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Mx Female modern, historical, fandom | 1x1 cravings search


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Welcoming Committee
May 7, 2019

important information
  • post frequency​
this is the biggest thing to know about me: i'm buuuuuusy. i try to get posts out at least once per week, but sometimes, this doesn't happen. please be able to wait at least one week in character and out of character before poking me. also, i'm ghost friendly. stuff happens. feel free to hit me up in the future, no hard feelings.​
  • post quality
please at least check your posts minimally for spelling and grammar errors. i type like this ooc, but in character, my posts are well-checked and always do something to move the plot along. i'd ask roughly the same of my partner.​
  • smut specifics
my f-list is here; please at least give it a skim and don't pitch things that my limits explicitly state i won't do. i don't require any of my favorites be included, so don't worry if you see things there that you're not into!​
  • roleplay location
i'll write via thread, private message, or discord with little-to-no preference. if you'd like to just add me on discord, mine is ".bellini." (the periods before and after the word are necessary to find me!)​

plot bunnies
  • bad boy x good girl (based on the breakfast club)
stuck in detention together, the school's queen bee and the school's delinquent learn they may have more in common with one another than they may have previously thought. the student body would crucify them if they showed it in public, though β€” will they ever be ready to risk it all for each other?​
  • girl pretending to be boy x teammate (based on she's the man)
when a prestigious all-men's school denies her due to her gender, a soccer player takes matters into her own hands and pretends to be her brother. will she be able to pull it off for the sake of her female teammates back home, or will her closeness with one of her new 'brothers' out her?​
  • exorcist x medium (based on the conjuring)
together, they investigate instances of paranormal activity with increasing danger and urgency. what happens when they're confronted with a recurring force that's just as powerful as they are?​
  • celebrity superstar x athlete (based on taylor & travis)
she's a musical powerhouse taking the world by storm, and he's america's sweetheart. before the whole world knows they're together, how does he get her attention β€” and how does he keep it once all eyes are on them?​
  • first class x third class (based on titanic)
one of them was a shoo-in for the luxury cruise of a lifetime, and one of them just happened to be in the right place at the right time. will he be able to save her from her controlling arranged fiance, or will she give into society's expectations and leave him in the cold?
concepts without plots
  • realistic historical settings
  • western: homesteader / pastor's daughter
  • boarding schools (16+)
  • older brother's best friend / younger sister
  • ranch hand / spoiled city kid (16+)
  • arranged marriage
  • monster / human
  • pokemon
i'd prefer earlier regions over later ones; i know almost nothing about anything past diamond and pearl. i'm open to human / human pairings as well as human / pokemon, but the pokemon would need to be sentient and able to communicate for the latter. also open to using ranger, snap, or mystery dungeon as settings.​
  • harry potter
either all-canon or all-oc; i'm not really looking to combine the two. i'm a sucker for anything marauders' or trio era, but i'll hear out others. an original triwizard plot would be high on my priorities list.​
  • mario
really craving something peach / bowser, but i'm open to other pairing ideas. not really looking for anything super canon, more just looking to mess around in the universe. would be super happy for something thousand year door based.

feel free to pm me if you're interested!
trying to get things up today β€” if not, by mid-week!
mainly caught up aside from a reply i received last night, so let's start some more!
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