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Closed Celebrity play (looking for just MBB now) - bimbofication, sluttifcation, corruption - seeking someone to play the seedy men of Hollywood (NSFW links)

Closed - no longer seeking


Nov 14, 2023
United Kingdom

Sometimes when I bump a thread I get no people interested and sometimes I get loads. In case the latter happens again, I'll try to get back to everyone but I can't take all comers and if we chat and I just don't feel the vibe then I will say so, please don't be offended! So I'm gonna have to quiz people a bit and narrow the selection down if I get more than a few. Also if we've written together before, please don't take offence but I'm looking to write with new people sorry.

As you can probably tell, I've spent a fair amount of time working on this (although I know it still looks like I wrote it on wordpad, no idea how people make such fancy threads!). So I'm going to say right now I am going to be quite picky when it comes to finding the right partner(s). I'm not going to ask for advanced lit writers but I'm going to want decent grammar, good English and somewhere in the region of 300 words per post. Little mistakes don't bother but if you can at least spell check yourself and write fluently, you'll be my favourite. I would like to see evidence of your previous work but it's not required, just so long as you can prove you won't do one sentence replies. I can be very precious about my ideas, themes and settings but I still enjoy brainstorming and worldbuilding. So what I'm saying is READ THIS ENTIRE THREAD, ESPECIALLY PARTS I HIGHLIGHT LIKE THIS and make sure you vibe with like 90% of what I'm throwing down, because I'm trying to be better at stating what I want and not compromising. However at the same time please feel free to bring your ideas and don't be the plotting equivalent of a pillow princess. The worst I'll say is no thanks ;P

On that same note, please don't PM being like 'hey nice thread but would you like to write my idea'. I appreciate it but I'm looking to satisfy my own cravings please. Also please include your favourite colour in your message so I know you read this, if you don't then I probably won't reply. I even highlighted it so there's no excuse.

Also, didn't think I needed to add this, but apparently I do! If you use AI to write all your posts, I will notice and I will leave the rp. Like, if you need help with the intro, I get it, but every post, absolutely not! :D

The themes of my worlds

I've got a few running themes in the worlds and rp's I build, so I decided it might be easier to list them here and then I can just add into each plot idea which themes I would like in effect. Not all of the themes will be applicable to every rp. Hopefully it'll make more sense as we go and this doesn't just sound like my insane rambling... :D

I want to be really clear here, that when I say misogyny, I don't mean your character should be a woman hating asshole at all times. Note the casual part. That there is one hell of an operative word. I don't want guys you play to hate women. They love them. They want to surround themselves with most beautiful, most busty, and bouncy bitches that they can. It just so happens that they are more there to be pieces ever-loving and devoted fuck meat. Mayhaps they sometimes have their own thoughts but really they're to support the guys, be eye candy and provide comfort afterwards. Although who's to say they can't all of that.

You know the drill, right? Free use. Casualness. People getting it on in public. A guy can just walk on up to a gal and have his way with her right then and there. Nobody bats an eye. There's different levels of course but the general idea is that nobody is a prude really. It might vary from knowing somebody in the next room/tent is going at it like rabbits and just being like 'ooh nice', to said couple rutting right out in front of everyone with an audience.

Young ladies go weak in the knees when a strong man enters the room. Jackboots makes their panties wet. Submission is their natural state. You get the idea. So for example, if a big strong fascist busts down a woman's door, kills her husband and tells her that her whole country is now under their control, that woman is more likely to drop her panties and spread her legs instead of having a good cry about it. Not everyone woman surrenders to their natural urges however. Some act tough but most men know, deep down its an act because they really crave a thug to break them in. Ultimately though, they'll all kneel for their masters. Same goes for other races, subject to the race of your characters of course. They will put up a fight but deep down they want to be dominated, ethnically cleansed and bred out of existence. I'll also clarify this doesn't have to involve IRL racism. Raceplay with fantasy races is mostly what I go for.

this is an odd one so bear with me. I've been exploring this kink or group of kinks recently and it's been a lot of fun so I want to include it more. I'll try to explain with an example. Let's say one of the girls I'm playing gets pregnant and so she goes to the father to let him know. The father would get mildly annoyed and basically convinces the girl that it's her fault she got pregnant and as another level of corruption/misogyny, she needs to learn that it's rude or not correct to bother men who might have knocked her up with this problem. Instead she needs to go and sort it out, e.g. get an abortion. He might even punish for if she tries to argue that it's not correct. Eventually she understands though then she trots on down to a clinic (or magician/alchemist depending on the setting) and then that same day she's back to bouncing on unprotected dicks, knowing full well it's going to all happen again. I like it when the men are just like, "You're the one that took the creampie, what does that have to do with me? Just cause you're a slut who loves to have her womb plastered with baby batter doesn't mean I should worry about the results". I also like the idea that they learn to get off on the treatment. They enjoy being told that it's their fault someone held their arms back and held her pussy as deep on their cock as possible while they came. Then just a quick abortion and it's back to the usual cycle. I get it sounds like I'm fetishising abortion but it's more the brainwashing and gaslight aspect of a man telling the girl it's her fault she got pregnant, even though the men are the ones creampieing the girls. The men calling them dumb sluts for bothering them with their problems. And finally the corrupt aspect of, once the pregnancy is gone, within 24 hours the girl is getting filled again and she can look forward to having the same conversation in about 6 weeks and actually looks forward to it.

Conflict, death etc are treated fairly casually. See Advance Wars, Fire Emblem or Command and Conquer for what I'm talking about. Basically, there won't be rows of crying widows when people get killed. Some people are just expendable and the loyal soldiers are eager to die for the cause! Same goes for the women who fight too. It's perfectly reasonable that some guys are going to get off snuffing sluts that they don't want to keep around. Nobody is really going to bat an eye when a strong warrior is done with his latest piece of fuckmeat and just casually decides to end her. They'll just drag her body away and assign the next girl to the vacant position. On a less gruesome note, displays of masculinity through feats of strength and dominance are hot. Think, the trope of a bull beating up the cucked boyfriend and making the girls panties wet as she can't help but get off on seeing a real man do his thing.

I made this last one optional because I know snuff is a big no for a lot of people, understandably. Also I'm not looking to see the girls I play get unalived. However maybe there's room for a boyfriend getting not only cucked but put out his misery later down the line. Also I'm aware theme 3 might not play much of a part in this plot, although raceplay could be involved possibly.


I consider myself pretty much limitless when it comes to kinks. Feel free to ask, worst I'll be is neutral and just say no thanks. Also a fair few of the 'spicy' ones probably won't be seen in this plot, because of the setting.

My only hard limits are scat, excessive gore and puke. Everything else I'm down for but to just to name a few vanilla ones and spicier ones off the top of my head...

Aphrodisiacs, Anal, Begging, Bimbofication, Body writing, Bondage, Breeding, Choking, Cock worship, Corruption, Creampies, Cuckolding, Deepthroat, Degradation, Dirty talk, Exhibitionism, Face fucking, Face slapping, Facials, Fingering, Gangbangs, Hair pulling, Hotdogging, Humiliation, Hypnotism/Mind control, Incest, Interracial, Lactation, Objectification, Oral, Piercings, Pole dancing/stripping, Rimming, Roughness, Slutty clothing and outfit control, Spanking, Squirting, Tattoos, Tentacles, Throat fucking, Toys, Titfucking, Voluptuous characters

Bad ends, Bestiality, Body alteration (breast/ass growth), Drug use/addiction, Ear penetration, Musk, Nipple penetration, Oviposition, Snuff, Ugly Bastards, Watersports/Wetting

The Plot

So with this plot, I'm mostly looking to play as Millie Bobby Brown. Why I hear you ask? Weirdly, I got this brain worm after reading an article from years ago, when she was filming Enola Holmes alongside Henry Cavill. I won't quote it exactly but the basic summation of what she said was, that Henry set boundaries, because he was twice her age. Whereas Millie had grown up with some former costars and was used to sharing things with them.

So I got the idea, what if the opposite happened? What if Millie was working on a new film, and was co-starring with an older male actor? What if he just ignored her attempts at setting boundaries? He flirts with a girl half his age. Makes her feel little. Silly. Stupid. He's condescending. Smug. Annoyingly hot and charming, but a total sexist.

As Millie gets more and more worked up by this man's behaviour, the film they are working on starts to shift around her. It was supposed to be a piece where she played a plucky young heroine who saved the day. True, she had an older mentor and father figure but there was nothing weird about it. Now the producers keep changing the plot and the film is starting to become more about her relationship with this older man. The script calls for her to flirt with her father figure, to bat her eyelashes and giggle when he pats her on the ass. Worst of all, Millie is starting to enjoy it. Eventually they are suggesting she do her first nude scene... and for some reason, she agrees.

Little does Millie know but she's become the centre of a conspiracy. The 'Patriarchy' has chosen her to be the subject of their latest project. The whole film crew are in on it, and over the course of the film shoot and beyond, they help to sculp her into the poster girl for their new world order. She is reshaped into a happy little bimbo slut, who espouses their manifesto and relishes her place in a man's world. Even as her body is changed through surgery, even as she receives treatments to alter her mind and body, she loves it. Eventually becoming utterly unrecognisable from the well-meaning young actress she started out as.

There's other elements of background, specific scenes and themes I would like to include but that can be discussed later. I am looking for someone willing to not only play the initial actor but the other men working on set. The director, producers, writers, her agent and crew are going to want a piece. Later down the line she might also get visits from some seedy executives who are in on the conspiracy. So please approach this with the idea of playing multiple men for me. Not always at once but a cast of guys for our starlet to interact with would be my preference.


So obviously I made that all about Millie but I don't have to play Millie. However she's who sparked the idea and so if you're wanting me to play her you'll be my favourite person. However I would be willing to play other girls. My main desire here is playing out the above journey of corruption so any celebrity could work, even an OC if none of the below options float your boat.

I'm honestly not that deep into celebrity culture. I don't follow any streamers or other influencers online. So I'm going to make a list below of girls I would be willing to play in order from most wanted to least wanted. Also the references are just examples, I know AI pics aren't for everyone, so there's no requirement. PLEASE DON'T PM ME ASKING ME TO PLAY SOMEONE NOT ON THIS LIST. ANY MESSAGES ASKING FOR ANOTHER GIRL WILL BE IGNORED. JUST LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WANTING MILLIE TO BE THE STAR OF THE STORY NOW.

Millie Bobby Brown
Before - After

Maisie Williams
Before - After

Ariel Winter
Before - After

Sophie Turner
Before - After

Jenna Ortega
Before - After

Before - After

Sadie Sink
Before - After

Sydney Sweeney
Before - After

Selena Gomez
Before - After

Ana de Armas
Before - After

Hailee Steinfeld
Before - After


Sometimes when I make/bump a request thread I get way more interest than I anticipated, in case that happens, I'll try to get back to everyone but I can't take all comers and if we chat and I just don't feel the vibe then I will say so, please don't be offended! :)

I'm probably not going to have the time for multiple partners so I'm gonna have to narrow the selection down if I get more than a few. I'm in the UK timezone so please also don't be offended if I don't respond immediately. Will try to get back to people asap.

As you can probably tell, I've spent a fair amount of time working on this (although I know it still looks like I wrote it on wordpad, no idea how people make such fancy threads!). So I'm going to say right now I am going to be quite picky when it comes to finding the right partner(s). I'm not going to ask for advanced lit writers but I'm going to want decent grammar, good English and somewhere in the region of 300 words per post. Little mistakes don't bother but if you can at least spell check yourself and write fluently, you'll be my favourite. I would like to see evidence of your previous work but it's not required, just so long as you can prove you won't do one sentence/paragraph replies. I'm not married to anything and really enjoy brainstorming and worldbuilding. So please bring your ideas and don't be the plotting equivalent of a pillow princess ;P

That being said, please don't PM being like 'hey nice thread but would you like to write my idea' or 'that's all cool but can we focus on this one specific aspect'. I appreciate it but I'm looking to satisfy my own cravings please. Also if we've written together before not to be a bitch but I'd rather you didn't get in touch. Looking to write with new people.

The themes of my worlds

I've got a few running themes in the worlds and rp's I build, so I decided it might be easier to list them here and then I can just add into each plot idea which rules I would like in effect. Not all of the rules will be applicable to every rp and I'm always up for negotiation. Hopefully it'll make more sense as we go and this doesn't just sound like my insane rambling... :D

I want to be really clear here, that when I say misogyny, I don't mean your character should be a woman hating asshole at all times. Note the casual part. That there is one hell of an operative word. I don't want guys you play to hate women. They love them. They want to surround themselves with most beautiful, most busty, and bouncy bitches that they can. It just so happens that they are more there to be pieces ever-loving and devoted fuck meat. Mayhaps they'll join the guys in the field of battle but really they're to support the guys, be eye candy and provide comfort afterwards Although who's to say they can't all of that.

You know the drill, right? Free use. Casualness. People getting it on in public. A guy can just walk on up to a gal and have his way with her right then and there. Nobody bats an eye. There's different levels of course but the general idea is that nobody is a prude really. It might vary from knowing somebody in the next room/tent is going at it like rabbits and just being like 'ooh nice', to said couple rutting right out in front of everyone with an audience.

Young ladies go weak in the knees when a strong man enters the room. Jackboots makes their panties wet. Submission is their natural state. You get the idea. So for example, if a big strong fascist busts down a woman's door, kills her husband and tells her that her whole country is now under their control, that woman is more likely to drop her panties and spread her legs instead of having a good cry about it. Not everyone woman surrenders to their natural urges however. Some act tough but most men know, deep down its an act because they really crave a thug to break them in. Ultimately though, they'll all kneel for their masters. Same goes for other races, subject to the race of your characters of course. They will put up a fight but deep down they want to be dominated, ethnically cleansed and bred out of existence. I'll also clarify this doesn't usually involve IRL racism. Raceplay with fantasy races is mostly what I go for.

this is an odd one so bear with me. I've been exploring this kink or group of kinks recently and it's been a lot of fun so I want to include it more. I'll try to explain with an example. Let's say one of the girls I'm playing gets pregnant and so she goes to the father to let him know. The father would get mildly annoyed and basically convinces the girl that it's her fault she got pregnant and as another level of corruption/misogyny, she needs to learn that it's rude or not correct to bother men who might have knocked her up with this problem. Instead she needs to go and sort it out, e.g. get an abortion. He might even punish for if she tries to argue that it's not correct. Eventually she understands though then she trots on down to a clinic (or magician/alchemist depending on the setting) and then that same day she's back to bouncing on unprotected dicks, knowing full well it's going to all happen again. I like it when the men are just like, "You're the one that took the creampie, what does that have to do with me? Just cause you're a slut who loves to have her womb plastered with baby batter doesn't mean I should worry about the results". I also like the idea that they learn to get off on the treatment. They enjoy being told that it's their fault someone held their arms back and held her pussy as deep on their cock as possible while they came. Then just a quick abortion and it's back to the usual cycle. I get it sounds like I'm fetishising abortion but it's more the brainwashing and gaslight aspect of a man telling the girl it's her fault she got pregnant, even though the men are the ones creampieing the girls. The men calling them dumb sluts for bothering them with their problems. And finally the corrupt aspect of, once the pregnancy is gone, within 24 hours the girl is getting filled again and she can look forward to having the same conversation in about 6 weeks and actually looks forward to it.

Conflict, death etc are treated fairly casually. See Advance Wars, Fire Emblem or Command and Conquer for what I'm talking about. Basically, there won't be rows of crying widows when people get killed. Some people are just expendable and the loyal soldiers are eager to die for the cause! Same goes for the women who fight too. It's perfectly reasonable that some guys are going to get off snuffing sluts that they don't want to keep around. Nobody is really going to bat an eye when a strong warrior is done with his latest piece of fuckmeat and just casually decides to end her. They'll just drag her body away and assign the next girl to the vacant position. On a less gruesome note, displays of masculinity through feats of strength and dominance are hot. Think, the trope of a bull beating up the cucked boyfriend and making the girls panties wet as she can't help but get off on seeing a real man do his thing.


I consider myself pretty much limitless when it comes to kinks. Feel free to ask, worst I'll be is neutral and just say no thanks. My only hard limits are scat, excessive gore and puke. Everything else I'm down for but to just to name a few vanilla ones and spicier ones off the top of my head. I can negotiate on some but I would really like someone is open to most of these, including the spicy ones. Also just to lump it in with the kinks but I like playing characters ranging from age 16+ so please be comfortable with that before messaging me.

Aphrodisiacs, Anal, Bimbofication, Body writing, Bondage, Breeding, Cock worship, Corruption, Creampies, Deepthroat, Degredation, Drug/alcohol use, Excessive precum, Exhibitionism, Face fucking, Face slapping, Fingering, Hair pulling, Hotdogging, Humiliation, Hypnotism/Mind control, Incest, Interracial, Oral, Rimming, Slutty clothing, Spanking, Tentacles, Toys, Titfucking, Voluptuous characters

Bestiality, Snuff, Watersports


Going LARPing

So I had a new idea recently, totally not inspired by picking up an old hobby of mine. I'll give a basic premise here and then expand on things below. Basically I'm looking to act as a kind of GM for a character and the central premise will be a larp system that YC is attending. You don't have to have larped before to be interested, although a general idea of RPG's and those kinds of systems would be helpful, as well as an enjoyment of fantasy in general. Just for those who are unaware, LARP is live action roleplay. Some nerds got tired of rolling dice around a table in their basement and decided to take that shit outdoors. For those still with me, a more detailed description of my idea.

I'm looking for someone willing to play a character I've already got some general ideas for but obviously all other aspects will be your own. The little bits I'd like to include are, your character will be returning to this larp system after a hiatus of a good few years, for whatever IRL reasons we can come up with. Prior to his hiatus he would basically have been one of, if not the, most powerful character in the system. Think your standard isekai power fantasy protagonist. Small caveat though, I would rather they not be a complete smug ass hole about it. I kind of like the idea of the guy rocking up and just being quite casually about their power level, not abusing their position but also owning everybody who crosses them. A certain level of arrogance and smugness is understandable but just don't be a dick about it :p

The currently nameless larp system will be quite unique however. It'll have a bit of a cult-y vibe to it. The events run a few times a year and from the outside look quite normal. However in truth the larp system is specifically for men and women who support a 'particular lifestyle'. One that plays into the themes I have described above, specifically Theme 1 and 2 for the most part. A smattering of 3 and some 4 would also likely be involved but that can be discussed. To put it basically, the ladies who attend this larp, come along fully aware that the guys will use the rules of the game to have their wicked way with them. They're alright with this. It's actually why most of them go. Ladies arriving to the event get a temporary tattoo on part of their body that denotes what level of free use they are open to, so everything remains safe and consensual (mostly). Level 1 means 'molest me'. Level 2 means 'fuck me' and Level 3 means 'breed me'.

On the subject of my themes. Obviously no actual death as described in Theme 3 will take place, because it's a larp. But elements of it may still be present. Like YC might just straight up kill another player's character and steal his chick, with said chick getting all hot and bothered about the chad move he just pulled. Theme 1 will be present throughout the entire system. The main idea being everyone goes to practice this theme somewhere they can't be judged and with likeminded people, and we might see/hear about how these elements bleed into their lives IRL as well. Theme 2 I think I already covered. Ladies are free game and nobody will bat an eye if people fuck in front of others. Finally Theme 4 will possibly rear it's head in terms of how hierarchies play out in the game world. I like the idea of the mechanics of the game being massively unfair for women so they're always at a disadvantage and most of them actually get off on the idea.

Other elements of the mechanics can be discussed but I have a vague idea for eight factions and some neutral guilds. Again I have some ideas for a magic system and other mechanics but this can be discussed. The format I'm aiming for is something of a sandbox, where YC will be giving the weekend to enjoy himself at an event and then we go through what happens between events, before he turns up again. This is assuming it becomes more of a long term thing, which I'm open to. If it wasn't clear already, as GM I will be playing the world around YC. Both real and fantasy. However I'm not really looking to write a harem. I might want to do some group scenes but not all the time and also someone who is willing to chip in as some guy side characters from time to time will be appreciated.

The Titans: like the Greek titans. This would probably be the faction of our hero. They are ruled by a council of 12, and are often seen as a the sabre rattlers in the game, usually picking fights and being on top. Their ladies often represent forces of nature and one of their highest level ladies, Gaia, is considered one of the most desirable milfs in the game.

The Olympians: the Greek gods and often rivals to the Titans. The faction has players in charge who roleplay as the Greek gods, and every guy worth their salt is always trying to nail Aphrodite but she's one of the few ladies who has avoided sticky situations.

The Underworld: not of the Greek one specifically. More a place for the hot goth girls to hang out. They like to conjure undead minions and generally be spooky and slutty at the same time.

The Nine Hells: the faction for people who want to play as hot demons and be morally dubious. Body paint is optional but luckily they've developed special paints that last all weekend and still look good after being railed for hours.

The Celestials: basically heaven. This faction is where you go if you want to play the 'good guys'. A lot of the male players see the ladies who choose to roleplay as sexy angels are either playing hard to get, or just get off on being claimed and 'falling to corruption'.

The Aesir: the viking faction. Sexy shield maidens who like to fight and fuck in equal measure. Not all of them wield axes though, there's scantily clad Valkyries and slutty druids too!

The Ennead: the Egyptian themed faction. An abundance of hot cat-girls can be found here and their own slutty goddesses and fighters.

Grand Cathay: the Asian themed faction, mostly Chinese but splashes of others. Kitsune and sexy ninjas abound!

Now some FAQ's I asked myself and others might be asking as they read this probably somewhat incoherent wall of text...

Q) Depaneh, what the fuck are you talking about?
A) Excellent question. Excellent, excellent question. I dunno. I've been larping this year and this idea occurred to me. Sounded fun. I might write it for a bit and hate it but I want to at least try.

Q) Why a larp? Why not just write an actual fantasy rp or an isekai?
A) Also a good question. I think the angle I'm aiming for is the whole 'roleplay inside a roleplay' element. I like the idea of real people coming along to this secret event where they get to indulge all these taboo kinks. I think it's partly inspired by this doujin/hentai for those familiar with it.

Q) Can I bring my edgelord anime protagonist d&d character called Grim Darkstab? I think he'd be perfect for this.
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Bump. I am going to be picky though so please don't be offended if we chat but I'm not feeling the vibe. Looking for someone who enjoys pretty much all the themes and kinks I've listed.
Had some interest but nobody wanting me to play Millie, so doing a tentative bump, only looking for plots where I play MBB currently.
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