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Fx Female Class of '09 Cravings


Apr 11, 2020
With how gay things can get in these games in the Re-Up especially I want to roleplay one of the many potential pairings. I have ideas for each pairing listed, some with more plot others more smutty and I'm open to suggestions as well. I'm also happy to play either side of these pairings. Also if there are any other pairings you want to play out let me know and we can discuss just know I am only looking for F/F with canon female characters, so no male characters or genderbends.

Jecka/Nicole- Alright let's get the big one out of the way first. For these, I'd imagine a mutual coming to terms with accepting they have feelings for one another. Jecka is hesitant because she knows Nicole is a sociopath and doesn't want to be hurt by her, meanwhile, Nicole doesn't want to end up hurting one of the few people she cares about. I can imagine a lot of snark between the two, some arguing since they lack the ability for the relationship to be entirely healthy, but also plenty of sex that keeps them together. Also for smut scenes, I'd prefer Nicole be the submissive one I'm flexible.

Nicole/Ari- I'm thinking something based on either route with Ari. Either post the ending where Ari breaks it off but still tries to cheat on Hunter with Nicole like in the text. Or the ending where Ari's house gets burned down. Nicole acts all sweet to save face and make sure no one in her school kills her but also behind the scenes she takes out her anger by choking Ari out and Ari enjoys it because it's the abuse she wants.

Ari/Kelly- Pretty much just pure smutfishing with this one. Kelly gives in to the lust she feels toward Ari and Jesus can't save her this time.

Principal Lynn/Nicole's Mom- Again something more smutty with this one. Basically, the two spend some quality time together while Nicole is out.

Emily/Nicole[/ur]- Their mutually destructive path continues until it ends with both dead or in prison.
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