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Fx Any Write a Story, Roll Your Dice


Jun 10, 2024
Hello everyone. This will be my request thread, there will be a quiz at the end so pay attention.

1. About Me:
I am Elaina. I am 19. I probably look innocent, but I am actually very kinky. Please suggest your kinks and I can try to fit them into our RP.

2. About Sex:
Oral. Oral. And more oral. I cum so fast from a tongue in my pussy. And I actually prefer getting my partner off through oral. This is not to say that pussy sex is bad. But oral sex is just so hot. I also love a good bit of bondage and filthy talk but only when I receive it. Sorry but I never know what to say if asked to talk dirty and I can't dom at all. Literally my BDSM test results are 100% rope bunny, submissive, and degradee.

3. About RP:
Looking for some kinky RP. I like to include dice rolls to keep things interesting. But don't worry. You don't need to know any system for this it is super basic and easy. Just a few easy rolls to add a randomness factor to the game and keep us on our toes. I can do fandom stuff or original stuff, fantasy or slice of life, sci'fi or historical. As I said above, I cannot dom, and I don't play anything other than female. But I am happy with you playing male, female, or futa. Just no furries.

4. About Characters:
As far as characters go, I don't need a ton of background or personality description or any of that. All I ask is a thought out name (in other words not from a name generator), and a face claim image. Please only realistic images. Art style or animation turns me off so fast. If you can't find a face claim I am happy to help in the search. This applies to all recurring characters. So all player characters and also any NPCs that show up more than just one scene.

I hope this wasn't too long or boring. As I said quiz at the end. If you are interested in an RP with me I want you to be able to prove you read the thread. So. PM me with the following info:
My name. My favorite type of sex. Which type of image I want for face claims. And the number you rolled on your percentage dice (D100).

Hope to hear from you soon. :)
P.S. be sweet and smile more :)
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