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Mx Female Pregnancy and beyond! Various rp ideas

Sunset Drifter

Feb 27, 2019
Underneath a sky of blue and gold
It's been a while since I last created a thread; or, even roleplayed. So, I figured I'd make a new one. My kinks are in my bio but I've been looking for some pregnant themed rps and more. I have a few concepts if anyone is interested.

MC, a human male has been abducted by a strange group of aliens who like to experiment with species by breeding them. Your character is another alien humanoid female that had been abducted and forced into a forested room together. Two strangers forced together eventually falling in love then letting their desires get the better of them. Eventually leading to pregnancy and the plot to escape their captors. Pregnancy themed rp.

Feed the Duchess
Captured by an evil, and beautiful villainous duchess, MC is forced to be her servant. Until one night he hatched a plan to fatten her up so she wouldn't catch him when he tried to escape. Slowly adding more fattier ingredients to the food he cooks, eventually backfiring as oddly enough both not only start enjoying each other's company but the duchess loves being pampered. As much as mc enjoys cooking for her. A weight gain themed rp.

MC works for a traveling circus. One day the ringmaster gathers everyone to reveal the newest attraction: A rare and legendary monster girl. Cleaning around her cage, the two start talking and eventually fall in love. Planning on her escape he ends up running away with her and they start a family together further longing her endangered species. Pregnancy romance family rp.

If you've got any ideas feel free to send me a message. I'm pretty easygoing so I'm fine with most ideas. I won't rp inscest or older males with younger girls. Both our characters should be around the same age and not related.

If this interests you then feel free to say hello. Thank you for reading.
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