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Animal Crossing: Crippling Debt (KalTammy x Lord DreamCrusher)

Unbeknownst to Violet, they two ladies already had their arrangements in order for their visit. Tom had camping supplies ready for them and both Cherry and Ankha set up their respective tents they'd be using during their stay. Cherry indicated an interest in staying, though wasn't quite decided yet if she wanted to move in, while Ankha was very much not staying and indicated she'd be leaving the next day.

While the tour itself had taken some time, the island wasn't that massive so that ultimately left the mayor with most of the afternoon and evening to do as she pleased.
With the tour done and arrangements already made with Tom, Violet would get back to work. She had her house debt to work off, and would need more skill and material if she wanted to impress Ankha. Part of her was hesitant with the demanding catgirl, but she couldn't deny the appeal. But for the most part, she knew if she won over the 'royal' then she'd be able to win over anyone.

So Violet would continue to just work away for the next few days, though at one point she would inquire with Tom on if the two of them together would be able to make a Fountain for the town or if that would need outside help for.
Ankha left the next day as promised, flying out on the seaplane, but Cherry remained camping for a few days more before she officially decided to move in. The canine picked a plot out and, with his typical efficiency, Tom soon had a small home built for her as well; the first official resident of the island. Cherry continued to be quite friendly and reliable. She didn't exactly help so much with construction or building up the town but she was always ready to lend an ear; exuding a sort of 'big sister' energy that would prove to be comforting for the mayor.

When Violet went to discuss the possibility of a fountain for the town the tanuki nodded. "Sorry about Ankha. I should have warned you, yes yes. She's a handful but it's worth trying to get her to move in. Her presence would be a big boost to the island's reputation." Of course he had known about her visit since he approved it and had the camping supplies ready but her dismissal hadn't been surprising to him. It might have stung the mayor though and he hadn't considered that in advance. "I can manage a fountain but it will be a bit expensive." Tom's face went a bit wide as he remembered something else. "Oh, I should let you know there's another interested villager that should be coming to check out the island soon. His name's Beau. Also if you get him, or someone else, to move in I think that will be enough to convince the Able sisters to open a tailor shop."
"I'm sure I'll pay off the cost of a fountain in good time, it'll be worth it in the end." Unaware of just how much debt she was building up here. But questioning the cost or anything else was pushed aside by the news from Tom, both of another new resident and the potential tailors following along. "A tailor shop? Oh that would be wonderful, I only was only able to bring so many sets with me!" She thought she'd been sensible with her choices, but steadily the wear and tear of daily work had been getting to her clothing. Not enough to be a problem yet, but it was good to hear there'd be a solution coming before that.

"Anything you know about this Beau? You seem to practically know everybody we've come across so far."
"Well I don't like to gossip too much but I've been around these islands for years and I've met a lot of people. New island gets settled, people flock to move in, then later on they get bored and look for a new place. Not to worry though, the established islands remain populated but residents tend to cycle in and out, yes yes." His plans would prevent that from happening on Stardew Island but he wasn't about to reveal all of that just yet. Still he scratched his chin for a few moments before figuring out what he wanted to say about Beau.

"Beau is a pretty laid back deer from what I remember. He likes to relax outside on quiet islands, though I think that's mostly because he feels embarrassed with too many people around. Many people find him... cute moreso than handsome. Don't take my word as gospel though, I've mostly focused on my work and could be misunderstanding some things, yes yes." Tom was mostly worried about giving the wrong impressions about people more than anything else. After all, he knew a little bit about almost everyone but wasn't strictly an expert on anyone. Well, aside from the Able sisters and Isabelle who all seemed to be on every island at once somehow.
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Violet couldn't help but try to picture the 'cute' deer man, though her definition of cute probably only had so much overlap with Tom's. Still she was eager to meet him and smiled a little at the description of his desires. "Well it certainly makes sense why he'd change islands. This place should be ideal for him if you're right about his desire for peace and quiet." Violet nodded to herself, knowing what she'd focus on for the tour. Granted she didn't have much else besides the serene natural beauty to work with right now anyway.

"Well I'll be sure to get ready for that. As for the Fountain, just give me a list of materials you need and I'll handle it." She obviously couldn't pay right now, but that would be paid off later with the rest of her debt.
"Mostly just stone for the fountain though I also need some iron ore for the internals, yes yes." Tom replied in his usual, even tone. She'd have to get lucky and find rocks with iron inside of them that she could break with her shovel, which meant the potential for a lot of work if she didn't get lucky in her endeavors early on. Tom could source the iron from off the island since it was such a comparatively small amount but the price would be much higher. Since he doubted Violet would ever be paying off her debts to him truly, he'd rather try to keep costs low and save something like importation as a last resort if she truly couldn't acquire the materials on her own.

Of course, there wasn't a time crunch on the fountain either so it could be something the mayor worked on in her spare time between everything else. More likely Beau would arrive to tour the island far sooner than she could acquire all the stone, let alone the iron, and there were many ways to relax and pass the time as well; even though her drive might push her to build up the place first and foremost.
"Don't forget your rest though. Working too hard leads to burnout like those people in the city, yes yes."
Iron, that could be tricky, she hadn't uncovered any in her previous work with rocks and didn't know where exactly to source some. She might get lucky of course, finding chunks of iron like she'd found that fossil, but she had a feeling it'd take a while. Still Tom seemed insistent she didn't overwork herself and the girl chuckled. "As much as I could lounge on the beach all day, I do want something to keep me busy." Though perhaps she should sunbathe a little, break out the bikini and relax a little. "But I'll try not to work too hard. Thank you Mr Nook."
A few more days passed without much of note. Island life was often plenty relaxing and without much excitement but most who lived here craved such an existence compared to living amidst hustle and bustle. In any case It wasn't long before the seaplane arrived once more to bring another prospective villager to the island; Beau, as explained by Tom Nook earlier.

The male deer stepped onto the docks and dragged a small suitcase behind him, his frame looking rather narrow and effeminate and already suggesting that he was not very strong or well used to any sort of labor. He wore only a long, white shirt with a high collar that ended up looking more like a dress for the fact that it hung to his upper thighs; his modesty was protected but it didn't seem like it would take much movement to reveal himself accidentally if he wasn't wearing anything underneath.

As Tom explained, Beau didn't exude many masculine traits. He was clearly a male of course, he didn't overtly appear to be pretending to be female or anything, but he had a softness and cuteness to him that was slightly adorable even from a distance. He smiled as he approached the waiting mayor and stopped a few feet away to converse. "Hello." His voice came soft and smooth like a comforting blanket on a winter's night. He was clearly a bit shy and a bit nervous, though not cripplingly so. "I'm Beau. Are... you the mayor of Stardew Island?"
Violet was waiting at the end of the docks as the seaplane arrived, smiling warmly as Beau stepped out and approached. She could certainly see what Tom meant about the deer being cute, very much agreeing with the tanuki in this. For her part she didn't mind the soft look, not that she was currently looking to date anyone right now, not that Tom would give her much choice in the near future.

The girl stepped up the deer and held out her hand to him. "That's right, I'm Violet the mayor. Welcome to Stardew." After giving him a chance to shake her hand she'd gesture inwards, to the path she'd steadily been fleshing out that lead to the town square- as it was. "If you'll follow me, I'll give you a tour of the island. If you'd like we can drop off your bag at Mr Nooks office so you don't have to lug it around. It'll be quite safe there."
He reached out to shake her hand but his grip was much more dainty than her own after having gotten used to chopping wood and breaking apart stone. That wasn't to say he was incapable or outright pathetic but, well, it was likely an odd sensation for Violet to realize she was stronger than he was. "Um, yes. I'd rather not haul this around the island, saltlick." He seemed a bit unsure about actually walking around the place as well but he clearly decided not to voice any concerns as he moved to follow along. Tom had no issues of course with Beau leaving his luggage in the office and, from there, the tour went rather well as she focused on showing off the quiet and natural beauty of the island considering there wasn't too much development otherwise at this point.

The grand tour didn't cover the whole island as Violet could quickly tell that his endurance was also not close to her own. Guiding the deer around a smaller area still took about the same amount of time though as his pace was slower and she instinctively slowed down to keep things comfortable for him. They ultimately ended up back at the town square when all was said and done and Beau seemed to wear a slight smile and an utterly peaceful and relaxed attitude about him; all good signs that he liked what he saw.
"It's a beautiful island. I... I don't want to rush into things of course so... I'll camp around a few days and explore at my own pace. T-thank you for the tour though. You clearly have a lot of passion for the place, saltlick."
'Saltlick? Well better than being called peasant I suppose.' Violet would let him have the nickname he chose for her, not minding it. The tour seemed to go well, even if she had to keep it short and to the spots close by. Fortunately there hadn't exactly been major development so there was plenty of natural beauty to show off within an easy walk of the square. All in all he seemed quite happy and she was certain he'd decide to stay.

"Take your time to decide, though I'm sure you'll be happy here. If you have any need of me, well you know where my house is and it's always open to my residents." Well that open door policy might need some moderation in the future but this early on she was happy to let it be the case.
Ultimately she was right of course, Beau did decide to stay and settle after a few days and he asked to have his home built a bit away from the town square and up in the more wooded area sort of near to Violet's house. This led to Tom being able to convince the Able sisters to set up a tailoring shop on the island. Though it would still be a little bit before they could actually pack up their things and arrive, Tom asked Violet to pick out a plot so he could get started on construction. Of course, the mayor had been steadily working on reducing her debt and paying off her house loan as well and between fishing, harvesting fruit, collecting shells, and whatever means she decided to go about things she'd find her initial loan paid off much quicker than previously expected. That was when some trouble would start.

"With this payment you've dealt with the first part of your loan, yes yes." Tom took the bag of bells and set it under his desk with a nod. Of course, Violet couldn't miss the fact that he said the 'first part' of her loan and not her entire loan. "Now that you've got your feet under you, you'll have to start making monthly interest payments. Only five thousand a month but still something to be aware of. Wouldn't want any misunderstanding to happen, yes yes." For his part the tanuki's expression remained about as even as it usually was but internally he was savoring these moments of the initial realization that the young woman was in over her head.
Violet would place the Able sisters around the rough town square she had going, near the offices, cannary and museum. She had a rough plan to place the fountain in the center of these buildings and develop out any other important buildings around this point, but that would wait for the future. With the tailor shops boundaries placed and Nook getting building, Violet was back to her routine of making small improvements where she could and otherwise making as much money from fishing and foraging as she could manage. This ultimately would all pay off as at last she was able to deliver the last bag of bells to Tom Nook, figuring she was now square with the owner... oh how naive she had been.

Violet choked back a startled cough, eyes widening as he outlined the amount. "F-five thousand?!" She was lucky to manage to get a couple hundred bells in a single day. She'd be struggling to keep up with these interest payments pushing herself, let alone anything extra for furniture, food, clothes or island improvements. "I'm not quite sure I'll be able to manage those payments so easily. Not through foraging anyway."
"Sure you can." Tom replied without missing a beat. "Timmy and Tommy told me you made about two thousand bells from a good day of fishing. You'll just have to shift how you spend your time a little bit, spend a few more days each month doing things to earn bells, yes yes." Five thousand a month was just the starting interest rate for the second part of her loan and it was a fairly reasonable amount. True the new mayor had been focusing more on improving the island rather than anything else, hence the poor income she'd brought in thus far, but he knew it wouldn't be difficult for her to meet and exceed the interest rates at this level to actually continue to grind away at her loan.

He paused a few moments and scratched his chin though in order to offer her at least some further variety other than just fishing. "Shouldn't be too long before Flick decides to come visit the island. He's a bug enthusiast and will likely give you, or let you buy, a bug net from him. Timmy and Tommy would offer them themselves but supply issues have left them on back order. Anyways, can be good bells from catching rare bugs. I'll try to let you know when Flick will be coming around, though he's a chameleon but usually keeps his skin a shade of red. Be hard to miss him, yes yes."
Violet's mouth opened to protest then closed again as she supposed she didn't have a good argument. Yes, that good day of fishing had only happened once, with her catching what was the item of the day. Calming down and letting her rational mind work, she just had to accept she'd need to keep a careful eye on the Nooklings deals and play into them. A few good days to pay off a months rent... that wasn't so bad?

The girl physically relaxed and gave a nod. She listened to the news of a new visitor to the island, one who could open up another avenue of income. "Well I'll keep an eye out for this Flick. Is he likely to become a resident of this island, or someone who is just passing through to see the local insects?"
"Oh no." Tom replied with a small and friendly chuckle. "Flick likes to travel through all the islands in the region. He'll occasionally come to visit no doubt in search of rare insects but he won't be a potential resident. I'm... not really sure exactly where he does live to be honest." The tanuki paused to consider that for a few moments but ultimately shrugged. "Like his father, Flick is a bug enthusiast and expert, yes yes. If you impress him enough he might let you go to one of his private islands for bug hunts. He likes to host tournaments every now and again to see who can capture the most rare and valuable bug as well."

It might not be glamorous, and may even not be her favorite activity in the long run, but Tom knew there were tons of bells to be made from catching and selling insects. They were plentiful on the islands so over-hunting wasn't much of an issue and couldn't be found outside the region so prices were somewhat inflated. For now she'd not likely find too much wealth from snooping around Stardew Island itself but, given time and opportunity, going on day trips to much smaller islands known to host more valuable specimens could be a great source of revenue for him; as she'd have to pay for her exorbitant loan. He resisted the urge to rub his hands together at the thought. Though, for as much as he was running this scheme to increase his wealth, Tom remained equally as interested in what sort of alternative payments he could take from the mayor or other villagers here that couldn't make their deadlines.
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Violet wasn't the type of girl who got off put by bugs, not someone to run screaming at a spider. That didn't mean however that she was a huge fan and bug hunting didn't appeal to her a great deal, but Bells were Bells and she might well need to do it to keep up with payments. Last thing she wanted was to put all this work into the island, to uproot her life to here only to fall behind and get evicted.

Gulping slightly, Violet decided to try her luck at one thing that had came to mind. Surely her work as Mayor counted for something right? "I've managed to convince two residents to stay so far. Is there any sort of... bonus to be applied for bringing in new residents to the island? Some compensation for my job as Mayor?"
For all his intentions to keep stringing her along Tom could hold back a chuckle at her question. It was just too unexpected for him to keep his composure. Still, he didn't laugh for long and quickly moved to reply so that he could do some damage control. "Don't take this the wrong way Violet but I've already given you the opportunity of a lifetime. I've set you up here as mayor, been lenient on your loans, and I've even given you some free tools, yes yes." While he easily could have, Tom didn't charge her for the shovel and axe she had needed to actually gather materials for the projects on the island.

"Two residents is a good start, enough to truly consider this place an established island, but Stardew Island still needs many more people to be successful." To give her a bit of motivation he quickly considered the concept of a reward system and what he could actually offer her. After a moment or two he figured a small gesture could be effective, though certainly misleading to the young woman as to how beneficial it would be. "Tell you what, I'll give it some more thought and come up with something for every five residents you bring to the island, not including yourself. Maybe shave off some of your loan or lower your interest rate. I'll let you know when I have something decided, yes yes." After all it would be good to make her want to bring more people into the place and it wouldn't be hard to deliver the information in a way that she'd think she's getting more of a reward than she actually is.
Violet winced slightly, the laugh telling her that it was a silly question. He was right, she had been given the opportunity of a lifetime, even if part of her complained that she was paying for that privilege too. Ultimately she backed down and actually perked up as Tom talked about the incentive, rewards for getting more residents. She didn't notice that he wasn't really giving any firm details and hadn't exactly promised anything. "I'll do my best Mr. Nook. I think I should be able to keep on top of the loan payments while getting the island ready for more inhabitants."
He figured she should be able to figure it out, though the change might still catch her off guard a time or two. In any case, he'd given her the appropriate information required of him so the responsibility lay on her shoulders now. After a few more days he'd share the finalized details of the bonus she'd asked for in the first place. For every five residents he'd reduce her monthly payments by one thousand bells. Right now that was effectively a twenty percent reduction, though with how much debt Violet was actually in it would be far less of a benefit when she got to later tiers of her repayment.

Cherry and Beau had seemed to settle in well for the time being but neither had been living on the island for long at this point. The first true month hadn't actually passed for anyone yet, not even Violet. Still, between the nookling's shop and the new arrival of the Able Sisters to set up their tailor shop, Stardew Island was fairly self sufficient for the moment. Although, much like Tom and the nooklings, Mabel and Sable didn't seem to much prefer wearing typical clothing beyond aprons to cover their front halves; the hedgehogs similarly not too shy in that regard.

During one of Violet's regular visits to the town hall to speak with Isabelle, the canine went over some information to help frame things for the mayor. "Well we still have the public works projects if you want to appeal to Ankha, the fountain, the statues, a garden. It also might be a good idea to set up a dedicated Campsite for any visiting villagers. Making a cozy space might increase the likelihood of people wanting to move in. We don't quite have enough villagers to warrant ordinances just yet, we can save that for later."
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