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Help me clear my head. (need some femmelove)

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Here I come back from the dead
Aug 19, 2010
Karoga is in a:



I'm far too distracted to write up something interesting here, so I'll cut right to the chase. I'm under a bit of stress at the moment, so I need something to help clear my head. RP usually does wonder for me.

Normally, I'm a pretty even switch, but I'm really looking for a dominant partner right now. Guys or girls, I couldn't care less, though a dominant female would be much loved right now.

If you can write more, I'm a happy camper. A paragraph or two at least would be fantastic, but I'm not too choosy about that.

Some of my smut preferences are slavery/bondage/BDSM, rape, twincest, but I'm usually pretty open to suggestions.

And I'm a huge nerd, but I like medieval/fantasy settings for RPs. I can do modern or what have you, but I prefer living in a fantasy world sometimes.

And this may sound like a slightly odd request, but I would love for someone to play a dragon/human romance with me.

I'll RP via IMs, PMs, or in a thread. If you want IM, you'll have to ask me, though, as I'd rather not post it publicly. Had some problems with that in the past.

If you have any questions, go on and ask. I'll be sticking around for the rest of the night, and checking back periodically until I find what I'm looking for.
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