- Joined
- Nov 14, 2023
- Location
- United Kingdom

Alright! This is now a Baldur's Gate 3 exclusive thread, as it's the idea I've been craving for the longest time and haven't been able to find the right person for!
Sometimes when I bump a thread I get no people interested and sometimes I get loads. In case the latter happens again, I'll try to get back to everyone but I can't take all comers and if we chat and I just don't feel the vibe then I will say so, please don't be offended! So I'm gonna have to quiz people a bit and narrow the selection down if I get more than a few. Also if we've written together before, please don't take offence but I'm looking to write with new people sorry.
As you can probably tell, I've spent a fair amount of time working on this (although I know it still looks like I wrote it on wordpad, no idea how people make such fancy threads!). So I'm going to say right now I am going to be quite picky when it comes to finding the right partner(s). I'm not going to ask for advanced lit writers but I'm going to want decent grammar, good English and somewhere in the region of 300 words per post. Little mistakes don't bother but if you can at least spell check yourself and write fluently, you'll be my favourite. I would like to see evidence of your previous work but it's not required, just so long as you can prove you won't do one sentence replies. I can be very precious about my ideas, themes and settings but I still enjoy brainstorming and worldbuilding. So what I'm saying is READ THIS ENTIRE THREAD, ESPECIALLY PARTS I HIGHLIGHT LIKE THIS and make sure you vibe with like 90% of what I'm throwing down, because I'm trying to be better at stating what I want and not compromising. However at the same time please feel free to bring your ideas and don't be the plotting equivalent of a pillow princess. The worst I'll say is no thanks ;P
On that same note, please don't PM being like 'hey nice thread but would you like to write my idea'. I appreciate it but I'm looking to satisfy my own cravings please. Also please include your favourite colour in your message so I know you read this, if you don't then I probably won't reply. I even highlighted it so there's no excuse.
Also, didn't think I needed to add this, but apparently I do! If you use AI to write all your posts, I will notice and I will leave the rp. Like, if you need help with the intro, I get it, but every post, absolutely not!
The themes of my worlds
I've got a few running themes in the worlds and rp's I build, so I decided it might be easier to list them here and then I can just add into each plot idea which themes I would like in effect. Not all of the themes will be applicable to every rp. Hopefully it'll make more sense as we go and this doesn't just sound like my insane rambling...
I want to be really clear here, that when I say misogyny, I don't mean your character should be a woman hating asshole at all times. Note the casual part. That there is one hell of an operative word. I don't want guys you play to hate women. They love them. They want to surround themselves with most beautiful, most busty, and bouncy bitches that they can. It just so happens that they are more there to be pieces ever-loving and devoted fuck meat. Mayhaps they'll join the guys in the field of battle but really they're to support the guys, be eye candy and provide comfort afterwards Although who's to say they can't all of that.
You know the drill, right? Free use. Casualness. People getting it on in public. A guy can just walk on up to a gal and have his way with her right then and there. Nobody bats an eye. There's different levels of course but the general idea is that nobody is a prude really. It might vary from knowing somebody in the next room/tent is going at it like rabbits and just being like 'ooh nice', to said couple rutting right out in front of everyone with an audience.
Young ladies go weak in the knees when a strong man enters the room. Jackboots makes their panties wet. Submission is their natural state. You get the idea. So for example, if a big strong fascist busts down a woman's door, kills her husband and tells her that her whole country is now under their control, that woman is more likely to drop her panties and spread her legs instead of having a good cry about it. Not everyone woman surrenders to their natural urges however. Some act tough but most men know, deep down its an act because they really crave a thug to break them in. Ultimately though, they'll all kneel for their masters. Same goes for other races, subject to the race of your characters of course. They will put up a fight but deep down they want to be dominated, ethnically cleansed and bred out of existence. I'll also clarify this doesn't usually involve IRL racism. Raceplay with fantasy races is mostly what I go for.
this is an odd one so bear with me. I've been exploring this kink or group of kinks recently and it's been a lot of fun so I want to include it more. I'll try to explain with an example. Let's say one of the girls I'm playing gets pregnant and so she goes to the father to let him know. The father would get mildly annoyed and basically convinces the girl that it's her fault she got pregnant and as another level of corruption/misogyny, she needs to learn that it's rude or not correct to bother men who might have knocked her up with this problem. Instead she needs to go and sort it out, e.g. get an abortion. He might even punish for if she tries to argue that it's not correct. Eventually she understands though then she trots on down to a clinic (or magician/alchemist depending on the setting) and then that same day she's back to bouncing on unprotected dicks, knowing full well it's going to all happen again. I like it when the men are just like, "You're the one that took the creampie, what does that have to do with me? Just cause you're a slut who loves to have her womb plastered with baby batter doesn't mean I should worry about the results". I also like the idea that they learn to get off on the treatment. They enjoy being told that it's their fault someone held their arms back and held her pussy as deep on their cock as possible while they came. Then just a quick abortion and it's back to the usual cycle. I get it sounds like I'm fetishising abortion but it's more the brainwashing and gaslight aspect of a man telling the girl it's her fault she got pregnant, even though the men are the ones creampieing the girls. The men calling them dumb sluts for bothering them with their problems. And finally the corrupt aspect of, once the pregnancy is gone, within 24 hours the girl is getting filled again and she can look forward to having the same conversation in about 6 weeks and actually looks forward to it.
Conflict, death etc are treated fairly casually. See Advance Wars, Fire Emblem or Command and Conquer for what I'm talking about. Basically, there won't be rows of crying widows when people get killed. Some people are just expendable and the loyal soldiers are eager to die for the cause! Same goes for the women who fight too. It's perfectly reasonable that some guys are going to get off snuffing sluts that they don't want to keep around. Nobody is really going to bat an eye when a strong warrior is done with his latest piece of fuckmeat and just casually decides to end her. They'll just drag her body away and assign the next girl to the vacant position. On a less gruesome note, displays of masculinity through feats of strength and dominance are hot. Think, the trope of a bull beating up the cucked boyfriend and making the girls panties wet as she can't help but get off on seeing a real man do his thing.
I made this last one optional because I know snuff is a big no for a lot of people, understandably. Also with the BG3 plot, I wouldn't want any of the ladies to be permanent unalived, so if we did feature any of this, they would be healed/resurrected after.
I consider myself pretty much limitless when it comes to kinks. Feel free to ask, worst I'll be is neutral and just say no thanks. My only hard limits are scat, excessive gore and puke. Everything else I'm down for but to just to name a few vanilla ones and spicier ones off the top of my head...
Aphrodisiacs, Anal, Begging, Bimbofication, Body writing, Bondage, Breeding, Choking, Cock worship, Corruption, Creampies, Cuckolding, Deepthroat, Degradation, Dirty talk, Exhibitionism, Face fucking, Face slapping, Facials, Fingering, Gangbangs, Hair pulling, Hotdogging, Humiliation, Hypnotism/Mind control, Incest, Interracial, Lactation, Objectification, Oral, Piercings, Pole dancing/stripping, Rimming, Roughness, Slutty clothing and outfit control, Spanking, Squirting, Tattoos, Tentacles, Throat fucking, Toys, Titfucking, Voluptuous characters
Bad ends, Bestiality, Body alteration (breast/ass growth), Drug use/addiction, Ear penetration, Musk, Nipple penetration, Oviposition, Snuff, Ugly Bastards, Watersports/Wetting
Baldur's Gate 3
- All images references are just for fun, nothing is set in stone! Also any character listed who is canonically underage will be aged up to at least 16+ to be within site rules!
- I've played through the game a grand total of once and have a few multiplayer games ongoing, so both spoiler alert and don't worry about spoiling stuff for me. I would say my knowledge of the game is strong. Obviously someone who has played the game and enjoys the setting/characters would probably be an ideal partners. However an encyclopaedic knowledge of Faerun isn't a requirement.
- What I'm looking for here would involve a male Tav main character but I'm not just wanting to make a harem for your super cool and edgy don't steal OC. Although the 'Tav' doesn't have to be called Tav. Also I'm that fussy when it comes to races for YC. Although if I had to choose, human, half-orc, tiefling, minotaur, goliath and dragonborn would probably be my favourites. I would also like someone who can play other male characters, plus all the big nasty beasts/monsters and various evils that might to despoil the poor ladies. Especially mind flayers <3
- On that note, hypnotism/mind control is a theme/kink that I will say is pretty much mandatory for this plot. I'm specifically looking for a Tav who is willing to experiment with the wiggler in his brain. He seems to be able to influence these ladies he finds himself with. They're not going to just bark on command for him right away, but with the right leverage, he could really twist them to his desires. I would love to see some strong shifts in personalities from the girls.
- My unique twist on the normal story is to kind of combine YC into a Tav/Durge. Except instead of being a child of Bhaal, our Tav would be influenced by Bane. Instead of random murder, he wants to dominate and control. The combination of the mental communication between the tadpoles, and Bane's power, will allow him to exert control over the ladies. People he encounters without tadpoles might present more of a problem but I'm sure Tav will think of fun ways to exert his influence over them too.
- I would be happy for Tav to begin somewhat innocent and get more corrupting and domineering as time passes. He'll learn to enjoy controlling the ladies and exert his power over the world. The Absolute has it's own cult. Why can't Tav do the same? I also have a fun idea for an alternative to the Dream Guardian from the game. That can be discussed more as it comes up.
- So overall, the idea would be I would act as a kind of DM while you explore the world as Tav, following roughly along with the plot of the game. Each day he would take 2-3 companions with him to go adventure and the others stay at camp. Sometimes the camp would be invaded by monsters or the spare ladies wander off to do their own quests. Cue them being jumped and defiled by monsters. Or lascivious men. Figured this would help explain why Tav isn't with them and instantly rescuing them when this happens. You would play any men and monsters the ladies encounter, and are fucked by, that aren't Tav. So please be moderately enthusiastic about this aspect. I don't just want someone playing their Tav OC and reluctantly playing side parts.
So as I mentioned, I want to play the cast of ladies that Tav corrupts and influences. I'm not looking for a *finger snap*, you're a dumb slut now. I like a logical progression of inserted or re-written thoughts. An example would be. "You trust me" → "You think I'm handsome" "You want to kiss me" → "Undressing around me isn't wrong" → "I've seen you nude, so touching you isn't wrong either" → "You should join me in my tent tonight".
I enjoy it when the person being controlled doesn't even realise they are being influenced, so by the end they are thoroughly corrupted and their personality could be completely flipped, but they always think it was their decision. Improving their bodies with magic would be fun too. Not all of them will be mentally bimbofied but that doesn't mean they can't have huge tits, wide hips and phat asses.
I'll give some little fun examples of dialogue below of how I'd like the ladies to end up, when they are fully corrupted. Plus some images that will hopefully inspire.
"Everyone Has To Suffer. It's A Fact Of Life"
"Hehe thank you dyeing my hair and helping me get these big titties master. My head feels so empty now but, like, that's so much better. Following Shar was so boringggggg. Now I can, like, you know, be all happy and help cure you after fights. I'm so bad at aiming my sacred flame. Let me just be your healslut instead while you boys do all the fighting and, like, I'll comfort you after".
"Thing is, I can touch devils and the like, back in Avernus. I never did, cause I'm not a masochist. But I could have."
"Sorry I'm late boss. I was getting railed by that big devil you summoned into the camp last night. Thanks again for sorting out my soul contract with Raphael. I can't wait till we're done with this Absolute business, so I can get back to Avernus and be the cocksleave for devils that I was born to be."
"It is a fact. Life in this Faerûn is laughably weak."
"I kneel before my one true ruler. Let me be your devoted paramour and your chosen blade. I will kill every ghaik that dares to lay a finger on you. Damn Vlaakith to the depths of the darkest void, for keeping me from my true purpose all this time. To serve the one above all others".
"Half the men of Menzoberranzan are pleasure-servants. Weaklings, whose beauty is their only redeeming quality".
"Yes, my lord! I can feel your influence in my mind. It was always meant to be this way. The Absolute was nothing compared to this power you wield. Use it on me as you wish! I can feel my intellect dimming. My body flowering. Despoil me for your pleasure, please! If this is how you desire me then I will be your insipid and degenerate sow.
And if we want to add more ladies I had the idea to rename and genderbend Astarion, Gale, Wyll and Halsin. Below are working names, happy to switch them entirely if it's too close for comfort to their male names. Astarion would be Carmella for instance.
"I'm not afraid. Not of you, not of your darkness. I'm not going anywhere".
"Agh! Yes, harder master. Don't hold back. Mark my body as you wish. I'm just you slave. Your toy. Thank you for teaching me this was what I needed. I thought Cazador's abuse made me weak. Now I see it was what I needed. I just had the wrong master all this time.
"I used to believe Mystro's (male god in this version) forgiveness was worth dying for. But I was wrong. You showed me just how much I have to live for".
"Master, I've finished replicating the spells that Mystro used to turn me into his bimbo-bodied fuckmeat. I'm so grateful for showing me that I'm better off this way. Give the word and I'll get the other girls the same improvements. Then we can all serve you better. I'm looking forward to completing our quest so I can go back to being the fucktoy for the god of magic. I should never have tried to rise above my station as a female spellcaster".
"Provoke the blade, and suffer its sting".
"The Blade of the Frontiers? No, sorry. You must have me confused with someone else. My title is the Sheathe of Avernus. My master and mistress have helped me dive deeper and deeper into my infernal powers. All it took was surrendering my soul and serving as a sheathe for every big, strapping devil that came my way. So, tell me, have you thought about making a deal with the devil?"
"I welcome all of nature's blessings, whether they come to me one at a time, or in multitudes. There is no shame in it".
"Agh! This is so embarrassing, master. I'm sorry for being so shameful! It's just this big furry boy was exploring just outside the camp. I had gotten so horny this morning, and he must have thought I was a bitch in heat, because next thing I know he's mounting me. Yes master, I know. I am a bitch in heat, you're right. Men. Beasts. Monsters. I just want to feel the blessings of nature through their big powerful cocks".
There would also be room for original ladies if genderbent dudes doesn't tickle your pickle. That's also not to say that YC will only be getting it on with the origins gals. There's plenty of other ladies to get your hands on. Appropriately aged up Mol and Arabella. Alfira, Kagha, Isobel, Dame Aylin etc. I love the idea of Tav eventually being corrupt enough to deliberately infect ladies with tadpoles so he can mindfuck them.
I'd like to write a smuttified version of the RWBY story. The idea would be to follow the main story of the show but with a lot of the fighting converted into smut and just generally ramp up the casual smut of the setting to the point where the girls really aren't attending Beacon Academy to become huntresses. They're actually more there for the amusement of their male peers and the staff.
So I would be playing the girls while my ideal partner would be playing the guys. Potential to switch some people around. Like maybe make Jaune into Jean or just have him get cucked. Also I want to include scenes where the Grimm get it on with the girls.
Themes #1 and #2 will be the main focus here. 3 probably won't feature at all. Would like to include some of 4, especially race play with faunus and very much want to include Theme #5
So I would be playing the girls while my ideal partner would be playing the guys. Potential to switch some people around. Like maybe make Jaune into Jean or just have him get cucked. Also I want to include scenes where the Grimm get it on with the girls.
Themes #1 and #2 will be the main focus here. 3 probably won't feature at all. Would like to include some of 4, especially race play with faunus and very much want to include Theme #5
I just finished Rebirth, have played Remake and the original game multiple times. Like the above, I'm looking to smuttify the existing setting while following the basic premise of the plot, probably leaning more towards Remake, just because it's cleaner and more fleshed out. I have lots of ideas but just to name a few, Aerith isn't just a flower girl, she earns plenty of extra gil on the side turning tricks in the alleyways of the slums. Tifa is actually a bit of a bimbo bless her. But she can mix a damn good drink and at least she's got the biggest tits in Midgar to enjoy. Jessie? Need I say more. Your gals the biggest slut in sector 7 and lucky you if you find the video evidence of her 'acting' job she had before joining Avalanche. But it's not just the girls getting twisted. Turns out becoming a Soldier gives you the most full and pent up balls ever. Again, looking for a guy to play the guys, while your gal plays the gals.
Theme #1 somewhat. Medium Theme #2. Probably none of Theme #3 and maybe Theme #4 depending how it's applied. Shinra has the jackbooted thugs for they're normally defeated so we'll see
Theme #1 somewhat. Medium Theme #2. Probably none of Theme #3 and maybe Theme #4 depending how it's applied. Shinra has the jackbooted thugs for they're normally defeated so we'll see
This one isn't necessarily a full on Yu-Gi-Oh fandom plot. Although I would be ok playing canon ladies from the show. Although my knowledge of the story cuts off some point mid-way through 5D's.
What I'm actually looking for is a smuttified version of the Shadow Games, where the cards and their effects come to life. YC would be some kind of villain who lures girls into games. They'll bring their serious decks and try to beat him with their skills. Meanwhile his entire deck will be filled with spells and traps that humiliate and mind-fuck her. Each life point lost will make her feel dumber and hornier, getting molested and even fucked by his monster cards to take her life points away. By the end, she'll be utterly defeated and offer herself to the victor who gets his prize in the form of her pussy.
I think it'd be really fun to just make up things on the fly. YC's deck doesn't have to actually be based on real Yu-Gi-Oh cards. If anything, it'd be more fun if they weren't. All his cards should be entirely overpowered and lewd. Maybe she'll call on her Dark Magician Girl, only for you to reveal your trap card, Randy Tentacles. The effect of which reduces the Dark Magician Girl's attack points to 0 so long as the trap remains on the field, MC having to watch as the hologram of her monster is stripped and fucked by tentacles. That kind of thing!
What I'm actually looking for is a smuttified version of the Shadow Games, where the cards and their effects come to life. YC would be some kind of villain who lures girls into games. They'll bring their serious decks and try to beat him with their skills. Meanwhile his entire deck will be filled with spells and traps that humiliate and mind-fuck her. Each life point lost will make her feel dumber and hornier, getting molested and even fucked by his monster cards to take her life points away. By the end, she'll be utterly defeated and offer herself to the victor who gets his prize in the form of her pussy.
I think it'd be really fun to just make up things on the fly. YC's deck doesn't have to actually be based on real Yu-Gi-Oh cards. If anything, it'd be more fun if they weren't. All his cards should be entirely overpowered and lewd. Maybe she'll call on her Dark Magician Girl, only for you to reveal your trap card, Randy Tentacles. The effect of which reduces the Dark Magician Girl's attack points to 0 so long as the trap remains on the field, MC having to watch as the hologram of her monster is stripped and fucked by tentacles. That kind of thing!
This isn't a fandom idea to clarify. Also I'm looking to play a character who is about 16 years old, within site rules. If that isn't your thing then you can stop reading now. Call me weird but I enjoy the taboo aspects for this particular plot. Also not wanting to really compromise on kinks here. I want this one to be full on.
For this plot, I'm looking for someone to play the world around my character, pictured below (reference isn't mandatory, just one I liked). The premise of the story is that due to some circumstances in her life changing, my character has decided that she is going to be a slut. I like the idea that she was maybe a bit shy and nerdy before so is taking a fairly pragmatic approach to it. Regardless, she's worked out she loves being fucked and is going to let nothing stop her on this new quest.
She'll probably start with boys at her school and teachers she likes the look of. Her friends brothers and dads. Eventually she might graduated to family members or step-family members. She'll become more and more corrupt until she's sneaking out at night and using fake ID to get into places she's too young to be in, just to have sex in dirty alleyways with strange men she'll never see again. Eventually she'll be so debauched she's letting neighbour dogs use her as their bitch whenever they want. She'll get tattoos. Piercings. Dye her hair. Maybe even get hooked on fantastical aphrodisiac drugs and indulge in what she needs to do to keep that up.
I want to clarify I don't want things to get grim. I don't want there to be a moment where she looks at herself in the mirror and cries over what she's become. Enthusiastic consent is the word of the day. Though to also clarify that's not to say there's no conflict. She'll have to sneak around and potentially juggle multiple relationships etc. Some men will use and abuse her, corrupt her and make her do things she might not be fully comfortable with yet. However she's dedicated wants to sample everything her new lease on life has to offer.
Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3
Reference 4
Unlike the other ideas listed below, my themes aren't meant to feature too prominently here. Although men acting like misogynists around her would be enjoyable and help to mould her into the best slut she can. Also some casualness would be fun. However I would like to include Theme #5
For this plot, I'm looking for someone to play the world around my character, pictured below (reference isn't mandatory, just one I liked). The premise of the story is that due to some circumstances in her life changing, my character has decided that she is going to be a slut. I like the idea that she was maybe a bit shy and nerdy before so is taking a fairly pragmatic approach to it. Regardless, she's worked out she loves being fucked and is going to let nothing stop her on this new quest.
She'll probably start with boys at her school and teachers she likes the look of. Her friends brothers and dads. Eventually she might graduated to family members or step-family members. She'll become more and more corrupt until she's sneaking out at night and using fake ID to get into places she's too young to be in, just to have sex in dirty alleyways with strange men she'll never see again. Eventually she'll be so debauched she's letting neighbour dogs use her as their bitch whenever they want. She'll get tattoos. Piercings. Dye her hair. Maybe even get hooked on fantastical aphrodisiac drugs and indulge in what she needs to do to keep that up.
I want to clarify I don't want things to get grim. I don't want there to be a moment where she looks at herself in the mirror and cries over what she's become. Enthusiastic consent is the word of the day. Though to also clarify that's not to say there's no conflict. She'll have to sneak around and potentially juggle multiple relationships etc. Some men will use and abuse her, corrupt her and make her do things she might not be fully comfortable with yet. However she's dedicated wants to sample everything her new lease on life has to offer.
Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3
Reference 4
Unlike the other ideas listed below, my themes aren't meant to feature too prominently here. Although men acting like misogynists around her would be enjoyable and help to mould her into the best slut she can. Also some casualness would be fun. However I would like to include Theme #5
Specifying in advance I'm looking for someone to play the role of the pervy old turtle hermit here. Not looking for a saiyan OC or whatever, or other canonical characters, sorry. Not looking for anything too plot heavy but basically I'd like to do a series of smutty scenes where Roshi gets his hands on various ladies from DB canon.
I'm specifically looking for him to be a full on pervert who always gets his way. It would be a somewhat smuttified version of the setting where Roshi has been getting away with this the whole time he's been around, with pretty much none of the men knowing and all of the women keeping it to themselves for various reasons. They all know he's a dirty old pervert but can't seem to really say no to him. Even if plenty of them could kick the crap out of him.
Roshi's been nailing Bulma since she was in her teens and never stopped.
He fucked Chi-Chi as soon as he could.
When he met Videl he figured he's been fucking Goku's wife this whole time, he's not gonna stop now!
As soon as what looked like a young Bulma crossed his path, Maron wasn't let go of for days.
Even Android 18 can't say no to him for some reason.
Aliens and Gods fall for his pervy charms too!
Themes #1 and #2 will be the main focus here. Roshi sees them all as walking fuckmeat and although he doesn't mistreat the girls, he's only after them for their bodies and to get his rocks off. #3 probably won't feature at all. Although Roshi might fight someone at some point to impress one of the ladies. Theme #4 probably not involved but I very much want to include Theme #5
I'm specifically looking for him to be a full on pervert who always gets his way. It would be a somewhat smuttified version of the setting where Roshi has been getting away with this the whole time he's been around, with pretty much none of the men knowing and all of the women keeping it to themselves for various reasons. They all know he's a dirty old pervert but can't seem to really say no to him. Even if plenty of them could kick the crap out of him.
Roshi's been nailing Bulma since she was in her teens and never stopped.
He fucked Chi-Chi as soon as he could.
When he met Videl he figured he's been fucking Goku's wife this whole time, he's not gonna stop now!
As soon as what looked like a young Bulma crossed his path, Maron wasn't let go of for days.
Even Android 18 can't say no to him for some reason.
Aliens and Gods fall for his pervy charms too!
Themes #1 and #2 will be the main focus here. Roshi sees them all as walking fuckmeat and although he doesn't mistreat the girls, he's only after them for their bodies and to get his rocks off. #3 probably won't feature at all. Although Roshi might fight someone at some point to impress one of the ladies. Theme #4 probably not involved but I very much want to include Theme #5
I have an idea for a plot where the girls of Hololive EN get corrupted. Not really looking to include any of the JP girls. No hate, I just don't know them as well. I am open to adding more EN girls as we go but I drifted off as more got added so I know the original five better.
I'm imagining a pseudo-fantasy world where the girls are their streamer personas rather than the IRL person behind the avatar. I could see a new agent being introduced as their talent agency is taken over and the new men in charge have a very different idea about how they want the girls to present themselves, and how they should be performing. Extra points if the new agent you play is a big black guy but I'd be happy with a different look.
I would love to go on the journey of seeing the girls become corrupted, maybe through various methods of mind control, or good old fashioned conversion through words. Either way, the end goal for the new regime is to transform these seiso idols into slutty pornstars and that type of performer. Their streams will become purely 18+ where they fuck themselves with toys and answer lewd questions from fans. Their musical performances will become more like stripping, pole dancing and getting fucked on stage. They'll attend fan meet ups and let themselves get groped and humiliated in public. You get the idea!
Gawr Gura
Amelia Watson
Takanashi Kiara
Calliope Mori
Ninomae Ina'nis
Themes #1, #2 and #5 would be the main ones here. Not really the type of plot to include #3 or #4
I'm imagining a pseudo-fantasy world where the girls are their streamer personas rather than the IRL person behind the avatar. I could see a new agent being introduced as their talent agency is taken over and the new men in charge have a very different idea about how they want the girls to present themselves, and how they should be performing. Extra points if the new agent you play is a big black guy but I'd be happy with a different look.
I would love to go on the journey of seeing the girls become corrupted, maybe through various methods of mind control, or good old fashioned conversion through words. Either way, the end goal for the new regime is to transform these seiso idols into slutty pornstars and that type of performer. Their streams will become purely 18+ where they fuck themselves with toys and answer lewd questions from fans. Their musical performances will become more like stripping, pole dancing and getting fucked on stage. They'll attend fan meet ups and let themselves get groped and humiliated in public. You get the idea!
Gawr Gura
Amelia Watson
Takanashi Kiara
Calliope Mori
Ninomae Ina'nis
Themes #1, #2 and #5 would be the main ones here. Not really the type of plot to include #3 or #4
I'm looking for someone wanting to play either Kamoshida or an OC who takes Kamoshida's place, e.g. the gym teacher at Shujin. I could go with a male protag as the focus but I'd need to really like the character and ideas.. It would be fun to have a guy who finds he has the powers unlocked via the Metaverse and begins to use it to mind-fuck the girls in the group and make his dedicated group of sexy Phanton Thieves.
Would love to see some total inversions of the girls in terms of their motives and personalities. Corruption, bimbofication, all that good stuff. Examples being, convincing Ann to drop out of high school, give up modelling and become a stripper and/or pornstar. Convince Shiho she's a masochist who feels fulfilled getting used and abused by men. Makoto becomes a streetwalker and feeds info to the mob about her sister's dealings to keep their goons out of jail. Haru comes to believe she's much better off as some jerk's trophy wife and should learn her place etc etc.
I did also come across art like this recently and I would love to include something like this as the method by which the girls are corrupted in the Metaverse. Their personalities get switched and that carries over into the real world too.
Other girls can be featured, those 4 I've mentioned and linked below are just examples.
Ann Takamaki
Shiho Suzui
Makoto Niijima
Haru Okumura
Theme #1 will be the main focus here and some of 2 would be fun. 3 and 4 probably won't feature at all. I would like to include Theme #5
Would love to see some total inversions of the girls in terms of their motives and personalities. Corruption, bimbofication, all that good stuff. Examples being, convincing Ann to drop out of high school, give up modelling and become a stripper and/or pornstar. Convince Shiho she's a masochist who feels fulfilled getting used and abused by men. Makoto becomes a streetwalker and feeds info to the mob about her sister's dealings to keep their goons out of jail. Haru comes to believe she's much better off as some jerk's trophy wife and should learn her place etc etc.
I did also come across art like this recently and I would love to include something like this as the method by which the girls are corrupted in the Metaverse. Their personalities get switched and that carries over into the real world too.
Other girls can be featured, those 4 I've mentioned and linked below are just examples.
Ann Takamaki
Shiho Suzui
Makoto Niijima
Haru Okumura
Theme #1 will be the main focus here and some of 2 would be fun. 3 and 4 probably won't feature at all. I would like to include Theme #5
I've been hankering for something set in the HP universe recently as well. I had an idea for a lewd version of Hogwarts. Not as smut-centric as the RWBY alternative but the kind of Hogwarts were it's par for the course if a girl finds her mind and body being messed with by some of her fellow students. Playing canon girls can be fun but there would be room for others. What I'm looking for here is someone willing to play one or more Slytherin boys. Maybe a teacher. Either way, their aim is to seduce and corrupt the ladies of the school. I love the aspect of them being kind of 'Slytherin supremacists' as it were. The idea that they're converting these girls into sluts who only want to get with guys from Slytherin for various reasons.
Hermione Granger
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Theme #1 will definitely feature. Some of #2 would be nice and #3 could be included, only in the sense that the Slytherin boys might beat the other guys in magic duels to show off in front of the girls. #4 probably won't see a look in. #5 I would like to feature and there's plenty of quick magical solutions to any little accidents.
Hermione Granger
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Theme #1 will definitely feature. Some of #2 would be nice and #3 could be included, only in the sense that the Slytherin boys might beat the other guys in magic duels to show off in front of the girls. #4 probably won't see a look in. #5 I would like to feature and there's plenty of quick magical solutions to any little accidents.
I've had a craving for ugly bastards (or ugly bastard adjacent, basically a character who isn't traditionally handsome but not like filthy and gross). And there's few characters that really strike that thing I'm looking for like Teruteru Hanamura. He's such a little pervert but with an odd kind of charm to him. If people aren't down for him then I would be alright writing a plot where you play an OC student or maybe a teacher. Bonus points for them being a dark-skinned guy.
I'd like to have the plot set on the island that Dangonronpa 2 is meant to be set on. Just instead of it being a virtual reality, it's the actual real life trip on a tropical island the class is meant to be going to. Perfect chance for some pervert to get his hands on all the girls, while they have to keep it secret from his jealous fellow classmates (or students). Plenty of room for different scenes and having to juggle the needs of different girls, each of whom will have their unique buttons for the little perv to get under their skin and into their panties.
Chiaki Nanami
Akane Owari
Sonia Nevermind
Hiyoko Saionji
Mahiru Koizumi
Mikan Tsumiki
Ibuki Mioda
Peko Pekoyama
As for themes, #1 as always is a favourite. #2 is always fun. Probably won't be any room for #3 or #4. I would like to include #5.
I'd like to have the plot set on the island that Dangonronpa 2 is meant to be set on. Just instead of it being a virtual reality, it's the actual real life trip on a tropical island the class is meant to be going to. Perfect chance for some pervert to get his hands on all the girls, while they have to keep it secret from his jealous fellow classmates (or students). Plenty of room for different scenes and having to juggle the needs of different girls, each of whom will have their unique buttons for the little perv to get under their skin and into their panties.
Chiaki Nanami
Akane Owari
Sonia Nevermind
Hiyoko Saionji
Mahiru Koizumi
Mikan Tsumiki
Ibuki Mioda
Peko Pekoyama
As for themes, #1 as always is a favourite. #2 is always fun. Probably won't be any room for #3 or #4. I would like to include #5.
Another of a somewhat selfish request. I was watching these two funny videos and it got me thinking I've never done an rp where I play a girl getting screwed by various kinds of Pokemon. So selfish in the sense I'd like to play a female trainer with someone playing the different male Pokemon she encounters and fucks. Could be a typical adventure style with her having one Pokemon to start with that she forms a bond with, then adds more as she goes, or just casually screws them in the wild for fun. Alternatively I might be persuaded to do a more anthology style thing of different ladies, canonical or OC's getting it on in more short term vignettes with different Pokemon.
When it comes to which Pokemon, I know there's literally hundreds. So to try and add some sanity, I would say my preferences would be ones that are at least vaguely humanoid, mammalian, insectoid, draconic/scaly or have tentacles. Also Hypno. Mind control is a favourite kink of mine so if someone wants to play a Hypno for me I would love that. Also below are just some fun examples I came across in my 'Pokemon studies'.
Cutie being spitroasted
Electricity is in the air
Mating press
Two heads are better than one
Damn, I liked those leggings
I've had him since he was a Litten
Big bad wolf
A real mind fuck
Theme #1 will be the main focus here and some of 2 would be fun. 3 and 4 probably won't feature at all.
When it comes to which Pokemon, I know there's literally hundreds. So to try and add some sanity, I would say my preferences would be ones that are at least vaguely humanoid, mammalian, insectoid, draconic/scaly or have tentacles. Also Hypno. Mind control is a favourite kink of mine so if someone wants to play a Hypno for me I would love that. Also below are just some fun examples I came across in my 'Pokemon studies'.
Cutie being spitroasted
Electricity is in the air
Mating press
Two heads are better than one
Damn, I liked those leggings
I've had him since he was a Litten
Big bad wolf
A real mind fuck
Theme #1 will be the main focus here and some of 2 would be fun. 3 and 4 probably won't feature at all.
This is kinda of a fandom plot, at least a mixed one, but also mostly original. I'm looking to play one or more (probably one originally but adding more as we go) sexy android lady. I'm thinking a post apoloyptic setting where humanity is having to battle robots, maybe aliens? I haven't settled on that part yet.
The main aspect I'm looking to do is play as sentient android ladies who, while being certainly competent, have to manage fighting for humanity while also being seeing as walking talking fleshlights. The androids are built to worship humans, especially human men. However they have to contend with the fact that their perverted ceators made them look so damn fuckable. They want to be taken seriously but it's difficult when they've been built with tits the size of their heads, are programmed to fuck like pornstars and often find themselves getting hacked to mess with their programming in amusing ways.
I'd like to write with someone willing to play multiple guys, however starting with a lone soldier type being assisted by a single anroid would be a good place to start I think.
Model 2B
Model A2
Model EVE
Model 18
Model Blue
Model Edgerunner
So Theme #1 will be the main focus here and some of 2 would be fun. 3 and 4 might feature. The androids might be programmed to get off on seeing their human masters break robots or purge aliens. At the same time the remaining humans have likely banded together into some kind of military dictatorship, which the lady bots are also going to be on board with.
The main aspect I'm looking to do is play as sentient android ladies who, while being certainly competent, have to manage fighting for humanity while also being seeing as walking talking fleshlights. The androids are built to worship humans, especially human men. However they have to contend with the fact that their perverted ceators made them look so damn fuckable. They want to be taken seriously but it's difficult when they've been built with tits the size of their heads, are programmed to fuck like pornstars and often find themselves getting hacked to mess with their programming in amusing ways.
I'd like to write with someone willing to play multiple guys, however starting with a lone soldier type being assisted by a single anroid would be a good place to start I think.
Model 2B
Model A2
Model EVE
Model 18
Model Blue
Model Edgerunner
So Theme #1 will be the main focus here and some of 2 would be fun. 3 and 4 might feature. The androids might be programmed to get off on seeing their human masters break robots or purge aliens. At the same time the remaining humans have likely banded together into some kind of military dictatorship, which the lady bots are also going to be on board with.
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