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Will you show me? (Dino + Max)


May 15, 2024
With it being the middle of the day Nora hoped there would be less people out and about, and therefore less people within the walls of the nearest sex shop she had found on Google. Her wish was to go undetected, to blend in to the background with the hope that no one would question why she was there. It also happened to be the reason she dressed in all black, as opposed to her usual pastels and shades of white. It wasn't like she had ever visited a sex shop before, but Nora had always imagined them to be dark and dingy–a place where old, creepy men went to buy dirty movies and prey on young girls like herself–and Nora found herself wondering whether or not this was a good idea after all.

Fact was that people around university had been talking about her, rumors spreading like wildfire and all due to a single stupid mistake. Nora had always been the good girl who did as she was told by her parents, received good grades in school and followed every rule to the letter. Until she made the mistake of trusting someone to be her first, that was. Someone she had trusted and confided in about her inexperience, who then in turn had used her innocence against her, to spread nasty rumors.

As Nora had always been a studious girl who learned by doing, all the gossip about her being a lousy lay, had urged her to want to learn more about her own pleasure and how to please a man. The girl had been too afraid to turn to a search engine in fear that her parents might find out, since there was no way of knowing what security measures they had in place. On paper Nora could educate even the most dense person on the planet about female pleasure and how both the female and male anatomy worked. However when it came to practice, she was clueless and she was ready to learn more.

It was how she had ended up outside a sex shop named Sticks and Lights. For a moment she wondered about the name, but then quickly took a deep breath. The girl attempted to sneak in through the door, however as soon as she pushed it fully open, the bell above it rung. "Shhh," she shushed at the door, inwardly cussing at the noise that had inevitably drawn attention to her. A blush crept up her pale cheeks as she wondered whether or not she should continue into the store or run away with her tail tucked between her legs. Curiosity won the battle and instead of darting back out the door, she turned towards the surprisingly clean shop with her heart beating wildly in her chest. This place didn't look anything like she'd expected.

When not seeing a soul, her eyes immediately fixated on various things in various colors, most of which she didn't even know the name nor function of. Her eyes widened and before even realizing it, Nora had taken a few hesitant steps into the store, fingers running along a shelf full of dildos in neatly arranged packages. Soft music played in the background but all she could hear was her own breathing and the sound of her own blood pumping in her ears. Just as she'd convinced herself to turn around a leave, feeling stupid for even having entered, she looked around in hopes of appearing inconspicuous, and her eyes caught familiar ones in the corner.

Immediately all of Nora's body froze and her breathing picked up. Her uncle stood with a tablet in hand, looking a little too comfortable and at home in the shop. "Uncle Harry?" The girl said in the smallest of voices, feeling tears spring to her eyes while simultaneously feeling rooted to her spot. Whether these were tears of embarrassment that he'd caught her here of all places, or due to all the stress she'd been through in these past few months, she didn't know. But there she stood – Amidst rows and rows of various toys, some of which looked like torture devices and looked into the eyes of her uncle, her vision slowly blurring.
Harry was standing in the corner of his enterprise, this was one of the quiet hours and a good time to go through the inventory he received over the last few days. Both the upside and downside of a business like his was that quite a lot of merchandise was small batches from small businesses. Apart from a few best sellers and Lelo vibrators most of the products were made by small companies…who made amazing products, but sucked at logistics.

So the hardest part of his job was to try and reconcile what they sent him, what was already paid, and what he was supposed to just display and share profit. So here he was, standing in the corner.

Soon Harry heard the bell, but he really wanted to be done with inventory, so decided to stay silent, instead of his usual greeting. He was scrolling and swiping his tablet between the email threads, PDFs of the invoices, and shipment labels. He wondered for a moment if the high-tech device was helping…or having four different pieces of paper would be simpler. – Maybe I should just get a bloody printer. – Harry thought to himself. – Or am I just being old? – He chewed on the stylus and then leaned in to open the box and count the items. This was the box with costumes, sexy policewoman, 20 in total, 5 different modifications, 2 of each size. He pulled one out checked the packaging out and placed it back, making a mark on the box.

He stood back up, and checked the next document, and was about to move the box away, and pick the next one in the queue, when he heard the voice that he knew.

"Hi Nora?!" – He said, raising his voice at the end of the greeting as if it was a question. Truth be told – he knew that his relatives would eventually discover the truth. Either by walking into his shop, or realising that corporate registry was publicly available. Sometimes he felt even a little confused that he still had to call his sex shop "my enterprise". And was quite surprised that his relatives did not just assume that he was a mobster.

But his train of thought was halted when he saw Nora's tears. – "Dear what's wrong? Are you disappointed?" – He asked and stepped forward towards his niece, he hugged her with one hand and brought her in while trying to stick his tablet on one of the shelves with his other hand.

"Dear, this is just a sex shop, there is no need to be upset sweetie." – Harry said. Today he happened to wear a light linen shirt and jeans, and Nora's tears would surely stay on his thin and bright fabric.

He finally set the tablet between boxes with premium lubes and racks with various handcuffs and brought a second hand to hug his niece. He brushed her hair for a little before speaking again. He got an idea that it might not be about him or his shop after a while. – "Tell Uncle Harry what happened? Did somebody hurt you, We can take two studded paddles each and beat the shit out of them."
Nora merely stood there and stared at her uncle through her teary eyes, before she felt a single tear trickle down her cheek. Quickly swiping away the stray droplet, her lower lip trembled and she felt stupid for even going to the dumb shop. Suddenly every thought of inadequacy she'd ever had, bubbled to the surface as she begun feeling dumb for wanting to try to be better. You'll never be more a boring, good girl, her own thoughts sounded in her head and she believed them. You'll never be able to please a man.

When he responded to her whispered greeting and begun heading over, Nora broke down further, letting out a full-on sob. His words sounded so worried which in turn made her feel so cared for, that she just shook her head. "I'm not disappointed," she admitted and wrapped her arms tightly around him in return. "I'm happy you're here," Nora stuttered through her sobs and buried her face in his chest, not having a single care that she was having a meltdown in the middle of an empty sex shop.

His scent overwhelmed her, smelling like uncle Harry and home all in one, causing her tears to fall more freely. They had always been close and feeling his arms around her, made Nora feel so safe that she couldn't imagine being anywhere else. "It's not you, or the shop," she admitted once she got her sobs under control, but made no move to let go of him. His hand brushing her hair, caused her to let out a sigh of relief before she sniffled in an attempt to regain some semblance of control over herself.

Although she'd never expected to see her uncle in a sex shop in the town where they lived, she felt relieved that he was there. Felt relieved that she was able to talk to someone freely about what had happened, as opposed to her parents whom she was certain wouldn't understand. "It's the kids at school..." She started and cleared her tight throat, not daring to pull her face away from his chest and look him in the eyes, feeling completely ashamed of herself.

A sad chuckle escaped her at the visual of her uncle beating the shit out of someone with a sex toy, and Nora felt herself relax a little. "They're... They're making fun of me for being bad at sex." The girl pulled away from Harry's chest, looking to the side, shame and embarrassment written on her delicate features. She quickly swiped a lock of her chocolate brown hair out of her face before she used the back of her index finger to wipe more tears away. "I don't know what to do."
"Do you know how to cum?" – Harry asked, and immediately regretted it, the question just exited his mouth before the thought even formed. – "I mean." – He started to backtrack, trying to see if he could somehow pivot the conversation. What if I meant come…come where? Did you try coming to…fuck. – His mind could not find any way to pretend that he meant something else.

"Listen, kids are jerks." – He finally said, figuring that he had no way to pretend that he did not ask the previous question without treating his niece like an idiot. And he would never do that. – "First thing we all suck at sex." – Harry put his palm on Nora's cheek and went silent for a few moments, his niece was cute, even beautiful, what kind of morron would complain about her being bad at sex instead of having more sex?!

"Listen ok, realtalk." – He added. – "I don't want to treat you like a kid, but also I'm not sure if this is appropriate for me to talk to you…without your parents." – He said, but he knew Nora's parents, and they would he had a strong feeling that they would not be helpful. They would probably said something blatantly true, but completely useless for a young woman who just went through shock. Just relax, it will be all right. Why are you even thinking about boys, the education is important blah blah. It was no 1980s…in the 1980s they would go and beat up the boy with baseball bats.

He released her cheek and made and was about to make a step back when he felt the sensation across his body. He opted to pick his tablet from the shelf and strategically placed it around his groin. Even thinking about what he was about to say made his member tingle in a pre-erection sensation.

"It's like with everything in life, work, sport. You need to love it and you need to know how good it is to achieve something. Young women can find climaxing a bit complicated." – a bit! – "Which leads to less enthusiasm, and less experience. And vice versa, it's a self-reinforcing loop. So, if you know how good the great orgasm is, you get more practice. Oh shit, your dad is going to beat me up." – He said, and chuckled, and looked around his own shop. – "Well, I can get you a couple of gifts here." – He said and then looked back at his niece…this was a good time to stop. Give her some advice, gift her a couple of vibrators and send her onwards to experiment. But something inside him urged to "help" her more. – "I close at 8, you can come here and experiment here, in my office if you don't want to do it at home." – He added. His inner self wanted to hide behind the shelf, expecting Nora to throw anything at him. But he did not show it, instead keeping his poker face. – "Though doing it at home is a bit easier, my office is not always accessible. Especially since I'm leaving on a business road trip tomorrow."
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