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Steven Rose's Wish List

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Steven Rose

Aug 14, 2010
Thank you for taking the time to read this.

I am looking for a female character to try and fill one of my rp craves right now. I am more a fantasy meets modern favoring person but I'm open to just about anything. I can play dom or sub equally and most of my rps I can play either role. NOTE I only play male characters unless you can really convince me otherwise. I can create long or short posts and will try and match your length if not exceed it if in particularly good mood
This idea would go in Taboo section:
Currently I want to play a themed kidnapping were the female is taken to a maze filled with her worst nightmares by a bored wizard who wants to have her as a pet but needs to break her spirit first and my character plays a shade, who is supposed to guide her through the maze easily but actually leads her to all the worst spots. I would control the beasts and the shade(wizard not being played just a background character, may or may not meet him in end).

Other kinks that I would like to play are:
slave and master
fantasy theme
movie themed (Would like to try an Inception rp where some plays the Ariadne and I play Mr. Cobs)
horror theme (always love a good scream)

Things I wont do:
male on male

If you personally have any ideas and cant find someone to play them, I would like to help and if you like something you see here please pm me what you liked and we can discuss details
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