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Mx Female The Empire wants YOU! ("Dark" Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Modern Erotica, Slavery, Corruption - and much more!)

The Crimson Emperor

Apr 20, 2024
Hello and welcome, fellow readers and players!

So, you are here, stranger - quite possibly attracted either by the title of this RT, or by the set of tags. Quite possibly you're full of hopes that this player could match both your desired writing quality AND favourite themes and kinks.

In that case... Why don't we bring down the mood a little... by telling you more about my most obvious flaws as a roleplayer?

- First of all, English is not my native language. I think that my current level of communication is "understandable", but let's face it - I will make some grammar errors, and even more typos. Usually I'll try to correct them over time, while re-reading the post though.

- I'm hopelessly narrow-minded in terms of RP partners - I'm a male, looking for female characters, and only by PMs.

- Kink-wise, many of my favourite themes for stories are quite uncommon, and can be a dealbreaker to some.

- I'm quite inpatient! I tend to reply twice-thrice a week, sometimes even at daily basis, and I aim to find other active players. If your ideal pace for a scene would be one post per month - I'm certainly not a partner for you.

To further clarify this matter - I DON'T mind waiting even for a prolonged time, if you'll give me some info first. Maybe it'll be better explained on examples - if we've been playing nicely for a couple of weeks, and then you'll ask for a month or so of break - then it's not a problem! If we've been brainstorming a scenario, and suddenly you went silent.. after two-three days I'll bump the conversation to see if everything's alright, and then... I'll consider the discussion dead. This might sounds harsh, but what can I say - take it or leave it!

- Last but not least - I'm here for erotic fantasy roleplay, and the "erotic" part is important here. So if you're into "80:20 story to smut ratio", or "fade to black scenes only", then I might not be the best choice. On the other hand, pure smut with no plot is equally boring. A good story is a must, as well as creating the (more or less) detailed background and build an atmosphere... Let's try to find some good, old balance between these elements, shall we?

.... Oh, so you've decided to stay after all? I'm so glad! If so, let's move to the second part of my introduction!
- Despite the smut-oriented style of roleplay, I love creating complicated, detailed and twisted storylines, full of plot twists and (pleasant) surprises. I've got a lot of stories and pre-planned ideas as well, just excellent for either taking inspiration or quick-starting the play!

- I tend to write a lot and consider myself quite descriptive player - 3+paragraphs are a norm rather than exception, and usually I write even more

- I will respect your need for hiatus, and I'm pretty cool with slow pace. Feel free to respond when you have a chance!

And now, when you (more or less) know what could be expected from me as a player... Let's move to the so-called "Fun Part", shall we?

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"... Decadent? Me? Hah! You know nothing about the true decadence, Mortal! You see it as a weakness, while it's a privilege, a blessing granted only to those that have proven themselves worthy. And who might be more worthy of these sweet fruits of hard labour than our Empire? Have we not toppled the countless kingdoms and crushed thousand thrones? Have we not raised the monuments carved in stone and metal, to celebrate our victories and to show our might to the world? Ahh, but enough about this... You wished to see the Imperial decadence? Allow me to demonstrate then..."
Arch-Lich Timeonus the Pale, during his famous confrontation with the Knight of the White Rose

The basic and default setting for most of my roleplays is the realm of Astros - so in other words, the "original" storyline for the Crimson Empire. Don't worry though - you don't need to know much about the world, since it's basically yet another iteration of Your Standard Fantasy Realm.
The realm of Astros, or simply the Realm, is home for dozens of exotic races, flourishing magic, brave heroes and - of course - their own, unique Forces of Evil! There's only one, small difference between Astros and countless other fantasy universes - the local incarnation of the Overlord of Darkness is slightly more competent than the pathetic average, and the Crimson Empire actually has a good chance of conquering the whole realm.

With the last renmants of the free kingdoms still struggling to form an united coalition against the marching hordes of monsters and disciplined Imperial legions, now it's the time to decide the final fate of the Realm! Would you help to defend this last bastion of Light... or rather allow it to fall and unite the whole continent under the crimson banner?

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This section of the RT is still WIP and will be either heavily modified, or rebuild from a scratch... But as for now, it should give you the general view of what I'm looking for.
adultery, bdsm, slavery, bondage, rough/hate sex, dub-con, magic, aphrodisiac, rituals and games, "enemies with benefits", corruption, self-sacrfice (see below), imperfect mind/body control (allowing heroine to fight back), sexy outfits... and much more!

Adultery/Married characters - possibly the biggest kink of mine. I just simply LOVE the idea of faithful, loving woman being captured and slowly, but surely transformed into obedient, willing sex slave. If I'm the one proposing the scenario, expect it to at least hint such themes. If you're coming up with ideas - any scenario that'll involve married heroines would draw my attention!

Bad Guy's Revenge - at some point in the past a villain of the story has clashed with our heroine (or her friends), and he was "defeated". Now his soul burns for revenge. Of course, the "defeat" is a very broad term, and it's interpretation lies entirely in villain's delusions. Perhaps it was literally a defeat on the blood-soaked battlefield - but perhaps it was something as trivial as losing a magical competition, rejecting his advances, revealing that he was plotting to backstab his own party etc.

Corruption/ Fall from Grace - a female character starts as a noble hero of her realm, just ruler, devoted mother and wife - and ends up being a trained, obedient toy, or an elegant, yet utterly depraved and sex-obsessed courtesan on noble's court.

Corrupted Morality/Twisted Honor - a hero - or even more, his whole civilization - is following their own system of moral values, often full of double standards and handy exceptions. And these guys don't feel any remorse about that - in fact, they are proud of it! For example, necromancy is accepted, but only if used on slaves' corpses (while the nations' ancestors are universally honored); a warrior would rather die than break his word, but only if it was given to a human -otherwise they're free to backstab their party at any time etc, etc. The irony is that, in a way, they may still be "honorable" guys in their own eyes, despite being labelled as "barbarians/monsters" by the whole world.

Decadence, but with Style! - directly linked to the concept above. Yes, they are a nation of warmongers and slavers, and their elites spends their entire lives pursuing the path of hedonistic pleasure... Yet at the same time, they are still Nobles, and they wouldn't dare to lower the standards for their society - and for themselves. In roleplaying terms, the aristocratic character may deliberately avoid the easiest solution, if they feel it's below them. Yes, it would be easy to just raze the rebellious city to the ground... but would that be fun? Perhaps it'll be better to make an example out of them - and make them "willingly" submit to their former master? The noble characters portrayed this way are also EXTREMELY suspectible to challenges and dares - which could be used by heroine characters.

"Heroic" Sacrifice/"Willing" Slavery - just imagine, a noble Queen of the besieged town offers herself to enemy general, for the promise of sparing her city... or a benevolent witch is forced to perform a sexual ritual to undo the powerful curse, knowing that only this would save the realm...

Unfair Advantage - let's face it - no one would be transformed into an obedient slave in just one night. Fortunaletly, the Imperial nobles are not above using sexual magic, rare aphrodisiacs or other dirty tricks to speed up the process of training...

Mind/Body conflict - deep in her soul, the very core of her existence the heroine stands adamant, promising to herself that the Imperials won't break her... But why can't she control her urges, and why she's craving for the touch of her owner?

Hated Rivals/Sworn Enemies - an excellent way to make the scene even more kinky; also, the easiest way to build a reasonable background and "chemistry" between the characters.

Sexual games/competitions - "Yes of course, I will set you and your people free... IF you'll manage to endure the whole night in Tentacle Pit without cumming!"

Doppelganger Betrayal - a recently developed, fresh idea, that I'm craving to explore - and of course, closely connected to adultery themes. A married heroine is seduced by another man (preferably somewhat linked to her backstory), who pretends to be her husband - either thanks to the vile magic, or something as simple as blindfold and good timing...

Epic Struggles and Mundane Tasks - another fresh idea, or rather a crucial episode of far bigger plot, which can serve as unwanted endgame, or the horrific opening. A heroine has been captured in epic battle, stripped from her titles and sold into slavery to Imperial Palace. There she was sexually tortured, brainwashed, conditioned, forced to endure the hardships of learning the details of imperial eitquette, the basics of seduction, dance, arts... she has learned all of these, only to discover, that her only task for the rest of her life would be giving her owner a towel twice a day, or stand behind his throne for six hours straight, gagged and blindfolded. I like the twisted irony of hard, detailed training required from the palace to deem the slave "ready", even when said slave has little to none use.

Who's the Real Beast? - a.k.a. a twisted version of Beauty&the Beast story. I like the concept when the love partner of beautiful heroine looks ugly, even horrible for the outside world, but he has a golden, warm and open heart; while heroine's captor is almost insanely good-looking, probably with great reputation too - but also rotten to the core, perverted and twisted. These contradictions may serve as a base for countless great scenarios!

Toilet play and anything related to it is a no.

Underage characters in any form are a big, BIG no! I chose the BM especially for it's strict intolerance of these themes and even mentioning it is an instant dealbreaker.

Incest is a very big turn off in almost all cases. The only exceptions are mother-daughter and sister-sister pairings, but only in threesome/side-by-side situation and only if we're talking about a fully matured characters (the older the better, with 40 and 20 years being the minimum; even better is the concept of immortal races, like elves, where after first century of life it doesn't matter that much


Rulers and Conquerors - isn't this one quite obvious?

Spoiled Aristocrats


"Corrupted" Heroes

Acolytes and Agents of Horrors from Beyond

Horrors from Beyond!

Twisted Sorcerers

Ruthless Trainers

"Fallen" Tribal Warriors

Traitors of the Kingdom/Tribe/Empire

... and many others!


Royal Figures - Queens, Warchiefs, even Godessess.

Rebel Leaders - because what sort of Imperial commander wouldn't try to capture the beautiful leader of anti-imperial forces?

Tribal Warriors - Ahhh, to tame a true beast from Western Jungle! Father would be so proud!

"Good" members of "evil" races - "Rrright orc. Of course, I believe that you're an "ambassador of peace", wishing to change our perception of your wretched race... Now strip, before I'll call for more guards!"

Witches/Modern Witches/Supernatural creatures- there's just so many possibilities, when magic is involved....

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The collection of stories below is only a repository for *some* of my ideas, so rest assured - I have many more, though I prefer to share them through PMs. Still, I believe it's a good thing to show you, dear reader, of what I'm looking for and how I wish to use the themes described above in actual game.

Current Setting of the Week: Harems and Brothels!

The gentle whispers and women voices, dim light and music, the touch of silk, the luxurious cushions and draperies... Surely it is a far better fate than to be sold into the salt mines, but it can be just as deadly. This is the world where the Master(s) word is law - and all priviliges could be granted or taken away on a whim. No other slave is gonna weep for you and your sad fate, because most of them shares the similar stories, and now they are all competing for the prestige and power... Despite all the luxuries it's really a nest of vipers.
Previous Setting of The Week: POST-APOCALYPTIC!
The old world is no more, and those who have survived the End of Days have to adapt to the new, strange lands - or perish. Some peoplen try to revert to the Old Ways and find harmony with the world (and with themselves), while others would desperately fight to preserve the old knowledge and power, clinging to the renmants of ancient technology. It is a brutal world, with clan wars, pillaging and slave wars being a part of daily life. Would you become a hero, that brings a spark of hope into the darkness of this new dark ages? Or rather will you end up as a toy in hands of one of local petty warlords?
Previous Setting of The Week: Modern! (Wait, what?)

You heard that right, for the first time in ages I'm quite open to modern scenarios! Or at least, quite modern-ish.

Secret organizations and undeground slavery rings, eager to provide rich White/Black businessmen/Latino Mafia Lords/Asian Sect Leaders etc. the beautiful women of their choice. Mafia wars waged in secrecy in dark corners of the big cities - and of course, linked to that, stories of bitter revenge and hate. CEOs of mighty corporations living double life - and having double standards, their lecherous look focused on female coworkers. Undercover missions of female investigators and courageous journalists willing to take a deep dive into the shadowy world of brothels. Finally strip clubs - because who doesn't like a well-written scene in that setting? Last but not least - the "Indecent Proposal"- inspired ideas, in many variations!!

Previous Setting of the Week: Ancient History-Inspired!

From the luxurious harems of the Egyptian and Persian harems, the shadowy brothels under the ziggurat of Babylon, to the decadent villas of corrupted Roman Senators - the world that is now largery forgotten, and that's make it so attractive! Or perhaps the charms lies in the stories about the barbarian tribes of the North, their constant struggles and clashes against the Roman Empire - and against each other. In pretty much any part of the world slavery is just a thing that happens on regular basis, and decadence is not a demerit, but rather a way of life to many wealthly nobles.

There was a moment, when people all across the Realm have firmly believed, that the White Roses and their allies have a chance to defeat the Empire, once and for all. They believed, that even the combined forces of all monstrosities unleashed by the Emperor would be no match for the combined might of the Queen and her faithful, adamant soldiers. They thought, that the hour of the Emperor's last breath is near, and the world shall finally be freed from their opression.

They thought wrong.

It doesn't matter if the devastating defeat was caused by the betrayal of her most trusted generals, the numerical advantage of the Imperial Army or simply pure, dumb luck... But instead of leading the liberated slaves against the Crimson Palace, the brave leader of the Rebellion, the famous Queen of the White Rose is led on a leash, forced to march across the Imperial capitol and parade before the gathered crowd. She could only pray for a quick, honorable and merciful execution, but unfortunaletly for her, those things are considered a privilege that has to be earned, and the Emperor has other, more... sophisticated plans for her...

The locks that hold the Gates of the Abyss are firm and strong, conjured ages ago by the most powerful mages that ever walked the earth. Under normal circumstances, even the power of Darkness is not enough to break them. Yet the situation is far from normal... The Darkness could feel the mind in the world beyond the gate - a weak, puny mortal mind, yet for some reason - filled with absurd amount of hidden magical reservoirs, a truly wild, uncontrolled, untamed talent. This particular mind is filled with anger, with hate, and - what's even more promising - raw, burning desire, a kind of unholy lust for something or someone far beyond their reach. If only the Darkness could reach for the Mortal's mind... To convince them, that with Darkness' help their desire could be fulfilled, and together they could rule the Mortal worlds as the Darkness physical avatar.

The Darkness is aware, on some primitive, purely instinct-based level, that the descendants of the people who locked them beyond the magic seals are still living on the other side. They are guarding the gate, they will do everything they could to stop the entity's plans... But will they truly be able to defend the gates of reality against the chosen champion of the Unnamed Darkness?

Ahhhh, the proud and beautiful Megaville, home to the most famous squad of superheroes on Earth - the Mighty Dozen! It's a greatest place to live... as long as you remember, that you're just a character from popular comic series, and nothing around you is truly real. No matter if you're a hero of the story or just a background chatracter, all you have to do is to stick to the scenario though, and that's it; the Mighty Dozen really care for their perfect city, so the streets are safe and clean, bandids are in jail and all supernatural crisises have been averted so far.

That's why it's especially confusing to the old residents when a new character appears... One that is both insanely powerful... and extremely arrogant. Worse still, he refuses to follow the original plot and modifies the scenario according to his whims. Could it be, that someone has managed to add their Gary Stu fan character in the latest issue?

...This lower plane of existence is commonly known as "Hell"... though, truth to be told, it's denizens are more interested in harvesting the lifeforce energy of the Mortals, rather than their souls. All the Hell's economy is based on unholy powers distilled from Mortals' emotions... and because of that, the lords of this place have implemented severe laws against... hmmm... mixing buisness and pleaure. One of the most important ones is simple: do not fall in love with your cattle.

Any demon caught red-handed would be send to the deepest part of the Infernal Realm, where they'll be re-educated and repurposed (read: totally broken and mind-scrubbed) by the cruel lords living there. Such is the supposed fate of a rebellious demoness, recently sent here for breaking the "sacred" rule of Hell. Unlike other captives however, this particular ex-succubus is determined to find her way out and reuinite with her beloved one... Will she succeed... or will she fall even deeper into the clutches of corruption?

History tends to repeat itself, playing the same schemes over and over, in infitite circle... They could be a wandering pair of cavemen, a young couple living on a small farm on Wild West, a pair of survivors of the apocalypse hiding in small oasis of life, or perhaps spouses in depths of space, seeing their ship as their home. He could be a bandit, a member of rival tribe, or a simpl space pirate.... But these details are uninportant.

What really matters is that after her beloved one's defeat the Enemy claims their house - and her - as his property, his spoils of war. Now it's up to heroine if she'll find a way to defeat the foe and reclaim her previous life... or succumb to new, strange temptations.

The Great Cyrona Hunt is an annual tournament organized by the goverment of Cyrona III, a prominent core planet of the Crimson Star Empire. Year after year the best hunters of the galaxy are invited to test their skills against the unique kind of prey - the humans.

Of course, in the past the organizers have repeatedly denied that they are using the real humans - prisoners, captives or political opponents. Officially, only the genetically-enchanced clones are used during the festivities... But still, those stupid rumors still persist. Nevertheless, it's a good thing that the Hunt has it's own set of rules - while the "Prey" may defend themselves in any way they see fit, the hunters are allowed to carry a non-lethal weapons only.

The next tournament starts in just a few days and the locals are already making bets about this year's hunters... and the choice of their prey.

The "Eternal Emperor" was the flagship of the mighty Crimson Imperial Fleet. Built around two centuries ago, it was one of the most powerful weapons in Galaxy's history. Unfortunaletly, the ship was lost with all hands, due to unexplained malfunction of it's Warp Generators. It was long believed, that the ship was reduced to sub-atomic particles in spectacular explosion... But a few cycles ago, it was spotted again on the outskirts of the Known Space, apparently in pristine condition.

Getting to the hulk of the "Eternal Emperor" first and claim it would be a life dream of countless pirates, scavengers and several stellar empires... But what will happen if the unfortunate adventurers shall discover the truth about the "Eternal Emperor's" disappearance... and the malevolent entity that has claimed the ship as their own?

A.K.A. "What will you get, if you'll mix together the "Hunger Games" franchise, the "Big Brother" book and "Big Brother" TV show?"

The future is far, far worse that one could imagine... Instead of focusing on space exploration, self-improvement of a man or repairing the biosphere, the dystopian society of Tomorrow is more interested in yet another iteration of reality shows. A group of contestants is locked in small area, and then forced to compete against each other in several "challenges", usually based on strenght, agility and personal charm... And of course, there's a catch- that the winners of the competition will be granted a complete authority over the defeated players, basically making them their slaves before the cameras. Of course, in order to make the "storyline" even more interesting, the organizers would make sure that the "right" person shall win the competition, for example giving a famous criminal total power over the lovely couple or "accidentally" placing best friends in opposing teams. Anything for the sake of entertaiment!

One of the simplest stories of mine, it's best fitting for one-shot session, or a part of some bigger scenario... But still, it's worth a shot! A heroine belongs to a race that periodically enters some kind of mating season, when they can barely control their instincts. Usually she's prepared for that and she spends that time at the side of her beloved one... but this time this is not the case.

Perhaps the mating season started a bit too early, or perhaps she's a prisoner in the dungeon of her sworn enemy. Perhaps it was a mere coincidence... or perhaps it was deliberately hastened by some machination of one of her "friends", jealous of her relationship ans wanting her for themselves. For a long-term version of this scenario, it might be caused by an influence of ancient spell, or an item found during her journeys, one that will slowly affect her body and mind. No matter what it is though... Soon the heroine will find even her most sworn enemies to be... strangely, almost mesmerizingly attractive.

An attempt to try a new approach to my evergreen kinks and themes... A heroine's husband has gone missing, and is thought to be either dead, or even worse - captured by some unholy enemy, most likely tortured on daily basis. One of his friends offers a help and promise to lead a heroine to her beloved one and rescue him together. Little does she know, though, that the supposed "friend" and "hero" is indeed the one responsible for her beloved one's fate, and it's a part of his machination to seduce her in her moment of weakness. Will she be able to resist the dark temptation and uncover the truth before it's too late?

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Here I'm going to post some loose thoughts, concepts and other story elements that came to my mind at some point, yet I never tried them in practice. Read at your own risk! But not because it's in any way shocking - it's just this part is much less coherent than the rest of this RT, and many of these concepts might actually be unplayable at long term.

I have a tendency to play my characters as spoiled bastards, rotten to the core and actually enjoying the corruption they inflict upon the world and/or the heroine... Even if they could be redeemed, they don't want to, as they are comfortable with their current whereabouts.

But lately I was imagining another type of villain... Someone who is generally good-willed and kind in nature, but also forced to do terrible things for the sake of accomplish some greater goals. He may hate his role, hate being "bad" and certainly hate to fight against the real heroes, but also feels compelled to complete his mission, because it is the only way... To give you a few examples - imagine an "isekai" character that instead of being summoned to save the world, is instead a Dark Lord's guy for dirty jobs, helpling other villains to corrupt and enslave helpless heroines. Or a former knight, tormented by the visions of the apocalyptic future, a prophecy that might only be broken, if he'll betray his best friends and sell them to the demon lord. Or a king that understand, that sometimes to achieve some even greater goal, a ruler needs to sacrifice several pawns...

It's a common situation in a story that there are two possible outcomes of the single scene, each attractive in it's own way. Should a heroine succumb to dark seduction or resist it? Are the town's defenders going to fight to the last man or open the gates? Etc etc. It could be interesting to try to play each of these options, either due to the in-plot time travel (and thus making this theme a part of the story) or creating a separate story, based on this different outcome. After all, why waste a great scene, when you can play it over... and over... and over?

A mutation of the scenario presented above... where, instead of "real" human players, the showmen used the characters from various popular fandoms. The "specimen" could be obtained by interdimensional travel, or - perhaps it's even more interesting option - they can be artificially created copies, that are nevertheless completely unaware that they are "not real". So, if you ever wanted to see Kali Belladona and Ann Possible struggle against each other for their freedom... it's a scenario for you!

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*New* Fandoms!

This part is still a WIP. Below you'll find a list of fandoms and female characters that I would like to play with - as for my character, I am quite open about whether OC, or some well-established villain.

RBWY: Kali Belladonna
The Incredibles: Helen Parr
Marvel/DC: Black Canary, Black Cat... and perhaps a bunch of lesser heroines.
League of Legends: Xayah
Others: Mavis Dracula, Android 18

Are you still interested, even after going through all of this chaotic wall of text?

If so, and if you're willing to hear more about my story ideas - feel free to message me! I can't wait to meet new players and create something interesting, plot-captivating... and kinky.
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Another bump - because why not? This time I'm open to a wide range of ideas, and also have some ideas not posted in this RT.
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