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Blood in the Wild (Wade & Femmesto)

Wade Von Doom

It's a word, no a name. DOOM
Dec 8, 2018
Where Shawshank Redemption is

Long since established from the time of lords and kings, the city was entering into a golden age of industrial revolution. Steam engines powered incredible trains that crossed the continent, coal fueled electricity through everyone's homes, trading ships brought exotic goods from lands far off the map, and within the parliament buildings was the court of representatives of each city district that dictated new laws, new taxes, and new means of capitalistic venture in this brave new century the world was entering into. But, for all its progress, there was equally enough bad that came with it. The lakes and rivers of the surrounding mountainside the city was built next to were polluted by the excess oils, sewage and chemicals that spilled from the factories. Lower classes were still struggling with labor pay and horrid working conditions. The smog that came from the pillowing smoke chimneys made the air almost unbreathable when the wind blew hard on colder days.

And above all that were the killings. A spree of murders with no clear suspects. Men and women alike were ravaged by some vicious being that defiled their corpses into masses of flesh, decorating the streets with their entrails for fun, and even drinking of their blood. It was always those of the lower class, street walkers who were desperate for money, or workers too exhausted from a day's work to make it home on time. The rumor had it that it was vampires. Such rumors were always quickly dismissed by police, but behind closed doors, even they feared this may have been the world of some unholy creature. And they were right. Because it wasn't just one vampire. It was a gang of them.

A whole enterprise of low lives and scum suckers who lived in the city's underbelly. There was a whole network of people that lived in the old ruins of Anchorest, those who worshiped occultic magic, or the thieves who stalked the night for coin, or the gangs who prowled the streets for territory when the cops weren't around to stop them. Or worst of them all, the factions of vampires that held control over this underworld. Their vampiric powers made them a force to be reckoned with, but like any organic life form that can produce advance thought, the moment power is introduced into the social ecosystem, someone wants it more than the other. And so there were several vying for control of the city from the shadows. The ones currently leading, and the most powerful, were the 'Valmonts.' And their leader was a youngster in comparison to every other vampire lord. But, his ruthless nature quickly made him top of their food chain, along with his mischievous mind that helped them gain more control of the city through dastardly deeds.

Tonight was a celebration of one. Old King Kade, last of the royal bloodline, finally croaked. His family had ruled Anchorest for generations, but as society changed, the power of the monarchy weakened, and with his heirs all dying young, he was the last of his bloodline. Once he passed, the council could decide either to vote a new ruler, or take full democratic control. The votes were leading for the latter. The 'old bastard' was going out of style and fading away like the fad he was, and now it was time to party for the new era.


It was well after midnight. The party goers were dressed in fancy attire, wearing masks of gothic caricatures, and embracing each other in the gloomy atmosphere of the ballroom. Adorning the ceilings were chandeliers sparkling with gold, while the holy crosses were disparaged with phallic images and disheveled pieces of trash. This was once a ballroom for the old royals of the old city. But, with time passing them by, it was the vampires to use however they desired. And in this case, the 'Velmonts' decided to dress it up a bit, give out a dress code, and wallow in depravity in front of these old symbols as one last 'fuck you' to the decrepit old pricks of that forgotten world. And while people danced on the open floor, classical music flooded the halls and echoed around the room.

Angram Kingdom
When you think of Angram KIngdom, you think it's just a 'small and simple' village hidden beyond a lush, thicket of wild trees, mangles of bushes, and thorny vines. Well, you would be right about the entry, but Angram had those defenses for years, enchanted earth magic that protected the 'kingdom'. The 'Bramble Forest' was the Forest where wild adventures or hunters would go since every corner you went down, the path would wind you away and you could end up being Drachnera's next meal. That's the lovely black widow giant spider, who guards the caves of the forest. If only you were invited by Queen Cresila herself, or anyone of her fairy court, even the witch court elders, would you find the perfect entranceway to the kingdom of shine and warmth. It was a startling contrast to how dark, murky, and haunting Bramble Forest was. However, the woman that ruled her Angram KIngdom . . well a handful ruled but the main leader of this kingdom was Queen Cresila, highness of the summer court and feared enchantress of the kingdom she ruled. Cresselia made sure that everything was in a row, and only ordained people in her court that were either heir to their parents throne or someone she qualified to be part of her fairy court. The lands were protected by the elves, witches, and fairies before her, and you can say she plans to make sure to keep that sacred. Even promoting incest behavior, which wasn't new but Queen Creslia didn't trust outsiders . . everyone was an enemy. However, she ran into oa issue . . .

Cresila needed access . . need more reinforcements to aid in combat, war, or even nurse hands. Who would help maintain the rolling fountains of youth? The healing pitcher plants that drip syrup that can cure any ailment? She had to seek out . . but how? Her family and the past elders did it so well before . . and she had to force herself to allow people in . . but she didn't trust the outside. One idea did perk her interest. Her loyal messenger that was was a shifter, went from a robin to a human male, short and pudgy but punctual. Freddy.

"Queen Cresila! Your highness! I have word of good news!" Freddy shouted to his queen, the dark skinned queen sitting on her throne, wearing a beautiful green fitted gown that caressed the floor, pink roses adorned the dress. On her head was a floral crown, the queen offering Freddy a smile. "Come now, Freddy! Tell me what my favorite messenger has to tell me." The warm and soothing, rich voice of the woman resonated in the air, the rather impressive and huge daffodil's above her resonated with her voice as soft pollen fell onto her. Due to this, her skin resonated with a shimmery glow. Freddy walked the marble green steps to her, standing at her side.
"King Kade has fallen, and the vampire court is tossing a party in celebration." Cresila raised a eyebrow at this, not sure how to feel. That was one thing about being in the outskirts . . you never hear anything of news. "King Kade?! Well, about damn time . . but why is this so important?" Freddy let out a shrill of a tweet, looking at the situation at hand. "This would be a great way for us to network, form connections, and a safe way for us to engage." Cresila stood up, the 5ft10 woman sighed, beginning to move from her throne. "I don't know, Freddy . . I don't want to expose this beautiful land to them . . how do we even know that their old leader wasn't part of their crazy coup!?" Cresila sighed heavily, looking at her nails that were painted a soft peach. "I know it's risky .. but you have to think about your kingdom. We need recruits, and I can send you people to your aid." Cresila held her hand up, shaking her head. "No, this is part of my kingdom. I need you to stay, everyone else to stay. The past queens and kings wouldn't give me this task if I couldn't handle it." Cresila then had a smile on her face, softling twirling around to face Freddy. "Well, we have to show face, and make haste. Besides, with every fallen leader, there is a new one to take hold. Since this is so new . . maybe I can get the new leader to side with me, and I can gain resources and his people without giving him my kingdom. Lure him with my magic, my looks, and maybe even toss in an act of intercourse as well." A wicked glint danced in her eyes. "Fine, let's shake up Achorest, shall we?" Cresila let out a soft chuckle, feeling a renewed sense of hope. Freddy did seem concerned, though he nodded. "Just don't fall in love." Cresila laughed at that, shaking her head. "Love is never in the cards. Though, if I have to fake it to gain part of his kingdom, so be it. But who would love a vampire? Besides, he might be able to handle the heat." Cresila laughed, dusting a curl away from her face. "Alright, Freddy . . call in the seamstress and have her prepare me the best dress she can muster . ." Show time.

Hours later, Cresila arrived at the hellish castle, haven't been to King Kade's castle in a very, very long time. "Well, nothing is on fire." She has only ever been on the outside but never deep into the catacombs. Her dress was resonating with a warmth and glow, causing some of the vampires around her to shield their eyes. They didn't know who she was, but they can tell she was very powerful. Cresila stepped out of her carriage that was a giant, gilded gold pumpkin, being guided by 4 buck mounts. "Reggie, come for me in a few hours or so. You'll know." Reggie the horseman nodded, the elven stable hand guided the bucks back to her kingdom. "Alright, Cresila, time to woo a prince. A leader . . or a king . ." Cresila didn't know what she was getting herself into, but she figured she would be fine . .even when she stepped through the main front doors, wearing a gold gilded mask that had feathers on each end, covering the top half of her face. she felt proud and ready to face whatever was presented in front of her. As she walked into the ballroom, her dress was alive with flapping butterflies, warm sunflowers that were plucked, and her hair cascaded down her back, covering the two slits that would reveal her wings that would showcase a holy, bright sunlight if she had to resort to that. She had a plan, but she was observing right now.
It would be an understatement to say she wasn't attracting attention. All those invited dressed in gothic gowns or shriveled up attires. This wasn't just a party for the vampire lords, but for all the vampires. It was a mass gathering of each of the gangs, making peace for this one night to celebrate in the death of some old prune who'd turn skeletal before his heart stopped beating. Some danced, some drank, others ate, but there was a common respect amongst each other. A unsaid deal to behave and not act inappropriately. But they all stood in silence upon Cresila making her entrance.

It was a bold move to come in unannounced. Bolder still she didn't slip in unnoticed, but begged for everyone to give her attention by the way her outfit glowed light itself. Like she was mocking them in how protected she was from them. They knew who she was, why she was here. As secret as she wanted to be, the memories of vampires are long. Where do you think they came from to begin with?

They weren't from Angram. They came from someplace even farther away in the world. But, where her people hid behind trees and rocks, they hid in the shadows of concrete and steel. Embracing the new world for its technological marvels. Her people were snobs and considered themselves better than everyone. So, while there was no intense hatred towards Cresila, there was a lot of judgmental eyes going in her direction. But, one set didn't see her that way.

No, one man, high above in the rafters of the ballroom, was looking down upon the party with sudden interest. A queen of such an isolated kingdom wouldn't come without needing something. And sure enough, now that Kade was gone for good, she was looking to make some moves like they were. How fun it will be to play with her in this game of underworld politics. "Hey, I didn't know strippers were invited!" A crude comment was jeered to her, with a few voices laughing.
Cresila knew the eyes were on her, feeling the perring eyes of the vampires around her eyeball her as if she didn't belong. Cresila didn't belong. She knew that. And yet, here she was. This is why her footsmen and her maidens wanted to come with her but Cresila could handle herself. Besides, she would draw attention anyway. The more people came, her people, she would set them up for not only danger but being vulnerable. And her home would be open to being vulnerable. Which, she would never allow. While the eyes were on her, she stood in the middle of the ballroom, a soft grace of a smile on her face. Though, she couldn't help but twitch an eyeball at the comment that was shot at her, though she arched her back and shoulders, presenting herself in her regal manner. With a swish of her dress, she turned around, cascading a glow of sun rays from her dress that seemed to form a shielded ring around her. The imagery was a sun.

"I find that joke rather crude, but then again, I don't think someone who dwells and lives in the slums of darkness would even understand a proper stripper." Cresila reaffirmed, her words intense as if it was the sun's rays. "However, I have not come here to start a fight or cause discourse. One of my lovely messengers told me that King Kade has fallen, and I figured it would be nice to celebrate as well, along with expressing my condolences." Cresila felt eyes on her but didn't know where as she looked around, her eyes soon falling onto the hidden vampire (Erris) in the bleachers. When she locked eyes with him, Cresila felt a burning arrow shot through her, causing her to look away with a soft huff.

No matter, if you see me as a vile threat, that's fine, but come here in peace, and my kind of more so our court hasn't made themselves known in a very, very long time. But, if my outfit is so jarring, I can match the event." Cresila had a swirl of gold smoke escape her fingers, twirling around her body as if she was Cinderella in her transformation scene, and right before their very eyes, she transformed her dress from a golden sunny day to something more 'demure' and muted, but not taking away her shine. When the gold whisked away, she was standing in a dress that showed off her frame but her hair was in a high ponytail, the band being a purple silk scarf wrapped 3 times, she manifested sleeves onto her bare arms that reached to her wrists, the floral arrangement on the bottom of her dress matched the sleeves she created. Due to this change, her glow did dim to not-as-harsh beams, but her body did resonate with a warmth of fireflies dancing on her skin.

"See? I can play nice and I don't think any strippers can do that." Cresila teased softly, purple gems decorated around her neck and down the middle of her chest, bestowing an intricate and delicate necklace. "Does anyone care for a dance with me? I will say I am very light on my feet." Cresila laughed softly, her eyes going back to Erris as if daunting him to come down, a soft and gentle smile on her face. At first she was startled but now, she wasn't as alarmed as before. Then again, she would dwell on that initial reaction on their eyes meeting for the first time . . at a very later time. Right now, it was her time to swoon and entertain the vampires and whoever their leader was. And she had a feeling it was the vampire that was hidden in the rafters.
The vampire up above wasn't intimidated by her golden rays of light. Which is hurt the eyes of the onlookers below, he watched with vested interest in her boldness. Unflinching to the undead masses below that could easily overwhelm her, even if she could summon the very sun itself down in these dark, damp caves of the old kingdom. And when she looked up, seeing him through the shadows of the chandeliers, that all but confirmed to him he needed to speak to her. It was too fun an opportunity to pass. When she looked up again, he had vanished.

"Let's hope so," a soothing voice cooed to her from behind. There stood the vampire from above, suddenly appearing below within the blink of an eye. Unlike the others, he didn't wear a mask, but was still dressed in a fancy attire to not stand out too much. He preferred more freedom of movement in his outfit, rather than the stuffed shirts and tight belts of his compatriots. His pale face and white eyes stared back into Cresila's to intimidate her. Make her feel uncomfortable in his presence. He wanted to see how far her bravery went before it crumbled under the pressure. "You might need to make a quick exit, after all." He finished saying, taking a sip of blood-red wine from his cup.
Cresila heard the voice from behind, turning around, face-to-face with the vampire that eyed her from the rafters. Handsome he was and his attire was rather new of age versus the traditional garb everyone was wearing. While she did feel his intimidation, his presence of over exerting energy, even the gaze he fell upon her, she didn't falter, move, or tremble. If anything, it made her feel gusty since the male seemed to heed her call. Now, if she was a princess or a newborn queen, she would probably have fled. However, she was a seasoned queen even though her kingdom was isolated from people visiting, she did make visits to other kingdoms in the past . . just not here. Cresila took her mask off, letting it fall away and vanish into nothing. Cresila was setting the bar and controlling the narrative from her view, even if her heels gave her a few more inches.

"While I do find your entrance rather . . spooky, I don't see a hoard of vampire fledglings coming towards me and dragging me out. I have a feeling you would have done that if you weren't interested in coming down and see me. And yet, here you are. You are curious about me as I am curious about you. Even when I felt your eyes from above from the rafters, I didn't think you would respond but I must say, I do appreciate it." Cresila smiled warmly, knowing if she fed into a male's ego, things would go soothingly. Or at least show the vampire that she was much more than a pretty face.

"So, handsome devil of the shadows and the rafters, shall you partake in the fun game of 'back-and-forth' or shall we enjoy the night with dancing, drinks, and cheers? It's a night for celebration overall." Cresila added in, followed by a soft giggle that escaped her.
Erris already liked her. He could see her intentions clear as day through her compliments and body language. She was trying to woo him over. Have him in the palm of her hands... It was working. In a flash of purple light, he made his way over to the bar, and returned just as quickly in another flash with a glass. This time with white wine. "I'm for the latter," he told her, clinking their goblets together once she grabbed it. Unlike his fellows, Erris wasn't in the mood for politics.

Dangerous? Yes. There was a lot of gangs and vampiric lords here with their own agendas for tonight. But Erris was more interested in two things. A fine drink, and an even finer body to share the night with. "Erris, my queen," he introduced himself, bowing before her, "I didn't realize the Elves had beef against Old King Kade."
Cresila grabbed the glass when it appeared in front of her, seeing the white wine dazzle in the dim lighting of the room. "Cheers." Cresila responded, clinking her glass with his before taking a small sip of her glass. Cresila was not in the mood for politics but she at least had an idea. A agenda . .work her way in the heart of Erris (if it was beating or not) and manage to gain his resources of people without fully exposing her land. She could think about politics but she was not talking about it.

Cresila smiled at the greeting, the fairy queen took her curtsy, softly bending at the legs to show grace to Erris. "Cresila, your highness. It's a honor to meet you." Cresila added in, taking heed f the comment Erris said after. King Kade liked to have his cake and eat it too . . even if it meant putting her kingdom in jeapordary. Her kingdom was a living and breathing ecosystem. It to be protected at all costs. And King Kade liked to indulge on the woman and the necessities her land had to offer, when he got the chance. Which is why they made themselves isolated. Her kingdom was never this heavily guarded and isolated but her resources had to be preserved and were now flourishing.

“The elves and witches, even the fairies, had issues with the way King Kade indulged on the locals and the surroundings. What he failed to understand is that it’s give and take, indulge but not too much. King Kade would have his fledglings come and poison our fae so they can easily give them blood or try to indulge on the elven woman. We are also the land of healing magic and provide for a lot of the other kingdoms as well. And yet, they respect boundaries. I had to do what was best to save my kingdom. Isolation was the key. Wouldn’t you do that if you had a leech like Kade sucking the essence that sustained most of the ecosystem of 3 out of 6 kingdoms?” Creslia spoke firmly, sipping her glass of wine for a few moments before clearing her throat with a sigh, using her hand to rest on his forearm. Adding more flair to her speech, she looked up at him, having a demure and soft frown on her face.

“I think you might understand. You seem to be a smart and noble king to understand such things. However, with the fall of King Kade, things may change or not. I can’t predict the future.” She pursed her lips for a moment before returning her hand to her side, standing upright. “So, Erris, what shall I consider you? Nobleman? King? Your royalty? Your grace?” Creslia added a soft purr at the last word she said. “Or, your greatness?” The fairy queen grinned at Erris, batting her eye lashes at him.
The vampire had downed his entire drink while she tried figuring out his title, a small trickle of wine moving down the side of his mouth. When he finished, he simply chucked the goblet away to the side, making a thudding noise against the old stone floor. "Your greatness sounds fun~" He told her back, wiping away the trickle with his thumb, before sucking it off between his lips. "I don't really care about fancy titles or some sort of royal lineage. What I want right now is a fun time and to curl up next to someone funner looking. You in?"

He stood in position to dance with her, holding out his hands for her to grab, while smiling playfully to her. He really didn't seem to care how 'noble' she was.
Cresila was actually surprised, which was unusual but welcoming. Erris didn't seem to care about the politics of it all but more rather dance, which did cause the queen to giggle. Well, this got her off her high horse a little but she could not be deterred by a simple gesture of a dance. PLus, she even asked for a dance. Cresila watched his wine glass fly away, surprised that it didn't shatter. Cresila noticed his hands being presented to her, and the fairy sighed softly. Might as well get the party started. She hasn't danced in a very long time but Erris would lead as every man should. Every kingdom had their own history of dances, so she was curious about his. Cresila chugged down her wine glass eyeballing it for a few moments before seeing a nearby table.

"One moment." Cresila sauntered over quickly to the table, setting the glass down, and came back over to Erris, a grin on her face. "I can let loose a little. Besides, it's a celebration, right?" Cresila had to adapt and so she took his hands, and letting him guide her onto the dance floor. Cresila felt eyes on her as her dress swayed the floor, the queen eyeballing Erris. "I am open to learning something new unless your dances flow in tandem with the other kingdom dances?" Cresila asked, her kingdom using ribbons, Mayweather poles, and laurels to celebrate the 4 seasons solstice, every dance different with the seasons they celebrate but it was always a group dance or partners to a group with fancy quick step. The vibe here seems to be slow and sensual, which would be interesting for Cresila to adapt to. However, she was open to being surprised.
One hand entwined itself with Cresila's, the other reached around to her back to push them together, with Erris looking down at the ebony fae with a playful, almost devilish smile. The dance was simplistic, a regal pattern of Cresila following each step Erris took as they spun around the room in gentle, slow rhythms to the beat of the music. Erris would spin Crsila in place, or flow his body around her as she stood still, weaving their arms around each other's bodies like leaves in the wind. "I don't care about kingdoms. I care about you right now," he simply told her, not speaking another word until they were done dancing.

He had no care about kingdoms. No care about her dress. No care about whatever games she wanted to play. His intentions were made clear to her. He wanted to have fun. The other vampires watched with vested interest in what Erris was doing, but Erris paid little attention to anything beyond Cresila, keeping his eyes focused on hers whenever they were close together.
Cresila let out a soft 'oomph' when she pushed closer to Erris, taking her natural hand position at her eyes fell upon Erris, seeing the smile shot through her core. Cresila let out a soft breath, composing herself. Geez, she couldn't be rattled by a smile but his smile was as if a tomboy managed to convince the sweet girl to a sinful dance. Well, this may lead to a romp in bed but it seemed Cresila was at the mercy of Erris. In a way, she was out of her element when it came to someone not wanting to talk about politics since she grew up on politics and had to deal with a lot of the bureaucracy and backlash from it. Cresila never had a moment to simply 'let loose'. Could she let loose?

Cresila heard his comment, a blush softly dancing on her cheeks. bout her? That seemed rich! Cresila, however, would entertain that thought or at least hold onto it since the male was focused on dancing with her. And with that, she let it be, the blush still on her cheeks that was a soft warmth of red on her skin. "Of course, your majesty." Cresila spoke as her final word before following the movements with the dance, elegantly slipping through his arms and keeping in tandem with his footsteps, as if their body moved like a well oiled machine. When they came together for the moments they had to be, she kept her eyes locked onto his. When the music stopped, she ended up her chest against his, a soft but warm smile on her lips as she looked up at Erris. "Not bad for the undead." Cresila teased, a glimmer of fun danced in her dark brown eyes. It was fun to let loose for the moment, knowing she had to go back to her kingdom and put on that regal facade but for the night, she can let herself be free . .

Another song began to play, one that was a little inmate and slow but Cresila felt she wanted to get closer to Erris. besides, he warmed her up and she was a hell of dancer, just as he was. "Care for another dance with me or is your feet too tired? You awaken the dancer in me." Cresila even swayed side to side, rolling her hips to gain momentum in a perfect circle, and grabbed his hands, Cresila turning around so that her ass was rubbing against his groin, a soft laugh escaping her as she twirled herself away, still holding his hands before facing him once more, swaying her hips side to side. At that moment, Erris could see the glimmer of the softness that was Cresila but also her weakness: dancing. Especially with a good dancer.
"With you? I'll dance the night away~" He commented to her, before letting her throw herself to the rhythm once more. His hands remained hers to play with, every so often resting on her hips and thighs when they were close to each other again, but as she swayed side to side, Erris could only watch as she forgot herself to the moment. He could smell the rush of blood in her system, the kick of adrenaline flowing through her body, while her brain released a dose of serotonin as reward for letting go. To him, it was wonderful to see. The regal, staunch woman with judgmental eyes and calculated response, falling for the heat of the moment.

Maybe it was foolish to let her be this open and vulnerable without taking advantage. He could easily bite into her, make her a pawn, test to see how strong her defenses were against the demonic creatures she surrounded herself with. The smell of her pumping blood was intoxicating. But, Erris was not like the other vampires. Something Cresila was sure to notice as they swayed and moved and pressed against each other. He had no care for nobility. The regality of royalty. She was gorgeous. And he wanted to have fun with her.

When the song finished, Erris pulled Cresila close to him; chest to check. Their eyes were only inches away from each other, their lips even closer together. He didn't seem out of breath, or have even the slight look of sweat on his brow. He just simply stared back into her eyes with a playful smile as usual. "You miss this, don't you," he commented, holding both her hands in his, "the freedom to play. Everything's a game, everyone's a player, you turn off your brain for even a moment and someone's already put a dagger in your back. I'm thinking even now, when the adrenaline wears off, you're gonna regret being this close to me. Would you even believe me if I said I could really care less you're a queen?"
As they danced, she used his hands and arms as movement, guiding her through the song and using his body as feeding energy point. It was interesting that in the first dance, she let him guide but in this one, she was letting loose and having Erris simply follow her, letting her be free as the fairy she was. Fae woman were elegant and majestic dancers, more so than the elves and witches. With every step she took, she glided along the floor, a warm glow emitting off her body as her blood rushed through her veins. Cresila even let out a few giggles as she danced with Erris, getting lost in the moment. It brought her back to her younger days or more so her early years of running a kingdom, where plenty of fae folk were dancing with her, even the elves and witches. Now, their numbers dwindled over the years, and it was all about survival . . . Cresila missed dancing and it was clear that she was vulnerable in that moment, which Erris or any of the vampire could have jumped in and detained her. And yet, she heeded his words saying he wanted to focus on her tonight. Maybe she picked up his no nonsense attitude but when the vampire said he didn't care about noble names, that made her think. If a man didn't care about titles, then he had nothing to lose or gain. And that was a scary thing to realize.

Cresila knew she let her guard down: she felt comfortable with him and felt she could trust him, which was scary for her. But she figured if he wanted to attack her, he would've done it after the first dance. When the song ended, she came out of thoughts when her eyes landed directly into Erris' white eyes, catching her breath at how they were lips apart. At that moment, that crackle of electricity rippled through again, just like the first moment her eyes locked onto him in the rafters. And that fucking playful smile was going to burn into her memory like a burning iron . . it was the purest form of fun she has seen. Though, his statement did shake her to reality, her eyes softly widened at the words he spoke. Cresila knew she had only one choice: be open and vulnerable. He had her pinned but maybe her being vulnerable, he may be wooed over and likely to give some of his people over to his kingdom. Or could be her own fairy trap.

"My, you are one hell of a observer. I do miss dancing. My kingdom was flourishing with people and dancers, balls appeared every season to celebrate the solstice . . fairies and all. And now, there are no partners to dance with or to have fun with . . it was nice." Cresila let out a soft breath, though she didn't pull away. "The moment someone put a dagger on my back they would be greeted with a burst of sun and heat so suggest that's not a very good idea." Cresila spoke firmly, the warmth and glimmer in her eyes dimming down to that hardened gaze she had before. Though, she didn't regret dancing with him. "I don't regret my actions. I danced with you because I wanted to. I asked for a dance, you responded, and I gave that consent. A queen always stands by her word." Cresila spoke firmly, as if setting the tone and Erris getting a glimpse of Creslia's personality with a touch of her queenhood. "And even if you do care if I am a queen or not, I do deserve respect and that you have given me." Cresila then moved her hand to touch his face, dragging the back of her fingers along his cheek. "You have a way with words, Erris." Cresila let out a shallow laugh, as if not liking being that vulnerable so fast. It was something she had to settle and deal with, though it wasn't something she could dwell on. She didn't want the mood to be killed. That warmth or sprinkle of fun was still there, dancing like a small ember.

"You said you would dance the night with me, and you want to have fun, yes? I don't think questions are rather fun, especially in such an intimate moment right, handsome?" The spark came back in her eyes as her fingers grazed his bottom lip, softly smiling at him with warmth. "But I do understand you are curious about me as I am curious about you. You intrigue me, greatly and yet you tempt me because I’m staying in your arms . . that I don't want to leave out of currently. So take that how you will. Besides, I think dancing on the floor can easily fall into dancing in the sheets. Your hands spoke true to your intentions and yet I didn't tell you to stop or back away. YOu must have a idea that I could have backed away and pushed you off if I didn't want your hands on my body." Cresila grinned playfully at Erris, resting her hand behind his neck. "So, what's your move handsome? More dancing to shake things up more? See who gives into the throws of passion and lust of the evening first? Now that sounds like an interesting game . . " Cresila was using some of her fairy charm, even if it worked but she was a lady of intention and words. "Right, Erris, your highness?" Cresila cooed once more, the scent of buttercup and honeysuckle danced off her skin like a waft of a sweet aroma.
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"Your responses are," he answered to her first question. He liked hearing her talk. And he liked how defensive she could be in her answers, even if they weren't meant to be. "I like seeing you puff up your chest when you're trying to rationalize your actions," he said playfully, letting her hand wander across his face and neck while still keeping his hands along her hips. She was so determined to seem in control, and justify herself to him so as not to come off as vulnerable as she was in the moment. But, yet again, he didn't seem to care. The whole time she spoke, he was looking in her eyes, almost ignoring every word she was saying to him the longer she went on.

She was gorgeous. Such chocolate colored skin made his unbeating heart wish to beat again, and the flow of her dress and sway of her body could turn any corpse's decaying blood hot again. What fun was there in politics tonight? There was a beauty standing right in front of him. Queen or no queen. And with a small chuckle to follow her last question, answered just as playfully, "I can only hope you play fair, your majesty~"

Neither of them would.

At a time later in the evening, both of them were in each other's arms. They had found a small hideaway in the ruins, a renovated bedroom for guests, with Erris throwing off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt while caressing Cresila's tongue with his own. Both of them had continued their dances, with Erris slipping a few glasses of wine between each song to help keep themselves hydrated. Each time they moved to the music, their bodies became more entwined. His hands moved across her body, his own pushing and pressing against hers, the formality of noble intentions slowly vanished and became more an expression of passion. Erris himself didn't really know who won in the end, but they were both winners.
Cresila had a feeling Erris didn't hear one bit of her rant besides the first part, seeing his eyes graze over her as if he was analyzing her like a piece of artwork. Normally, she wouldn't take heed to such a gaze but the words that followed after caused her to blush once more, not expecting him to analyze her so fast. Were all vampires like this or Erris was paying attention to her in ways Cresila didn't realize. Erris was a dangerous and sneaky man, and she was even a little apprehensive. And yet, the way he had his eyes on her, she didn't step away. No. She stayed close to him, drawn in like a month to a flame. Erris was handsome, tall, and dar even though he was fair skinned with the white eyes. The red hair was a unique contrast but none of the less, Cresila was enthralled.

"You know when it comes to the matters of the body, all bets are off." She teased Erris, letting the night lead them away with a nuance of dances. However, the more dances they danced, the more drinks they drank. Now, Cresila was feeling a little warm but it lowered her defenses enough to follow the vampire into a secluded area, one where they can get lost in the passions of their bodies. Cresila didn't know how it came to this but once his lips locked onto hers, she was sucked in, her breast pressing against his chest as her tongue brushed along his. Cresila noticed Erris undress as they kissed, the fairy letting out a soft moan of pleasure.

"Mhmm, Erris . ." Cresila cooed, her fingers trailing to help him unbutton his shirt. Once that was done, she grabbed his belt loop, pulling him closer to her. The fairy queen slipped her hands to the side, finding that invisible zipper, and pulled it down, letting her body become bare for Erris. Underneath was a golden garter set adorned with the lace stocking, the matching lace underwear, and a bra that was barely bra at all. If anything, it was just a slither of material that barely covered her nipples. Upon releasing herself, the little pasties slipped to the floor, revealing her hardened nipples that were a soft pink color, her breast bouncing softly before resting against her chest. If Erris looked down, he would notice a small trail of her wetness dripping down her inner thigh, Cresila trying not to be so lewd in expressing how hot and horny she was. It had been a very, very long time since she had been properly pollinated and Erris seemed to be ready to pound his stinger into her nectar. Who knew the fairy queen of the summer court could be undone by a vampire?

"This feels so good, Erris. My body feels so warm . ." Cresila told Erris softly, her body feeling warm and hot. Due to this feeling, her skin had a red flush it it, emitting a soft graze of a tan warmed by the sun. "Don't stop, please . ." Cresila softly begged, her words laced with booze.
The sight of her was unbecoming for sure. But for Erris, it was a marvelous one. Such ebony skin glistened in the light of the candles, and even the feel of warmth the illuminated from her as she begged for him to continue couldn't push him away at this point. It stung gently against his skin, but not enough to hurt for good. If anything, the pain was quite stimulating to him. His lips moved down her chin as she spoke, to her collar bone and neck, as a hand reached up to fondle a breast. The soft feel of her tender skin between his fingers made him slightly ache for the days when he could feel the heat of warm bodies. He could touch, but the feeling against his skin was dulled. Not as vibrant as it used to be.

His taste buds on the other hand. They seemed to become much more powerful. Making each flavor of wine more exotic, and each drop of blood more fulfilling. Which is why Erris slowly started kissing his way down Cresila's body, leaving a trail of kisses and saliva across her breasts, past her belly button, and just beside her thighs. The wetness that dripped from her seemed even sweeter than the glasses they had tonight. It made him lick his lips in anticipation. The smell intoxicating in its own way. This queen wanted him. Wanted that feeling ecstasy can bring. And he obliged her. He licked from the bottom of lips to the top of her clitoris. The taste of her liquid sex was indescribable to him.

Again his tongue licked her lower lips, catching any drops of her wetness before it feel to the floor, before prodding its way into her body; reaching as far as he could in search of more nectar to suck from. His lips caressed hers all the while.
The fairy queen didn't think her body could handle the sensitivity that Erris was giving her. Cresila didn't think she was that rusty but clearly the way her body was resonating with his mouth on her body, she was a dripping mess. Cresila let out a soft whimper as her fingers slid her panties off, trailing a wetness down her leg as she stepped out of her panties. Trying to have some kind of dignity even though the situation she was in, all dignity was out of the window. Cresila held onto Erri's shoulders as the vampire trailed down her body, leaving a saliva trail of wine and wetness down her soft and warmed brown skin. Cresila could honestly say she was a trembling mess. However, the moment his mouth and tongue collided with her dripping folds, the fairy queen crumbled, her legs shaking.

"Erris~" Cresla gasped, her hands running through his hair as he literally made lover to her womanhood, his tongue trailing from her clitoris to her labia, and plunging hs tongue to the deepest part of her body. As a reward for his efforts, her honeypot dripped into his mouth, her sweetness grazing his tongue and down his chin. It seemed that Cresila's body was awarding him, feeling his tongue graze her deepest depths of her vagina in hungry grazes. This caused Cresla's legs to wobble, letting his hair go to stumble back, and her backside rested against the baseboard of the bed, spreading her legs wider for him to plunge deeper into her. Her clit that was underneath the hood was swollen and red, sending more vibrations of pleasure through her body.

"Ahh! Right there!" Cresila gasped, feeling his tongue brush along the special spot along her walls, feeling a warmth pool in her stomach. Was she going to cum already!? They just got started! Cresila tried to hold back her moans as Erris devoured her folds, her hands digging into his hair. As she was ascending with her orgasm, her moans became louder, soon using her hand to cover her mouth. "Mhnmmm!" She groaned loudly, her other hand curled into his hair. Cresila even felt her hips began to move riding his mouth slowly with her hips swaying back and forth. The more she did this, more o herf wetness grazed down her legs to pool onto the floor.
The more squeezed his head between her legs, the further he tried pushing his tongue into her body. The dripping wetness of her fluids and his saliva was staining the floor and his pants, but he looked to be in heaven. His eyes were closed like he was mediating. Letting the sweet taste of her body fill his mouth like wine, before gulping it down like he was drinking from the bottle itself. A hand reached around to grab at her behind, fondling one of her cheeks, while another rose up her body to a breast to do the same; finding one of her nipples to pinch and squeeze.
The fairy queen couldn't hold on anymore, even more so when Erris decided to fondle her plump butt cheek and ample breast, sending her body in a tizzy. "Ahh! I am cumming!" Cresila tossed her head back as she came, her womanhood clamping tightly as her body was engulfed in a warm fire. Cresila dug her nails into his hair, letting out a breathy hiss as her climax wrecked through her body like a sledgehammer. As she came, her legs trembled and shook, slowly buckling to her falling onto the floor with a elegant flourish. As her body hit the floor, she let out a huff, feeling the aftermath of her orgasm ripple through her body.

"Ahh, that mouth of yours is sinister, Erris." Cresila let out a huff, her legs spreading apart and revealed her soaking wet slit to Erris, glistening with her dew that he created. Cresila had her arm over her eyes for the moment, breathing hard as the gnawing for something more scratched at her core. Cresila managed to sit up, grabbing the bed pole to help herself up, and that led her to slipping into a proper doggy style position, her perky and round chocolate ass being raised in the air. Her body was drenched in a golden dew of sweat, radiating off of her body in the candlelight. As she was catching her breathing, her honeypot was dripping nectar onto the floor, revealing to Erris that she was ready for more, even if she didn't know it.

"I .. . I think I need you to fuck me, Erris. I haven't felt like this in a very long time . .please satisfy me." Cresila softly begged, knowing if she heard the recording of herself, she would feel ashamed due to sound like a slutty harlot. But then again, she would never thought she would be swooned by a vampire.
His tongue was crushed between her lips, while his mouth filled with her liquids as she came. When she collapsed to the floor, Erris took a big gulp to swallow down the rest of her sweet juices; chuckling at her comment towards his tongue. Then she pulled herself up by the bedpost and crawled along the bed itself to position her body towards him again. The unsightly scene of her bare ass made his mind race with mischievous thoughts. Such a woman degrading herself like this was scandalous.

To him, it was exciting. Crawling over to the bed himself, he slowly unbuckled his pants and kicked them away, leaving himself as naked as her. He raised his right hand up against her foot, gently rubbing his fingers against the heel and following it up the back of her shin until he reached her thigh. She would feel his lips kissing the back of her leg while trailing up behind her, before his tongue slid across to her ass to tease her once more. He stopped just at the base of her spine, taking in the sight of her gorgeous rear in desperate need of more pleasure.

"... Say again?" Erris tease, putting his index fingers just above her clit to play around with it.
Creslia was surprised by the reaction from Erris, seeing the vampire engulf her juices as if he was exposed to a blood bath from a faucet. Cresila could feel his white eyes eyeball her stance and the way her body moved across the small bedroom, presenting herself in a way that anyone could use for blackmail. And yet, Cresila was trusting Erris with this moment, as if it was his big plan all along to get her vulnerable. Cresila couldn't even dive into the thought of what he was doing since he decided to not only crawl his way over to the bed, he took his pants off off, revealing how birthday suit. Cresila blushed brightly at the sight of the naked vampire, trying to cover her face with the band of her arm. "Oh." Cresila softly commented, seeing Erris eyeball her legs before indulging with his lips. What was this vampire up to now?!

Cresila felt his lips trail along her leg along with his hand, softly sighing at the cold sensation of his hands stroking her legs. Well, the vampire was rather inmate when it came to his partners or maybe just her but she couldn't help but lean into his touch, softly muttering his name. Cresila shouted out Erris' name when she felt his tongue lick her ass, shocked by the sudden action. "Erris!" Cresila softly scolded, the harshness falling fast when she felt Erris stop at her spine. What was this vampire thing in his brain? Well, the statement he said did cause the queen to softly blink at him. Oh, he was trying to make her repeat herself!? Before Cresila could scold him, she felt his finger began to stroke her clitoral hood, softly whimpering at his teasing efforts.

"You will pay for your actions, Erris. You know what I said." Cresila huffed, feeling the warmth of her orgasm pool in her stomach again just by the way Errs was teasing her body. And yet, the more he delayed fucking her, the more she would get anxious or rather pissy about it. So, she repeated herself but it was clear she was annoyed, as any queen like her would be. "I think I need you to fuck me. Please . . satisfy me." Cresila said the last part with gritted teeth, knowing she would get her revenge one way or another. maybe if she got a chance to ride him, she could make him crumble underneath him. That's one way to get her revenge back. Or, she would like to think that would work with Erris but she was dealing with a vampire and not a fairy or an elf.
"Hehe~" Erris softly chuckled once she repeated herself, sliding his hand up her body, past her belly button and breasts, and reaching up to grab her chin. "As you desire, my queen~" He teased, turning her head to face him once he was right on top of her, his head resting comfortably beside her neck. She could feel his tip gently prodding at her pussy, getting a feel for how soaked she was now. She had become like a leaking tap of water. So flushed by both his acting, and her body's betrayal, and trying desperately to not seem so desperate for more pleasure. It was a sight to behold. And with a soft kiss on her lips, slowly thrusted forward into her.

He groaned slightly by the tightness of water walls, the warmth of her body seemingly melting away his member like butter under a hot sun. His body rested atop of hers, like two animals in heat. Erris wanted to enjoy the moment, let the sensation wash over them both. He slowly pumped in and out of her, letting his penis slide halfway out, before plunging it back into Cresila until his hips slapped against her skin. His heavy breathing tickled across her neck and down her body, and his head remained firm on her chin so she could look at him. His tongue danced across her cheek and along the edge of her lips, leaving a trail of saliva, until he reached into her mouth to wrestle with her tongue once more.
The fairy queen couldn’t help but hiss by his giggle, as if he was mocking her. But soon. She was caught off guard by Erris gripping her chin, holding it in his place and making her look at him. That caused Cresila to hush, seeing the wicked smirk in his eyes. It seemed that moment of distraction worked for the sake of the fairy queen, feeling the tip of his penis slowly work it's way into her very wet depths. A soft moans escaped Cresila. "Erris . . you are rather thick and big, but I shouldn't be surprised." Cresila noted, feeling her tightness hug around the member, as if welcoming him into her hot depths. With every inch he worked for, her walls softened around him, as if accepting Erris. Not her body betraying her, but it has been betraying her this whole time, even not wanting to admit it felt so good.

Then the kiss came in the midst of his member exploring her wet walls, causing Cresila to take a step back due to the way his tongue licked her cheek, making its way to her mouth to kiss her. Not sure how she felt about that but Erris had a way to surprise her, keeping her on her toes. Her kingdom always told her she needed to let loose at times but she would always ignore them, knowing she had a kingdom to protect. And that mission stayed the same to now. Though, Erris was giving her a hard time when it came to her carnal desires. Especially with the kiss he decided to give her, she began to passionately kiss him when his tongue found hers, softly moaning at the sensual moment between them.

The moment his hips met her butt cheek, she felt his member poking at the entrance to her womb, knowing anymore pressure would soften her cervix. Or that one, strong thrust. Still, it let a tingling sensation of pleasure run down her spine.
Erris was slow and methodical. He had no desire to smash her body into the bed, or claw at her skin until it turned raw red. For a creature of dominance, he wanted more than just a body to ravish. As forceful as he was now, Cresila would surely notice he could do so much more to her. Yet, she could feel his other hand reached under her body to grab at her breasts, fondling it with care to make her body more flush with the warmth of ecstasy. His fingers gently clamped down against her nipple to make her squeal slightly as their mouths were locked together. He wasn't trying to hurt her. Or harm her enough to degrade her as some sort of sex toy.

Even as he thrusted into her body, pushing into the tip of her womb, his pace was a steady rhythm. In and out, letting her feel his length push against her walls to feel each inch of his length. It was only when he could feel himself build to climax did his pace quicken.
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