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Duel Archive: Blue Angel vs. R.A.G.E.


Shall we write beautiful stories together?
Jan 27, 2011

The threats came from all over; and though Duelists like Playmaker, Soulburner, Go Onizuka, and Blue Angel were doing their best, it was like it was unending. S.O.L. was hounding them for interfering in their efforts to recapture the Ignis for study and scale-up of the creation of true A.I., those deterministic yet ironically free-spirited programs forced from their homes deep within the cyberspace by a third hostile faction: The Knights of Hanoi, a radical group led by a vigilante who only went by Revolver. Their members just as eager as he to capture the Ignis, but not for analysis and study; no, this group was hellbent on their total destruction.

No one understood the real connection between the three; and as Blue Angel raced through the Cyberworld on her custom D-Board - light green with white-striped sides and small heart-shaped, red-lined fins on the back sides, with blue gems on the front and green gems on the fins - she was being wary of what she had heard of in this area. Something had been attacking Knights at random. Something vicious, even worse than Blood Shepherd. Playmaker was off chasing more leads to his own, and a talk with Ghost Gal revealed she didn't think the investigation was worth the hassle; besides, wasn't like she was being paid, and if it was keeping the Knights busy? Let it, she told her, and that Blue Angel would be smart to let it lie. She wasn't going to help her like she did last time with that research team; the data storms in the network nearly killed them last time.

Even so....What she'd heard was morbid, this thing didn't just delete Avatars; it destroyed them violently. Never anyone innocent, at least not as far as she'd heard, but then...This WAS the Restricted Area of Link VRAINS. And last time she was here with Emma, she'd heard a voice. Distorted and very faint...But still there.

The entirety of the Restricted Area was sealed off by this point, a digital but very real-seeming netlike barrier impeding her progress; however, Blue Angel, then had a small sphere material materialize in her palm. Emma had actually tried to dissuade her from going...But when she saw how serious Aoi was, she just gave her a little gift. Something to knock down any gates in her way; Emma was good that way. Taking a deep breath, Blue Angel then threw the sphere at the barrier, an explosion erupting as the data-net was disrupted. Leaving a big enough hole that she could slip through, and did so.

Her board lurched, the barrier quick to close up as she slipped past, now on the other side of the gate. Her deep blue eyes scanned the area, trying to see into the infinite abyss that was this hollow place. It empty here. Eerily quiet. They'd really made sure nothing could get in...Or out. What was going on?


A low voice growled from the depths, echoing in the empty space around her; weirdly enough, she actually felt a chill wrap around her, her bare arms soon covered by her hands as she rubbed them. Her cute figure shivering a bit as she felt something approach. A weight of darkness she'd not felt since Hanoi infected her Deck.

You....reek of SSSSSSSSSS.O.L....Of thosSSSSSse cursSSSSsed Hanooooiiiii KnightsSSSSSSSSSS....Thosssssse architectsssssssssssssss....of myyy agonyyyyyyy...Myyyyyyyy...sssssssssssssssufffferrrrrringgggggggg.......

Blue Angel just looked around, trying to find the source of that voice. "Whoever you are...I'm not with them! I was here before!" she called out, adding "I heard someone else here...Someone faint...Are you the one....Attacking the Knights?"

The voice was silent at first, but then it replied.

You were here...With another....To find thossssssse three. A complainer, your comrade...wassssssssssssssssss. Leave thissssssss placccccce....Only deeeeeath awaitsssssssssssssss. There issssssss noooooo LLLLLLIGGGGHTT HERE!

Light? What was it talking about? Blue Angel just shook her head, stating "I'm here because those Knights are getting more aggressive! You've been destroying them! Help us...And we can help you. Protect you!"

Again, silence...But the voice just laughed.
Protect....No....No one protect.....Pain....issssss my fooooooood. Agony.....MY PURPOSSSSE!

At this, Blue Angel's board lurched as a sudden and violent Data Storm erupted; she was thrown off, but some quick reflexes had her Tether attach to her board, able to pull herself aboard it; and when she did, she saw....something floating near here. The Data Storm whipping around them violently; and yet she wasn't getting ripped apart. Was it....stopping it from doing so?

Regardless, it was creepy; it seemed like something....wicked. Cursed. Fragile; a small being covered in loose robes, frayed, torn and dull. Beneath the hood was what appeared to be a human face.

Seeeeeee.....befooooore yoooou thhhhhhe ressssssssult of SSSSSSSSSS.O.L...Theeeeee ancessssssstor....tooooo their poooooooowerrrrr....Thhhhheeeeeeiiirrrr grreeeedddd.

Ancestor....Wait, didn't Ai say something about how the Ignis were all created by one person? And she already knew from her brother that Revolver's father Dr. Kogami was the architect of their construction. Then there was the Lost Incident....But there was only six kids, wasn't there? All of which were accounted for....

"Were you....Human?" she then asked, the apparition laughing.

Onnnnncccceee waaaassss....Nooooo longer.....LIIIIIIIGGHT....was ssssstolen.....SSSSSSSSealed....SSSSSTUDIED....THHHHHHOUGHT DESTROYYYYYYYYYYYYED.....Nooooo rrrrreeeeeeeeesssst....Daaaattaaa....ussssssed fooooor.....IGNISSSSSS PROJECT......KOOOGGGGAMMMI.....MMMMMMMY JAAAAAAILOR....MYYYYYYY MMMMURRRDERERRRRRR.....

Her eyes widened in shock, a hand clasping over her mouth in horror. "L-Look.....I can help you.....I'll find a way...." she said, but then a terrible screeching forced her to cover her ears.


The severity of the Data Storm rapidly ramped up, the barrier around the two of them threatening to crack before it vanished.


This apparition form's seemed to destabilize and flicker, its body breaking apart and putting itself back together as it screamed, making Blue Angel cover her ears once again. The sheer intensity of the noise actually making her own Avatar start to flicker and become unstable. "Wait! We don't have to fight!" Blue Angel cried out; but then she felt chains around her ankles, tied to the apparition's form.


Blue Angel felt another chill run-down her spine; whatever this thing was, it wasn't going to let her go. "Well, Emma....Guess you were right about this too...." Blue Angel thought to herself, but then just resigned herself. This was her mess....No one would be able to get her out of here; and with any luck, maybe she could calm this thing down.

"Fine....If that's what Blue Angel has to do, then that's what Blue Angel will!"
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