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A Concubines Brothel [Katon & Nightmaregoddess]


Oct 14, 2009
Veryan had been wondering some time, by wondering you could say lost. Rumours had sprung up of a illusive Draenei that gave a little more to travellers than just some quest to go and find something because they were too lazy to do it themselves.

Unsure of what this Draenei actually offered Veryan had foolishly set off alone to find this supposed Draenei. Stumbling through the forest a little more the worn tracks were soon becoming scarce and replaces with dense forestry and a distinct lack of any living life.

Stubbleing a little more Veryan found himself fall through a set of bushes and his Mage robe not helping his footing crashed though the bushes to find himself in an opening in the forest. Silence soon took the air as he glanced around, no sign of wild birds, no feeling of danger. Just the sunlight breaking through the canopy down to trampled flowers and weeds he had just met.

Sitting down to collect himself for a moment and try to suppress his frustration he spies a glittering box in the distance up ahead, hidden in a hollowed tree stump Varyan steps further to investigate. Inside a simple hand drawn map, a marker in Black and one in Red. Pulling out his larger more worn map of the province he examines the detailing.

Black is where i am and Red is here ever this map leads to mutters Veryan to himself as he collects his bearings and rolls both maps up. With a bit more spring in his step renewed by the thoughts of gold or even this could be his mystery Draenei Veryan steps off.
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