Teacher Target (DollyB & Dreamstreet)

Aug 9, 2014
It had been just about two weeks since Nick Stone had started his new job at Gordon Sumner University. A respected place of teaching that was targeting women who were either not the best students, or were getting too old to get into a college and be at age with everyone else. That had let women from being just out of highschool, to ladies in their thirties who already had a degree to come in and study at the same place. It was seen as a way to both motivate the younger students to do their best, while the older students would get everything they needed to get the extra level or skill that they desired. Of course a school like this required the best teachers to compliment everyone, and while that was mainly women, the university had hired the first and only man to help them with their mission.

Nick had been a highly regarded english literature teacher over the last ten years, and was known for having the ability to connect with students and helping them complete their educations, despite the obstacles in their way. So when the position at Gordon Sumner University opened up, he applied to it in order to try and make a difference. Something that the principal Amanda Baker was seeking and decided to hire him in. She even offered him a room at the school for him to stay at, while he looked for a new place to stay in town, which he agreed to.

So far, his work had been interesting to say the least. The students were diverse in skill, age and looks. Basically in everything apart from the fact that they were all women. However it didn't take long for him to notice something, the fact that they were all quite flirtatious and not afraid of showing affection a teacher. In fact, most of the staff was the same way too. That was quite new for him, but he decided to do his best to ignore it and focus on his job in the most professional manner that he could. However that was hard from time to time.

On this day it was the beginning of a new week, and the principal had called in all the staff to a faculty meeting in order to see how everyone was doing, and if anybody needed some assistance. Nick was sitting in the meeting with teachers such as the fashion teacher Layla Prince and the PE teacher Katharina Volkova. He would give them smiles when they would look over at him, but mostly he tried to focus on the principal and what she would have in store for them for this meeting.
The principal of the Gordon Sumner University, Amanda Baker, was like always the first one at the meeting room. She always tried to be an inspiration for her teachers so she was early for each meeting. Unlikely to most other universities Amanda prepared water, coffee and a few snacks herself. The dark haired woman was only for a few years principal and teached medicine and biology in the last weeks because of the shortage of teachers they had at the moment.

After a while Layla Prince, the fashion teacher and her close friend, the PE teacher Katharina Volkova entered the room. The talked for a bit before the newest hire Nick Stone entered.
The smiled at him and Amanda asked him if he want a glass of water or coffee.

Amanda took the head seat with a big cup of coffee in front of her. "Good afternoon ladies, Mister Stone. Before we start with how the students doing in class at the moment i have something to tell you." She cleared her throat and said loud. "Come in, please!"

The door left to her opened up and a bunch of women walked in. "So here are our new hires. Sara Cruise, will teach biology. Samantha Carmichael, our new teacher for physics. Katrin Meier, she is from germany and will be our professor for bioengineering. Carmen Carter, marketing. Jasmine Woods, will take the open possition for mechanical engineering. And last but not least we have Nicole Winters but prefers Nikki, for plastic surgery studies and psychology.

They all sit down with a smile and greeting the man and the two female teachers already sitting there.
Amanda cleared her throat. "So please Nick tell me how the students are doing in your courses. Kat and Layla thank you for sending reports the other day but you know i prefer to talk about the students here. After Nick told us we have to decide what facilities we want to add and if we want to join in the competition with the other universities in the state."

She leaned back and waited for the young man to tell them about his students.
Nick looked over to see all the new teachers coming into the room, and listened in as Amanda introduced them all. They all seemed to fit the philosophy of what the university was all about, and he gave them all a warm and welcoming smile. It seemed that they were going extra strong this semester, in order to make sure that all the students got the best education that they could possibly get. A great start to the new semester.

Then as Amanda asked him about his students, he gave a smile as he stood up and adjusted his tie, before starting to talk. "Thank you, Miss Baker. I think apart from the rough start with the student having to get used to actually having a male teacher in their class, but that is certainly understandable." He said and did a small cough before continuing. "With that said, I believe that they have gotten more used to me now and respects me as their teacher."

Looking around and giving everyone another smile, he continued right after. "Now as for the students, we see a few with a massive potential. Students like Anna Barker and Julia Moore are among the best and most dedicated students, and I have no worried that they will be doing great in this semester. As for Gina Shepard, she could use some more tutoring if she doesn't improve over the following month, but I'll of course help her as much as I can... And then we finally have Kim Lawson." He let out a tired sigh. "There really is no way of keeping her focused purely on her studies, is there?" He asked while looking over at the principal.
Amanda listened close to his words and nod sometimes. As he mentioned Gina she let her eyes wander around the teachers, they almost stick at his lips to hear his informations about the students. As he finished for now Amanda looked at him with a smile. "Thank you Nick. First of all i am glad the girls don't giving you troubles. As for Gina i appreciate if you would talk about tutoring with Samantha, she gave a lot of private lessons at her past teaching job."

Samantha nod once. "Yes ma'am. If you need some help with ideas how we could increase her grades and quality of her homework or phd if she gots there i am more than happy if we work a plan out together, mister Stone." The physics teacher took a sip of her glass and continued. "I had a few troublesome and well i shouldn't say that, but dumb students. After private lessons their grades got better after a while and some of them turned out to be just bored from the lessons in class or from the kind of teaching. We can work something out together if she don't improve in the next weeks." She sat back again and let the principal do the talk.

The dark haired young principal looked at the teachers. "Kim is different, that's for sure. Nick come to my office 30 minutes after we end the meeting please. We can talk about how we handle Kim this time. She is such a naughty girl and sometimes i have a feeling she do everything she had done in the past just to get more attention. But she is still a good student in most of the topics. Anything else?" She asked and in a flash Katharina jumped to her feet.

"Yes miss principal. I have to say if we would start a sports team like sprinting or track team Gina would be our star athlete. She maybe not the brightest woman around but she have the potential to win championships. It would be good maybe for Kim too if she could focus her energy on something else than beeing naughty and pranking the other women." Without waiting for her answer she sat back down.

The principal looked for a long moment at the PE teacher. "As much as i like that Kat, we don't have the funds to manage a team at the moment." She cleared her throat. "Every single one of you will get a message tomorrow, i would like to talk to every single one of you in my office on thursday for a private meeting. I will collect your ideas how we increase the funds to add more rooms, maybe a sports team, better food and so on. But if we talk about this right now will take too much time today. One last thing Anna and Julia are our best students if i heared that right and i give all of you time untile next week to tell me if you want them to join a competition with other universities in the state. This could be good for our reputation but also could it be bad for their grades if they have to train too much for this competition. If there is nothing else i declare this meeting over. Thank you all." Amanda took her tablet and was about to leave.
Nick looked over at Samantha and gave her a smile at the suggestion that she assisted with tutoring Gina to get her grades up higher. "That I would highly appreciate, Miss Carmichael. Hopefully we can get her grades up to the potential that I believe that she has." He said in a kind tone while looking over at the physics teacher until the principal once again took charge of the meeting.

Giving Amanda a nod at her request to discuss Kim and how to handle her shenanigans. "I'll come over in half an hour." He said to the principal, and allowed for the rest of the teachers to speak up. He listened carefully to Katharina about creating a track and field team, something that he couldn't help but agree with. However that was again up to the principal and unfortunately with the lack of funding, that wasn't going to happen just yet.

As the meeting ended soon after and all the teachers left the principals office, Nick followed along with the rest of the group, only stopping to talk to Samantha. "I would again appreciate your help with tutoring Gina. Perhaps we could have a meeting this evening to discuss how to best teach her?" He asked her while waiting for her response.
Samantha stopped to talk with the young man and nod at his suggestion. "What a wonderful idea Nick." She grabbed his hand and put a business card out of her cleavage. placed it in his hamd. "Her you have my adress, my phone number for the office and mobile and my private mailadress. What do you think about 8 pm at my place, i will cook something and we can talk how to manage for Gina to reach her full potential. Write me or call me if you like something special for dinner." The curvy woman gave him a wink and wide smile as she walked away. She looked over her shoulder and spoke up again while leaving. "Would really like to talk more right now but i am in a hurry Nick, see you at eight."

Amanda tidied up the meeting room after all teachers left and walked back to her office. She removed her heels and massaged her calfs for a while before pouring herself some water and starting to think how they could increase the funds and how to handle Kim. The young woman is almost every day at her office because of her kinky and bad behaviour. The young principal took the phone and told her secretary to end her work for today. After that she called some people she met in the last years and tried to get maybe a supporter for the university.

Half an hour later she heared the male teacher knocking on the door. "Come in." She cleared her throat and pointed on the couch at a kind of lounge area in the big office for him to take a seat. "Yes sir, i know exactly that we arent the most popular university in the state. Uh huh, yes but sir......i am sorry to hear that, good bye." She looked dissapointed after she hung up, let out a sigh and walked over to Nick. "You want something to drink Nick? It's after work so don't be shy to ask for something stronger."
Smiling at first, Nick's eyes turned wide open as he watched how Samantha pulled up her business card from between her big breasts and handed them to him. Listening to all of her suggestions, he was still looking at her big bosom, before giving her a nod. "Y-Yeah, I'll see you at 8 tonight, Miss Carmichael." He said and eyed her up from behind once she was on her way, grinning a little for himself. He would then put the business card in his pocket, before headed to the principal's office.

Nick came to Amanda's office just as she was finishing a call and gave her a smile. He could see that she had taken off her high heels and trying to relax herself after a long day's work. He moved over to sit on the couch as she instructed, before she came over to sit with him. "Hmm, well why not a whisky then? This is gonna be a tough thing to talk about, on how exactly we tame such a naughty girl as Kim." He said and let her pour him his drink before he would continue.

"I must admit to you, that a girl like Kim is something that I'm not that used to handling, and even less on how to bring her in order." He said before taking a sip of his drink. "Between you and me, it's time like this where I might imagine some of the old ways are better than the newer ones... Like we can talk to her all we want, but it might be discipline that helps keep her in line... Like giving her a spanking whenever she does something naughty." He said and chuckled at his own suggestion on giving a student a spanking.
She poured him a whiskey in a glass and get herself a red wine, sat on the couch opposit from him and handed him the drink. The principal crossed her legs and leaned back as she listened to him. Took a small sip sometimes when he took a short pause in his sentences.

After the young teacher finished his side of the talk Amanda leaned forward a bit. "Well i know exactly what you mean Nick. I had a lot of talks with Kim in the past and i am about to talk with her mother this saturday. Her mom throws parties all the time and sometimes she invites the teachers too. Before you get too excited, let me tell you i know where the behaviour of Kim comes from. Her mom is at least the same level of naughtines, probably more. I know that she cheated on her husband long before they divorced. But thats none of our business. I had hoped that you and maybe another teacher would go there and talk with her or Kim's older sister. It looks like she have a lot of influence on the naughty Kimmy."

The woman took another sip of her wine and continues. "You know sometimes it looks like she do what she do on purpose to get punished, maybe this naughty girl want to get spanked. But even if we could do that i am not sure it would be a good idea. So number one idea is her mom and if that fails her sister. It is also possible to remove her from the university but that would be a problem for our funds. Too bad she is a good student and a naughty one. I would like to leave it for now as it is. And we look what we can do about her after the party this saturday."
Nick listened to Amanda's suggestion of him going to the party and talking with Kim's mom about how to handle her daughter. "I see, I'll go to it and talk with her... You can send whichever teacher you think would be best to talk with Miss Lawson." He said and took another sip of his drink, before leaning back in his seat.

Giving the principal a smile, he changed the subject for a few moments. "At least it's going well with all our other students... They are motivated and able to keep up. Plus I spoke with Miss Carmichael before coming here about tutoring Gina to make sure she will do much better in her class." He said and finished up the rest of his drink. "I do hope you're also happy with hiring me as a teacher at your school."
Amanda get up from her chair. "Alright first of all. Nikki please join Nick at the party of miss Lawson on Saturday. I will be there too with Carmen and Samantha. The rest of you could come there too. The invitation was for the whole teaching team. Second, Nick please be careful. I know miss Lawson and her friends and they will probably make a game out of it which could seduce you first. Because you are fresh meat for them. Sorry. After talking with Kims mother or sister you can do what ever you like but be careful to not be just a boy toy for them."

The principal finished her wine and looked at her team of teachers. "If nothing else to discuss i wish you a nice afternoon and evening. Samantha can you please stay for a moment we have something to discuss." The buxom woman nod and waited for the others too leave.
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