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You people are awful, or another rant about being ghosted


Apr 12, 2019
Ye olde Europe
I've been fighting with myself not to write this. What's the point? It won't accomplish anything except perhaps getting me into trouble with the moderator staff. It is a wasted effort and yet I can't help myself and have to do this. Guess I'm stubborn and, in the end, it isn't such a big deal. I will try to keep this civil but if someone gets offended, well, I'll get to it.

So, me getting ghosted. Repeatedly. Time and again. I cannot do the exact math because I've deleted most of my messages a while ago but if I were to guess, I would say that something around eight out of ten of my role plays end prematurely due to me being ghosted. The other two out of ten are all the various reasons that you are familiar with; me or my writing partner losing interest or being too busy, getting burned out, an occasional argument etc. I do not think I've ever actually finished a story, which is a shame, I do not like loose ends, but a few times me and my partner have gotten far enough that I can honestly say that we've written some good smut. That, unfortunately, is a rarity. Most of the time it is the same old story that most if not all of you know: I find a person or a person finds me, we talk a bit about one another and our wants, we either plan out the story or just jump into it and then blam, out of blue the other person disappears. I wait a few days, ask them what's up, wait another few days and either just let it go or leave with some snide remark about ghosts.

Nothing new to you, except that it happens to me all the goddamn time. Again and again and again. No matter whom do I write with, no matter whether I asked them or they found me, if they are good at this or not, in the end it almost always happens. Usually sooner than later, which is a blessing, but still late enough that I've already put an effort into talking over the story, setting up the characters and all of that. I have put in effort only for all of it to "fly away with smoke" as we say in my country, just because someone decided it is alright to leave me hanging. One person, then another, and another, and another... I do not want to exaggerate but I would not be surprised if, over my time on Blue Moon, I've been ghosted a hundred times or more.

"So what?", you may ask. "This is the reality of things. Deal with it".


I refuse to "deal" with people being irresponsible, antisocial bastards. I refuse to "deal" with more and more of my will and energy to write smut being sapped by people who do not high enough of me to even give me an excuse. And even when they do excuse themselves, these excuses are so paper thin and repeatable, I know all of them by heart. But lets stick to cases of actual ghosting and not people putting a thin veil over losing interest and not wanting to admit it, that is a different can of worms.

"If you are ghosted so often then perhaps you are the problem".

I like to think that I am an honest person, honest to others as well to myself. I've done my best to analyze my behaviour on Blue Moon and came to the conclusion that no, I am most likely not the problem. Depending on how I feel and how my potential partner behaves I am be friendly or reserved but cordial. I always let my writing partners know what is going on with me, never keep anyone in the dark about whether or not our role play will continue. I can be mean, yes, but only after being given a sufficient reason, which nine times out of ten is being ghosted so even my occasional misbehaviour is not only justified but done after the fact. If the way I act is the reason for being ghosted so often then I truly and honestly do not know what exactly the issue is. As for the quality of my writing, I can not remember the last time anyone complained nor tried to improve it - although, of course, people rarely say such things - and have been praised a number of times, plus, I myself feel that I write pretty well.

"There is nothing in the rules against ghosting". You are right, as far as I am aware, there isn't. It is your "right" to just drop me without a word. The moderator staff will do nothing to you, nor will anyone else even know about it because any public comment on it will get deleted - probably rightfully so, as it would be too easy to smear people's reputation otherwise.

Doesn't mean it's alright and that you should do it as you please.

Have you heard of the "shopping cart test"? It is a test of social responsibility. You can read about it here if you like, it is interesting. To put it short, at most supermarkets you are under no obligation to bring the shopping cart back after you put the stuff from it into your car. You can leave it wherever and you will not be punished nor held responsible for it. On the other hand, you will not gain any benefit for returning the cart. The only reason you do it is because you uphold the social values that returning the cart represents; because you care about the convenience and mental well-being of others who will not trip over the cart or have to walk to get it; because it is the right thing to do.

I believe that choosing whether or not to ghost is a form of role-playing forum's shopping cart test, and most of you fail it. You do not care about the person (in this case, mine) that you are writing with: you do not care about the work they put into writing with you, nor about their feelings. You act out of selfish convenience, avoiding the slightest bit of responsibility that good manners and simply living among people require for a healthy society.

It is tiresome and hurting and sickening. It turns me off the Blue Moon so much that not long ago I've quit the site for what was, if I remember correctly, four months. I have returned a few months ago and already I have been ghosted so many times that I cannot help myself but have to vent. There was a point when I've considered donating to Blue Moon; it seemed only fair, considering how much time I've spent here, using this site for my own pleasure at the expense of whoever is keeping it afloat. But then I have realized that majority of my time spent here was not spent on actual fun; most of it was busywork and a little bit of role play, swiftly ended by someone's inability to function as a healthy online citizen. If I were to donate, I would pay for more misery than enjoyment.

Can something be done about this? I do not know. I am not smart enough to come up with a solution. I know that the moderator staff will do nothing about ghosting and, as much as it pains me to say this, I understand why; it would be a lot of dirty, ungrateful work that would be the cause of much drama, and I am also sure that more than one person would end up being unfairly punished. I have had some encounters with Blue Moon's moderator staff and, frankly, I do not like the behaviour of some of you, but I would not try to demand from you that you fix people's behaviour by attempting to force a "no ghosting" policy. This is a social issue that only some general changes in people's online behaviour might fix.

Have I offended anyone? Do you feel like your behaviour has been called out?

Good. Be offended, for you deserve it. Your actions may not be punished, but if I have managed to make you feel bad about yourself then at least a little bit of justice has been done.

If anyone will feel like discussing this topic, go ahead, but I cannot promise I will participate in the discussion. I have been role playing, getting ghosted and thinking about it for enough years that I am quite certain about my point of view and am not interested in contesting it.

mic drop
This will probably be locked or deleted, and rightfully so, but... I feel like something needs to be said. Now, I haven't been here very long, and my experience so far has been great... But I have already been ghosted (pretty sure, anyways). I'm not ranting about it for one main reason... No one here owes me anything.

I think the one thing you are missing is that this site isn't all about you and what you want. Everyone here is here for their own enjoyment... Not yours. So, for whatever reason, the people ghosting you were not enjoying themselves. It's not just your time, it is also their time and they are not obligated to spend it on you.

Yes, it would be nice if the person would reach out, and give you an honest reason why they are choosing not to continue writing with you. But... From your own statement you make snarky/mean comments to them. Why should they tell you if they're going to have to deal with hostility in return?

If you are allowing a hobby (and the actions of others) effect you to the point that you're miserable, maybe you should find another hobby, another platform or at the very least another outlet for your frustration. This doesn't seem healthy for you or anyone writing (or has written) with you.
Ghosting: hope that it won't happen, expect that it will. That way you'll be fine.

Otherwise, Savage covered everything. Going on a rant about it does nothing to inspire current partners or encourage future partners.
It was probably therapeutic. Besides, this may attract others less vocal who're willing to take things for the long haul. Now I've never been ghosted. At least, I don't think I have...

...but I honestly don't get the appeal of it. What's wrong with just telling someone it isn't working out, or that things have become too hectic? Surely it's better than just cutting all contact and ignoring messages of "are you ok?" or "'something wrong?"
I've been fighting with myself not to write this. What's the point? It won't accomplish anything except perhaps getting me into trouble with the moderator staff. It is a wasted effort and yet I can't help myself and have to do this. Guess I'm stubborn and, in the end, it isn't such a big deal. I will try to keep this civil but if someone gets offended, well, I'll get to it.

So, me getting ghosted. Repeatedly. Time and again. I cannot do the exact math because I've deleted most of my messages a while ago but if I were to guess, I would say that something around eight out of ten of my role plays end prematurely due to me being ghosted. The other two out of ten are all the various reasons that you are familiar with; me or my writing partner losing interest or being too busy, getting burned out, an occasional argument etc. I do not think I've ever actually finished a story, which is a shame, I do not like loose ends, but a few times me and my partner have gotten far enough that I can honestly say that we've written some good smut. That, unfortunately, is a rarity. Most of the time it is the same old story that most if not all of you know: I find a person or a person finds me, we talk a bit about one another and our wants, we either plan out the story or just jump into it and then blam, out of blue the other person disappears. I wait a few days, ask them what's up, wait another few days and either just let it go or leave with some snide remark about ghosts.

Nothing new to you, except that it happens to me all the goddamn time. Again and again and again. No matter whom do I write with, no matter whether I asked them or they found me, if they are good at this or not, in the end it almost always happens. Usually sooner than later, which is a blessing, but still late enough that I've already put an effort into talking over the story, setting up the characters and all of that. I have put in effort only for all of it to "fly away with smoke" as we say in my country, just because someone decided it is alright to leave me hanging. One person, then another, and another, and another... I do not want to exaggerate but I would not be surprised if, over my time on Blue Moon, I've been ghosted a hundred times or more.

"So what?", you may ask. "This is the reality of things. Deal with it".


I refuse to "deal" with people being irresponsible, antisocial bastards. I refuse to "deal" with more and more of my will and energy to write smut being sapped by people who do not high enough of me to even give me an excuse. And even when they do excuse themselves, these excuses are so paper thin and repeatable, I know all of them by heart. But lets stick to cases of actual ghosting and not people putting a thin veil over losing interest and not wanting to admit it, that is a different can of worms.

"If you are ghosted so often then perhaps you are the problem".

I like to think that I am an honest person, honest to others as well to myself. I've done my best to analyze my behaviour on Blue Moon and came to the conclusion that no, I am most likely not the problem. Depending on how I feel and how my potential partner behaves I am be friendly or reserved but cordial. I always let my writing partners know what is going on with me, never keep anyone in the dark about whether or not our role play will continue. I can be mean, yes, but only after being given a sufficient reason, which nine times out of ten is being ghosted so even my occasional misbehaviour is not only justified but done after the fact. If the way I act is the reason for being ghosted so often then I truly and honestly do not know what exactly the issue is. As for the quality of my writing, I can not remember the last time anyone complained nor tried to improve it - although, of course, people rarely say such things - and have been praised a number of times, plus, I myself feel that I write pretty well.

"There is nothing in the rules against ghosting". You are right, as far as I am aware, there isn't. It is your "right" to just drop me without a word. The moderator staff will do nothing to you, nor will anyone else even know about it because any public comment on it will get deleted - probably rightfully so, as it would be too easy to smear people's reputation otherwise.

Doesn't mean it's alright and that you should do it as you please.

Have you heard of the "shopping cart test"? It is a test of social responsibility. You can read about it here if you like, it is interesting. To put it short, at most supermarkets you are under no obligation to bring the shopping cart back after you put the stuff from it into your car. You can leave it wherever and you will not be punished nor held responsible for it. On the other hand, you will not gain any benefit for returning the cart. The only reason you do it is because you uphold the social values that returning the cart represents; because you care about the convenience and mental well-being of others who will not trip over the cart or have to walk to get it; because it is the right thing to do.

I believe that choosing whether or not to ghost is a form of role-playing forum's shopping cart test, and most of you fail it. You do not care about the person (in this case, mine) that you are writing with: you do not care about the work they put into writing with you, nor about their feelings. You act out of selfish convenience, avoiding the slightest bit of responsibility that good manners and simply living among people require for a healthy society.

It is tiresome and hurting and sickening. It turns me off the Blue Moon so much that not long ago I've quit the site for what was, if I remember correctly, four months. I have returned a few months ago and already I have been ghosted so many times that I cannot help myself but have to vent. There was a point when I've considered donating to Blue Moon; it seemed only fair, considering how much time I've spent here, using this site for my own pleasure at the expense of whoever is keeping it afloat. But then I have realized that majority of my time spent here was not spent on actual fun; most of it was busywork and a little bit of role play, swiftly ended by someone's inability to function as a healthy online citizen. If I were to donate, I would pay for more misery than enjoyment.

Can something be done about this? I do not know. I am not smart enough to come up with a solution. I know that the moderator staff will do nothing about ghosting and, as much as it pains me to say this, I understand why; it would be a lot of dirty, ungrateful work that would be the cause of much drama, and I am also sure that more than one person would end up being unfairly punished. I have had some encounters with Blue Moon's moderator staff and, frankly, I do not like the behaviour of some of you, but I would not try to demand from you that you fix people's behaviour by attempting to force a "no ghosting" policy. This is a social issue that only some general changes in people's online behaviour might fix.

Have I offended anyone? Do you feel like your behaviour has been called out?

Good. Be offended, for you deserve it. Your actions may not be punished, but if I have managed to make you feel bad about yourself then at least a little bit of justice has been done.

If anyone will feel like discussing this topic, go ahead, but I cannot promise I will participate in the discussion. I have been role playing, getting ghosted and thinking about it for enough years that I am quite certain about my point of view and am not interested in contesting it.

mic drop
Amen! Well said! Love the shopping cart analogy.
Honestly, ghosting has been a major problem in a lot of roleplaying communities I've been in lately, not just here. It may be uncomfortable for someone to say "hey, I'm not feeling this thread anymore, sorry!" But it's way kinder than ghosting imo. Not to "back in my day", but people genuinely used to communicate behind the scenes way better, at least in the spaces I've been in. My best advice is to be the change you wanna see, and take an active stance against ghosting. That's my plan, at least.
This will probably be locked or deleted, and rightfully so, but... I feel like something needs to be said. Now, I haven't been here very long, and my experience so far has been great... But I have already been ghosted (pretty sure, anyways). I'm not ranting about it for one main reason... No one here owes me anything.

I think the one thing you are missing is that this site isn't all about you and what you want. Everyone here is here for their own enjoyment... Not yours. So, for whatever reason, the people ghosting you were not enjoying themselves. It's not just your time, it is also their time and they are not obligated to spend it on you.

Yes, it would be nice if the person would reach out, and give you an honest reason why they are choosing not to continue writing with you. But... From your own statement you make snarky/mean comments to them. Why should they tell you if they're going to have to deal with hostility in return?

If you are allowing a hobby (and the actions of others) effect you to the point that you're miserable, maybe you should find another hobby, another platform or at the very least another outlet for your frustration. This doesn't seem healthy for you or anyone writing (or has written) with you.
here here, there are plenty of members here, and it takes time to find writers you are compatable with, but likewise, people don't owe you anything, the exchange needs to be mutual, people have dumped from my rps all the time, maybe they weren't feeling it, maybe they are busy, maybe another site, it happens an some time people reach out to you and a rude and entitled and its hard for you to get into since this space is supposed to be about escapism and fun.
I've been roleplaying since 2008. I started on Roleplay Gateway and moved to BMR in 2010 when I started feeling held back by a site that didn't allow smutty writing.

In my fairly long career of RP, I have finished just four RP's. I had several awesome RP's with amazing partners, but 99% of them ended with my partner ghosting me. Does it suck? For sure. But I have no way of knowing what was going on in their lives nor am I entitled to an explanation. All I can do is leave the door open and hope that they will come back.

I love writing, so I keep doing it. I will continue to enjoy crafting stories with partners for as long as I can. Perhaps you can get to that same place yourself.

If you want to write and want no chance of being ditched, two things could help:

1. Write something in Storytelling. It can help you work out a muse and better shape it for future RP endeavors.
2. Write with an AI. Character.AI or some other AI writing can help simulate a story you want to tell. It won't replace writing with a real person, but it might help you scratch an itch with no fear of being ghosted.

I feel for you, I do. It sucks being ghosted. I hope my suggestions will help you as they've helped me.
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