure, the being stood at a tall seven foot, with crimson skin and long jet-black hair running down its back. Bipedal, but also having four human-like arms along with two luscious bare breasts hanging freely as the being stood essentially naked. Between its crimson thighs, hung a notable crimson cock and balls. The muscle tone on the being was defined and easily seen with simple glancing towards the towering crimson beast; its intelligence was where it lacked, as it only growled before slamming all four fists into a nearby car!

However, a hero was rushing to the scene!

Flipping into the air, her body twisting at least three times before her boots landed onto another car not too far from the mighty beast! With the sun shinning down over her, the bright orange suit cladding her body emitted brighter! Grey gloves over each hand, with matching boots, along with a utility belt wrapped around the skirted waist, Nerd-Onger Orange stood up. The helmet was shaped around her head, the visor at the front started slender and thing at the chin area, as it extended up the mouth and nose, and around the eyes, the black tinted visor grew more into a curved T-like shape.

Bringing a wrist up to the bottom of her helmet, she pressed a single button, "Level-II Bullymind located. Requesting back up. Rangers, do you copy?"



This post is my attempt of setting up a Super-Sentai/Power Rangers inspired world. Our Colorfully clad heroes are the Nerd-Ongers! (Name still in the works and open to being changed or altered!) A Brand new team of heroes, all female (or feminine passing) , bound together to deal with a new threat emerging! These monsters, all somewhat human like, are experiments by some mad genius somewhere and unleashing them onto the people. The 'Bullyminds" as they have been deemed by the public and the Nerd-Ongers alike have unusual behavior patterns. From administering mind-clogging and memory wiping wet-willies to anyone they can catch, to lifting humans up by their panties and using them as both a means of curling and working their biceps and as huma-yo-yos, to more extreme measures of using humans for sex and other sexually deviant acts- they are measured and categorized in levels : I to V.

Level V 'Bullyminds' are more lewd,. and use their cocks more. The more Futa-level monsters. Level I 'Bullyminds' are more muscle than brain but still can handle a ranger if they are not careful!

The Nerd-Ongers will try their best to handle the new threat, while also trying to under cover the mystery of the master mind behind it all- or be bullied out of commission...At the start of this adventure, the' Bullyminds' have some basic intelligence and very clearly monstrous forms, but as time goes on they will grow smarter and more human like to blend in. For the City our heroes live in, I was imaging it to be a made up city, but one close to how San Francisco is, if that makes much sense? If not, we can plot out a city a little bit more.

Two important notes of the Nerd-Ongers:

  • While most Rangers have like one-piece suits; the Nerd-Ongers' suits are two piece, a top and bottom. This is to allow a hand to dip into the back and wedgie them to kingdom come!
  • I'd like the colors of the team to be less traditional . Like, the ranger mentioned in the setter up there being an Orange instead of a Red.
This will be more light-hearted, silly action and bullying with lewd fucking and what not! Ideally, I'll be writing as the Orange Ranger, along with some of the monsters and others. If a possible partner is open to writing as multiple characters, even better!

My Kinks:

  • General Kinks:
    • Third Person writing, Hand-holding, Femdom. Futa-dom. Orgasm Control/Denial. Chastity cages. Blindfolds/bondage/gags/Panties used as gags. Cock and Ball Torture/Play. Risk of being seen. Public Teasing. Dub-con. Edging/stimulation play. Pegging. Forced Cross-dressing. Feminization. Sounding. Wedgies/Bully like things. Rewards and Punishments. Hentai/Porn World Logic being used. Panties in general And more!
  • Orgasm control/Denial- Prolonged denial is always fun to me. Even the more unrealistic elements. A cock cage being on for long periods, if on always after a point.
  • Bullying: Name calling, and playful insults. Wet-willes. Spanking. Bondage. Predicament-bondage. Prolonged Bondage. Wedgies in panties. Sillier, more cartoony wedgies Love the terms, "Slitty" referring to a cock in a cage, "Leaking" referring to pre-cum oozing out of a caged cock too. And more!
  • CBT- All sorts, from the basic slapping, kicking- to more unusual. Balls being used as a foot rest. Humblers used. Leashes tied around balls and led about. And so on! (For Futa, and more feminine-males)
  • Hentai/Porn logic: Sillier things like, Cum being pushed back down a dick and it causing the balls to swell a little. Large breasts, that should totally hurt one's back! Open to other ideas, too.
  • Panties: Big Panty fetish. So, things like panties showing, when someone bends down, upskirts, whaletails, are all fun to me.

  • Blood/Gore/Vore. Musk/Bad-Body Smells. Dirty Body Parts. Hyper-sizes of any sort. In Terms of CBT-popping, or parament damage.1st Person writing. Male-dominant characters. Submissive only partners. Poop/Piss/Bathroom Kinks/Diapers. Cuckolding. Low-effort messages like, "Hey, I'm interested"
Thanks for reading!

If interested, feel free to send a DM my way. Mention any big kinks and limits, and maybe the color of a ranger you might like to write as! Again, thanks for reading!
The World Was Not Right…

Once a proud nation, under the rule of a royal bloodline, Lefa Dorthore might have not been the exact center of the world itself, but it acted a proud beacon of not only technology growth, but as a shinning example of elven culture. It was a melding pot in many ways too- allowing trade through all routes nearby, the allowing of humans to settle within the borders. For hundreds of years, the kingdom of Lefa Dorothore stood and grew; under the role of Queen Trisralei, the world learned of the kindness and brilliance of the elves.


Not all knew how the royal family acted behind closed doors. Queen Alyndra Trisralei ruled over the land, and was fair to her people. She was married, and her husband was often working with the common folk. And, while the Queen hoped for a daughter, she was instead gifted with a single son. By all means, she adored him, and raised him through the years, but deep down her own want of a daughter often showed its head. When, by the standard calendar-system humans followed, when Kilyn Trisralei was twenty-three human years old, the Queen began her more ideal training of her son.

A fleshy-slap echoed within the royal chambers, followed by the disgruntled groan of the natural discomfort following.

“Do not slouch, Kilyn.” Alyndra’s voice, stern and firm, but also with the natural air of mother scolding someone, snapped out another kick! Rounding her toes to allowed a more firm impact against her son’s testicles. He stood before her throne, pale skin that ran through their bloodline exposed fully; while his arms and hands were held above his head- by a small purple swirl of cloud. The cloud itself, was an example of the Queen’s abilities: it pulled his limbs upwards with an uncanny strength and kept him before her.

“Y-yes mother…” Exhaling, as this was going on for hours now….But beyond today itself, she had forbid him from sexually pleasuring himself. All his wants, desires and ill-thoughts had been kept within…In fact, Kilyn had never masturbated due to the Queen’s orders.

”Soon, the device I have commissioned by the Sisterhood of Enlightenment , will be complete. And we can finally welcome you to the world, properly.” Her long, blonde hair with a bright white shine was free and hung over her shoulders, draped down her chest and stopped around her own stomach, the Queen titled her chin. “Our line, our rule can only be continued by a woman- you know this. And while I am granting you the right to keep these-“ with elegance and grace, her bare foot which hovered around his crotch suddenly extended again and with her toes pinched down over one testicle and tugged to assure his attention was on her. Of course, he tensed and groaned once more. “As I have grown fond of them being a means of correcting your behavior- but born the way you were, your phallus must be bound in a cage, Kilyn. Only women-cocks are allowed to be free in most cases around the world.” She stated this, but knew he should have known this information. ”With the device, you will be altered in appearance- to resemble me more and we will welcome you to the world as my daughter.” Smiling, she looked up- her bright blue eyes shinning over Kilyn.

Her foot tugged more!

”I-I understand!” Gasping, he nodded firmly!

And in two years, Kilyn was intruded to the world at large as the Queen’s only daughter. None knew under the silky dress, keeping the slender body of the daughter covered,laid a simple device. A rose-gold tube like device, that was locked over his manhood. Enchanted with many benefits, its main focus was to alter Kilyn’s body. The natural tone he grew was gone, and replaced with slender hips, shoulders and softer skin. His brunette hair was now white blonde like the Queen’s, and his brown eyes turned more green. His chest, was larger and his backside plump. As long as the cage remained locked the effects would remain and to assure this- the Queen burnt the only key down and forged it into a ring she wore on her foot.

This was all before the Darkness fell over the world. No one truly knew where it sprouted from, or how- but all felt the wrath.

It ran through, with its chaotic nature- corrupting not only the land of the world, but people. Many nations of man fell, and the curses spread- unusual and uncanny fiends started to sprout in the world; darker creatures and monsters. A strange effect of this demonic malevolence was the disappearance of men. Only women, and the Futa-variety were born after. Even the great Elven Kingdom was not safe-despite all their advances in the mystical artes and technology; the Queen was corrupted. Her natural pale skin turned a demonic grey- she grew horns from her temples, a heart-tipped tail, and her once beautiful blue eyes turned an amber yellow.

Not all races, and nations fell- some fought this new corruption within the world. However, the greatest and the proudest of nations did become something else…

Kilyn…on one hand was able to escape the corruption. Both from the initial aid of his mother before her own fall, but the cage he was now foresaken in forever- its magical enhancements protected his soul. Now, the forgotten Princess of the Elves roams the world…in the hopes of perhaps saving ’Her’ people one day…

What does the world have in store for Kilyn?



Another new prompt!

In a low fantasy world, a demonic force corrupted much of the land. New creatures and monsters exist now; it’s dangerous a futa filled world! Magic, fantasy creatures/monsters, monster-girls/futas, and perhaps some Final Fantasy like Tech, fill the world! The Great Elves were lost, and now something new in their stead. However, the Forgotten Prince/Princess of the Elves remains! Kilyn, who is a more androgynou/feminine leaning nature Elf, survives ! Of course, the world will not be kind to Kilyn! Though, ’she’ can meet any number of people wandering about! Perhaps even build a small party in hopes of re-taking her home land. Or, perhaps ’she’ is just forsaken to the world and all the horrors to come her way.

Monsters, creatures and so on, are now more perverted and perverse in this now corrupted world. A big inspiration for this concept, is the game ‘Tales of Androgyny‘ in terms of the world and lewd-ness that now rules over. Neko-like monster girls, and such will be a big element of the world. Though, this is not meant to be within that particular world; heavy inspirations though! Lewd-magic In this world too! Perhaps, a character more sexually denied/backed up has more potential and magical strength. Another small concept, we can have characters who end up being edged or in denial- sort forced into hypnosis.

For this, I am looking for a partner- open to writing as female, or Futa characters. Who your character is, or characters, is up to you. Could be someone Kilyn can be friend. Or, someone out to cause her harm. Ideally, partners who are more switch-based, than strictly dom or sub.

If you’re open to writing as multiple characters too, or sharing GM like duties, great!

I intend, to write as the Forgotten Princess Kilyn, as my main. But also plan to write others in the world and so on. Kilyn, while a male born, and chastity cage-bound, will go by the more feminine terms. Femboy-ish in a way; though, tries to live up to the ideals her mother taught her.

This concept is still early, and kinda messy! So I apologize if it doesn’t make the most sense!

Kinks I have/enjoy!:

  • Femdom/Futa-Dom. Sounding. Cock-slapping (like slapping the cock, and not a cock slapping something.) Ballbusting/CBT of all sorts*. Cock stomping.* Prolonged Denial. Orgasm Control/Denial. - Realistic Cock Sizes. Switches. Edging/Teasing. Boob-jobs. Smothering. Encasement. Bondage/leashes. -
  • Gynarchy
  • Religious Themes/Designs. Fantasy Setting. Magic and spells being used in more perverted means.
    • Monster Girls: Neko-styled monster Girls, Slimes, Succubus, angels, Aka-Oni, Alraune, Harpies, Lamias, Apophis, Elves, Dark-Elves (like the main character's family), Mimics, Chimaeras,
  • .And open to more.

  • Blood/Gore/Vore. Musk/Bad-Body Smells. Dirty Body Parts. Hyper-sizes of any sort. parament damage.1st Person writing. Poop/Piss/Bathroom Kinks/Diapers. Cuckolding. Low-effort messages
Thanks for reading! If this interests anyone, please feel free to send a PM my way!
There was a mighty crash, as the center console of the TARDIS erupted into a ball of flames, and sparks! Screens around shattered, from the overload of power surged, from the nearby Timelord, who was also erupting with an abundance of fiery energy engulfing their hands, fingers, and face! This. Was. Normal, of course. Oh, it had happened a number of times, really… The exact amount of times..? Well, they weren’t sure anymore- these sorts of details got blurry after a while, really.

So, what was it going to be this time?

A Man, once again? Been there, done it a bit- but always a good time. Or, shall they fall more into the woman side of experiencing life, again? Not as many goes there, but the few times so far, had been a blast!

Oh…well, that would probably have to wait. As it always did.

Regeneration was…intense. It tickled in a weird Way, as it also burnt: a bit like an overbearing hug of sorts. Something that just hummed over the body, re-writing its DNA and changing almost every aspect of the Timelord in question until a new people stood there, in their old shoes. Easy, but not so easy. Intense, but also kinda normal in its own fun way. Memories might be a little fuzzy on the other side. Hell, they would wake up with two left hands, and only one foot. That wouldn’t be good. They’d have to call themself Hops‘ if that happened, given how they would have to get around…


They would face this new life, as best as they could! It was the only way forward, really. The regeneration energy was starting to slow, the tingling in their new body was starting to surface as the main stimuli they felt, and the smell of smoke behind them, as the TARDIS took some damage as she often did, started to engulf their senses; which meant, they still had a nose. Great news there. A nose is such a wonderful little bit of a body, which helps with so much; having one still meant things were looking up!


Hello, hello!

Thanks for clicking on this post! I’ve been slowly getting back into the Who-verse, as the new season has been making its round. Whether one likes the most recent season or not, isn’t too important! For this search, we will be establishing a new Regeneration of the Fabled Timelord, one with a new face and everything; they too, will have the added benefit of being mostly a woman, but with something new hanging between their legs. The First Futa Doctor, if you will!

Along with the new Doctor, we shall also create a brand new companion for them to team up with, and explore alongside!. While, I wish for the Doctor themself to be a Futa in this brand new adventure, the Companion I am open to: a woman, a futa, or perhaps even a feminine male. (Though, if this option is chosen, I like the idea that he is working on passing as a woman. Perhaps even the Doctor doesn’t realize right away either.) That said, like the Doctor, I would want the Companion more as a Switch-type person, rather than only a submissive or dominant.

For this prompt as a whole, I imagine a generally more perverted, lewd-filled tale. Not every Moment will have characters fucking or anything, but the adventure will be a more perverted, lewd one. More of a 70-/30- Smut to Story type dynamic. Story beats will lend themselves to be more lewd, and such. For example, the Doctor and their new companion might end up on a planet, where criminals‘ are milked of their cum to power cities. A new variation of Cyberman might be ’Mommy-dommey’ capturing people inside and keeping them on the edge to power their new upgrades. Parasites that hide in the body, or balls. Worlds that require visitors to wander about naked and what ever else we might think of! Lewd, but with some story is always good!

For a possible partner: I am looking for a partner open to writing as the new Doctor, or the New Companion. Open to either really, but if you wish to take the Doctor, I ask you have a little more of a ‘leading’ element to them. Again, though, both the Doctor and Companion will be Switches. The Doctor a little more Dom-leaning around their companion, but both Switches. Not really looking for a partner only interested in being a submissive role.

On the other hand, I will: Take which every role you did not choose, and also a sorta GM-type duty too. Helping flesh our adventures out and about. If you would like to share GM-duties, totally welcomed too.


  • General Kinks:
    • Third Person writing, Switches. Doggy-style. Boob jobs. Foot Jobs. Cum-milking . Cum-collecting (in jars, and such). Hand-holding, Femdom. Orgasm Control/Denial. Chastity cages. Blindfolds/bondage/gags/Panties used as gags. Cock and Ball Torture/Play. Risk of being seen. Public Teasing. Under the table type teasing/edging/Footise. Edging/stimulation play. Pegging. Forced Cross-dressing. Feminization. Sounding. Wedgies/Bully like things. Rewards and Punishments. Hentai/Porn World Logic being used. Panties in general . In world powers/rules used.
    • And more!
  • Slightly more specific:
    • Orgasm control/Denial- Prolonged denial is always fun to me. Even the more unrealistic elements.
    • CBT- Big fan of Ballbusting ! and its the main kink I'd love to include in this idea! SquarePeg3D is an artist I love that includes the type of Ballbusting I enjoy too!
    • All sorts, from the basic slapping, kicking- to more unusual. Balls being used as a foot rest. Humblers used. Leashes tied around balls and led about. And so on!
    • Hentai/Porn logic: Sillier things like, Cum being pushed back down a dick and it causing the balls to swell a little.
    • Panties: Big Panty fetish. So, things like panties showing, when someone bends down, upskirts, whaletails, are all fun to me. Panty-gags. Wedgies.

  • Blood/Gore/Vore. Musk/Bad-Body Smells. Dirty Body Parts. Hyper-sizes of any sort. In Terms of CBT-popping, or parament damage.1st Person writing. Poop/Piss/Bathroom Kinks/Diapers. Cuckolding. Low-effort messages like, "Hey, I'm interested" Male-dom.
Thanks for reading!

If you’re interested at all, feel free to send a PM my inbox’s way, and we can discuss all the important details: Like how the Doctor will look, how the companion will look/be like. Your kinks, likes and limits. And so on!
Hey there! Just so its known, if we dive into anything within the Pokemon world, all trainers are 18+, and no sexual encounters with the actual creatures known as Pokemon.

SO not much of a set up here, but some thoughts!

I always liked the abandoned Chateau in Gen IV- and just the general creepy/spooky things within the world. And perhaps borrowing a bit from RE7- what if a trainer or two, stumble into the old Chateau and are met with some unusual host? Could be like the Hex Manic type Gal, or could be a whole weird dommey group of people who exists within the Chateau.

Again, not much here fully thought out !
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