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Chapter I. Death & Foreplay New


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Chapter I. Death & Foreplay

โ€œYea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.โ€

It matters not what one fears, it matters not how one fights those fears, what matters at the end of infinity is survival. Not all are blessed with good luck when dancing with death, and even when you win you never really come back out the same, but what if you were to lose that dance only to be given one last chance to fight for your life all over again? What would you gain by winning the dance of death?

Do you seek redemption? Vengeance? A fresh start?

Or maybe you just choose to live out of spite. The choice is all our own.

The crunch of boots landing on snow was such a satisfying sound, at least in normal circumstances. When trying to stay silent? Not so much if you were a normal person, but she wasnโ€™t normal. Far from it, her steps were silent and deliberate. The masked woman just looked like she was trying to get home, the tension was palpable as she walked under the city street lights. Her hood was pulled over her head, the bangs in her eyes obscured most of her face, if it werenโ€™t for the black outfit she was wearing one could mistake her form as a ghost. She made no sound as she moved, hell you couldnโ€™t even hear breathing. She was walking along the park and though most animals were hibernating the winter away it was fairly normal to hear owls soothing the empty night air with their lulls and coos. Even crickets would sound in small bursts of life, chittering away and keeping most normal folk awake at night. The silence was utterly deafening in the dimly lit park, and for the silence to reach this level it only meant one thing.

A predator was hunting.

It begs the question though. What happens when two predators hunt for each other?

The chill down her spine, the looming dread that was so thick it was nearly visible, the feeling of eyes boring into her very being. Who was here? Why were they here? All the pale woman knew was that whatever it was, it was here for her.
Not a single sign of life was detected around the woman, but that didnโ€™t stop her from placing a hand at her side as she walked into the nearest neighborhood. A new development in the normally bustling city of Rose Lake. Most of the housing had been completed and put up for sale, but no buyers as of now. Perhaps she could stay the night at one of the many empty housesโ€ฆ provided she felt safe enough to stop here to begin with.

She quickly ducked between two houses, her long legs hooked around the edge of a chain link fence, hoisting herself up and over into the overgrown backyard. Someone definitely needed to call a landscaperโ€ฆ but that wasnโ€™t her issue. She then shoved her hands in her pockets and crouched low, the last thing she wanted to do was run into some homeless person looking for a place of refuge. Not that she was scared or anything, she just didnโ€™t want to deal with the hassle ofโ€ฆ hiding a body.

The wind was bitingly cold and licked the skin of her exposed thighs as she sat low, the howling was so loud one could mistake it for the howl of a banshee. This didnโ€™t relieve her tension even a little bit as the lingering feeling of dread continued to rear its ugly head around her. Every small crunch, every snapping twig, and everyโ€“

Was that tapping? She heard tapping. It couldnโ€™t be from the house, it sounded like it came from every direction. Dammit, she wasnโ€™t safe yet. So she kept moving, trying to pry herself away from the feeling of paranoia. No matter what she had to stay calm, that was the only choice she hadโ€ฆ stay calmโ€ฆ stay calmโ€ฆ
I'm ๐”ธ๐•๐•š๐•ง๐•–.
It looks like your gods had forsaken you, Dear.
โ†ป โ— || โ–ท โ†บ

The pale ghost trailed forward as he tracked his quarry through the city's residential district, the snow blanketing his head and shoulders. While the falling ice would have made him shiver before, now he felt nothing. His nerves were blind to the touch of Winter. His skin was resistant to its chills. Even his breath lacked mist; All were signs that he was no longer among the living and yet, he had never felt so full of life. His dress shirt had a dash of red splattered across his torso. A reminder of his quarry's attempt on his life. Inside of his cold heart existed only one emotion: anger.

He once believed he was free in the mortal realm. Without a need to flaunt his noble inheritance, he assumed that an ordinary life would be possible for even a monster like himself. However, the divine of fate did not have his peace in mind. To be mistaken as the target of a hit only to wake up in an empty alleyway with an ungodly thirst, he couldn't tell whether his reawakening as an undead was the result of mere coincidence, or whether it was all planned out by a malevolent being. Regardless, the only image in his mind was that mask; The face of the killer that took his mundane life away. He recalled their scent while they struck him with their knives, using it to track their movements. As subtle as it was, the smell of his own blood was potent enough for him to follow even streets away.

As he pursued his assassin, he noticed a sudden shift in their speed. They knew he was coming. Though, instead of feeling cautious, the vampire felt excited. The thrill of a hunt, especially towards the target of his malice, was a sinful pleasure he never imagined himself experiencing, let alone enjoying. Eventually, he ended up in front of the house that smelled most like them. It appeared, they were attempting to hide. "Quaint. To think, hiding in a house would be enough to stop me." While the idea of simply breaking down the door just to engage them in direct combat was a fine idea, he found another much more delectable. Fear. To inspire fear in his enemy would give the vampire the opportunity to toy with his prey before indulging in his meal. To devour the one that took his ordinary life away; To consume who stole the peace he's always wanted; No one was going to take that joy away from him.

He approached one of the windows, tapping on the glass in a rhythm using his index and middle fingers. If his target already knew he was coming, he was going to enjoy their mental anguish as an appetizer.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

While he roamed around like a shark circling his prey, he tapped the other panes of glass while twisting each doorknob in between. With each tap of his fingers and swivel of his wrists, he was gentle, teasing his hostile intentions with ginger motions.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

In moments, his form shifted into shadow before reappearing inside. With the darkness that shrouded the rooms, he was able to move around while avoiding detection, still tapping on the panes of frosted glass. He wanted his target to know that no walls nor doors could keep them safe from him.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Finally, he appeared behind them, tapping the window inside of her own room. Tap. Tap. Before finishing the third, the vampire grabbed both of their wrists while she turned towards the sound, pinning their hands over their head. "To imagine, I'd let you escape after what you've done to me." Now that he had the opportunity to get a better look at them, he realized that his killer stood a couple feet shorter than him. His eyes took note of their mask and silver streak in her hair. "Never thought, someone as small as you would be so deadly. I wonder what face you're hiding behind that mask." He reached over with his other hand, placing his long slender fingers in between their chin and their mask. "I wonder if you're scared. Perhaps you'd taste better like that. Or maybe, you're angry. Ooo~ Wouldn't your fight be delectable."
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"You're not real, none of this is R E A L."
โ†ป โ— || โ–ท โ†บ

She stood there quiet, not making a single noise as if that would help the situation. Her mask sat there on her face, the stained cracked porcelain capturing what little moonlight shown through, the mouth had a distorted permanent smile, like she was always laughing. Or maybe she looked always ready to feed, but it didn't matter. He could trap her in the moment, but the shock wore down quickly, dead silence was now replaced with a low rumble. A guttural snarl began to rise from her covered lips, it was partially muffled, but even then he could hear it loud and clear. A faint glow was centered in the eyes of her mask, the sockets blocked with mesh fabric to hide her eyes, but even then there was that soft glow, it was eerie to say the least.

"No... you... you're dead, I killed you. Iโ€“" Her voice was deep and raspy, it was like she was speaking through wild snarls and growls. A hint of surprise laced her tone as she eyed him up. Blood, she could see it... She could smell it. This blood was no longer that of a human, no... no this couldn't be. For the first time in years she felt a chill run down her spine, fight or flight began to kick in reigniting her instincts for self preservation. He wasn't playing around. The woman reared her head back, her shimmering skin caught fractals of moonlight, she may have been somewhat shorter, but that was no issue. Her body began to twitch, her chest beginning to convulse as she let out shaky breaths, gasping for air.


Bones began to contort with sickening pops, the flesh on her back began to rise as the sound of meat tearing apart echoed through the room, it was like taking the peel off of a fruit, the skin, membrane, and muscle twist and tore with strange squelching noises. The scent of blood now overpowering every part of the brain as gleaming metal blades ripped from her back. The blades were as big as she was, and thought they resembled wings the blades caught and reflected light, bits of skin and muscle tissue hung off her new metallic appendages like a sickening display of viscera and cruelty. That certainly never got any easier to deal with, but she wasn't about to go down without a fight. Moonlight filled the room as the dark clouds rolled by, revealing her light in all of its ethereal glory. They could see each other more clearly. An undead abomination that towered over her being.
Shadows began to sway unnaturally, like they were as sentient as the masked assailant that stood before him. Short and fairly petite, but she was not to be taken lightly. With a distorted screech the shadows began to rise from the floor below, they made shapes of all kinds, it was almost like watching some sort of demonic lava lamp as it moved with such grace and fluidity.

The shadows sharpened themselves to a point as they swirled around the room. With another distorted cry leaving her lips the tendrils of darkness whipped at him, attempting to slash his fancy suit. She had to finish this job one way or another, when she eventually wriggled her way out of his grasp she took some steps back and began to hunch over, her hands outstretched and flexing as curved black claws slowly grew outward. She may have still had those damned blades somewhere. The blue double edged karambit blades she held as she plunged them in to his heart back when he was still of the living. No more words needed to be said from this point forward. This was their dance to the death, his revenge and her redemption. It was time to finish what she had started. It had been how long since she killed him? She was a cocky young hotshot, it costed the wrong man his life. The regret and sorrow... but she couldn't think about that now, she had to survive. That's all that mattered.

And besides...

Saying sorry wouldn't bring him back anyway.
"Believe what you want about me. Pray to whichever god is willing to save you.
Know, that I am
๐•ฃ๐•–๐•’๐•. Know this nightmare is your ๐•ฅ๐•จ๐•š๐•ค๐•ฅ๐•–๐•• ๐•ฃ๐•–๐•’๐•๐•š๐•ฅ๐•ช.


The vampire's dark, ethereal form held off from lifting his killer's mask. This thing that he bound against the wall acted more beast than person. They were broken, a mere shell of a soul. The marks on their face were not associative with one based in reality. A permanent smile was painted on her lips. A couple white dots were glowing beneath the transparent mesh slits of their mask, following his own glowing orbs, unblinking and uninterrupted. All he could see with his illuminated, crimson eyes was a vessel for a dark god and hints of regret. "No... you... you're dead, I killed you. Iโ€“"

His other hand grabbed them by their neck, feeling the blood quickly pulse through their arteries. Their heartbeat was fast and their breaths became rapid. He could taste it already: Fear. Though, there was something off about his prey that kept his fangs away from their veins. Their body was not as it seemed. Cracks and pops had come from their shoulders and spine. Their limbs contorted in strange directions, forcing him to let go. Metallic wings sprouted from their back, covered in meat and sinew. With the shower of blood, the light from the moon turned red as it penetrated the gut covered glass. This thing in front of him was neither beast nor human, they were a monster.

The shadows that surrounded him did not obey the laws of nature. They circled him as if they were alive. They rose and stood into the light where no object could cast shade, reacting to his killer's transformation, beckoning to her deafening scream. Though, the vampire showed no fear. In fact, this sudden display appeared to have cracked a broken smile over his face. Like his home, this world knew no peace. He wasn't the only monster that roamed the streets of Rose Lake and he doubted there was one better at commanding the shadows than he.

Several blades had ended up being buried within his form from various angles, but no blood was spilled. His body lacked sufficient mass for their edges to even embed themselves into. The creature that stood in front of them was nothing more than a shadow. A being that lacked physical presence. Around them, other shadows began to stand in opposition to their commands, taking up his form in defiance of her wails.

"To think, in my desire to escape from the life of a monster. You were the one to bring me back."
He forced their karambit against their arm, leaving behind a bloody cut in their flesh. Slowly, he brought the blade to his lips to get a taste of their blood. It was unlike any other he tasted before. Their species was unknown, and yet their blood was delicious. The vampire needed to have more.

"Unfortunately, you're wrong. You did kill me. My heart stopped beating thanks to you."
Another slash came from behind, cutting into their hoodie to leave a gash against their back. This time, his attack wasn't motivated by the desire to inspire fear. The vampire was getting his revenge for his death in their hands. "Though, I must admit. You do taste wonderful. Such a shame to have such high quality blood be wasted on the likes of you."

His storm of attacks kept on going from different angles. Each shade that took his form was dangerous, slashing at their body where they couldn't guard. It was only when he struck her from the front when he stopped. A slash of their hoodie exposed a rather vulnerable component of who they truly were.

"Oh. . . Well, isn't this interesting~" He reached around her from behind, placing her own blood-stained knife at her neck. "To imagine that someone as. . . Gifted. . . As you would be the one to end up killing me." His eyes traced over her voluptuous breasts, now aware of her hidden sex. "Ha. . . Either your god hates you . . . Or you've been asking for it." He forced her head to the side, impaling his fangs in her neck to draw out her blood. The rugs beneath them became stained in her red liquids as he took a sip of her life. While he did so, he reached with his open hand to grope her, defiling his hostage. "Tell me and don't you lie. I hate liars." He pulled away from her neck, whispering with his dripping fangs while he dragged the knife lightly against her skin. "Why me? I haven't hurt anyone yet. Be honest, and I promise I'll make your last minutes on this planet pleasant for you."
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"An apology is off the table I'd imagine... but it wasn't supposed to be this way."


Words could not merely begin to describe the dread she felt when her magic was countered. She was used to being the top dog, she was used to watching her prey writhe in agony before their lives were permanently snuffed out of this mortal existence, she was the killer without a face, the nameless assassin that stalked the night. Who was he but a monster under the bed so many feared? But no, calling him such would make her a hypocrite. She too was a monster. A monster created by the hands of the cruel world around her.

The first slash sent a wave of hot searing pain that traveled around her arm, she hissed in pain as her own weapon betrayed her and flayed skin from muscle. However, she had felt much much worse. No matter how much he hacked and slashed at her with her own weapon, no matter how much blood bathed the carpet below in an unholy shower of dark crimson she held on. Wounds on her body healed as fast as they were inflicted, the scent of her blood was that of mulled wine and cloves. A strange creature she was... and when he jerked her head to the side and removed that black hood he saw long pointed ears that were folded back like a cornered animal. Was she an elf? No... elves were old and regal, never this barbaric or violent without a reason... and well... the wings on her back, scratch that. Definitely not an elf.

A low guttural groan left her lips, but this one wasn't of pain and suffering... it was more... happy.

The woman let out a low groan when she felt gloved fingertips glide across her breasts. The two mountains of soft bouncy flesh molded and morphed against his palm, what was most noticeable was her body, but not in a visual sense. Sure it was rare to be up against a female assassin, but this had nothing to do with her sex. She was cold. Her body, the air around her, even the air she breathed... It was cold to the touch, sure she had just been out in the elements not long ago, but her body showed no signs of heating up despite standing there, her own blood rolling down pale flesh like a crimson flood on the purest snow. Even her blood was warm and fresh, her heart was beating the pace now accelerating, her breaths shaky as her lungs inflated and deflated with every hesitant breath. She was so cold for a monster of the living.

If he was ever allowed to gaze upon the face of his killer, he might just see a dusty rose color decorating the surface of her cheeks, but his questions dragged her back into reality. How could she tell him? No point in hiding it now. It had to be said, it's not like she wanted to hurt him to begin with.

But she did.

Sorry wouldn't bring him back from undeath, so she spoke for the second time in a voice that was much calmer albeit weaker, "You were marked as a hit... and now I see why. I was told to neutralize you for an interrogation so we could find out why other organizations wanted you dead... I never meant to kill you, but I got cocky. I thought if I aimed right..." The woman simply scoffed and shook her head. It didn't really matter that her slip up killed him or not, what mattered was that she killed him in the end. Intentions at this point were null.

"Kill me, torture me, skin me alive, but that wouldn't matter. You're still being hunted." Her tone was dull and monotone, but she wasn't wrong someone wanted him dead and they wouldn't stop. Now she lay there under his hands, her fate was held hostage by the tall pale ghost looming over her, his lips stained red from her blood. Was that a smile on his lips? Was that dead pale face dusted with light red? Was her blood... no... that was impossible.

She didn't dare move a finger, in this state there was no way she could get out. She either had to play her cards right or die trying. One way or another she wasn't going to make this easy for him, but for what it was worth she would find a way to help him. She owed that to him... and herself too. Not to say that she was a killer with morals or anything, but the last thing she wanted to do was die a death that wasted her last moments of life. To hell with secret information and classified files, she had to give him something, any clues before she was taken out. Was it out of guilt? Anger? Spite? Who really knows anymore.
". . . ๐”ธ๐•Ÿ๐••?"

๐•—๐•’๐•ฆ๐•๐•ฅ was it?

ษดแดแดก แด˜สŸแด€สษชษดษข: แดส ๊œฐแด€แดœสŸแด›_แด 2 | แดxส€แด˜สœ
โ†ป โ— || โ–ท โ†บ

Her body was ice cold for one that knew life. Quick to heal and vibrant in blood, he noticed his assassin was no mere human nor common species. The revelation of her sharp ears, her metallic wings, and the oddity that was her cold body temperature suggested a form that was foreign to this world's denizens. Though her scent, her clothes, the way she spoke, and even her conventional methods in killing betrayed his guess. She was very much a monster like him; A being of fear that traversed the night, lingering beside the fine line between the mundane and the supernatural. For a brief moment, he felt something other than blind hate, compassion. A short, passing emotion that resulted from an understanding of who they were to the human world: Monsters.

"You were marked as a hit... and now I see why. I was told to neutralize you for an interrogation so we could find out why other organizations wanted you dead... I never meant to kill you, but I got cocky. I thought if I aimed right..." The vampire brushed her knife against her pale skin, dragging its length gently across her surface. A smile grew across his face as he watched the strain in her muscles cease. She wasn't going to fight back.

"Good girl."
He whispered against her neck, pressing the handle of her knife against her thick mounds. There was nothing in her voice that could denote a lie. Her throat didn't shiver as she released her confession nor did the glowing white orbs that shined behind her mask look away. Instead, he noticed another emotion pervade her hidden face. Her breathing was shaky and her groans weren't stressed. Her breasts even reacted kindly to his touch, displaying her preference for this hostile intimacy. She was liking this.

"Kill me, torture me, skin me alive, but that wouldn't matter. You're still being hunted."
The vampire grabbed her throat with his open hand, forcing her to look up at him while her knife was used to play with her body, slicing away at the remaining fabric that concealed her form. Basked in red moonlight from the bloodstained windows, he couldn't help but find himself enjoying his new toy. "Now why would I do that?" He cooed, dragging his fangs against the arteries that lined her neck. "The fun had only just begun and the night is still young, my dear. Besides, I'm sure you have some information about the organization that sent you after me."

"And from the looks of it. It seems like you're enjoying this, too. Aren't you?"
Her knife reached down to her thighs, cutting the hoodie off her body to expose her torso entirely. However, he wasn't done. No where near so. To waste the opportunity to make a lustful example of his killer was not a chance he was willing to pass up. He drifted her blade towards her panties, brushing the cold steel against her most vulnerable point. Meanwhile, one of his shadows began to pull away at the bottom half of her mask, getting a view of the redness that decorated her cheeks. The view of her lips curling inward was intoxicating. The little hushed moans that would escape her was addictive. The sudden tension in her spine and limbs whenever he touched where she was sensitive served to make him thirst for her more. Upon growing fascinated with her unique response to his display, he wasn't going to take her life until he'd done all he wanted.

"Do tell me of these "organizations" that would prefer me dead. The boss who ordered you to neutralize me too. I'd like to hear the names of those who have made me an enemy." He thrusted the handle into her panties, teasing its heft through the black layer. "I wonder how foolish you would have to be to wish the hatred of a pureblood vampire onto yourself. Either they are overconfident in their strength or ignorant of the powers that be." In combination with her weapon, the vampire assaulted her with his mouth. His fangs continue to bury in her neck from various spots as he teased the handle inside of her. "Though I confess. I am growing rather fond of your taste." As a result of his acts towards her and the potency of her blood, the vampire was beginning to become aroused himself. His cold hatred began to contort from the influence of his sick, rising lust. "Perhaps death would be too good for you. Maybe I should enthrall you and use you as a receptacle for my thirst and lust." He hummed, licking his blood stained lips. "You would like that, wouldn't you? Your body is perfect for it, given your rapid healing ability." The vampire insinuated on doing more with her. As time passed, so did the amount of her blood that made it into his system. Eventually, her dark panties ended up on the floor unable to resist the vampire's affections towards her. He was going to take her, whether she liked it or not.

He was going to ruin his killer.

๐’ฉ๐‘œ๐“Œ ๐’ซ๐“๐’ถ๐“Ž๐’พ๐“ƒ๐‘”: ๐“Ÿ๐“ต๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ผ๐“ฎ [] ๐“ž๐“ถ๐“ฒ๐“ญ๐“ธ​

"I can be your slave."

The look of mutual understanding they both shared, it was short lived of course and she was promptly forced into a rather... intimate position. At this point he could do anything to her and she wouldn't protest. She did this, this was all her fault. She got cocky and she got sloppy, and now he was back for revenge one way or another. Her body didn't react much to the knife being dragged across already marred skin. Then her ears flickered and twitched, "Good girl."
Her breath hitched immediately and she felt a pang of heat steam from her heart as it bounced up to her throat then straight down to her pelvis. Even her legs quivered when she heard the words. Why? Why had she reacted this way?

This woman was a killer, she had never been caught, never spared lives, and was too hard to break... but this physical touch. It was going to bring her to her knees. She had never felt the rush of these feelings before. It was intoxicating, dizzying even. She snapped out of the haze she was in to answer his questions, "I won't give you the name of my boss... but she's someone like you. As for those hunting you, all I know is that they're a human ran organization that want to eradicate supernaturals like you and me... Ironically there are rumors of the head commander being a demon... the irony right? I was tasked to get to you first... And if it isn't obvious enough, I fucked up." The fae explained all that she could without compromising too much.

"Pureblooded vampire or not, I know that these shitheads have a shitload of money, artillery, and some sort of anti-magic that can do some serious damage. If I had to guess, you were the next hit. I have files that could prove this back in my safe house... I.. owe you. I owe you a lot, it's no sorry... But it could save your li- Er... Unlife." She sighed and gasped when he started to tease her crotch with the handle of her own blade which also had a smaller blade on the end.

His words had her reeling all over again. Lust? Thirst? She tried to wriggle her hands out from his grasp, now left in a garter belt, stockings, and her choker... She felt her mask moved to the side of her head as she looked up at him. She was rather cute, a pale face with black painted lips. She had piercings under her chin and a scar going down her right eye nicking the eyebrow in the process. Those eyes though... those damned white eyes. She had no discernable pupil or iris. It was as if her sclera took over completely, you wouldn't be able to tell where she was looking, for all this vampire knew she could be looking up, down, or all around. The subtle glow of them too.... it illuminated her cheeks and she blinked rapidly, hell she was ever wearing eyeliner despite the mask covering her face. Redundant if anything, but she just liked to have a normal hobby.

"N-Now wait a sec- You- Wait-! You c-can't just-" The fae stammered and stuttered when her panties were promptly cut off and fell into a crumpled heap like the rest of her clothes. The scent of her sweet blood permeated the air around them, the thick metallic scent laced with spice would be intoxicating to any vampire. Not to mention the rumors in vampiric circles of fae blood. The perfect vessel, always regenerating blood merely hours after losing it. Unable to die from blood loss, and even able to regenerate limbs and organs. The healing and sweet properties of their blood... though none knew the aphrodisiac effects it had.

This vampire would soon understand the consequences of drinking the blood of a fae. And soon enough the effects would take hold. Not like it would help the fae by any means, but his would certainly end up as a night to remember if not more. It was his choice, but at the same time it wasn't as if the fae was entirely unwilling. After all...

๐“ข๐“ฑ๐“ฎ ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ญ ๐“ช ๐“ญ๐“ฎ๐“ซ๐“ฝ ๐“ฝ๐“ธ ๐“น๐“ช๐”‚.

"๐•Š๐•๐•’๐•ง๐•–? Hmm . . . I quite like the sound of that."


"How naughty~ Already thinking of me as your ๐•ž๐•’๐•ค๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ."

You've got my body, flesh and bone
The sky above, the Earth below
Nothing to say and nowhere to go

A taste of the divine
ษดแดแดก แด˜สŸแด€สษชษดษข: แด›สœแด‡ ๊œฑแดœแดแดแดษดษชษดษข | ๊œฑสŸแด‡แด‡แด˜ แด›แดแด‹แด‡ษด
โ†ป โ— || โ–ท โ†บ

Whether it was due to the potency of her blood running through his system, her submission to his whims, or a combination of them both, the vampire didn't care. His mood was starting to take a shift. The blind thirst for revenge that once shrouded his vision began to fade away. Instead, a new craving began to emerge in its place that caused his pants to feel tight. Her moans were delightful. The shivering in her legs from even the slightest touch of her handle drew his eyes downward. She felt good grinding against his body as he held her close. His killer was more fond of their change in standings than he expected, causing a devilish grin to crack over his face, displaying the bloodied fangs that were hidden underneath.

"I won't give you the name of my boss... but she's someone like you." He traced his fingers across her neck, pressing the pads against her bruise to remind her of how forceful he could get with her. "Oh? Consider me curious, though I suppose, there are other more interesting ways of extracting that information." He licked his lips, still massaging her folds with the handle of her knife, risking her well being for the sake of teasing her more. "As for those hunting you, all I know is that they're a human ran organization that want to eradicate supernaturals like you and me... Ironically there are rumors of the head commander being a demon... the irony right? I was tasked to get to you first... And if it isn't obvious enough, I fucked up." The vampire slowed his hands upon her confession, even holding her blade still. While her blood suggested she was feeling the effects of his intimacy, he couldn't find any trace of a lie. Her heart didn't beat rapidly. Her scent didn't appear to change. She didn't seem to sweat nor look away. Even her blood flow remained rather ordinary for someone who was willing to be defiled and yet, the mere idea that he was a target simply for being a vampire made him angry. "To think, humanity would continue to choose to make the night their enemy after all this time. Ha, it looks like some things don't change after centuries."

"Pureblooded vampire or not, I know that these shitheads have a shitload of money, artillery, and some sort of anti-magic that can do some serious damage. If I had to guess, you were the next hit. I have files that could prove this back in my safe house... I.. owe you. I owe you a lot, it's no sorry... But it could save your li- Er... Unlife." The vampire put away her knife in his pants, instead plunging his long, slender fingers inside of her entrance. The woman that stood in front of him was not his enemy, but rather an asset to be used: A mere drone to her organization. A servant that made his body ache in desire, and now, a slave that owed a debt to him. "If you aren't lying to me, it looks like we have a shared enemy. A dangerous foe if they're capable of denying us our magic." His eyes lost its crimson glow, shining instead from the red hue of tinted moonlight. "And don't you worry about me. I'm not a fool so set in his ways that I would obediently follow the whims of my heated emotions. If our goals are aligned, consider me a friend for now. My name is Fennagan. Fennagan Terrenoire, but you could call me Fenn, or master if you prefer."

"Though, don't confuse my change of heart with mercy, dear.
Just because I'm not your enemy does not mean you are free of your debt.

"You owe me and I won't let you go until you've paid me back in full." Fenn stripped her clothes, forcing her bare in the cold room. "N-Now wait a sec- You- Wait-! You c-can't just-" His fingers began to increase in its speed and intensity, forcing new feelings to flood her body from below. His other hand wrapped around her neck, limiting the amount of oxygen that reached her lungs. In exchange for his grace and forgiveness, he wanted to take her body instead. A fair trade, claiming her body for his own. "I can't just what? Are you so quick to forget your offer? To be my slave?" His thumb reached over towards her clit, stimulating his slave with three of his fingers. He struggled with forcing the two inside her already, though he didn't mind her resistance. All it proved to her new master was that she hadn't been bred by another.

"You're awfully tight~" Fenn cooed, whispering into her sharp ears as he pressed the outline of his cock against her ass. "I couldn't imagine someone who tastes as divine as you would end up being a virgin. Hmph, I wonder if that's the reason why you taste so good . . . Or perhaps, it's your species that makes me want to eat you up. I don't mind either, but I think it'll be fun to figure that out." He pulled his fingers away, watching as the strings of her lust bridged the frigid gap. "You're really loving this, aren't you? Not once have I heard you say no. It's like, you're inviting me to do more with you. Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? To lose your virginity to a vampire that wants to claim you~"

The vampire pushed her down onto the bloody carpet, unzipping his pants to expose his length. His cock glid onto her folds, grinding against what he wished to take from her most. "Tell me what you really want, dear. If you beg for it, I might be kind enough to be willing to do it to you." He spoke, curious as to whether the strength her lust would force her to beg for his dick.

"Oh, and your name would be nice too. I'd like to know what to moan in your ears~"
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"You're enjoying this way too much aren't ๐“Ž๐‘œ๐“Š ?"

๐’ฉ๐‘œ๐“Œ ๐’ซ๐“๐’ถ๐“Ž๐’พ๐“ƒ๐‘”: ๐’ฏ๐’ถ๐“๐“€ ๐’Ÿ๐’พ๐“‡๐“‰๐“Ž โ˜พ ๐’Ÿ๐’ถ๐“ƒ๐’พ๐‘’๐“ ๐’Ÿ๐’พ ๐’œ๐“ƒ๐‘”๐‘’๐“๐‘œ
โ†ป โ— || โ–ท โ†บ

She felt her lower lip trembling as he continued to work past her wet slit with the handle of the blade, wary that the smaller blade on the end would slice her skin. Then again that would have been the least of her worries anyway. "Well human nature always remains the same even after all of this time, they hate what they do not understand. They fear it. They are right to fear it... but to try and eradicate what they fear. That is their downfall. It always has been, always will be."

The woman then gasped when she felt two fingers plunge into the depths of her core. A jolt sent from her pelvis to her heart as she let out a shocked yelp. She felt cold air feather across her pale glittery skin. She had more scars under that hoodie of hers. She had certainly won her fair share of battles. When Fenn continued to slide his fingers through her core she arched her back as a groan of pleasure and shock escaped those black lips.
"N-No I haven't forgot the offer b-butโ€”" She bit her lower lip to stifle her sounds. Her body was shaking and she looked up at him then right back down. "Mmmnnggghh... This wasn't part of my training admittedly." The woman would pant.

Her eyes immediately widened to the size of saucers as she felt his length sit against her ass. "W-What's that? What'sโ€“" Oh she knew exactly what it was, but that part of her mind just had to ask. She had to confirm. A cold shiver ran down her spine, she had never felt cold before. This was a first to say the least. Then again she wasn't used to being caught wither. Even that was a first for the half fae.
Oh to be caught in the web of a vampire. A pure blooded vampire at that. She was going to be in for it whether she liked it or not, no amount of pleading or bargaining would change his mind, after all she offered to be his slave. She was going to make it through this. She had to, she owed him any and all of his desires for taking his life. She was lucky he only demanded this much after all. It was high time to suck it up.

"My... name...?" That was certainly a loaded question, at least to her. She hadn't used her real name in years. Though she reasoned that he wasn't one to care about her real name either way. She sighed and opened her mouth to speak, her next words rolled off her tongue like velvet honey as she leaned her head back against his chest slowly tilting her head up to meet his gaze, a nervous smile spread across her lips as sharp fangs were peeking out with the contrast of white against her black lipstick.

"๐‘€๐“Ž ๐“ƒ๐’ถ๐“‚๐‘’... ๐’พ๐“ˆ ๐’ต๐‘’๐“‡๐‘œ."

"โ„ค๐•–๐•ฃ๐• ."

ษดแดแดก แด˜สŸแด€สษชษดษข: แดษชสŸแด‹ส แดกแด€ส | แด สŸแดกxส๊œฑแดษชสŸแด‡
โ†ป โ— || โ–ท โ†บ

"I quite like that. Though, I doubt its a better nickname than ๐•ž๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•–."
A collar made of shadows began to form around his hand, one that had her name imprinted on its magical leather. It was made custom to her size, to assure that her breath would be within his control. If Fenn was to enjoy his slave and reclaim her debt in full, he wanted to ensure that he got to explore every one of her little nooks and crannies to its deepest limits. The skin of her neck was wet with his saliva, mixed in with crimson from her bleeding neck. His fingers were dripping in her essence, her body in preparation for what's to come. "Don't worry if you're new to these feelings, dear...

...I intend on training you to be the perfect vessel for my lust."
Immediately, Fenn stripped her mask off her face, taking advantage of her fugue while she was hypnotized by the new sensations. "So that's the face you're hiding, Zero. Such a shame to have a beauty like yours be hidden behind a layer of plastic and fabric." He kissed her deeply, holding her neck in place so she couldn't move away. It didn't matter whether she would have posed a risk to his well being. Her blood had shriveled his ability to reason, replacing all sense of logic with a radiant desire to make her his own. He wanted to taste her everything, from her blood, to her saliva, and even the liquid love that ran down her thighs. As he held her neck in place and forced his tongue between her lips, his hand stroked her inner thighs, fingers becoming drenched in what came out of her.

In time, Fenn pulled away just to give his slave an opportunity to breathe, strings of saliva bridging the gap between them. It would have been a shame if Zero fell unconscious before the fun began. "Though. . . I guess there's something special in that, isn't there. Few people have ever got to see your face. Even fewer would be able to be so close without concern for their safety. And only I could see how your face looks while contorted in pleasure." As she panted in front of him in an attempt to recollect herself, he sucked on his fingers growing enamored with her lustful flavors. Vampires like him were most sensitive to their sense of taste. To find a partner's flavor that appealed to them was enough to warrant their passionate curiosities. Unfortunately for Zero, to have someone that smelled as good as her, that felt as good as her, that moaned as well as her, that looked as good as her, and that tasted as perfect as her; It was enough to warrant the beginnings of an addiction.

"But it does drive me to wonder, dear. What face would you make if I was inside you? What look would you give me if you took my entirety? Hmm?" Fenn pinned her against a wall with force. His hand was on her shoulder as his arm forced her legs to spread apart. His other held onto her chin tightly, forcing her to keep her gaze towards his own eyes. "Would you melt? Would you break? Would you fall in love? Would you be scared? Oh, to think of the many possibilities~ It's so exciting, isn't it?" He attempted to thrust in, his cock missing and gliding against her entrance. "Mhmm~ You're so wet already. I wonder if being held like this is making you want me more?"

The vampire continued to tease and tease, pressing the tip of his dick against her. All he needed was a final push to take her virginity. "Maybe under a different set of circumstances, I would have given you the right to decide whether you wanted to take me or not but. . ." Finally, he thrusted in, piercing his killer's pussy. "That's not the choice you made, now is it, Zero?"

Fenn smirked, feeling the blood run down his shaft as he continued to thrust. The imprint of his cock inside her body was shadowed by the moon, giving the vampire a delectable sight to grow fond of. Zero was tight around him, as if her body was begging to be bred like the obedient slave she was. "Oh... Dear. To think someone as attractive as you hasn't been bred yet. Unfortunate really, well. For anyone else." He looked down at her face, whispering as he stared at her white eyes. "But don't worry. Your master will make sure to take care of you. I'll ensure that no part of you remains untouched."

Fenn lifted her off the ground, forcing her back against the wall behind her. He was much taller than her, and he loved it. He enjoyed the fact that his smaller lover's feet wasn't able to touch the ground as he fucked her, forcing her to rely on his own strength for a sense of balance while gravity sunk her deeper against him. Every now and then, he would tug at her collar, using a dark leash to control the movements of her head. He truly enjoyed their slave play, becoming addicted to his newfound sense of . . .


. . . โ„‚๐• ๐•Ÿ๐•ฅ๐•ฃ๐• ๐•
As the night ran on, more shadows began to bind her at various parts of her body, controlling nearly all aspects of her movement. Dark ropes covered her breasts, arms, wrists, thighs, and neck; A dark blindfold covering even her eyes and ears. Fenn wanted to dictate her range of motions all throughout, to take control of both her heart, senses, and body. He wanted to be the reason why she fell from grace: Her first lustful sin. He desired to see how broken Zero could become from his touch, combining sensory deprivation with bondage as he took advantage of her body. Especially for one new to these feelings, he wanted to abuse her sexual naivety and inexperience to taste something that few vampires ever get to experience: The lustful ambrosia of naked emotion.
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"๐“จ๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ป๐“ผ? ๐“ฆ๐“ฎ๐“ต๐“ตโ€ฆ ๐“˜ ๐“ฐ๐“พ๐“ฎ๐“ผ๐“ผ ๐“˜ ๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ต๐“ญ ๐“ต๐“ฒ๐“ฟ๐“ฎ ๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฝ."

Zero gasped softly as her eyes widened further. She felt her choker practically disintegrate under the weight of the collars magical presence. "Vessel? For lust? Whโ€“ I don't know if I can take all you have to give, Fenn." She spoke in a low tone as her mask fell and she turned her head away from him. "Hmph... I haven't heart a compliment like that in some time, though for the record my mask is porcelain. Not plastic." She replied and closed her eyes as their lips met. Black colored lipstick stained the vampires slips making them feel silky smooth. As much as Zero wanted to return his advances she couldn't. She was bound and held in positions where she couldn't move, not only that, even if she could she had no experience with this sort of thing. Sex wasn't exactly a part of her training. She was a rather responsive woman though, her body shivered as she felt his cool fingertips gliding across her thighs as she shared their deep kiss. How did she know how to kiss? She didn't, quite frankly she was trying her best to feign some experience.

"Don't get used to it, vampire. I need this mask."

Zero listened to his words intently, finding her face flush redder and redder. Why was her face so hot? What were these feelings stirring in her body? The feeling stirring and shooting down to her aching slit. Lust. She felt lust.
But how? Why? This was a foreign feeling. In all of her life she never felt this way. It was burning, no, freezing? No, no, no. Shocking! Shocking? No. It was all of it and none of it at once. She had no idea what to do, how to feel, how to react.

A gasp came from those lips as she looked sown, seeing his cock slide across her entrance and up her body when he had missed. Her body began to shake. No. It had been shaking already, she was just more aware of it now. Zero let out a sharp yelp when he buried his cock deep into her dripping cunt. "O-Oh SHITโ€”!!" The assassin yelped out and arched her back to a near ungodly angle.
The next few hours were agonizing for at least twelve or so different reasons. Her skin was glimmering in the light of the moon, as if her body was painted in a radiant glittery-holo oil. But the only makeup she wore was that on her face, well... what once was makeup for that matter. It was now a inky black mess running down her cheeks, her lipstick stained and smudged against her lips and piercings. Her eyes darted towards her mask on the floor right up until he blindfolded her. Zero gulped slowly and through the night she was left writhing under his touch.
Soft moans and whimpers came from those blackened lips, her jaw hanging open to reveal the sharp teeth.
"Haaa~ Aaahhhnn~ F-Fenn... S-Slow down... pl-please... I... Mnngggghhhnnn~โ™ก" The fae was starting to really beg for mercy at thin point. She could only move so much, then being pinned to that wall with her bloodied back against the off white paint color.

If he could see her eyes through her blindfold he could see the hearts in her eyes. The lust dripping down her body like sweat. Her sweet juices leaking out and splattering the floor as it soaked his throbbing cock. She would have an asthma attack at this rate, she was damn sure of that. Her soft cries... soft pleas for mercy as she looked up at him, the blindfold may have covered her eyes, but he could still see the soft white glow piercing the fabric as her body twitched and shivered. Once, twice, three times, four... over and over again she was subjected to not one, but several climaxes, one after another.

She screamed so loud her voice had gone raw from the use of her voice, her lungs ached as did her lower body, joints aching as he held her in a stiff position, but that pain was no longer relevant. All she could feel was the overwhelming pleasure mixed with the pain of raw overstimulation.

๏ผก๏ฝŽ๏ฝ„ ๏ฝ“๏ฝˆ๏ฝ… ๏ฝ—๏ฝ๏ฝŽ๏ฝ”๏ฝ…๏ฝ„ ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ’๏ฝ….

"Slow down? Now, why would I?"

Mercy was granted to those who deserved it. Once Zero decided to wield her blades against Fenn, to draw her weapons and uphold her end of the contract, she feigned her right to his grace and mercy. Zero was his enemy, and now as his slave, the vampire held the right to decide her fate. Though at this point, she became an object of fascination rather than the target of his fury. To see his killer be broken down, drawn to orgasm over and over again against her will, was a prize far sweeter than any revenge can offer him. Her throat had grown coarse over the course of the night. Her body was sore and limp at the limbs as a result of him pushing her body beyond the brink to near exhaustion.

For a moment, the vampire wondered how much of her pleasure derived from a craving for another, or whether the reason was caused by some more primal urge to breed from fear. Regardless, she was his to toy with. Her body, her voice, her blood, her soul; Every part of a woman that a vampire could ever want was his to claim, his to own.

"Oh? Aren't you letting out a lot." Fenn chided, still pumping his dick with the same intensity as he did hours before. Unfortunately for his fairy assassin, undead vampires had no need for rest. As long as they had a constant source of blood to refill their stamina, he could go as long as he liked. "At this point, I can't tell whether enslaving you is what you wanted all along, Zero." He thrusted up into her, forcing her legs to dangle off the ground as he wielded his height against her. As he spoke, he brought his head down to her neck, tasting the sweat and saliva that dripped down her skin. Not only was the vampire interested in her blood, but her other flavors as well. He was curious as to whether she tasted different when she was scared. "Perhaps I'm doing you a favor making you mine." He whispered into her neck.

Though as much as Fenn wanted to make an example of her, to ruin her mind and devour her essence, there was one thing that remained anchored to the front of her vampire master's mind. If Zero was truly a virgin as she claimed to be and as her body suggested, it meant that no other man had left their mark in her. A crude smile grew over his fanged mouth as he found himself increasing in his tempo. No one else had the right to breed her, other than him.

"๐”น๐•–๐•˜." Her master demanded.
The more he continued to motion his hips, the more Zero could feel his cock twitch. He was close. Though, Fenn didn't intend on waiting. Instead of postponing his own release for her, the moment she opened her mouth, he began to fill her with his seed. Streams of white began to paint her insides white with his lust, staining her guts for the first time. "Mhmm~ You're such a good slave, Zero." He gritted his teeth to hold back his moan, forcing his shaft to press against her harder. "Let this be a reminder of who owns you." Throughout his entire prolonged orgasm, he shoved his hips further, fucking his cum deeper and deeper inside of her as his dick poured out more in abundance. He didn't aim to just make her his. He aimed to violate her. To defile the woman that took his life away. It was only right to trade something he could never receive again for something she can't as well.

Eventually, Fenn began to calm down. As he pulled out, his cum dripped down Zero's thighs. He filled her, taking her first time in a show of power. As he basked in the afterglow of his new partner, the sun began to rise through the windowsill. It was warm and blinding, making the vampire uncomfortable. It was also a sign that it was not long until someone were to investigate the home, though if that were the case, he didn't think of it as much of an issue. If she didn't take care of it herself, he would.

Fenn sat down on the blood stained couch, gesturing to Zero to sit beside him. The hatred he once held towards her was placated for now. What he needed wasn't to kill off his only lead who held information. What he needed was an ally he could trust, at least just for the moment. If a powerful corporation knew the truth of his existence despite his short stint in the human world, it meant that they had power that could rival even that of the vampiric realms. He understood the meaning behind her warning. If he didn't work with her, he might experience a second death, one that even he might not come back from.

"So, Zero. . ." Fenn wrapped an arm around her neck, looking at the mess they made from afar. "You said you had a boss like me. A vampire, I could presume?" He pulled her close, getting a whiff of his scent that now had a place on her body. "I suppose, that would mean we would share the same goal. If there's an enemy corporation that's here to hunt people like you, I, and her down, it would make sense for us to work together."

Fenn drew his hand over the hole in his shirt where Zero's blades met his body, taking his life. "Though I do have my doubts about the efficacy of your people, given your mistake; I guess I could overlook your accident just this once." The vampire sighed. "If not for your body convincing me, I doubt I would be so lenient." He turned towards the door, resealing his clothes using his shadowmancy. "Consider me your partner for now. Your boss had earned a right to an audience with me. Though. . . We should get going soon, however. It would complicate things if one of us had to shed more blood again so soon."
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