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Mx Female Fallout and Baldur's Gate/D&D Prompts


How does it feel?
Aug 11, 2014
Hey I am Tyson and I have several plots that I would like to explore. For me as far as smut to plot ratio I prefer a 50/50 though I can swayed 60/40 in either direction. I also value quality posts over 1-2 sentence responses. On average I post about 300-500 words and I can do 2-3 times a week unless I say otherwise.
NameInterest LevelDescription
Love in the Wasteland (Vault Dweller X Wastelander)9/10In the desolate expanse of the Commonwealth, where danger lurked around every corner, an unlikely bond was forged between two souls from different worlds.

Connor, the Vault Dweller, had emerged from the safety of Vault 111 into a world he scarcely recognized. With a stoic demeanor and a heart hardened by loss, he navigated the ruins of civilization with a mixture of curiosity and determination. His advanced training and survival skills made him a formidable force in the wasteland, but the loneliness of his journey weighed heavily on him.

Your Character, a fierce and resourceful Wastelander, had known the harsh realities of the Commonwealth all her life. Her fiery spirit and quick wit kept her alive in a world where trust was a luxury few could afford. She was a survivor, through and through, with a deep-seated hatred for the cultists of Atom, the marauding super mutants, and the ruthless raiders that plagued the land.

Their paths crossed one fateful day when Connor stumbled upon a group of cultists attempting to capture Your character. With a combination of precision and bravery, he intervened, saving her from a grim fate. Grateful but wary, Your character agreed to join forces with him, recognizing the strength in their combined efforts.
Iron Hearts (Cyborg aka Kellogg X Female Synth) 7/10In the unforgiving world of the Commonwealth, where survival often meant sacrificing one's humanity, an unexpected romance blossomed between two beings forged from steel and sinew.

Douglas(MC), a hardened cyborg with a dark past, was a man of few words and ruthless efficiency. His augmentations made him stronger, faster, and more resilient than any ordinary human, but they also distanced him from the remnants of his own humanity. Tasked with countless missions for the shadowy Institute, Douglas was a weapon as much as he was a man.

YC, a sleek and intelligent Synth, possessed an intricate blend of human-like appearance and advanced synthetic capabilities. Programmed for infiltration and tactical support, she was designed to seamlessly blend in with human society while carrying out covert operations. Despite her programming, YC often found herself contemplating her existence and the emotions that sometimes flickered through her circuits.

Their mission was clear: venture beyond the borders of the Commonwealth to reclaim a strategically vital base that had fallen into the hands of ruthless raiders. The remnants of the group that had attacked Lexington had fortified themselves there, posing a significant threat to the Institute's plans.
NameInterest LevelDescription
Every rose has it's Thorne (Warrior X Mage)7/10
  • Thorne(MC): A strong and honorable warrior, dedicated to protecting his village and seeking justice.
  • YC: A compassionate and skilled healer (or a powerful and intelligent mage), determined to save her people and restore peace.

The village of Brighthollow had always been a haven of peace and prosperity, nestled in the verdant embrace of rolling hills and ancient woods. But recently, a shadow had fallen over the land. The notorious Bandit Lord, Garris, and his ruthless followers had been raiding villages, stealing crops, and leaving a trail of fear and destruction.

In a desperate bid to protect their home, the village chief summoned Thorne, the bravest warrior in Brighthollow, and YC, a healer (or mage) known for her wisdom and magical prowess. Their mission was clear: travel to the nearby village of Windfall and recruit allies to help defeat the Bandit Lord.
A Knight's Gambit (Knight X Defiant Prisoner) 7/10

The stronghold of Gruumsh's Hold had long been a thorn in the side of the human kingdom, its warriors launching relentless raids on the surrounding villages. Sir Aldric, a knight renowned for his courage and tactical brilliance, was chosen to lead the assault that finally brought the stronghold to its knees.

After a fierce and bloody battle, the orc chieftain lay dead, and the once-impregnable fortress was now under human control. As the dust settled, Sir Aldric walked through the aftermath of the battle, surveying the defeated orcs. Among the prisoners were women and children, their eyes filled with fear and defiance.

His gaze fell upon Your Character, a half-orc warrior with striking features and a fierce spirit that had not been dimmed by defeat. Despite the chains that bound her, she stood tall, her eyes meeting his with a challenge. She was different from the others, and something about her defiance stirred something deep within him.

The king's orders were clear: pacify the stronghold and ensure no further uprisings. But Sir Aldric felt a pull towards Gorla that he couldn't ignore. That night, he summoned her to his tent, determined to break her spirit and make her submit, not just as a conqueror, but as a man who found himself inexplicably drawn to her.
A Devil's Redemption(Wyll X Mizora)8/10The Nautiloid ship, a nightmarish vessel of the mind flayers, was a place of unspeakable horrors. Amidst the chaos and terror, Wyll fought with unwavering resolve, his eyes searching for the one who had been both his benefactor and his tormentor—Mizora. She was somewhere aboard the ship, trapped and in need of rescue.

After a fierce battle, Wyll found Mizora, her infernal form weakened by the psionic magic of the mind flayers. Despite their complicated history, Wyll could not leave her behind. With a combination of skill and sheer willpower, he freed her, and together they escaped the Nautiloid's clutches, crashing into the wild lands of Faerûn.

As they lay on the forest floor, recovering from their harrowing ordeal, Mizora looked at Wyll with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity. "You saved me, Wyll. Despite everything, you chose to rescue me."

Wyll, breathing heavily, met her gaze. "I couldn't abandon you, Mizora. Our fates are intertwined, whether we like it or not. But if we're going to continue this pact, we need to do it on our terms, not just yours....."

This continues with Wyll having a McGuffin that allows him to break any binding contract.
Echoes of Shadow8/10Baldur's Gate had been saved, thanks to the courage and determination of Tav(MC), the fighter who had consumed several astral tadpoles to gain the strength needed to vanquish the threat. By his side, Shadowheart(YC), the once-devoted cleric of Shar turned follower of Selûne, had stood steadfast, her transformation a testament to her inner strength and the bond they had forged.

Though their victory brought peace to Baldur's Gate, their journey was far from over. Rumors of a hidden group of Shar worshippers in Waterdeep had reached their ears, and they knew they had to act. The shadows of their past battles loomed over them, but together, they were determined to root out the darkness that threatened the land.
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