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Fx Any Kinkymation's Pokemusu RP [The Ultimate Guide] [Pokemon]


May 10, 2024
This was heavily inspired by Kinkymation’s project of turning Pokémon into monster girls. Her designs and art will be utilized for the role play.

My Kinklist. Please view it before contacting me.

We will use all character designs up to the current Pokémon she has made art for. So, you must be OK with characters with features like multiple arms or legs, insectoid features, tentacles, feathers, fur, etc.​
  • I’d classify the musu as different from anthro characters, which I would like to avoid during the role play.​
  • This is a long-term role play as I’d like to cover all 1,025 Pokémon. Please don’t contact me if you are not prepared for something long-term.​
  • I like to balance plot and porn, with a preference for plot. So, our characters would learn about each culture and immerse themselves in it.​
  • All musu will be random. I’ll put them in a wheel to see who we’ll cover. That way, the role play will be random and exciting.​
  • I’m open to chatting with OOC about the role play and planning and discussing general IRL stuff, but I’m not interested in becoming best friends. I want to avoid real-life drama situations.​
  • I am noted to range between 200 and 300 words. There is a possibility of more literacy; however, it depends on whether there is dialogue or what is happening in the role play.​
  • While Kinkymation has drawn only female versions of the Pokemon, I would like my partner to play male versions of the character. I'll play any gender for my partner.​
  • This IS a double-up. That means we'll both be playing an OC and a musu. This is NOT one-sided.

Setting: A traditional fantasy setting with magic, kingdoms, and war. The regions are distinctly different from each other. For example, Johto is reminiscent of olden Japanese times (i.e., samurai, geisha, warlords, etc.)

Pokémon are referred to as musu in an alternative universe. Colloquially, they’re also called monster girls, a slang term among the younger generation. Humans live among musu; however, their species, culture, and customs have never been recorded. It is up to our characters to create a musudex and record the information for future generations. However, these musu are interested in our humans for more than just cultural interactions...

Kenpachi found it advantageous to have a member of Squad 4 nearby during his battles. The presence of a healer allowed him and his opponents to receive prompt medical attention, patch up their wounds, and resume their fight. Although he deeply respected Unohana, he was grateful she refrained from pestering him about opening his wounds and endangering others. The courtyard of Squad 11 was a complete mess, with the ground marred by broken pavement from the force of zanpakuto strikes.

Blood was splattered all over the place, and even the trees were uprooted by the immense power of the fighters. However, most of the destruction was caused by Kenpachi, whose ferocity knew no bounds. The scene was chaotic and violent as Lieutenant Kusajishi watched a fight unfold. However, she wasn't just a passive observer - she actively encouraged the combatants. Her shouts of support for Kenny and her taunts directed at Baldy only served to fuel the already intense battle. Meanwhile, Kusajishi was rocking back and forth on her heels, seemingly oblivious to the violence around her.

Despite his reputation as a fierce warrior, Kenpachi seemed to have a soft spot for his companion, Yachiru. He didn't want her hurt in the fray, so he kept her distant. However, Yachiru was not content with staying on the sidelines. She waved her hand at Tanaka, who was attempting to intervene, and called out mockingly, "You can't stop me!" Kenpachi emerged from the barracks with a wild grin, his Shihakusho torn and revealing a soulmate mark similar to Yatsushi's.

However, neither man seemed to notice the coincidence as they clashed swords in a shower of sparks. Even as Yatsushi pleaded with Ikkaku to stop, the two combatants showed no signs of slowing down. Kusajishi, always alert to the most minor details, noticed the similarity between Kenpachi's mark and Tanaka's. She rushed over and grabbed his arm, closely examining the mark. "Look! Your birthmark looks like Kenny's!" she exclaimed excitedly. "Maybe you were secret siblings in your past life!"

Here's the character I'll use for the roleplay.

Occupation: Explorer/Taxonomist
Background: Karin is a woman who grew up in a large, cultural city surrounded by musu. She was a naturally curious kid who always ended up in situations that landed her in trouble. Because of her innate desire to explore the world around her, she wanted to become a scientist or magic assistant. However, she is not very smart or gifted with magic. She is a simple woman. She loves food and is known to be naive, simple-minded, and extremely friendly. and It is a known fact that an encyclopedia of all known musu does not exist, so Karin and her partner (your OC) take it upon themselves to document them all, learn about their cultures, and get rich for their hard work.​
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