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The Rising Sun Academy-Second Choice

What should Toro do?

  • Watch Jia and Gong fight.

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • Push Gong out of the way and fight Jia himself.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Flip Jia's skirt.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

True Grave

Jun 30, 2010
Where The Fight Takes Me
Watanabe led Toro to a meditation space within the Rising Sun Temple. It was a large area east of the Great Room, filled with flowers, a large tree, and a gently babbling fountain for relaxation. In the shade of the great tree sat Jia Li Wang, the co-captain of Team Rising Sun. She was meditating, something she did every afternoon before practice. Toro gaped at her, blown away by how hot she was. He had never seen a more attractive woman in his life.

"That is Jia Li Wang, the current heir of the Wang family. She is the co-Captain of Team Rising Sun and one of the best warriors at the academy. She's best friends with Nero and the two are actually childhood friends. They made the team last year and took over leadership this year after the previous leaders graduated."

Toro nodded. He had heard that Nero and Jia both had impressive showings last year and were a big part of why Team Rising Sun remained the undefeated world champions.

"Well, allow me to introduce you."

"Are you sure that we should disturb her meditation? "

"She won't mind. Jia is very nice and understanding. "

Toro followed after Watanabe. Before they could reach her, however, another student started to pester her for a battle.


Gong was a first year student that was cocky and full of himself. He was also a notorious ladies man back home. He had quickly found Jia, said to be one of the strongest warriors at Rising Sun Academy. His goal was to defeat her, but it wasn't just for the sake of beating her. He wanted to have his way with the legendary beauty. Having her on his arm would easily give him huge status among the Rising Sun student body.

"Hey! Fight me!"

Jia ignored him.

"Did you hear me, bitch? I said, fight me!"

Her eyebrow twitched, but she continued to ignore him.

Gong laughed.

"Oh, I see. You're just a scared little girl."

Jia sighed and stood up.

"Fine, you bonehead. Let's fight."


Watanabe and Toro watched as Jia and Gong began circling each other.

"Madam Wong didn't go for her weapon. She clearly thinks Gong isn't on her level."

Toro nodded, knowing from the fight between Nero and Okami not to underestimate Team Rising Sun.

"You're right. I think this Gong guy just bit off more than he could chew."
After Jia and Gong circled each other several times, Gong threw a punch her way. With the greatest of ease, she dodged it and landed a single leg kick behind his knee. The strength of the kick, as well as the surprise of it, caused him to go down on one knee. Jia could have followed up with a knee strike to the face that would probably have put him out cold, but she decided to hold off. This jerk had interrupted her meditation and so she was going to toy with him some more. By the time she was done with him, he would think twice before attempting to bully any other woman.

Gong got to his feet and lashed out with a series of punches and kicks. Jia weaved effortlessly away from his assault before landing a high kick to the side of his head. The man once more went down on a knee. He couldn't believe that he couldn't even so much as touch this bitch! Jia smirked at him.

"Is that really all you've got, Gong?"


Toro was impressed by Jia's impressive Taekwondo skills.

"Wow. She's making Gong look like a complete amateur."

"Yes, but Gong has yet to get serious. When he does, he may become more challenging."

Toro nodded, watching closely to see what would happen next.


Gong got to his feet, rage twisting his face into a monstrous visage.

"That's it, bitch! I'm gonna burn you to a fucking crisp!"

His fists erupted into flames and he jumped at her with his arm cocked all the way back.

"Die, bitch!"

Jia stood there, cocking in eyebrow in amusement.

As he took a swing at her, Jia ducked under it. As she shifted her feet, she focused energy to the point that her body was outlined in yellow. She pulled water from the fountain and it swirled around her fist. She connected with a short punch to the solar plexus, adding her own spiritual energy to the water she had borrowed from the fountain. Gong was blasted back with the force of a firehose. He crashed into a wall and it cracked under the impact of his body weight as he went unconscious.

Jia dropped her face into her hands.

"Oh shit!"

Instructor Kenji was going to kill her for breaking another wall. She was always doing that and getting into trouble. She always tried to explain that it wasn't her fault, but he never seemed to have much sympathy.

"I hope Instructor Kenji is in a good mood..." she groaned.


Watanabe chuckled warmly.

"Ah, that always seems to happen when Madam Wang fights. Instructor Kenji won't be happy with her."

"What was that thing she did with the water?" Toro asked, "And who's Instructor Kenji?"

"Those of the Wang Clan bloodline have the ability to control and even emit water from their bodies. As for Instructor Kenji...If you are accepted into Rising Sun Academy, you'll meet him soon enough."

Watanabe guided Toro over to Jia. Upon seeing them, she bowed respectfully.

"Hello, Watanabe. It is good to see you."

She straightened her posture and looked questioningly at Toro.

"And who is this?"

Toro bowed respectfully to Jia.

"My name is Toro Saejima of the Saejima Clan."

He straightened his posture and grinned at her.

"That was a totally awesome fight! You and Nero are everything I heard you were."

Jia cocked her head to the side in puzzlement and looked at Watanabe.

"Did Nero have a fight?"

"Yes, he defeated a new student named Okami Sujiyama."

Jia crossed her arms and looked annoyed.

"That jerk! What's the big idea, having fights when I'm not around to watch?"

Her eyes slid back to Watanabe.

"Where is Nero?"

"Master Kugashira should still be in the Great Room."

Jia nodded with determination and then gave a sweet smile to Toro.

"It was nice to meet you, Toro. Maybe we can have a match sometime?"

She bowed respectfully to them and then took off toward the Great Room.

Toro watched her go, thinking it would be an honor to fight her. He looked over at Gong's unconscious form and shuddered a little. Maybe he would hold off on that fight for a while.

"Well, now that you have met both Master Kugashira and Madam Wang, shall we resume the tour?"

"Sure thing, Watanabe."

"Come along, Master Saejima."


After the tour was over, it was time for Toro to begin his entrance exam to see if he would be accepted into Rising Sun Academy. Sitting down at a computer, Watanabe scrolled through applicant records to see if anyone in the Saejima Clan had ever applied before.Though there were billions of applicants across the academy's long history, Watanabe parsed them all in one hour. During that time, Toro had patiently stretched and warmed up. He had been forewarned by the Director that the entrance exam was long and so had mentally prepared himself to be patient. Watanabe turned to him, his manner quite serious.

"My information gathering is complete."

Toro waited patiently for Watanabe to continue.

"In all of my research, I only discovered one previous applicant from the Saejima Clan. His name was Tsuyoshi Saejima, and he was turned down for admission due to the limited nature of his fighting style. I trust that your clan's style has grown and improved after over a century."

Toro nodded with determination.

"Allow me to show you my clan's most fearsome technique and you will see the difference for yourself."

Watanabe nodded and pressed a key on his computer. After doing so, three metal warriors appeared in combat stances. They would not move, but would attack if another key was pressed. For the purposes of this exam, they would be still.

"The entrance exam has begun," Watanabe said.

Toro began focusing his energy, glowing with a soft orange light.

As the energy grew more intense, Toro grabbed his throat with both hands. Opening his mouth, he emitted a loud tiger's roar that shook the entire room. Watanabe's eyes widened as he saw the sound waves take shape and turn into green lights that washed over the metal fighters. Like acid, it dissolved them in seconds. When the attack was complete, Toro released his throat and turned to the administrator with a questioning look in his eyes.

Watanabe was suitably impressed.

"What is that technique?"

After a moment, Toro hoarsely answered.

"Tiger Scream."

Watanabe nodded before standing up. After taking a couple steps toward him, he extended his hand to be shook.

"Congratulations, Toro Saejima. You have been accepted into The Rising Sun Academy."

Toro's eyes sparkled and he eagerly pumped Watanabe's hand.

"Thank you, sir! I promise I will make you proud!"

"I have no doubt of that, Master Saejima."
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