Mx Male Take A Gander pt 1 - Long-term and Short-term


Sinderella <3
Sep 29, 2018
Hey there besties; I previously had a thread here, but I'm deciding to rewrite and expand it.

So, introductions first I suppose- you can call me Charles, or Charlie, and I've been writing for well over ten years by now. When it comes to roleplaying specifically, I've been on-and-off with the practice for, like, five-ish years now? I am, admittedly, a terrible texter, but I promise I've been trying to remedy that! In terms of identity and whatnot, best I can give you is that I'm queer, non binary, and Black, so I'd like to think I can express a range of backgrounds for any roleplayer wanting to explore their cast of characters.

Unsure of how else to introduce myself, here's where I add some of my expectations for roleplay:

- It's, of course, not super important to me that you match my post lengths, but I tend to yap and provide my character's thoughts. At minimum, you'd see about 3 pretty thick paragraphs, and I can definitely go longer than that. I'd appreciate that if you could, you do your best!
- I don't have a strict list of things I'd like to see in a roleplay if there's smut, but there are a couple hard no's. You're totally welcome to ask about my interests/disinterests, and I welcome you to do the same :D
- Speaking of smut, I love smut like anyone else. It's probably my forte! But I would so love it if there was a bit of plot to go with it. At least 20/80 in terms of plot/smut.
- This is more for any potential partners, but none of my character's are white. Please don't ask me for something like raceplay or expect me to actively want my characters to experience some sort of bigotry? Otherwise, if you want to explore interracial relationships or want to also play a POC, I so welcome that.
- I suppose it would be nice to let potential partners know now- but I'm comfortable writing tops/switches/bottoms! Regardless of what role I take, I am very partial to role reversals (in which, Small Tops/Large Bottoms). It's not super mandatory, but it certainly is preferred.
- Finally figured out how to make a F-List, so take a look if you want!

And, without further ado, here is where I place some short descriptions of worlds/plots I've already thought about. You should keep in mind that a lot of these will follow a sort of DnD style, in which the only thing you'd need to worry about is the creation of YC. Side characters and plot-points are totally on me to think of, but by all means please let me know your own thoughts and feel free to disagree with me on something if you'd rather we go a different route. This section will eventually have additions:

Asgardian+! - The most DnD styled story of them all. You've found yourself as a peasant, wanderer, mercenary, soldier, what-have-you in the land of Asgardian+, a virtual reality game. Character customization is at an all time high, with several races and classes to choose from. As of now, there's a total of 10 endings you're able to get! I'd ask that if you're interested in this one, that the plot/smut ratio is at the least 50/50. If you wanna fuck your way to the top, so be it! If you want intricate world building and meaningful relationships, so be it! Or maybe you wanna kill your way to an ending- which is possible.

Bahelbe, City of Secrets - A dark academia-esque roleplay that was somewhat inspired by Babel, written by R.F Kuang. You can be a noble student from the Empire, or a foreigner forced to use your unique talents in servitude to the crown. Either way, the school year has begun, and the dark secrets the university city holds begin to unravel. By the end of your four years here, what fate will befall you and your peers? Will the Empire fall, or will it spread its claws over more and more countries?

The Dark Hour - Persona 3-inspired, but set in college. Although this thread is particularly searching for MxM, some characters will of course be women or AFAB non-binary, and they are totally romanceable. If you're interested in that. If not, there's a good selection of men/AMAB non-binary characters, and a heap of plot and fights to go through before the final boss.

And here will be some ideas that we can totally work a story around. Or, if you want something more short term and smut filled, these are perfect too! Some of these will have a definitive world I've already thought about, but I'm open to suggestions as well. This section will also be eventually updated, whenever I think of something new or exciting:

Guard Dogs and Thieves - Our modern world, but some people are born with various abilities. Think of Marvel or DC, but heavily toned down. Yeah, there are people who can do something crazy like control weather, but it's very local and downplayed. In any case, as the title suggests, Character A is employed by a non-powered boss/CEO/mob boss to guard them or their business from Character B, who is known for their frequent exploits. Two things to keep in mind, for now: 1) takes place in NYC and 2) most of the people who are born with abilities are BIPOC, with a few white characters sprinkled in.

The Prince and The... - I don't have many concrete things about this one. All I know is that I want a prince, magic, adventure, and perhaps a tournament arc!

The King's Harem - I also don't have many concrete things about this one- but this can totally have that sweet little 20/80 plot/smut ratio! This can also have adventure, but really I'd more so like to explore different relationships the King in question may have.

And here, finally, is where I place some pairings that I don't really have any ideas about, but am totally willing to discuss them. I'll put down some fandoms and pairings from that fandom that I can do, because maybe you'd wanna take a break from creating a whole new character. Like the last two sections, this will also update, but probably more frequently than the others. Anything in bold would be a role I'd prefer:

Pornstar x Fan/Pornstar
King x (Foreign) Prince
Princes, arranged marriage(?)
(And they were...) Roommates
Warrior x Mage/Healer
ATLA (Zuko x ...anyone, I guess?)
PJO (I lowkey only remember Percy, Nico, and Leo's personalities, so...take that as you will. OCs are great too ofc)
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