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Family story with a lot of possible plots and ideas


Apr 14, 2024
Robert and Anna are married for almost 20 years. They seem like a perfect couple: they're very active, good-looking and loving. All neighbors and friends think they're the definition of ideal family. They're are parents of two teenagers: Liam and Mia. Mia is 19 years old and Liam just turned in his 18. All four persons live together at the big house in one of the respectable towns in USA

Robert has his own successful business in car repairing. He spends a lot of time at work but always finds time for his hobbies: hunting and bodybuilding. In his young ages he used to be a competitive bodybuilder, but now he does it only to keep in shape. All people say he has a great body for his ages. He looks like a real head of family, a caring father and husband. In fact he is a bit selfish and arrogant, especially not in public. Also due to steroids and pills he used to treat when he was young, his male potential decreases a lot. He has not the same stamina and libido as he had before. Also he has a small penis (5 inches when it's hard) but he doesn't admit it and thinks it's "an average" size. In family Roberts likes controlling his wife and children but since he's not at home all the time it doesn't affect too much on the situation

Liam is a college student and a very nice friendly guy. He's not a bookworm but he always had good marks and studied well. He also likes to jog and so he's in a good shape: lean and having twinkish body. He's a bit shy but has a very big heart. All his real friends appreciate his nature. He broke up with his girlfriend recently and now he's single again

I think that the main plots of the story will be the sexual adventures of all four characters. I want to see how Anna feels bored and unsatisfied with her sexual life with her husband and tries to make it more spicy. And how Liam or Mia can be unintentional observers of all of this. Also I like ideas about Liam's and Mia's sexual lives too

I can play both as Liam and Robert or just one of them (preferably Robert). I need to find people to play other characters. It is fine if you play multiple characters, I don't mind at all. You have a lot of freedom in creating characters' personality, background and look, but I ask to discuss it with me before we start and approve it. I'm open minded so I really rarely disagree with something if it's really interesting for the story

I have very few taboo for this game: no real violence, no vomit and other dirty things, no crossdressing/feminisation, no alternative anatomy

INCEST IS ALSO A THING I'D PREFER TO SKIP but it's possible to discuss it

My personal kinks for this story are: cheating, interracial sex, voyeurism, group sex, relationships, plot twists

Characters I'm looking for to play as:

Anna - in her late 30 or early 40. White woman, she should be attractive

Mia - 19 years old, she has a boyfriend. White girl

Malcolm - friend's family. A black man in his late 30s or early 40s. Good looking and self-confident. Possible lover of Anna

Marcus - Malcolm's son and Liam's best friend. A black guy of 18-19 years old

Derek - Mia's boyfriend

Other ideas for characters are welcome
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