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Interdimensional Brothel

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Feb 15, 2009
I once read a fanfic series called 'Fighting girls lemon megamix'. In this story, a demon named Kakugo Jin is holding a tournament to find a bride. He invited girls from many different series to fight it out, but somehow they always get sexed up by the denizens of the underworld or by guys from other series.

I want an rp where there will be multiple people from multiple series, but unlike the fanfic where its mostly rape, i want it to be consensual, like a big giant interdimensional orgy ground where people from different series can just pick a random partner and have some unbriddled fun. It also works for OC's.

I can play multiple girls from such series as
-Soul Calibur
-Final Fantasy

If theres more than one person interested, maybe we can make this a group thing
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