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A Changeling Of Perspective [Ecnalab and Lord Red]


Jun 21, 2015
The village of Oakenleaf is a quaint little place. Less than a hundred people live there, most of them farmers. But they live peacefully and happily, welcoming the occasional trader or traveler who passes through their home. One such traveler, who's been there for about a week now, is named Lonnie. She's been of particular note, as her skill with natural magic has greatly helped with the farms. The soil is more fertile than ever, their livestock healthy, and even a few wards were laid down to help keep predators away.

Lonnie has been asked by the 'mayor', an old elven man by the name of Laughter Moonlight, to meet him. "Miss Lonnie," he greets her after she knocks at his door. "Please, come in."

"Just Lonnie is good! And what'd you want to meet me for?" she asks brightly.

He gives a small smile. "Well, first of all, I wanted to thank you greatly for all you've done. We always manage on our own, but a little help is never amiss. But, if you're willing, there's one more small favor to ask."

Lonnie cocks her head. "Oh? I dunno what else I can do."

"It's nothing much-but we're supposed to be visited by one of the dignitaries from the capitol. It's not something that happens often, and as I'm sure you saw, the road leading in has gotten more than a little weedy. Would you be able and willing to tame them a bit?" Laughter asks.

She nods back. "Of course! Maybe some flowers on the side too? Make it look real pretty!"

Living up to his name, the mayor laughs a little. "Whatever you'd like. Thank you, Lonnie."

Lonnie partakes in some biscuits before heading out. She goes to the western road, closing her eyes at the start. She begins to sing, a low, gentle tune. The music coaxes the plants to her whims, the seeds buried in the side of the road sprouting into lovely flowers, while the weeds and briar on the road itself move to hedge the sides. Her eyes only open occasionally to keep herself on track, she pauses when she finds a carriage on its side, free from its mounts and damaged heavily. "This doesn't look good," she comments to herself, and starts to follow the tracks leading away.
The carrage had been attacked, alright. A trail of blood lead off the road to a well dressed man, probably the driver. Three arrow shafts protruded from his body as he lay face down in the bushes.
From him, a trail of broke and bent foliage lead deeper into the woods, as if something was being dragged. The mayor had said that the visitor was a woman.
"This looks bad," Lonnie comments again as she picks up the pace. She stops for a moment to see if the driver is still alive, but finds him stiff and unbreathing. Starting again, she moves as fast as she can without losing the trail-which is a pretty good pace, given that the trail is rather obvious.

She follows it while also looking ahead-societal norms might not be something she knows, but she knows how to track, how to hunt, and how to not be hunted in turn. So, when she's near the destination, she slows down, sneaking now and looking ahead to find what awaits her.
The sight before her was shocking to say the least. Goblins! About a half dozen of the little green brutes were capering about a small clearing, as they dug through several trunks, and suitcases, playing with the personal items, and trying on the oversized clothes.
They were not alone, either. Sitting against a small tree was a human woman of perhaps thirty summers, with her long black hair tied up in one of those intricate buns that the nobles seemed so fond of. She wore the oversized dress of a noble, or at least what was left of it, as three of the goblins were busily tearing her clothes away. The woman kicked at them with her feet, as her hands were tied behind her back, her arms looped around a small tree.
The goblins eventually got her dress off of her, leaving the woman in just her underwear, a set of brilliantly embroidered red silk panties, and matching bra that now struggled to contain her heaving breasts. They were easily the largest pair that Lannie had ever seen, though coming from a town of elves that wasn't really hard. The fay folk were not known for their curves.
Without taking the time to think, Lonnie launches herself into action. With only a small number of goblins in her favored territory, she knows she can win. Her mouth opens to sing, but this is no low, peaceful melody. It starts with a fierce battle cry before shifting to the steady, rhythmic beat of war.

The goblins have no warning before they hear it, and whirl to face the source. But the plants on the ground itself have taken up arms against them, the trees' roots grasping their feet, the vines whipping back and forth against their legs. One of the goblins at the noble tries to rally his comrades, but a heavy swipe from Lonnie's staff knocks him to the ground, where the tree's roots grasp and hold him down.

The tree the woman is tied to shifts, letting her move her arms a bit as Lonnie takes a position in front of her and in the way of the goblins.
The goblins thrash, and cut at the vines before turning to Lannie. Their teeth were bared and weapons raised, as they began to step forward. But, before the first swung could be made, a loud bang ripped through the air like thunder, and one of the goblins fell to the forest floor, a smoking hole in the center of his forehead. The rest of the little ruffians, startled by this development, bolted back into the woods.
Behind Lonnie, the noblewoman sat, her arm outstretched, and in her hand was clutched a small device. It seemed to be a tiny metal tube, attached to a wooden handle. From the end of the thing, a thin stream of smoke rose.
The woman blew on the end of the strange weapon, before sliding the tiny weapon into her generous cleavage.
Lonnie listens long enough to make sure they aren't coming back-or at least, not soon. Even before she's certain, though, she turns to help untie the woman. With her music halted, the copse fades back to inanimacy, the roots resettling and the vines hanging limp once again.

"Are you alright?" Lonnie asks, patting the woman down in search of any injuries. "Can you walk? There's a little village near here-you'll be safe there!"
"Yes, I think I'm alright. Good thing you showed up when you did, those things were about to..." she let the words fall away, but her hand slipped between her legs to cover her womanhood protectively. "Well, nevermind. Who are you?" she asked, standing up, and revealing her true height. She stood a full foot taller than Lonnie, on long, shapely legs that suported a surprisingly fit body.
Her current form is rather unobtrusive-average height, nice hair, but mostly just unremarkable and ordinary. "I'm Lonnie-and we should probably get moving before they come back."

While still weary of potential trickery, the noblewoman does see Lonnie taking point and going back towards the road leading into Oakenleaf. Neither of the two talk much, hurrying back until the knocked-over carriage is in sight. "Okay-we should be safe enough to slow down a little," Lonnie says, as they approach the body of the driver. "Um... I don't really know what kind of funerary rites he would've wanted. What should we do with him?"
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