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Fx Female Requests Unspoken [NSFW]

May 15, 2024
Pacific Northwest
This will be a thread of my plot ideas and RP requests. Some of which may be SFW, but plenty that aren't.


Above all else, what I crave is emotional intensity; sexual gratification and cool twists are nice, but nothing is more important to me than something that truly resonates with the heart. It need not be romantic, it can be tragic, it can furious, it can even be overwhelming joy. But if there is not catharsis in the story we're telling, then it just feels empty to me. So please, keep that in mind no matter what the RP may be.

LGBTQ+ THEMES: I don't want to dance around it; I want to engage in RPs and stories that are inescapably and unapologetically queer. This can be fluffy, but by no means is it restricted to that; sapphic angst, transgender troubles, bisexual love triangles, polyamorous problems, all of these and more sing to me in a very particular way. Whether it is a world where being queer is totally normalized, or one where queerphobia continues to run rampant, I do not want to gloss over what makes these characters and their relationship special.

DARK THEMES: This can be a bit difficult to navigate in the context of a simple request thread, so please actually talk with me if you are looking to delve deeper into these. That being said, I am a sucker for drama and twisted themes. Wrestling with bigotry, taboo temptations, messy dynamics, toxic relationships and so much more are infinitely tantalizing to me. If you wanna get dark, let's get dark.

She had it all; impeccable grades, gorgeous looks, and even a sociable personality. She is on the fast track to the dean's list, and will no doubt rise to the top of the academy. Of course, no one knew the secret that she'd been hiding from everyone else on campus. Were it to get out, her fragile ego would shatter as she falls from her social throne. But she's kept it to herself for this long. She's blending in perfectly. She just has to make sure no one knows she snuck into a strict all-girls college.

All of that changes one day; someone discovers her, that the teacher's pet, the role model, the shining example of womanhood in this sacred garden of a school, was hardly born that way. Desperate to maintain her life the way it is, Little "Miss" Perfect swears that she will do anything to keep this under wraps. If only she knew just what "anything" could entail.

Primary kinks: Blackmail, trans fetishization, degradation, bullying
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