Mx Female Giving this a go!


Aug 31, 2014
Ok so a little bit about me as a start. Just looking at some of the other threads I suppose that is the best thing to start. I have been out of the roleplay game for a very long time. I have always loved it but I am a mess of social anxiety and dyslexia. All I ask from a roleplay partner is patience with me on that since grammar is not exactly my strong suit as you might have guessed with this intro post.

Next up just a few prefs I have in an rp. I prefer story moving along with smut tied in. I'm a sucker for the romance if that tickles anyone's fancy. I do not play anything bowel related in my roleplays and shy away from watersports if it follows along with the plot if its more evil in natured characters. Just share your list of pref. kinks and I'll play off things we both agree on. General rp rules I follow and expect my partner to follow like no Godmodding or Power Playing unless asked beforehand. Other than that I don't know what else I could set down for expectations. I will gladly double up on characters to those willing to double with mine. Not familiar with playing female characters but will try if asked.

Also feel free to suggest anything if you don't see anything on the list. I am into a lot more fandoms and games. I'd be happy to listen to any ideas for plots. Worst thing I can say is nah right?


Naruto - Alternate universe for OCs or original setting
*Legend of Zelda -Breath of the Wild/Tears of the kingdom/age of calamity setting. (My Dark Link against Zelda or Urbosa.)
Bleach AU or original setting.
Baldur's Gate 3
DC - Red Hood x Starfire
*Marvel - Flash Thompson x Felicia Hardy


Only plots I have a basic idea for.

Urbosa and Dark Link -

Once created in a long forgotten time by the dark demon king Ganondorf as one of his greatest weapons against the Hero. A perfect embodiment of all things the hero was not all his evils made manifest in a single form. Though this Dark reflection was defeated it never truly faded but who it would call master has changed hands more than once. Eventually it was summoned by the ancestors of Hyrule and made to serve as a test for the hero to defeat his inner darkness. In this time it was left to the Gerudo warriors who were tasked with keeping this dark creation locked away until Link needed it. This charge was passed down to Urbosa before the calamity had befallen the world. A strange bond between the two forming as it shares knowledge of the past as well as bonding over the skills with a sword. As Calamity approaches what will happen to the pair....knowing the fate of Urbosa in the prime timeline can it be altered?

The Hero has fallen

A hero and her party take up the task of defeating a dark lord. Fighting their way into the dark castle the hero and her friends engage the monster only to be defeated in the most horrible of manners. A dominate will spell cast over her mind and she is forced to watch or participate in the slaying of her entire party then made a slave to Dark Lord himself as he prepares to raze the rest of her nation. It will be Submission, Defiance, or death in her future....
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