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Eventual Events

Jul 22, 2010
A girl age preferably 13 or 14 (but as low as you and the rules of thesite are comfortable with) Is a real problem child, falling in with the emo crowd and following no orders. Her parents decided they've had enough of her, and sell her to a group of sexual slavers, the head of the group decides to keep her and turn her into his "puppy" Treating her like a dog via leashes, severe control on if and how much she can speak, eating out of dog bowls, things like that, would also involve gangbangs.

please pm me if this basic plot interests you.
Eventual Events said:
A girl age preferably 13 or 14 (but as low as you and the rules of thesite are comfortable with) Is a real problem child, falling in with the emo crowd and following no orders. Her parents decided they've had enough of her, and sell her to a group of sexual slavers, the head of the group decides to keep her and turn her into his "puppy" Treating her like a dog via leashes, severe control on if and how much she can speak, eating out of dog bowls, things like that, would also involve gangbangs.

please pm me if this basic plot interests you.
Sounds really fun tho would you play maybe 15 or 16 instead of 13 or 14?
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