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Like a Caged Animal

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Jan 21, 2009
Almost. Let me clarify:

Thirsty for power, I'm looking for somebody to play a servile underling.
I don't care about attitude. I'll deal with it in any way I see fit. Eye for
an eye, you know. I can be genuine and kind if you know your place,
or a real brute if you start showing me lip. I know my shit, I expect an
intelligent and interesting 'opponent'. Well constructed plots are
preferred, and legibility is mandatory. Scenarios will be discussed
privately. Your ideas are as good as mine.

Post in this thread if you are interested, and I'll PM if the interest is
mutual. I skip right over those who don't show initiative.
I'll be interested in playing in your RP. I would play my character as a rebellious and wild girl.
Like a Caged Animal

Hey! I would love to roleplay with you! I would be playing a rebelious girl, but one who also knows her place! I hope to hear from you!

Although I largely do short-term roleplays on Blue Moon (and its predecessor), I am an experienced roleplayer otherwise who does longterm, detailed roleplays with strong plots. If you'd like to talk about situations, I'd be happy to discuss with you. I'm quite interested and I'd love to hear what your thoughts are.
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