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Pack Brutality (Koura x Cenobite)


The Hell Priest
Jun 3, 2024
A twig cracked underfoot as Briar walked along the forest path in the dark woods. She swiveled around, her nerves on edge. The wood Elf hadn't meant to stay out passed dark. This wasn't the forest to be alone in at night.

Bandits plagued these woods and took any opportunity to Rob those who walked through. There were also plenty of ghost stories regarding this place as well.

The girl had been out gathering herbs for her healing practice. Being a wood elf and a healer Briar knew much about herbs and medicine. She was a big help to her clan, which she was grateful for. But she hated gathering herbs.

The ground crunched under her feet and she ran a shaky hand through brunette locks. At this moment she wished she'd been born a drow so at least maybe she could see in this damn darkness.

The elf shivered as she walked. She pulled the dusty green cloak donning her shoulders around herself. Obscuring the white shoulderless peasant shirt, complimented by a small chest corset.

She was hoping the clan would send scouts to find her. She'd had to go deep into the woods to find the special black mushroom that only grew in the deepest darkest parts of this forest. Briar was far from home.

She heard another twig snap and the woman swung around pulling the bow from her back.

Briar was a woman of about 25, with a busty but lithe frame. She had long pale legs that were concealed under leather shorts and boots.

With her stature peaking at 5'6 she was a short woman and she was sure bandits wouldn't hesitate to jump her, though she hadn't any valuables.

Her chest heaved as she turned in a circle. Whirling around she called out. "Is someone out there?" She whimpered.

In the distance she heard a loud and deep howl that chilled her spine. It was distant, but not distant enough.

The woman picked up her pace and began fast walking, until she suddenly heard a crash and burst into a full on run.
A blood moon climbed slowly above the canopy, the ancient forest teeming with life even as twilight wrapped its fingers around the gnarled woods. Moths and fireflies danced in the air, cries of small animals echoing in the distance.

Gareth of Black Claw tribe sat hunched on a fallen tree, his snout wrinkled. He could smell something that did not belong to the woods — a scent out of place among the usual cacophony of smells.

Grinning, he pushed himself up, stretching his long and sinewy limbs. Standing almost seven foot tall, the young lycanthrope was an impressive sight. Thick grey fur covered his body, his claws long and sharp. Feeling excited, he began to trace the alien scent, the beast able to tell that it belonged to a sentient creature. A young female at that.

A young female his pack could use.

The savage war the moonblessed waged with the long-ears had cost Black Claw many warriors. As fierce as the kin-warriors were, the long-ears outnumbered them, their spears long and sharp.

Settling into a jog, Gareth grinned, his blood singing in his ears. His golden eyes glimmered with hunger as he pursued his prey. A young long-ear, far from her kin. A female young enough to mate. He simply couldn't believe his luck.

Pausing to raise his snout up in the air, Gareth howled to let his tribe know where he was, dozens of inhuman voices answering his call.

The hunt was on.

It did not take long for the beast to catch a glimpse of the young elf, Gareth keeping his distance for a moment as he observed her, his eyesight keen even in the dark.

Cursing as he saw the elf dash away from him, the beast dropped down on all fours, growling with hunger as he ran. The young long-ear was his
— she merely didn't know it yet.

Fueled by oldest and deepest of hungers, Gareth picked up his pace, running with a beatial grin on his snout, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. He found it amusing that the elf thought she could outrun a moonblessed. Her short feet and small frame meant that she had to take two steps for each on of his.

Circling around her, Gareth cut her path, appearing from the the shadows like a ghost, his golden eyes intent on the poor elven girl. Smirking, he crouched himself, spreading his arms, ready to bounce on the small elf.

"Long-ear..." the tall beast growled to taunt her. "...what are you doing in our woods." His raspy voice brimmed with amusement. "Did you come to play with us...?" Gareth asked, his hunger for her evident in flesh.

The poor young elf had to know what the beast was planning.
Briar continued to run, panting and whimpering as she heard crash after crash in the thick brush behind her. She'd gotten the barest glimpse, but the eyes were enough to tell her how much trouble she was in.

Suddenly the crashing moved away from her and Briar thought she was free. The wolf men were known for killing random elves they found near these woods. Or worse fates. As she ran she looked up into the canopy of impossibly tall trees and realized she couldn't even see the stars. It was so dark. She had to get out.

Just as she was about to get passed the next clearing a massive figure dashed out in front of her causing the elf woman to let out a cry of fear.

She moved back shaking her head as the massive beast stood in front of her. She felt the cold sweat on the back of her neck.

"No- no... Please I am just a healer, I have no side in this war. My clan doesn't believe in it..." She pleaded holding her hands together. She held out a satchel full of herbs. "I was just gathering mushrooms for medical remedies I swear."

When she didn't get mercy from the moonblessed male she swallowed a lump in her throat.

"P-please. If you're going to do anything, just kill me. Don't make me live through the alternatives- please.

"I promise I'm worth nothing more than a meal to you..."
Smelling her fear, the beast chortled, it's mocking laughter sounding like a hounded chocking on a piece of meat. "Long-ear!" Gareth snarled, tilting his head to the side, his golden eyes glimmering in the dim light. She could hear the amusement in his hoarse voice.

Caught alone, poor young elf lacked all the arrogance and spirit of her kin. How different the long-ears were when they marched into the woods clad in steel scales and carrying their wicked long spears.

"Healer, eh?" Gareth mused, taking a few steps towards his prey. "Lucky day." He realized that taking the young elf to his kin would mean that the elves would lose a pair of hands that kept their warriors in fight. "You are mine..." he growled happily, feeling his heart beat like a drum.

She could see his scalding hot breath steam in the air, his snout filled with wicked teeth. The beast was a nightmare made flesh, perversion of nature that only sought to breed and kill.

Savage hunger thrummed in his body, his loins aching for a release. He could smell that the young elf was fertile, her scent driving him insane with lust. Slowly, his manhood grew hard between his legs.

"Mine!" he growled, his voice dripping with primordial need. "Mine you are." The beast cornered the small elf, Briar feeling a large oak behind her back, it's bark gnarled and warped.

"You can't run..." Gareth taunted his prey, lunging at her and seizing the small elf into his arms, slamming her body against the oak. Grunting, he cast her on the forest floor, moving to pun her down with his weight.

Her terror only aroused him, hear meager attempts to ward him off inconsequential. Gareth loved to play with his prey. "Mine..." he snarled, his mind clouded by primal need to mate, his cock dripping with precum.
Briar continued to try and step away from the creature. Her breasts heaving in the night air. Pinecones and twigs now crunched under her feet as she was made to step off the path.

it wasn't hard to notice the heinous thing hanging between the beasts legs. The creature would see Briar shake her head helplessly, fat tears welling up as she watched steam start ro rise off of him.

The elf impacted the tree and the moonblessed would see her hope shatter as her face portrayed the despair she felt in that moment.

The elf tried to suddenly dash to the side but her hunter was far faster. He slammed her against the tree causing the elf to see stars before she was roughly thrown to the ground.

The woman tried desperately to fend the creature off as it moved to pin her her sobs filling the night air as she struggled in vain.

Her head began to fill with the musk of the creature as it's pheromones violated her senses.

She looked down, holding back a loud cry as she saw the creatures cock dripping its hot precum onto her.

In desperation Briar remembered the dagger hilted at her waist. With one last hope she tried to reach for the weapon subtly gently placing her hand on the grip, tears clouding her eyes.

In her desperation she remembered the dagger hilted at her waist and reached for it.
Snarling, the beast grabbed her wrist, snapping its vicious jaws close only inches from her face, drinking deep of her terror. "You little tricksy cunt..." it growled with anger, scoffing as it reached for her dagger himself, tugging it free and tossing it into the undergrowth. "Little bitch." Briar had only managed to enrage the beast, her fate now sealed. "Trying to stab me with your iron-claw. Coward..." Somehow, the werewolf thought it perfectly acceptable to stalk the prey half its size. "I should gut you..." Snarling, he pressed his claw on the front of her dress, his ling fingers grasping the cloth.

Snarling with fury he pulled hard, his wicked nails tearing the cloth apart and exposing Briar's bosom, the beast leering wildly, his hideous laughter echoing in the night. "Mine!" Gareth insisted, tearing apart the flimsy clothes the poor young elf wore, his claws scraping her skin in the process, leaving her from covered with thin scars. "Mine!" It did not take long for him to tear apart her undergarments, a wicked back-handed blow swatting away her arms. The beast was going to have her, her meager protests barely registering in his lust-addels mind, "Mine!" he repeated, pressing his hand on her bare lower belly as if to claim her, even if he knew his tribe would not allow him to keep the young elf. She was too valuable to be handed to a mere warrior like him. Still, he had the hunter's right to claim her first.

Huffing, he pried her legs wide open, easing himself against her. His monstrous length presses against her pussy as he tried to force himself into the small elven woman, his freely flowing precum staining her nether lips. There was no doubt about his intent, Briar likely well aware of what would happen next. The sadistic beast took his time, pressing its claw on her neck and squeezing hard, chortling as his prey-meat struggled to draw breath. "Ahh...mhm... grr...." the beast snarled, its lengthy cock slipping against her pussy, the angle never quite right. "Stay still bitch..."
Thw elf winced as the wolf caught her and yelped as it tore rhe weapon from her side and threw it beyond her reach. "I am the coward, yet you prey on a weal woman?" She accused feeling a slight flare of anger all her own.

This was what she got for trying to be a good Samaritan and help people? Her people followed old gods of nature, how could they allow this when all she'd done was try to help?

She gasped as the claw was pressed against her chest then shrieked as her clothing was savagely ripped from her body. The wolves claws roughly scratched her flesh as he tore open her garments. Every scrape to her skin brought a whimper and she wondered if she might be bleeding.

As he pried her legs apart Briar began to panic. "No please-! I'm not big enough to take you! Just an elven maiden, please! Just kill me, gods please-" she begged Gareth cringing as she felt him trying to line up his horrific cock with her entrance.

She tried to kick at the beast but his hips had her legs stretched practically as far as they would go. He had her splayed painfully wide. Briar gasped as his claw pressed against her throat. Her mouth opened in a fearful expression as she felt his hips pushing and his cock sliding against her pussy. She continued to sob and gasp and struggle trying to get any distance between her and the wolf but it was no use.

The pre she felt dripping against her pussy was hot, almost unbearably so as it endlessly coated the lips of her cunt.

She kept squirming and writhing until she was so exhausted, her chest was heaving. In that moment she felt the beasts efforts succeed and his cock successfully lined up.

"No please- I'm begging you-"
"Bitch..." the beast snarled, caring little of her protests, consumed as he was by the infernal hunger gnawing at his insides. Ache that made him crave for a mate, to empty his balls into a fertile little bitch. Briar's needs and hopes mattered little.

Her whimpers only fueled his hunger, her soft sounds reminding him of a doe he had caught the other day. Gareth allowed the elven woman no mercy or respite, his righteous hatred burning brighter than the midday sun. Long-ears had hunted his kind for countless moons, every cub leaning to hate the elves as soon as they learned to walk.

Tearing her cloths apart, the beast could smell all of her. Her scent was intoxicating. Small as the female was, she smelled ripe and ready for taking.

"Mine!" Gareth scoffed. His aching cock hammered against her small cunt as he sought to sink his length into her, growling with need as he did so. "You filthy little cunt." Her pleas meant nothing, the werewolf driven by the bestial hunger typical to his kind. Briar was hardly the first elven maid caught in such a fashion.

Eventually his cock would line with her tight entrance, the beast forcing his swollen cock into the small elf. "Ahhh...grrr...ahhhn..." Gareth grunted happily, feeling her tight little pussy grip his length. "Nhnhn..." pulling back, he thrust his length again into the poor elven woman, her small frame shaking as he ravaged her. "Ahh..yess...."

Each time he sank his cock into Briar, the large bulb on the base of his length would strike against her pussy, the werewolf fucking his with bestial fury. "Grrrr...nnhnn..ahhnn..."
"Wait- no-!" Was all Briar got out before the werewolf warrior shoved his cock into the woman and she let out a scream that filled the forest. Letting his packages know the elf had been caught.

Briar was wracked with sobs as Gareth began his beastial rape. Her cunt stretched painfully around his girth. "Nnnn, it hurts! It hurts- please have mercy!" She begged between wet cries.

The first few thrusts into her pussy were agonizing and slow. She felt her nipples hardening from the cold and stimulation hating that her body betrayed her so.

She could feel the tip of Gareths cock ramming into her cervix and knew without a doubt she would be bruised. "Nnnn gods, fuck- hahh" her face was soaked with her own tears as she tried to get herself up onto her elbows. Her face was dirty from where she'd been shoved against the ground.

As Gareth hammered away at hee with his hips, small weak moans began to slip from her mouth. Her pussy grew more wet making Gareths cock slide in and out more easily.

"Mmmf" she whimpered before beginning to claw at the ground pathetically, a sob coming from her with each bash of his knot against her pussy. She had no idea what it was, but it scared her. "What in the name of the maker is that?" She cried, referring to the bulbous thing she could feel smacking against her.

The elves knew of werewolf anatomy, though they couldn't explain the purpose for every past, just most of them.
Gareth did not wait, Briar's words falling on deaf ears. There was nothing she could have said or done to stop the beast. Nothing could have stayed his fury, the werewolf reaming the small elf without any regard for her wellbeing. If her body could not withstand his hunger, she could not bear his pups anyway. Such was the way of the moonblessed, any sentient race pregnant with their seed inevitably giving birth to more of their kinds. So strong was their seed that the mother's race had little effect on the pups.

Gareth ad no mercy, not for anyone of her kind, rage burning in his veins, lust filling his heart. She was his prey and his plaything. "Ahh.. mmhmh.. grrhrh...ahh.." the beast grunted every time he eased his thick cock into the poor elf, her small body shaking like a leaf in a storm. Gareth was rage made manifest, his claws scraping her skin as he kept her pinned down.

Gareth was no different from the others of his kind, blessed with inhuman stamina and near demonic urge to mate. His fury was a sight to behold, his wrath that of the mother nature itself.

"Elf bitch..." he snarled, delivering a brutal backhanded blow that knocked Briar on her back and left her seeing stars. "Stay still..." not that she could really obey his command, each savage jolting her body, the rough ground scraping her back."Yess....."

"Grr..... " the beast could feel and smell how Briar's body betrayed her, the werewolf leering with a disdainful smile on his bestial lips. "Ahh..nnnh... ahh." The werewolf half groaned, half-whimpered as he sought his release in her, his desperation tangible. The beast needed her much like a drowning man needed air, her wellbeing secondary to his urge to spill his seed and empty his balls into the fertile young elf.

He had no answers for her, figuring she would find out when he eventually found his release, knowing that he would manage to force all of his length into her, even if he would tear her insides. If the little elven bitch was worth his seed, she would survive the ordeal.
Briars moans, gasps and sobs began to fill the night air. She was too exhausted to fight anymore. So what else could she do but lay there and be savagely violated.

Aa she tried to steady herself on her elbows the wolf blindsided her with his back hand causing her to fall back in the dirt with another wet sob.

Gently she reached up feeling her face and the cut on her lip. She felt herself growing more and more wet as he continued to hammer into her, making the already loud assault even louder.

Briar's involuntary arousal mixed in the air with the wolf man's deep musk. "Ngh... uhh"
As a particularly loud moan left her lips she followed it with a sob and covered her eyes with her hands. She was disgusted with herself on a level she couldn't convey.

"Mmn fuck!" she cried out as the tip of his cock scraped against just thr right spot inside her and her back arched causing her breasts to heave as the beast fucked her mercilessly.

She tried to sway her hips for any give any breathing room for her poor insides but everything he entered her she was absolutely full and her pussy clapped down on the obscenely large cock.

She shook her head and whimpered. Wet yelps and cries filling the air as he thrust and her body only betrayed her more and more. "I'm disgusting." She cried quietly.
It was perhaps better for the poor eleven woman that Gareth had not mated in weeks, his balls heavy with unspent seed. Aching, he plunged his swollen and grotesque cock into the small elf, groaning with inhuman pleasure as her insides rubbed against his length. "Grrr...ah..nhhh..."

Lost in his need to find his release, the beast could only hear her moans, only smell her drenched pussy, his keen sense paying no heed to the woods around them as he drank deep of Briar's pain and arousal. "You like this...." the werewolf grunted, pausing for a moment to taunt his prey. "Elven cocks too small?" he chortled, amused with his own joke.

"Ahnn...nnh..ahh.." The beast groaned with guttural need as he sought his release, his balls and cock aching in a way that was slowly driving him insane. Waves of pleasure ran through his body even as the muscles of his legs tensed, his firm knot hammering against her tight entrance with every thrust.

Fucking Briar with abandon, Garet could only feel the need to spill his seed, her alluring scent filling his mind.

"Grrr..ahhnn..." the beast snarled, caring little that the young elf cried, disgusted with herself.

The distraught elf could feel keenly when he finally managed to push his rock-hard knot into her cunt, Gareth whimpering as he felt her tightness around his entire length, his cock lodged deep into her depths.

This was enough to push the savage monster over, an agonizing orgasm washing over him, his cock throbbing violently in her wet pussy as the lust-driven werewolf began to ejaculate, spraying her aching cervix copious amounts of thick seed.

Grunting like a beast in throes of heat, Gareth kept thrusting himself into her, each jolt of his hips forcing more of his cum through his loins and into her depths as he used her to drain his sack empty, the small elf able to hear Gareth growled with pride as he claimed her.
Briar lay under the beast, her tit's bouncing as it thrust into her repeatedly causing the elven woman's legs to shake. As he mocked her the woman sucked in a breath of air and simply glared at her attacker.

The smell of sex and sounds of mating filled the forest as the elf slowly began to lose her mind from the stimulation she was feeling. How long had it been since it had begun? She had no idea.

Each ram of his knot against her entrance elicited a cry from the elf that sounded on a new level. "Please- no I cant-" she panted. She felt herself loosening up, but even so she couldn't imagine her body accommodating that, that  thing.

she let out a small grunt as it hammered againdt her once more and then again. Her eyes grew wider and wider as she felt him still going deeper. Until his knot finally popped inside of her and a bloodcurdling scream filled the night air.

Briars back arched and the walls of her pussy slammed down around the wolf and his knot as her legs spammed. She let out wet cries and sobs as she writhed from the sensations of her own orgasm, clawing at the dirt.

She collapsed onto the ground panting heavily. The elf was spent and exhausted.

"So you kill me now, I'm assuming?" She murmured through a heavy breath.
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