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Suggestion “Either role” or Multicharacter wanted sections


Jan 10, 2016
At the risk of suggesting too many categories of wanted posts, would it be possible to have a section for RTs that are gender agnostic? These could be RTs where a player is willing to write either role, or where there are multiple characters of varying genders who will be involved. Also wanted to take the opportunity to appreciate all you modmins do for us denizens of BM, so even if you don’t take this suggestion — thank you!!!
The Any x Any tag within the Non-Binary forum would be the ideal way to do that, and I'm sure that can be arranged.
While I do think the gender selected forums are a bit kludgy in execution, adding an any x any subforum might be a bit more clutter than the forum needs. It's not the most elegant of solutions but I have added the 'Any x Any' tag to non binaries and can edit the subforum descriptions to include playing any gender in to the description.
That being said, we are currently internally discussing this and will be addressing this matter soon.
Thanks for the suggestions! I thought about the non-binary forum but it seemed a bit disrespectful to the “actual” non-binary community as I almost always play cis-males or cis-females. Agreed that it’s a bit kludgy all around though and definitely understand if you decide not to make any changes. Thanks again for considering!
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