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Feb 4, 2015
Long-term > Third Person > Literate > Multi-Liner > MxF > MxFxF > NSFW > Fanfic Friendly > OOC Friendly

BLUEMOON- I am excited to put this thread out there for new eyes and old if you know me and my writing. I aim to meet more writers looking for story-driven plots and to bring back the classic art of roleplay. Despite the smut, we still crave the human connection that is included with romance; Women, Men, and All in between, want to feel desired, appreciated, loved… And as Role Players, a lot of us are willing to put in the effort to seek and maintain this deeper level of commitment between characters because we believe that the people still looking will eventually find the people still capable of it. We'll make the scenes hotter, and the sex steamy through intimacy and foreplay. Including our darkest desires, we'll reach holistic depth.

Anyways, try to imagine that when I respond, I write as much as possible in great detail. Hopefully when you respond, we will write pages of an engaged roleplaying experience. So please, no one-liners. This request is for players that…

…contribute constructively and creatively.
…are unafraid to write a twist or throw conflict into chaos.
…introduce different types of characters to play.
…are open to exploring histories and culture.
…are sluts, whores, or quite possibly a freak in the sheets, respectfully.

Full disclosure, this is a MxF deal where you make all of the decisions for your female character and I play the male protagonist. The same goes for side characters to make it easier for us. Please feel free to PM me your most favorite pairings or themes to roleplay in and why. They say you get in what you put out so hopefully this'll do it- can't wait to get started.

Current Cravings and Plot Ideas A-Z

Arranged Marriage: Enemies forced to love to unite warring families; they initially despise each other before they fall in love for real despite themselves, their dangerous secrets, and their roles in the political game.

Ancient Evil/Apocalyptic Event: The threat to worldkind awakens; a prophecy predicts a chosen one to lead a unique group of heroes to fight for their lives to save humanity from extinction.

Anime: 90 Days; Castlevania; Suikoden; The Great Pretender.

Assassination: A double agent uncovering a conspiracy is targeted by a skilled Assassin with an unforgivable past; their love leads to a forbidden affair and puts their lives at risk.

Student Scenarios: Campus activism and protesting the university brings a trio of friends closer before being divided by a love triangle.

Conquest: The last of the Rebellion rally their people to defend their homeland from a ruthless invader; an unlikely hero rises to the occasion in a declaration of love while betrothed to another.

Corruption/Criminal Organizations: An undercover agent risks their life to destroy a powerful crime syndicate, but falls in love with the enemy.

Covert Operations: A classified mission takes place overseas behind enemy lines when a seasoned veteran and a rookie operative are ambushed and stranded.

Dream Land: When someone learns to control their dreams, they encounter their crush in multiple scenarios and discover their ability to share the same dream.

Deus Ex Machina: A witness could be the key to everything.

Espionage: A spy uses a beautiful stranger to get closer to their target; a love story of deceit and desire.

Military Missions: Injured during a search and rescue, a combat veteran and a doctor develop a romance at the heart of war.

Mortal Kombat: Liu Kang x Kitana; Takeda x Jaqcui; x OC.

Movie Scenes: Two A list actors create heat on set so intense they take it home with them.

Murder Mystery: A sharp detective teams up with a scientist to take down their AI-sentient experiments.

Political Crime Drama: A corrupt diplomatic figure makes the bold decision to change, constantly threatened by their past.

Rebellion/Revolution: Finding hope in a tyrannical regime, an idealistic rebel prisoner turns an enforcer to the cause.

Robbery/Heists: An art thief is thrown into the criminal dance of forgery and fraudulent dealers, while falling for a famous painter.

Treasure Hunting: The thrill of journeying through forgotten temples to unlock its secrets.

Vampire Hunting: A seasoned hunter and mysterious newcomer are drawn to the same unusual killings.

War: A soldier is left in charge of a small village.

Note-worthy Characters

Fighter, Warrior, Samurai, Swordsmen
Soldier, Military, Mercenary, Assassin
Private Investigator, Detective, Spy, Agent
Mage, Shape-Shifter, Vampire, Werewolf
God, Demigod
King, Prince, Nobleman, Knight
Professor, Archeologist, Librarian
Director, Talent Scout, Producer
Actor, Artist, Singer, Athlete/Jock, Coach/Mentor
Drug Dealer, Scavenger
Older/Mature, Struggling/Poor, Disabled
Bodyguard, Hired Hand

World Building Favorites

Cyberpunk/Cyberspace - Basically Earth C-137.
Fantasy - Earth with more trees.
Historical Timelines - Earth back in the day.
Modern Themes or a Slice of Everyday Life.
Zion - End of the world with Alien or Robotic overlords.
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