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Fx Male A Wish Coming True (A Genderswap Focused Request)


May 31, 2009
I want to begin by stating that I am male IRL, this request is focused on my character changing from male to female for a very smutty rp and is very much outside my normal wheelhouse but is a bit of a guilty pleasure rp request that will require a male willing to play multiple roles opposite my character. If you are fine rping alongside a male rper and want to just enjoy the smutty story then read on below.


So this was sort of based around a story I had seen a while back from a very silly little game, which I actually found out is surprisingly on steam recently. Essentially the rp revolves around a male character who wishes that they could be a woman and through some means is capable of becoming one instantly. In the game it was through some weird science experiment where they were just made into a female and able to enjoy their new life as a woman and I sorta want this rp to reflect that feel. The main feel for the rp would be fun, my character is wanting to experience life as a woman, experience how sex is with guys primarily but wouldn't be against a female lover or two too. They think that changing into a woman would be easier, they can enjoy life more knowing they have what they think are some of the stresses of being a guy off their shoulders. They don't have to worry about attracting someone, just being a girl seems to attract people to her, they can be vulnerable and not feel like they are being weak like if they are a guy since people expect girls to be emotional, they sure hate losing some of the practicality of their clothes (goodbye pockets!) but they now look so cute or sexy or beautiful in these clothes than they did as a guy. As you can see this isn't necessarily all true things but ways my character viewed things would change and for this rp they would change in those ways and others and be close to how my character pictures her new life would be.

But first, how does she change? Well as I'm sure you can guess from my title I'm picturing that my character gets ahold of something that can grant their deepest wish, aka a genie. Now sure for these rps I often feel the genie/human pairing is a bit less what I'm asking and a bit more... well... (NSFW) that. However for this I'm figuring the genie my character finds is a large and powerful male and quite the looker. Of course he has been used for centuries by people, the usual requests coming his way of Money, Power, and Women honestly boring him more than anything. He is so used to it by now that when he appears he is already expecting the usual wishes of wanting to be the richest man in the world, to have power over others or of course to have some woman or women in general as personal cock sleeves. What he doesn't expect is a nerdy human male wishing to become a woman. Of course this interests the genie, this is the first unique wish he has had in hundreds of years if not thousands of years and he decides to get the specifics.

Of course my character asks for some things to keep the same, he wants his same family, if possible to have the same friends too, just change things so he was always a girl and of course he asks for various things for her looks. For his new female form he wants to keep his brown hair but make it longer, keep the hazel eyes but remove his need for classes making them more an accessory if he wants them. He wants to be curvy, with a full chest, slender waist and wide hips. Usual things of course but he continues, stating he wants to change his job, since he wants to enjoy his new more sexual body he asks his job be changed maybe to stripper and to have the skills to work the job well. The genie of course is willing to grant this, making changes to the man's body until as he stares at himself now naked in a full length mirror she is shocked. She doesn't notice how her apartment now has more girly touches, how her wardrobe now has the clothes changed to those more girly and sexy, she is admiring herself, shocked that the wish actually happened... before the genie comes closer, his strong arms wrapping around her, requesting he help his now mistress test out her new form.

From there I figure we can build up the rp however we like. No one seems to realize he was once a guy, the genie's magic making it so he always was a girl but he remembers his old life well and knows little of this new one. How will friends seem to react around him now that he is a sexy nerdy girl? How will his job be? Hey he can now use dating apps to easily find hookups but what happens there? All of those and more are what I want to answer and while I don't mind a few darker elements, like maybe everything he wished for isn't all golden with maybe a friend getting her drunk and taking advantage of her when she can't really fight back, or a neighbor he thought was a bit odd as a guy is now a creepy stalker, or it turns out this one guy trucked her and wasn't wearing the condom and well... I do want the overall feel of the rp to be my character enjoying her body as a woman so we can discuss things to make this the most enjoyable for the two of us.

I am sorry for spitting out that mass of text above but I will leave it off there. This is a weird guilty pleasure of mine and I hope that it might interest someone willing to help make it a reality.
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