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Penny's Dungeons and Dragons: Phandelver and Below


Passing beyond the high, guarded stone walls that surround the city of Neverwinter, the old wagon rolls along a well-trodden gravel road, leaving behind the sounds of a bustling, growing, city. The human pups collect autumn flowers from the ground still within the shadow of the city’s gates, occasionally glancing up to watch with curiosity as the goblin warrior travel by.

On the road, Gruulix passes musicians and merchants heading towards the city, as the sun peeks out through the myriad clouds above. A particularly keen ear can pick up the distant roar of powerful waves crashing against the cliffs beyond the nearby dunes. The morning air is brisk and energizes the soul, dragonflies whisk and dart through the tall grasses stirred by the wagon’s passing. The melodic chirping of birds from a nearby grove provides music for traveling through the peaceful countryside.

As the day winds on, the sun rolling across the sky and painting the horizon with lovely shades of orange and purple, Gruulix arrives at Helm’s Hold. A town contained behind thick stone walls that are marked by countless battles, shadowed by the cathedral to Helm for whom the town was named. The goblin spends the night at the Hungry Flame Inn. It is a pleasant enough establishment, though it doesn’t compare to the more ostentatious accommodations Gundren provided in Neverwinter.

The dwarf had been eager for Gruulix’s assistance, though he had been vague on the details. Between the eager and energetic couplings on the dwarf’s bed, he would only divulge that he and his brothers had found “something big.” He was more than happy to pay Gruulix a tidy little sum of ten gold pieces to escort a wagon of his supplies safely to Barthen’s Provisions, a trading post in the town of Phandalin. When the goblin awoke, Gundren had left a note informing her that he had left, needing to arrive in Phandalin early to “take care of business.”

The next morning, Gruulix leaves Helm’s Hold behind to get back on the road, spending the day traveling along the High Road, the wagon’s sluggish oxen pulling it across the last of grassy hillocks that have become rather familiar to the goblin. Off the well-worn path to either side, rich grasslands stretch silently swaying in the gentle breeze. A goshawk glides overhead like a kite, spying the land below in search of its next catch, as a spooked brown hare hops past the wagon. Night comes swiftly enough and Gruulix finds a promising campsite by the side of the road, resting without incident.

The next morning is crisp and wet as a low-lying fog slowly rises in tune with the sun climbing past the horizon. The grass glitters like emeralds when the morning’s light shimmers off the dew drops hanging from them. Within the next hour, Gruulix spots a welcome sight as she reaches the turn-off that takes the wagon onto the Triboar Trail which leads to Phandalin.

It is close to midday as Gruulix’s wagon is approaching the side road that leads south to Phandalin. As she comes around a bend, she stumbles across the scene of a recent battle. The woods press close to the trail here, with a steam embankment and dense thickets on either side. Two horses wander the road, sniffing at what looks like ransacked personal effects lying in the road.
Gruulix walks beside the wagon, resting her hammer on one shoulder. She'd rode upon it the first day, but by the end of the trip, her muscles felt so anxious from inactivity that she refused to climb atop it the next morning. She'd expected this escort this to be far more violent, and the walk provides just barely enough exertion to be comfortable.

Her hand absently rubs her abdomen as she walks. She likes to imagine she can still feel Gundrun's cum in there, but she isn't sure if anything will come of it. He's not the first dwarf she'd lain with, and none of them had made her a mother. I need more powerful mates, she thinks. Still, even if he can't give her children, she enjoyed seeing him, she'll enjoy seeing him again, and she'll especially enjoy the ten gold pieces he promised her.

She's contemplating what delicious food she can buy with that money when the wagon rounds the corner. Immediately, she perks up, her ears twitching in excitement. She waves at the wagon driver. "No go! Gruulix go. Gruulix look horses."

She thumps a fist on her upper chest and grins at the driver, then walks forward. A wiser adventurer might have been wary of ambush, but Gruulix figures the danger is long gone - all that remains is to pick through the remains for anything interesting and clear the road. She eyes the horses as she appproaches; she's eaten horse meat before. It's not the best, in her experience, but it's not the worst.

Upon reaching the discarded personal effects, Gruulix briefly roots through them for anything interesting, then tosses them to the side of the road if they're large enough to impede the wagon.

Investigation roll to infer anything about the battle site: 0! If there's any clues to find here, she's doesn't!

If you make an account on the hamete virtual dice server and provide me the email you used, I can give you access to Gruulix's dice log. I recommend using a disposable email service like YOPmail.

Edwin, the wagon's driver, has been rather quiet during the journey thus far. He is a scrawny young man, just barely out of adolescence and not yet fully free of the awkwardness that state had imbued him with. The boy is clearly bewildered by the situation, being escorted to Phandalin by a goblin of all things, but he is being paid a modest amount for a fairly simple task. The wagon's oxen are simple creatures and not difficult to guide, moving when Edwin raises the reins and stopping when he lowers them. A far easier job than cleaning stables and it paid more in a pair of days than he made in a month.

He stops the wagon shortly after seeing the scene ahead, not wanting to approach if he can help it. Edwin looks from the horses ahead to the goblin, giving a nod when she informs him that she's going to check it out. "As you wish, Lady Gruulix."

The horses trot about, seemingly unconcerned by the approach of the goblin woman, their tails idly swishing this way and that as Gruulix examines the area. While she doesn't spot anything of interest, she does get the odd sense that she recognizes one of these horses. It looks a lot like Gundren's, in fact. However, as Gruulix makes this realization, there is a sudden commotion as shrubbery along either side of the road rustles and two male goblins emerge to flank the diminutive warrior.

They wield crudely made bows with similarly crafted arrows notched and at the ready. However, their ambush is halted by the obvious confusion they express at seeing another goblin. Rather than attack as they might have upon catching one of the longshanks, they eye Gruulix warily. After an awkward moment of silence, the goblin to her right, slightly taller than the other and wearing a spiky metal helmet on his head, speaks, "Who you? What tribe? This Cragmaw land! Why you here?!"
Gruulix pauses, staring at the familiar horse in concentration for a few seconds before she finally recognizes it. Her eyes widen just before she hears movement in the bushes and turns to watch the goblins emerge. Her eyes move to their weapons before she draws herself up to her full height and puffs out her chest.

"I am of the Gruulix tribe," she says firmly in Goblin. "I am the tribe and the tribe is me. I protect this wagon on the way to Phandalin, at the request of the dwarf Gundren. That is his horse."

She points to the horse, then places both hands on the haft of her hammer. Her knuckles stand out against her skin as her grip tightens. "The Cragmaw tribe is not my enemy, yet. Tell me where Gundren is and let continue on the road."

Intimidation check for the heck of it: 20
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