NBx Any New Girl in the Dorm


Self-Proclaimed best Cuddler
Dec 3, 2022
I take a long sigh as I glance up at the three story dormitory before me. This is it. I can’t get transferred this time. I can’t do it. Not again.

I shake my head to clear away any doubts I have before heading inside with my bags in tow. I’m Domino, and I’m supposed to be studying physics here at university, but a few accidental magic spells later and I’m… well I’ve gotten kicked out of my last three schools for different kinds of magic. It was supposed to be a secret, but I kind of blew it. Especially after a drunk evening where i let the existence of magic slip to my boyfriend at the time. He told me I was full of it, so of course I had to prove him wrong.

He didn’t like it when I suddenly grew a cock much bigger than his own.

My roommate at the time didn’t mind though. She came in asking why my boyfriend would leave in such a hurry… it’s unfortunate that was the dean’s daughter.

Anyways… I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I’m not gonna do it this time. I’m gonna be good and keep my magic a secret while I’m here. Unless I have a good reason of course.

It wouldn’t be fun otherwise.

Hello! I’m looking for a partner to take on either a roommate or GM role for my character, Domino. The actual school could be anything, so come up with ideas! Maybe everyone here is secretly magical, or is a furry, or has some special secret. Let’s get creative!
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