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Isekai Awakening


Jul 7, 2017
Background: The world is changing, after years of record high temperatures, unpredictable weather, and huge solar flares that disrupt the satellites, there are also unpredictable sea currents and magnetic fields. With the disruption of weather, technology also has to catch up for human survival. Then came the gates.

Large cities encountered little green men (goblins) and little red dragon humanoids (kobolds) who came and started raiding. These humanoids do not communicate much and are bloodthirsty, killing everyone in their path and robbing supermarkets for supplies. The police and army arrived to control the situation but the raiding parties were usually gone by then. At the same time, some humans experienced their awakening. They simply felt more aware of their environment, but after their first few combat encounters, some discovered they had new powers and new abilities, some of which were beyond human.

After a few days of raids globally by different creatures, the government discovered glowing portals underground (in subway tunnels, sewers, etc.) Drones were sent through, but the communications were cut. Then animals were sent and after they came back safely, humans started going through the portals. They found themselves in dungeons, new tunnels that were not on the map but danger awaited them. The first few groups discovered certain death. These creatures living in the dungeons could see in the dark and ambush them. But the humans pushed on with more equipment and started clearing the dungeons, they found pathways leading to another world.

Different portals lead to different worlds with different technologies. In some countries, the governments decide to seal the portals as they do not have the resources to clear and make it safe for the citizens. For some countries, they see this as an opportunity to go to the other worlds to gather resources. The portals were about 8-12 ft high, and big equipment cannot enter. Greed of corporations demanded the government to give out mining rights for humans to enter and raid the portals for resources. And after the government grant licenses, the death toll mounted as mercenaries encountered creatures beyond their imagination and capabilities. However, some survived and they could clearly display their new abilities. To most other people, this seemed like magic, and the after further research, "Awakened humans" are declared as a real thingm and highly sought after to join corporate raids to gather resources and start to engage in trade.

Within a month, the first groups emerged from the dungeon and discovered a new inhabitable land that is free from pollution. They met other humanoids and tried to establish trade and communications and started to communicate with humanoids from the other side, some of which have experienced the awakening as well.

(First breach) Then there was a massive breach. Creatures rushed out of the portals in many countries and started killing indiscriminately. The defense force like soldiers and the police were over run by the numbers and there was a huge massacre. Bigger creatures were encountered, Orcs, Trolls and Ogres emerged, seemingly annoyed by bullets, they massacred the soldiers. As they spread out and create mayhem, some humans experience awakening and defended themselves while the army came with bigger weapons and eventually drove them back and killed them off.



There are known established gates, and smaller personal gates that opened randomly and close. For the awakened, some who entered the personal gates seemed to experience intense dungeon combat experience, and when they returned, they became more combat savvy and experienced, and often they come back with loot. These personal gates also brought in other world creatures, some left stranded as the gates closed behind them.

Crime was on the rise. Some awakened humans use their new abilities to break into homes to rob the homes and commit crime. The black market for equipment was also on the rise, and many of the awakened seemed to be hungry for power and loot, going into the portals to "kill monsters" on the other side seemed to have changed their lives and combat made them bloodthirsty and powerful. With corporations, these awakened form guilds and parties, sanctioned by the government and corporations to enter to explore and loot.

The portal is 2 way, so some awakened creatures and humanoids from the other side also come and like humans, their first response was to defend themselves and kill.


During the first breach, Hank was on the street when a large orc started smashing people with a spiked club. The army shot at the orc but were crushed easily and the orc flipped cars and smashed everyone around him. Hank ran into and alley and saw 2 soldiers at the mouth of the alley getting smashed by the orc. The orc seemed to be having fun and approached Hank who was overcome with fear and was cornered to a wall. Hank picked up a cudgel on the ground and was simply getting away from the deadly swings of the orc.

Hank was eventually cornered in the dead end alley and the orc grabbed him and Hank clubbed the orc's head with the cudgel and but orc did not budge. Then gunshot were heard and a few cops rushed in and shot the orc. The pistols did not do much to the orc, but a fat cop with a shotgun made the orc stagger and enraged. The orc rushed over and tossed the cops at each other and began smashing them. There were screamed as the club smashed the heads of the cops one by one. Hank was sick as he could see the orc enjoying himself killing the first responders and ran over and used 2 hands and swung the cudgel at the orc. Hank was shocked as the cudgel turned into a sword and chopped off the Orc's hand as the orc tried to block.

The orc roared in pain and as he raised the club with Hank right next to him, Hank spotted the shotgun wound and stabbed his sword at the wound, impaling the orc and the orc collapsed. Hank felt a surge of energy and relief.

As there was quite a handsome reward exploring the dungeons and new world beyond the portals, Hank signed up on a few teams but was never picked. As Hank was also out of a job, Hank decided to venture into some personal portals alone and manage to get rid of some goblins and kobolds on his own. With new gained confidence, he joined some corporate team to explore and had to kill more goblins, but could never make it to the teams and parties that got licenses and were paid handsomely to explore.

There was loot on the monsters killed, sometimes gold and other gems, but the corporations that sponsored the raid got all the spoils. Hank could see some really valuable things and decided to enter the personal portals to explore on his own and bring back some spoils, and train harder as each visit seems to make him stronger and more confident.
Demera's home, on the other side of one of the stable gates, was connected during the first breach. From her portal came undead-none so strong individually, but completely without fear or any way to make them stop short of complete annihilation, when faced with mundane weaponry. However, the magic of the Skoan centaurs was well-versed in dealing with the unliving menace.

Though the initial meeting between a Skoan centaur and the terrestrial forces was tense, there was a chance at peaceful contact. The centaur, Intil, had used enchanted arrows to destroy the fell forces animating the zombies attacking the army. The soldiers, not quite believing what had happened, had enough sense to not immediately fire upon him. Intil, seeing what the weapons had done to other fleshy folk, raised his hands in peace, and explained briefly that they were engaged against a common enemy.

Since that first incident, there has been much more contact between the Skoans and Earth. Most of the centaur tribe stays on their side or only ventures slightly into the Earthly side-however, Demera, as chosen by her father Yelgith, is to go further than the immediate area. Her job, to learn about the new world, to help where she can, and to establish relationships with friendly forces on the other side.
Noriko was training in the gym at the mall when the breach happened. She saw orc massacring everyone and felt a responsibility to help but underestimated the strength of and orc and was thrown at the wall. Cops rushed over and shot at the orc approaching Noriko and the bullets seemed to hurt the orc but it simply got enraged and charged at the cops. Noriko was horrified as the orc broke bones with each punch even when the cops were wearing body armor. The orc grabbed the helmet of a cop and twisted it, snapping his neck and proceeded to stomp and kill the cops. The orc looked at Noriko who stood there in a fighting stance and Noriko seemed to have landed a turning kick into the orc and the orc staggered but was unimpressed. Noriko leaped on the orc and wrapped her thighs around the orc's neck and grabbed his arm in an armbar and choked him. Unfortunately, the orc was simply too strong and slammed Noriko into the wall a few time and Noriko felt intense pain and released the orc. The orc moved over and grabbed her breasts and ripped her shorts off.

A man rushed over and Noriko could swear that his fists were glowing like some martial arts movie and the orc was punched several times and looked badly hurt. The orc rolled to his sword and readied for an attack but the man seemed inhumanly fast and gave the orc and uppercut and knocked a few teeth out. The orc staggered and the man continued to hammer away till the orc collapsed. Noriko was in awe that a human could be that fast and felt ashamed that she became a victim. She vowed to be stronger so as not to require help from anyone anymore.

Noriko went and searched for all opportunities to fight and train, she faked and pretended to be awakened and joined in the fights with goblins and eventually, she entered a small personal portal and fought many lesser humanoid monsters and got awakened, and was now fast and strong as well. Noriko explored the personal dungeon for days, eating what she could find and continued to fight and explore solo even when fatigue sets in. She continued on and massacred a goblin scout party with just a dagger and a shield.

Noriko looted the goblins and found some rations, ate and rested. She explored deeper and her focus allowed her to track where the goblins came from and she found a camp. There were several goblins and other humanoids and Noriko moved closer and that was where she spotted an orc. She was filled with fear then rage... She knows that orcs were very strong, but was unsure if she could take it down even when she had new powers. But she gathered herself and waited in ambush and eliminated the patrolling goblins. She found that she was good at stealth as she moved to the goblins and stabbed them in vitals and moved away.

Finally, the moment she has been waiting arrived. She ran over to the orc and a goblin spotted her and blew a horn. The orc turned and Noriko grappled him to the ground. The orc was shocked at her speed, Noriko straddled the orc and wrapped her thighs around his arms and sat on his chest. She began punching the orc's face repeatedly and could feel her fists breaking bones and with the 5th punch, the orc's skull caved in and she felt the orc's struggling died down. An arrow pierced her shoulder and she could see several goblins firing at her and she used the tents as cover and circled around them. The goblins had no strategy, they simply wanted her dead but unfortunately for them, Noriko seemed to be very fast and she drew her dagger and stabbed them in the throat. It was a massacre, and Noriko stood victorious over 20 goblins and an orc. She exhaled and cried as she felt that she had achieved something, however, there was a feeling that something was not done and something remained incomplete and Noriko searched the camp but no one else was alive.

With this new gained accomplishment, Noriko returned home and did several other personal dungeons just to make sure it was not a luck that she could kill an orc. With each kill, it became easier and she became stronger and faster. As she always entered small dungeons alone, she was never part of a team and never worked in a team. No one knows what she can do but she was eager to join the defense force to help defend against the invaders.
Darkness Falls.

As the size of gates is not so large, the monsters that come over are generally not that dangerous. Modern weapons can blow through almost anything it can hit and corporations are always greedy on the loot of the other side. Most of the situation was somewhat under control when the awakened humans were more organized and many get rich by just doing quests. There were broadcasts of live events and sponsors for the top "defenders" and guilds are pouring in.

Hank tried to join some of these live events but he was still rejected despite being much stronger than before by going to personal gates. 3 new gates opened up. They seemed significantly bigger and more dangerous. In China, the gate was seen in one of the subway tunnels and poison gases killed thousands of people during peak hour and humanoids with slit eyes and swords started killing more. The police went and were all ambushed and killed and the army did not fare better. These attackers seemed to be able to repel bullets and other fast projectiles but before they reached the surface, the government decided to close the breach by detonating the building above the gate, hopefully sealing everything and anything that was coming out.

In Egypt, swarms of large insects filled the air and the local airforce burned down all the insects. Those that made it to the crops destroyed the harvest and to prevent them from reproducing, the crops were burnt along with the insects, and the gate was sealed within 3 days, fearing more of these insects would cause a famine.

In Philadelphia, the guards went missing and an alarm sounded. The police responded and 20 cops entered the museum and searched. A vampire and a mummy stalked the cops, picking them off one by one and draining their blood. There were gunshots heard and the cops inside the museum did not respond. The police commander outside was getting anxious and more armored cops entered and did not respond. Hours later, animated corpses of the dead policemen emerged and rushed at the remaining cops outside and bullets blew off chunks from these animated corpses but the corpses continued to advance and when they reached the cops, they bit into the cops and ripped them apart. The reporters and the news recorded the massacre, but unfortunately for them, the ghouls rushed over and ate them as well.

Several blocks around the museum were blocked off and darkness covered the area, security forces had to be stationed to stop things from going out and they were sending awakened humans inside to deal with the situation. The top teams were sent and they could eliminate the ghouls but when they entered the museum, they were ambushed and the live feed was cut.

Hank and a few other awakened people quickly rushed to the area, hoping to get jobs, and watched from outside the exclusion zone. "Hey, I have powers, I can help!" Hank said to a few cops guarding the perimeter but the cops looked at his physique and did not seem to believe him. "Only guild members are allowed," The old cop said. "It is too dangerous here, please go away!"

Hank saw 2 armored cops exiting the museum and running toward the other cops. The armored cops bit into the neck of the cops they grabbed and drained their blood. "Look behind you!" Hank shouted and the cops immediately fired at the armored cops who seemed to want to feed on human blood and bullets don't hurt them much. The armored cops rushed towards a group of cops and ripped their throats out with his claws, grabbed the remaining fat cop as a shield, and bit into his neck.

Hank looked at the armored cop. He looked pale and he was draining the blood with his fangs. The old cop beside Hank shot at the armored cop and hit him in the neck, but it looked like the armored cop did not bleed and his wounds are closing. "Shit, this looks tough." The other armored cop finished off the other cops he was attacking and the old cop emptied his gun on the armored cop and the armored cop grabbed him and pulled him close. Before the armored cop bites into the old cop, Hank grabs his cudgel and swung at the armored cop's head, decapitating him. Hank was surprised he could kill a vampire so easily and prepared for the other one to attack. The armored cop rushed over and Hank dodged the attack and rolled behind the armored cop and swung his cudgel and the armored cop's head rolled on the ground.

Darkness enveloped the area and Hank could see 10 more armored cops exiting the museum and they were spreading out and a man walked out calmly. Somehow, this man looks like he was not from around here from the clothes he was wearing and he seemed a lot more scarier than the others.

**Feel free to join in the battle, the armored cops are vampire spawn and the man is a real vampire**
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