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Mx Any Creative Fantastical Smut for the Theys, Gays, Straights and All!


Jun 11, 2024
Do you like writing Smut?

Do you like more creative RP prompts?

Are you a kinky degenerate?

If you answered yes
(or no honestly) too any of these questions then you may be entitled to a roleplay with me!

Hello, I'm looking for all different kinds of partners who are interested in doing some creative smut filled writing! I've done many, many different RP's over the years of people with slice of life backgrounds or best friends to lovers pairings. All those things are fine but lately, to me, they're boring. I'm looking for people that want fun stories filled with lewd people and things! Fantasy, Time Travel, Video Game Mechanics and everything else you can think of. I think the key too having a adult roleplay last longer and for both sides to enjoy it is too keep the sex scenes spicy and the plot strange. I've just met a lot more people willing too do a RP of people trapped in the dinosaurs age while being hunted by aliens for a longer time than a Italian renaissance painter and their muse or a mob boss and their dub con partner.

Before we get into the plots though a bit about me though. I'm a Pansexual Verse/Top Leaning Male who has been writing for a long time. I'm very literate in my writing and usually can do a good few detailed paragraphs per post. I mainly play male characters though they can range from your super big, muscly gym bros all the way down too slutty femboys and everything in between. I do play AGAINST anyone though so bring on your characters!

I used too do more novella replies but have since started to cut it down too 3-5 paragraphs per response. I find it keeps the flow better while also not overwhelming my partner or pushing the scene to far without them being able to react too things. I always want to make sure that I'm giving my partner something too work with though. I'd like to think I'm a detailed writer enough to give my partners something interesting to read and work off each reply. I work from home as well so I'm usually online and can respond frequently~

When it comes too kinks I'm into a lot. My limits though are Scat, Gore/Vore, Non-Con and Snuff. Everything else is usually on the table. Though because of my wide range of likes I usually mold myself around what my partner likes in RP. I made a F-List here but it's a bit sparce. It's more there to give a general idea of what I like while opening the door for us to talk about more kinks on a RP by RP basis.
My F-List

Lastly I RP on here and Discord. No real other places though I'm glad to RP over PM's or Forums depending on what you like.

Onto the good stuff! Just as a note I will come back and update this with new plots as I think of them. I'll add the newer plots at the top so be sure to come back and check it out!


Cyber Pantheon's Newest Patch Adds....Incest?!
In the future technology advances to a point where a person can put on a headset and be transported to a completely new game world. (Ya know, like Sword Art Online or Spy Kids 3D)
The worlds most popular Full Dive MMO is a game called Cyber Pantheon. The aesthetic is Greek Mythos but futuristic in certain ways. So think like Greek Temples with big pillars of marble and togas and demi gods. Though the temples have like holographic communicators inside and togas have like Kevlar pads and demi gods got motorcycles and shit. A fusion of the fantastical greek myth with more cyberpunk esthetic. Outside of the setting it's like any other MMO. You can do dungeons or raids, gather and craft items, pvp battles, make or join guilds. The whole nine yards! Though in a full dive game you can feel everything, pain is reduced quite a bit so your body doesn't go into shock but everything else, touch, smell, taste, all very real.
So when the developers not only start allowing sex but start putting in a lot of sex themed items, needless to say shit gets exciting. Though we would be focusing on our pair who are two people related. It could be a parent and child (+16 plus) or siblings. It could go one of two ways, either they know it's each other but because it's a game, they get a bit more brave about their feelings and start to develop a sexual relationship in game. Then we'd deal with them in real life sort of towing the line of knowing what they had done but also not wanting to break that taboo in the real world (or do they?) Could also be some cheating elements if it's parentXchild it'd be the other parent or siblings could be their lovers. Or we go the other route which is neither knows, they get into a sexual relationship in game, then they figure out they're actually related and how do they handle that.
I think this could be very fun, lot of room to change things or have different scenes in this RP. If you're interested message me and we can chat it out!

Go! Go! Pornstar Rangers!
You seen Power Rangers? I hope so or else I assume most of this won't make a damn bit of sense. So what if a Alien Furry race was coming too Earth too turn everyone into Furries too join their galactic empire? What if a different Alien (or a defector from the Furry Aliens if you wanna keep fur vibes) comes to Earth with the power too give people the ability to fight back against the Galactic Furry Empire? What if this power could only be recharged after use by going into a convivence store during the day and fingering your hole in front of a stranger?
Hi, welcome, in todays prompt I'll take you through power rangers works surprisingly well as a smut filled RP. So the base of the RP would be how after every big fight with the bad guys the rangers or whatever we wanna call um have to go do something very lewd to recharge their suit. Could be public masturbation, could be getting fucked by your boss very loudly in your busy office, could be going door to door asking the people who answer if they would like free oral right there on their front porch. Who knows?! Though the possibilities are endless!
Of course it doesn't have to stop there if you don't want. We could deal with the Furry fights, maybe you get stuffed with eggs by a strange reptile man thing. Maybe you fuck the golden retriever lady so good that she changes sides. Of course watch out for when the Furry Emperor BIGIFIES his warriors and you have too call on your Slut-Bot too have a kaiju sex battle in downtown.
It's silly, it's fun, there's like endless possibilities we can take this. We can keep it more grounded, we can go SUPER fantastical. Whatever you prefer. Message me and lets brainstorm!

Lets Take Back The Word Cult!
Once long ago, there were deities for everything. You had your gods and goddess of the sky, fire, life and death. Though you also had gods whose whole influence was making sure bread raised evenly. Seriously there was a Slavic bread god whose name is lost to time, look it up. Though all of these 'Pagan' gods got pushed into the dirt and big religion came into the picture. Couldn't just go enjoy a nice prayer about bread anymore at your local mom and pop temple. You had to go to the McDonalds of heavens where you can't wear cotton on certain days or if you don't listen to god he'll make you eat your babies. Though just because the gods were labeled as Pagan, doesn't mean they went away.
So I would want too do a story revolving around the birth of a Sex Cult, though this could be done in many ways!
We can have two main characters, one being a long forgotten god/goddess of sex/kink/lust whatever and the other being their champion chosen too reignite their religion. Then we both play a bunch of NPCs as we recruit different people. Could be a GM type RP as well. Could be two people at the head of this, maybe they're in college or high school (+16 only) and find a book in the library that talks about all these rituals so the two go about turning their school into a cult. Could be anything really! I'd love to brainstorm with you on this.
Though one thing I wanna do in this is not have a dark tone. All cult RPs end up with someone in the forest at night with a bunch of naked people wearing deer skulls and the blood of the innocent watching the breeding ritual. Like no wonder yalls god got pushed to the side! Can't we have the breeding ritual in a flower field or a park or like a grotto in the jungle? At least do it during day so it's not all spooky. I think it'll be fun to have some pushback from other religious people in the RP though they see that this cult is all about love and lust and pleasure and how these rituals actually do something (Oh yeah BTW I'm thinking maybe a 'magic' aspect like the god actually does something. Could be rituals for transformations like sex swaps or turning into a anthro or just bigger butts, we'll workshop it.) and they join in! Lets take back Cults!
Send me a message with your idea and kinks you'd like to introduce and we'll do some brainstorming!

A Perverts Time Machine
One failed scientist had struggled to make anything of use to society for the vast majority of life, that was until he was hit on the head by some punks who threw a beer can at him. His mind in it's concussive state pulled together different aspects he'd thought of over the years and came up with real working time travel!
Over the next few months he spent tireless hours working too concept and make the parts he'd need. All culminating in a slightly large wrist watch. It was simple too run, just simply press the button, the outer ring of the watch would pop up you rolled it forward or backward until the exact day and time you wanted to travel too appeared on the watch interface. Then simply slapping the ring back down would create a portal to the exact place the watch user was standing but in a different time period! It was amazing! The scientist went too test it out in a alleyway where he knew farmland used too be 80 years ago. He popped up the ring, turned back the dial and got stabbed... yeah some jackass came by and stabbed him for the 30 bucks he had in his wallet. Dude died, it was crazy.
After the scientists death the bank sold off all of his assets too the public, including the watch.
So who gets the watch and what do they do with it? I can see this being incest plot where someone goes back in time to take their uptight stick up their ass parent and get them too let loose in their heyday so they'll be changed in the future. The watch user could start using time travel to gain power and turn the world to a more corrupted society. Getting lotto numbers, doing what needs to be done to win presidency, then once in this ultimate power position start enforcing things like no clothes states or public sex being legal. Laying the groundwork for the Lewd Utopia you dreamed of in the future. Then being able to go there! I don't know you could go back in time and fuck yourself, I aint judging. The possibilities are endless!
Message me and we can talk out plot ideas and kinks you'd like introduced and come up with something fun we'll both love!

That's it for now! Feel free to message me too talk about prompts whether they be mine or yours. Hell just message me if you want a degenerate friend to chat with! Either way, I look forward too talking with yall.

Till then!
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Had an idea about a pairing of a man who dates a daughter and a mother without them knowing with the goal being too corrupt them both until they're in a thrupple with him. Could be fun.

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