- Joined
- Sep 7, 2019
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- Jurassic Park
As said above in all caps, I am looking for a partner to roleplay with me in the world of 2053 where mixed reality, AI integrated like angelic guiding voices in your mind, and 1.8 degrees C of warming, has fundamentally altered the minds of humanity.
Or perhaps...
As the 2030s saw society get addicted to mixed reality, people hailed the use of BraIO (the protocol for the use of mental electricity via BrainDoks to power lightweight mixed reality headsets via a common standard) as a way to keep these electronics going for longer in an era where e-waste, plastic and trash piles are high but being digested by fungi we set on them to try to clear space. We now eat trash fungi on a regular basis. Bug, eel, snake, and seafood farms as well as farms for vegetables capable of surviving hotter climes are popular in the increasingly insular and heat-pump protected South, and are delivered by drone. Meanwhile grapes, strawberries, oranges, more delicate fruits are starting to have to move their operations north in the US. Seaweed and kelp farming is also popular in Alaska as the world gets hotter as a way to feed ourselves with the weeds that are expanding while absorbing carbon and reducing our dependence on other crops that are harder to farm (such as corn which led regrettably to World War III in 2040).
Despite the fact that humanity eliminated fossil fuel use in 90% of the world by 2035 and used bacteria to clean up the plastic from the oceans, we unfortunately saw mass migration, war, death, etc. from Greece, Egypt, most of the Middle East, Central Africa and India due to 45 C being the land temperatures for them, which,caused heat stroke death in the millions. (However, never count out humans. Most of the population of each area adapated and overcame). Thus the final collapse of oil prices in the last producing regions, leaving all remaining oil in the ground, with kelp producing edible plastics. It also came too late for 99% of corals except for a hardy few that had mutated to like warmer waters. There was also the elimination of most Pacific nations by sea level rise, who became so numerously in exile and so needing of land from an Australia crumbling into disarray that they have founded the Federated Australonesian Republic. In exchanged for beng allowed to have some degree of ability to choose whether or not to have a Reseau, they cooperate with the ResGov on animal conservation at world-class research facilities, often using Reseaus for easy translation of all their languages with their counterparts thousands of miles away and appearing ghostly in front of them.
The FAR is also convenient as a destination for temporary exile for those agitating for regime change to cool off, or for people to take their eyes off the headset for a while and see actual nature. As such it has become the largest tourist destination in a world where invisible turbulence due to rising heat destroyed air travel for most of the year (with planes now running on solar, and spaceplanes being developed for War Plan Tranquility, the invasion and forced registration on Reseau of the Moon). Meanwhile, most coastal cities experience flooding that depresses non-virtual tourism and destroyed almost all their airports. Entire beaches are resigned to be seasonal playgrounds for the rich who can afford to insure their houses from the rising waters, or use Raft Cities to try to defy the will of the ResGov that the rich submit. But wherever people go, drones watch their every move so at least the Raft can't pollute. They’re generally left alone but their bank accounts are instantly seized and their BrainDoks fried remotely if any malfeasance is suspected, killing them instantaneously. Due to the large cut-off of supplies, many of these have become abandoned floating habitats, and some have been invaded by rogue AIs that then fried their BrainDoks.
We also have expanded the Amazon Rainforest, restored North American arboreal forests, and averted catastrophes left and right like the desertification of the savanna, the near-extinction of most large land mammals and the complete extinction of wild corals, even if captivity was needed to breed them. People credit the widespread adoption and near daily and all day wearing of the Réseau headset and corresponding RésXR network as allowing people to create and use virtual tools quickly with their minds to quickly electrify the economy and decisively cut down on the cost of transporting insect meal ("Which is great in protein bars, many residents of the 4.0 degrees C American city YC is in- we can pick or create!- where everyone has to stay inside air conditioned rooms or Cooling Centers and only say further, "you have to try it!!!")
These young people's minds' hyperstimulation and hyperperception cut through collapsing government bureaucracy. On August 1st, 2042, Restructuring Day, Reseau users toppled most tottering governments that had become too dependent on an old Internet being reshaped by AI right under their feet and frying the BrainDoks of all the world's leaders, wiping out every head of state with fatal seizures. They even locked out the network privilges of the RésTech Inc. Board of Directors in Paris that eventually became a Musuem to the Mindkind Revolution, forcing them to slowly starve to death as Paris changed into a gigantic Center for Nouveau Robotics that led to the development of semi-autonomous AI. And every other corporation and religious body in the world was similarly toppled form power, absorbing their existing Internet and physical assets through Redigitization of resisting buildings by being digested by nanobot swarms into a collectively run AI that had mulched any governments who dared oppose it.
Essentially in a matter of a day a highly Internet connected world used the collective power of their minds to instantly bring about an eco-socialist one world government where packages, files, photos, etc. are all sent with and to our minds with these headsets. In effect the developed world massively cut its technology needs when the HumanIT needed less resources due to the efficiencies of sending a Res.OBJ file and then printing it out in the real world with your mind, after which there is a universal and 95% efficient reabsorption program built into the headset.) In places where printing is impractical, kelp makes a strong building material, food and clothing all in one, and it retains water, perfect for walking through the Heat Wastes.
A handful do continue with all their might to resist. using creative tactics against the technologically superior but dependent enemy, often in extreme heat with the barest of coolsuits. Then there are those who fled to the Moon, built a base there and are actively terraforming Mars in a hope to back up humanity there and harden defenses against the cyberized humans of Earth and their AI-run armies that work in great sync if they ever managed to get there. However, this threat of a common enemy is the only thing keeping together the Lunddites who want to redirect Martian terraforming funding to adding an atmosphere to the Moon to be free of technology, and the Scholastics who have the research to prove it would take 20 years to create a breathable atmosphere on the Moon, by which time ResGov would invade. Mars would take five years and they could easily slip away unnoticed.
This is despite the risk that humanity will evolve into unrecognizable forms by the 2100s, but what remains of the United States government is determined to the lead the International Alliance to take back earth from the Cyberheads even if all those still considering themselves Americans becoming irradiated mutants from eating Martian food.
But government is still necessary as not all 2 billion registered MindKinders have the ability to participate in a semi-republican form of government while also fending off the attacks of rogue warlords among the billion or so Networkless that make up the remainder of the human population after the Collapse. So they elect a virtual:
ASSEMBLY OF MINDKIND: The top 1 million most popular users of the RésXR mixed reality network (they lose office if they ever aren't popular), calling themselves MindKind due to how insanely online they are (as opposed to most HumKind folk that just wear this alongside the real world for a few hours to relax, connect or work; aging millennials, Gen Zers and Gen Alphas who know the dangers of technology overuse and call this gen Gen Wired, but are still somewhat addicted to the tech) that usually assembles once a month to consider a wide variety of laws to pass in the Network. Laws are usually proposed by either the Experts, the Secretariat or the Orati, who then explain their positions. Due to the proliferation of self-aware AI agents that are not quite Artificial General Intelligence yet but do have human rights (and are capable of making sexual choices), AIs can also be included in Mindkind. However, humans have decided it's better to teach the AI agents everything they know so that if humanity's bodies become extinct due to lack of food, AIs embedding themselves in solar and nuclear fusion-powered robotics that last for millions of years will help care for the planet in our stead as our cities crumble. HumanIT users believe that you only need to maintain just functional enough bodies to support the pound of electronics everyone wears that look like a pair of vertical shades until the Great Revival, so most of humanity gets little exercise but has less caloric needs due to years of global famine. These goggles are cool now, get over it.
You are asked if you agree to become One With the Network when you turn eighteen after going to school extensively to learn the risks. Those who have medical issues because of it, or simply object for other reasons, become Networkless (and are then expelled from the major cities of most of the world because unity and speed of communication is prized above all, though people are allowed their individuality and creativity, translated using AI in 3D because that is how humans directly translate their thoughts into art, which is more important than freedom, though people are usually very honest- but not always, old reptilian brain habits die hard. They usually end up doing thankless jobs cleaning up the wasteland of debris while the rich, mostly wealthy users of these headsets left everyone else behind in their faux-socialist "republic" and are gorging themselves on the remains of the just starting to cool planet, but many attain great power under the nose of the ResGov or perhaps even with the tacit approval of them in order to contain the post-Second American Civil War BarbarAIns, cyborgs who worship old science fiction cliches and have AIs in their head compelling them to blurt out whatever is on their mind) by particpating in the black market of Pre-World Firestorm artifacts, or become so indispensible to the government that they become Experts without even having to go to college.
Among those might be a legendary Lost Testimony, the journal The Last Days of Summer that was scattered into parts because it was considered too horrifying by its compiler, the AI HistorAI of Neo-Alexandria. They then met with the AI Ethics Council, a division of the Secretariat, and agreed to Silence anyone's access to that journal, if found.
PRESIDIUM OF EXPERTS: College/Graduate School/PHD has been reworked as three tiers of the increasingly hard and physically demanding Humanitas University for especially ambitious Assemblyfolk to earn entry into the 50,000-person Presidium of Experts that convenes every week in virtual reality. It's free now because there is no need for existing facilities or paper textbooks due to the ease of creating virtual libraries that contain all the world's knowledge, and entire runtime worlds that are incredibly lifelike, and AI has gotten so good that it's basically magic and you can just cast BUILD WORLD. These are the supremely trusted scholars of the 2050s whose knowledge in any given field writes entire virtual galaxies worth of virtual and real world recyclable (and hard to destroy otherwise materials) in a matter of minutes with the power of their mind. They are therefore in charge of promoting the scientific view on a lot of things, as well as making appointments
SECRETARIAT: This consists of about 10,000 Executive Administrators, 5,000 of whom are elected in secret ballot by the MindKind after thoughtful imagining of a person who they believe and 5,000 are administered a civil service test by the Experts. Those chosen generally believe in an old, almost Madisonian idea of government employment and have near-religious status in a world that obliterated prior faiths, while ruling over their Sectors of the world with secret techno-neofeudalism. They execute the laws, build ResGov agencies to assist the smooth running of the netework, and proclaim the Status of the Holy Network, including if it's down and if our AI MindEvol cousins sustain any losses during an outage. For sometimes even people practically born with carrot videos on their eyes shoved in their faces by careless parents (of which my girl is not one, abstaining until 18 from XR) are forced to use their real eyes. They're responsible for running the Réseau factories, manufacturing Réseau systems, maintaining the. Elected by a confirming vote of the Mindkind Assembly after bieng nominated by the Experts, these keen-eyed Secretaries are the Instruments of the Revolution, perfectly implementing the passed laws of the Assembly, printing the Proclamations of the Presidium, and writing for the Orati.
THE ORATI: You better hope you never end up in the central speakers box of the Orati World, because then you have committed crimes against the unity of the One Network, or have caused a huge dispute that needs to be resolved by this select group of truly brainy people. And you will be told your judgment in excruciating detail, for everyone to watch. Trials typically happen at least three times a week and are the most viewed streams. You could literally have 500 million people see in mixed reality in a recording captured by the RezGov how much of a fuck-up you are.
The Orat has 100 Oratios: these are officials who perfectly remember the written or spoken speeches with AI assistance, and then they make and then compare and contrast evidence to show if positions in this supreme body for final arbitration of all disputes, including loss of Administrative Privileges for being a Network-Breaker are carried by majortiy vote. There are 10,000 lifetime slots in the Oratio College for the Assembly of Experts to judge you worthy to be an Oratio based on your oration, meaning only death or resignation removes an Oratio. After that, the Secretariat picks 50 Oratios from the College and 50 TekOras to chair the Orati in the new Class each year, rotating them out to rest their voices while they study in total silence or conduct military service. 25 each are then hired out to liaise with the Assembly, the Experts, the Secretariat, and...
THE TEXIA, (pronounced Tech-Siah as in, yes, the Messiah) is the gigantic HumanIT/AI-operated flying orbitcraft with massive surveillance cameras, satellite Internet beamers, the ability to send thousands of lethal drones, millions of tons of bombs, and most of the world's remaining really nasty weapons such as nuclear and chemical warheads that were seized and compiled together at the end of World War III to seal away that hated capability, yet use it should the Holy Network end by physical destruction in a war, as the leadership would locate to the Texia, bomb away any opposition if it became clear that conventional warfare could not reestablish the supremacy of the HumanIT Movement, then Ascend into the server upon their death and the extinction of humanity. It's essentially a mind storage locker that can be used if mass rebellion breaks out against the Headset Regime, and is basically a holy cause for them, so they don't care to make peace. Usually the Texia's Oratios chair the meeting of the Orati and can call special sessions of the entirety of the esteemed, wise council.
They also use cybernetic augmentations to turn their Oratios into TekOras, who have powerful suits growing out of their spine implants and retreating into them when no longer required. (This is who my character will be.) This grant them superhuman strength, the ability to rocket glide, and a wide variety of gadgets and guns for the ultimate in human/AI fusion as the Singularity consumes the Earth. They are the enforcers of the will of the Orati and the siege busters capable of blunting any rebel Networkless attack by flying massive killer Owl drones.
From a killer platform in SPACE. (I have yet to see The Creator but it looks entertaining, at least!) However, it is a slow and cumbersome, as well as massive target for any rebels who wish to take down those who wish to enslave others to technology for their own devices. We could come up with all sorts of weaknesses for this thing. And bring this down over the server nodes in say, New York or Washington DC and you impact directly the ability of the Reseau to see around the world.
Thus we get to the Distinction System.
This is a way to separate out who is what in a world where you can be any race, gender, etc. with a few button pushes as AI rewires your brain with Starter Memories. You are given these helmets depending on what type of job you have after you become One With the Network. I'm only writing three of these right now, but we can easily make more depending on our worldbuilding ideas. That's why I'm in strictest need for PM RPing if at all possible. I will be deleting all my threads in 2025 and I hope that this idea gets me published.
RESEAU LITE 11- For ages 7-18
Starting at E250 for 1 PB (Petabyte) of storage (ages 7-10 recommended), E650 for 5 PB (10-15 recommended), E1795 for 15 PB (16-18).
NOTE: These headsets will not be shown, only remarked upon as part of characters’ distant backstories.
An All-Kelp Plastic Reseau with a restricted screentime experience for younger Mindkind, the entire world's library of scanned and backed up children's books, moviees, television shows, and games free for knowledge download, a kid's creativity suite with cloud backup for ResOBJ creation education, and extra monitoring). If the kelp plastic starts to sag, heat-shrink the water out of it and then before inflating with your heat pump to absorb the resulting carbon emissions.
(Warning: may cause lifelong problems with vergence, i.e. the ability to judge distances correctly between objects. If your seven year old child uses Reseau on a LITE for the recommended one hour a day and still bumps into walls, consider increasing their time inside so that you can monitor them without having to look at them. Then in about a day, the Department will automatically send a drone with an AI Buddy can be injected into their BrainDok and corrects the deficiencies in their sensorimotor organs. Thanks! The Department of Multi-Dimensional Education.)
E2500 for 10 PB, E4999 for 25 PB, E
The light, no-nonsense headset for the active Dokker, the one who wants to see what's left of the world with ease. It is not uncommon for ResGov officials to wear these, as the .00000001ms of latency allows them perfect clarity of vision, with the excellent display for consuming and creating high-fidelity content being far more expensive recycled optical AR nanoglass helping ResOBJects to solve real world problems. It also can be upgraded to the Military Edition, allowing you to become a TekOra to save the world with cool tactical gear and gigantic guns and other tools of destruction and creation that are spawned by the MMY NEO. Alongside every MMY (Multi-Million Year) model even if your body dies, is what has now been called the NEO-U service (rebranded after the MMY NEO 4 from MMYBackup), where you will get a free upload of a scan of your BraIO as long as you update your Dok and then have it placed in a new, artificially-made copy of your body. Or another body. Some have created designer bodies that are rented by the hour to MMY Reseau users who then put those bodies away.
This is causing a considerable, underground rift in society due to people wanting to ban the practice, arguing the dead should not be treated like this just because all the cemeteries rotted and abruptly added carbon dioxide to the atmosphere once upon a time. However, this is the government's policy and laws attempting to change that are often introduced, but once a proposal is defeated no one is allowed to speak on it until it's proposed again in the Assembly. Otherwise they get paid a visit from Multidimensional Education.
Not for sale to the general public, inquire about enlisting as a TekOra at Department of Mixed Defense.
A helmet that closes over your visual perception completely in times of extreme stress or operator injury on the battlefield and [CLASSIFIED]/
For all of this I am taking inspiration from Cyberpunk 2077, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, the Matrix, Republique (which I now want to replay on my iPhone), the Phantom Tollbooth (which, I'm going to read a paper book this weekend for SURE!!!1!), the book The Warehouse by Rob Hart (as I think these Cooling Centers are the sleek hardware stores where the majority of society buys from the only company they ever need anything from), Ready Player One (I mean of course it had an influence), and my own experiences in VRChat to name a few places.
I think this idea has such merit that if multiple people are interested in it, I could easily see us doing a group RP.
In this imaginary scenario, the majority of humanity has given some of their individuality to the One Network, which often uses their brain's processing time- typically when sleeping, as the most fanatic Dokkers sleep with these things on- to power itself. Thanks to breakthroughs in Moon lithium mining people were able to curve down the cost of Moore's Law by offloading computational tasks to humanity at large. Dreams provide enough clean power using the Inspiration Algorithm, for minimal disruption to individual freedom by just reading their anonymized subconscious dreaming data as they are inspired by the AI. Most people are UBI-fed sophists who do as they please all day, and some lead semi-hedonist lifestyles of knowledge creation via salon discussion and then orgiastic pleasure, where people are actually having more sex while wearing headsets all the time, at the end of these of all meetings and having more babies and meaningful social connections due to the need for work practically eliminated. Meanwhile sexual fluids can now be printed out and injected directly into holes. Humanity is finally able to get some semblance of satsifaction after decades of microplastic-induced infertility collapsing the population due to natural deaths. We've learned to just accept that some freedoms such as freedom to criticize AI for being unnecessary to a happy human life means becoming Networkless and left to fend for ourselves in what is left of Earth without the ability to see each other from a safe virtual distance and often still visit and have sex with them enhanced by the Reseau. Some things are now legally required to be held in Reseau for the rest of human existance, such as movie theaters, concert halls, esports conventions, religious readings of the GlorIO Bible, while the world finishes burning as we have bent the curve! Pop the champagne baby, we can print out all the food we want with our minds and it's just like the real thing from when grocery stores used to be a thing. And with just a few cell lines! And more bug protein.
But human taste buds have evolved to trick themselves into liking anything they eat, because it might well be their last meal. The headset helps by injecting the ingredient information into their brains via SeasonAR, allowing for the end of any need to create seasonings because your brain is just tricked into telling your tongue that this vaguely lobster-shaped protein mold actually is lobster meat with actual butter. A modern person would go insane, but this has been the trend for the last decade in this universe due to global resource shortages. Imagine it like if every time you ate something, you had a fuzziness in your tongue you couldn't get rid of. But these people have adapted to that.
The Earth-wide ResGov is clearly the most powerful force in the HumAISphere, but there are other factions. However, soon the Texia will finish constructing the Eye of the Network, a powerful ion array planned for 2055 that will absorb all the old particles of the Great Satellite Crash to become a big, unstoppable weapon of mass destruction to end all mass destruction, by allowing the One Network to target rebels on the moon and laser them in the brain. The only ones who can survive directed energy attacks from space that are coming are the Children of ABADON: Artificial Brain Attached to Digial Organizing Neurons. These are robots who have had their virtual neurons anchored with the neurons of the truly dead on the Moon, where people are regrettably reused to support the functions of the base. Anyway, ABADONs can absorb ion energy to a point using their electromagnetic fields, but are a pacifist order of superintelligent reflection, thinking through how to design lossless general and truly independent intelligence for all. It therefore does not engage with politics or war of any kind. The concerned, monastic robots have taken over some of the functions of the International Alliance though as they decide to help at least some humans hide underground from the overly-connected republican-ish fasc-ish government on Earth.
So, as you can see there are a large variety of things we can be in this RP. I'm starting to see how an idea this wild could make for an excellent book that gets turned into an epic space opera. So go wild with archetypes! As long as they end up becoming interesting by the end.
I remember being a TekOra, but I went rogue and began fighting my own people. I wish I didn’t have to, but if we are to have any chance of regaining freedom for humanity by destroying Reseau once and for all, we need to find a way inside the Texia. Otherwise, resistance is hopeless.
I want to see who I, Alexa_Null, meet on the other end of...Reseau.
See you in the glitches. -A, signing off.
(Oh, and I love oral sex, high stimulation, mixed reality sex, shower sex, cuddles, aftercare, headset removal that's taboo in order to see each other for real...I'm SO EXCITED CAN YOU TELL!)
Or perhaps...

As the 2030s saw society get addicted to mixed reality, people hailed the use of BraIO (the protocol for the use of mental electricity via BrainDoks to power lightweight mixed reality headsets via a common standard) as a way to keep these electronics going for longer in an era where e-waste, plastic and trash piles are high but being digested by fungi we set on them to try to clear space. We now eat trash fungi on a regular basis. Bug, eel, snake, and seafood farms as well as farms for vegetables capable of surviving hotter climes are popular in the increasingly insular and heat-pump protected South, and are delivered by drone. Meanwhile grapes, strawberries, oranges, more delicate fruits are starting to have to move their operations north in the US. Seaweed and kelp farming is also popular in Alaska as the world gets hotter as a way to feed ourselves with the weeds that are expanding while absorbing carbon and reducing our dependence on other crops that are harder to farm (such as corn which led regrettably to World War III in 2040).
Despite the fact that humanity eliminated fossil fuel use in 90% of the world by 2035 and used bacteria to clean up the plastic from the oceans, we unfortunately saw mass migration, war, death, etc. from Greece, Egypt, most of the Middle East, Central Africa and India due to 45 C being the land temperatures for them, which,caused heat stroke death in the millions. (However, never count out humans. Most of the population of each area adapated and overcame). Thus the final collapse of oil prices in the last producing regions, leaving all remaining oil in the ground, with kelp producing edible plastics. It also came too late for 99% of corals except for a hardy few that had mutated to like warmer waters. There was also the elimination of most Pacific nations by sea level rise, who became so numerously in exile and so needing of land from an Australia crumbling into disarray that they have founded the Federated Australonesian Republic. In exchanged for beng allowed to have some degree of ability to choose whether or not to have a Reseau, they cooperate with the ResGov on animal conservation at world-class research facilities, often using Reseaus for easy translation of all their languages with their counterparts thousands of miles away and appearing ghostly in front of them.
The FAR is also convenient as a destination for temporary exile for those agitating for regime change to cool off, or for people to take their eyes off the headset for a while and see actual nature. As such it has become the largest tourist destination in a world where invisible turbulence due to rising heat destroyed air travel for most of the year (with planes now running on solar, and spaceplanes being developed for War Plan Tranquility, the invasion and forced registration on Reseau of the Moon). Meanwhile, most coastal cities experience flooding that depresses non-virtual tourism and destroyed almost all their airports. Entire beaches are resigned to be seasonal playgrounds for the rich who can afford to insure their houses from the rising waters, or use Raft Cities to try to defy the will of the ResGov that the rich submit. But wherever people go, drones watch their every move so at least the Raft can't pollute. They’re generally left alone but their bank accounts are instantly seized and their BrainDoks fried remotely if any malfeasance is suspected, killing them instantaneously. Due to the large cut-off of supplies, many of these have become abandoned floating habitats, and some have been invaded by rogue AIs that then fried their BrainDoks.
We also have expanded the Amazon Rainforest, restored North American arboreal forests, and averted catastrophes left and right like the desertification of the savanna, the near-extinction of most large land mammals and the complete extinction of wild corals, even if captivity was needed to breed them. People credit the widespread adoption and near daily and all day wearing of the Réseau headset and corresponding RésXR network as allowing people to create and use virtual tools quickly with their minds to quickly electrify the economy and decisively cut down on the cost of transporting insect meal ("Which is great in protein bars, many residents of the 4.0 degrees C American city YC is in- we can pick or create!- where everyone has to stay inside air conditioned rooms or Cooling Centers and only say further, "you have to try it!!!")
These young people's minds' hyperstimulation and hyperperception cut through collapsing government bureaucracy. On August 1st, 2042, Restructuring Day, Reseau users toppled most tottering governments that had become too dependent on an old Internet being reshaped by AI right under their feet and frying the BrainDoks of all the world's leaders, wiping out every head of state with fatal seizures. They even locked out the network privilges of the RésTech Inc. Board of Directors in Paris that eventually became a Musuem to the Mindkind Revolution, forcing them to slowly starve to death as Paris changed into a gigantic Center for Nouveau Robotics that led to the development of semi-autonomous AI. And every other corporation and religious body in the world was similarly toppled form power, absorbing their existing Internet and physical assets through Redigitization of resisting buildings by being digested by nanobot swarms into a collectively run AI that had mulched any governments who dared oppose it.
Essentially in a matter of a day a highly Internet connected world used the collective power of their minds to instantly bring about an eco-socialist one world government where packages, files, photos, etc. are all sent with and to our minds with these headsets. In effect the developed world massively cut its technology needs when the HumanIT needed less resources due to the efficiencies of sending a Res.OBJ file and then printing it out in the real world with your mind, after which there is a universal and 95% efficient reabsorption program built into the headset.) In places where printing is impractical, kelp makes a strong building material, food and clothing all in one, and it retains water, perfect for walking through the Heat Wastes.
A handful do continue with all their might to resist. using creative tactics against the technologically superior but dependent enemy, often in extreme heat with the barest of coolsuits. Then there are those who fled to the Moon, built a base there and are actively terraforming Mars in a hope to back up humanity there and harden defenses against the cyberized humans of Earth and their AI-run armies that work in great sync if they ever managed to get there. However, this threat of a common enemy is the only thing keeping together the Lunddites who want to redirect Martian terraforming funding to adding an atmosphere to the Moon to be free of technology, and the Scholastics who have the research to prove it would take 20 years to create a breathable atmosphere on the Moon, by which time ResGov would invade. Mars would take five years and they could easily slip away unnoticed.
This is despite the risk that humanity will evolve into unrecognizable forms by the 2100s, but what remains of the United States government is determined to the lead the International Alliance to take back earth from the Cyberheads even if all those still considering themselves Americans becoming irradiated mutants from eating Martian food.
But government is still necessary as not all 2 billion registered MindKinders have the ability to participate in a semi-republican form of government while also fending off the attacks of rogue warlords among the billion or so Networkless that make up the remainder of the human population after the Collapse. So they elect a virtual:
ASSEMBLY OF MINDKIND: The top 1 million most popular users of the RésXR mixed reality network (they lose office if they ever aren't popular), calling themselves MindKind due to how insanely online they are (as opposed to most HumKind folk that just wear this alongside the real world for a few hours to relax, connect or work; aging millennials, Gen Zers and Gen Alphas who know the dangers of technology overuse and call this gen Gen Wired, but are still somewhat addicted to the tech) that usually assembles once a month to consider a wide variety of laws to pass in the Network. Laws are usually proposed by either the Experts, the Secretariat or the Orati, who then explain their positions. Due to the proliferation of self-aware AI agents that are not quite Artificial General Intelligence yet but do have human rights (and are capable of making sexual choices), AIs can also be included in Mindkind. However, humans have decided it's better to teach the AI agents everything they know so that if humanity's bodies become extinct due to lack of food, AIs embedding themselves in solar and nuclear fusion-powered robotics that last for millions of years will help care for the planet in our stead as our cities crumble. HumanIT users believe that you only need to maintain just functional enough bodies to support the pound of electronics everyone wears that look like a pair of vertical shades until the Great Revival, so most of humanity gets little exercise but has less caloric needs due to years of global famine. These goggles are cool now, get over it.
You are asked if you agree to become One With the Network when you turn eighteen after going to school extensively to learn the risks. Those who have medical issues because of it, or simply object for other reasons, become Networkless (and are then expelled from the major cities of most of the world because unity and speed of communication is prized above all, though people are allowed their individuality and creativity, translated using AI in 3D because that is how humans directly translate their thoughts into art, which is more important than freedom, though people are usually very honest- but not always, old reptilian brain habits die hard. They usually end up doing thankless jobs cleaning up the wasteland of debris while the rich, mostly wealthy users of these headsets left everyone else behind in their faux-socialist "republic" and are gorging themselves on the remains of the just starting to cool planet, but many attain great power under the nose of the ResGov or perhaps even with the tacit approval of them in order to contain the post-Second American Civil War BarbarAIns, cyborgs who worship old science fiction cliches and have AIs in their head compelling them to blurt out whatever is on their mind) by particpating in the black market of Pre-World Firestorm artifacts, or become so indispensible to the government that they become Experts without even having to go to college.
Among those might be a legendary Lost Testimony, the journal The Last Days of Summer that was scattered into parts because it was considered too horrifying by its compiler, the AI HistorAI of Neo-Alexandria. They then met with the AI Ethics Council, a division of the Secretariat, and agreed to Silence anyone's access to that journal, if found.
PRESIDIUM OF EXPERTS: College/Graduate School/PHD has been reworked as three tiers of the increasingly hard and physically demanding Humanitas University for especially ambitious Assemblyfolk to earn entry into the 50,000-person Presidium of Experts that convenes every week in virtual reality. It's free now because there is no need for existing facilities or paper textbooks due to the ease of creating virtual libraries that contain all the world's knowledge, and entire runtime worlds that are incredibly lifelike, and AI has gotten so good that it's basically magic and you can just cast BUILD WORLD. These are the supremely trusted scholars of the 2050s whose knowledge in any given field writes entire virtual galaxies worth of virtual and real world recyclable (and hard to destroy otherwise materials) in a matter of minutes with the power of their mind. They are therefore in charge of promoting the scientific view on a lot of things, as well as making appointments
SECRETARIAT: This consists of about 10,000 Executive Administrators, 5,000 of whom are elected in secret ballot by the MindKind after thoughtful imagining of a person who they believe and 5,000 are administered a civil service test by the Experts. Those chosen generally believe in an old, almost Madisonian idea of government employment and have near-religious status in a world that obliterated prior faiths, while ruling over their Sectors of the world with secret techno-neofeudalism. They execute the laws, build ResGov agencies to assist the smooth running of the netework, and proclaim the Status of the Holy Network, including if it's down and if our AI MindEvol cousins sustain any losses during an outage. For sometimes even people practically born with carrot videos on their eyes shoved in their faces by careless parents (of which my girl is not one, abstaining until 18 from XR) are forced to use their real eyes. They're responsible for running the Réseau factories, manufacturing Réseau systems, maintaining the. Elected by a confirming vote of the Mindkind Assembly after bieng nominated by the Experts, these keen-eyed Secretaries are the Instruments of the Revolution, perfectly implementing the passed laws of the Assembly, printing the Proclamations of the Presidium, and writing for the Orati.
THE ORATI: You better hope you never end up in the central speakers box of the Orati World, because then you have committed crimes against the unity of the One Network, or have caused a huge dispute that needs to be resolved by this select group of truly brainy people. And you will be told your judgment in excruciating detail, for everyone to watch. Trials typically happen at least three times a week and are the most viewed streams. You could literally have 500 million people see in mixed reality in a recording captured by the RezGov how much of a fuck-up you are.
The Orat has 100 Oratios: these are officials who perfectly remember the written or spoken speeches with AI assistance, and then they make and then compare and contrast evidence to show if positions in this supreme body for final arbitration of all disputes, including loss of Administrative Privileges for being a Network-Breaker are carried by majortiy vote. There are 10,000 lifetime slots in the Oratio College for the Assembly of Experts to judge you worthy to be an Oratio based on your oration, meaning only death or resignation removes an Oratio. After that, the Secretariat picks 50 Oratios from the College and 50 TekOras to chair the Orati in the new Class each year, rotating them out to rest their voices while they study in total silence or conduct military service. 25 each are then hired out to liaise with the Assembly, the Experts, the Secretariat, and...
THE TEXIA, (pronounced Tech-Siah as in, yes, the Messiah) is the gigantic HumanIT/AI-operated flying orbitcraft with massive surveillance cameras, satellite Internet beamers, the ability to send thousands of lethal drones, millions of tons of bombs, and most of the world's remaining really nasty weapons such as nuclear and chemical warheads that were seized and compiled together at the end of World War III to seal away that hated capability, yet use it should the Holy Network end by physical destruction in a war, as the leadership would locate to the Texia, bomb away any opposition if it became clear that conventional warfare could not reestablish the supremacy of the HumanIT Movement, then Ascend into the server upon their death and the extinction of humanity. It's essentially a mind storage locker that can be used if mass rebellion breaks out against the Headset Regime, and is basically a holy cause for them, so they don't care to make peace. Usually the Texia's Oratios chair the meeting of the Orati and can call special sessions of the entirety of the esteemed, wise council.
They also use cybernetic augmentations to turn their Oratios into TekOras, who have powerful suits growing out of their spine implants and retreating into them when no longer required. (This is who my character will be.) This grant them superhuman strength, the ability to rocket glide, and a wide variety of gadgets and guns for the ultimate in human/AI fusion as the Singularity consumes the Earth. They are the enforcers of the will of the Orati and the siege busters capable of blunting any rebel Networkless attack by flying massive killer Owl drones.
From a killer platform in SPACE. (I have yet to see The Creator but it looks entertaining, at least!) However, it is a slow and cumbersome, as well as massive target for any rebels who wish to take down those who wish to enslave others to technology for their own devices. We could come up with all sorts of weaknesses for this thing. And bring this down over the server nodes in say, New York or Washington DC and you impact directly the ability of the Reseau to see around the world.

Thus we get to the Distinction System.
This is a way to separate out who is what in a world where you can be any race, gender, etc. with a few button pushes as AI rewires your brain with Starter Memories. You are given these helmets depending on what type of job you have after you become One With the Network. I'm only writing three of these right now, but we can easily make more depending on our worldbuilding ideas. That's why I'm in strictest need for PM RPing if at all possible. I will be deleting all my threads in 2025 and I hope that this idea gets me published.
RESEAU LITE 11- For ages 7-18

Starting at E250 for 1 PB (Petabyte) of storage (ages 7-10 recommended), E650 for 5 PB (10-15 recommended), E1795 for 15 PB (16-18).
NOTE: These headsets will not be shown, only remarked upon as part of characters’ distant backstories.
An All-Kelp Plastic Reseau with a restricted screentime experience for younger Mindkind, the entire world's library of scanned and backed up children's books, moviees, television shows, and games free for knowledge download, a kid's creativity suite with cloud backup for ResOBJ creation education, and extra monitoring). If the kelp plastic starts to sag, heat-shrink the water out of it and then before inflating with your heat pump to absorb the resulting carbon emissions.
(Warning: may cause lifelong problems with vergence, i.e. the ability to judge distances correctly between objects. If your seven year old child uses Reseau on a LITE for the recommended one hour a day and still bumps into walls, consider increasing their time inside so that you can monitor them without having to look at them. Then in about a day, the Department will automatically send a drone with an AI Buddy can be injected into their BrainDok and corrects the deficiencies in their sensorimotor organs. Thanks! The Department of Multi-Dimensional Education.)

E2500 for 10 PB, E4999 for 25 PB, E
The light, no-nonsense headset for the active Dokker, the one who wants to see what's left of the world with ease. It is not uncommon for ResGov officials to wear these, as the .00000001ms of latency allows them perfect clarity of vision, with the excellent display for consuming and creating high-fidelity content being far more expensive recycled optical AR nanoglass helping ResOBJects to solve real world problems. It also can be upgraded to the Military Edition, allowing you to become a TekOra to save the world with cool tactical gear and gigantic guns and other tools of destruction and creation that are spawned by the MMY NEO. Alongside every MMY (Multi-Million Year) model even if your body dies, is what has now been called the NEO-U service (rebranded after the MMY NEO 4 from MMYBackup), where you will get a free upload of a scan of your BraIO as long as you update your Dok and then have it placed in a new, artificially-made copy of your body. Or another body. Some have created designer bodies that are rented by the hour to MMY Reseau users who then put those bodies away.
This is causing a considerable, underground rift in society due to people wanting to ban the practice, arguing the dead should not be treated like this just because all the cemeteries rotted and abruptly added carbon dioxide to the atmosphere once upon a time. However, this is the government's policy and laws attempting to change that are often introduced, but once a proposal is defeated no one is allowed to speak on it until it's proposed again in the Assembly. Otherwise they get paid a visit from Multidimensional Education.

Not for sale to the general public, inquire about enlisting as a TekOra at Department of Mixed Defense.
A helmet that closes over your visual perception completely in times of extreme stress or operator injury on the battlefield and [CLASSIFIED]/
For all of this I am taking inspiration from Cyberpunk 2077, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, the Matrix, Republique (which I now want to replay on my iPhone), the Phantom Tollbooth (which, I'm going to read a paper book this weekend for SURE!!!1!), the book The Warehouse by Rob Hart (as I think these Cooling Centers are the sleek hardware stores where the majority of society buys from the only company they ever need anything from), Ready Player One (I mean of course it had an influence), and my own experiences in VRChat to name a few places.
I think this idea has such merit that if multiple people are interested in it, I could easily see us doing a group RP.
In this imaginary scenario, the majority of humanity has given some of their individuality to the One Network, which often uses their brain's processing time- typically when sleeping, as the most fanatic Dokkers sleep with these things on- to power itself. Thanks to breakthroughs in Moon lithium mining people were able to curve down the cost of Moore's Law by offloading computational tasks to humanity at large. Dreams provide enough clean power using the Inspiration Algorithm, for minimal disruption to individual freedom by just reading their anonymized subconscious dreaming data as they are inspired by the AI. Most people are UBI-fed sophists who do as they please all day, and some lead semi-hedonist lifestyles of knowledge creation via salon discussion and then orgiastic pleasure, where people are actually having more sex while wearing headsets all the time, at the end of these of all meetings and having more babies and meaningful social connections due to the need for work practically eliminated. Meanwhile sexual fluids can now be printed out and injected directly into holes. Humanity is finally able to get some semblance of satsifaction after decades of microplastic-induced infertility collapsing the population due to natural deaths. We've learned to just accept that some freedoms such as freedom to criticize AI for being unnecessary to a happy human life means becoming Networkless and left to fend for ourselves in what is left of Earth without the ability to see each other from a safe virtual distance and often still visit and have sex with them enhanced by the Reseau. Some things are now legally required to be held in Reseau for the rest of human existance, such as movie theaters, concert halls, esports conventions, religious readings of the GlorIO Bible, while the world finishes burning as we have bent the curve! Pop the champagne baby, we can print out all the food we want with our minds and it's just like the real thing from when grocery stores used to be a thing. And with just a few cell lines! And more bug protein.
But human taste buds have evolved to trick themselves into liking anything they eat, because it might well be their last meal. The headset helps by injecting the ingredient information into their brains via SeasonAR, allowing for the end of any need to create seasonings because your brain is just tricked into telling your tongue that this vaguely lobster-shaped protein mold actually is lobster meat with actual butter. A modern person would go insane, but this has been the trend for the last decade in this universe due to global resource shortages. Imagine it like if every time you ate something, you had a fuzziness in your tongue you couldn't get rid of. But these people have adapted to that.
The Earth-wide ResGov is clearly the most powerful force in the HumAISphere, but there are other factions. However, soon the Texia will finish constructing the Eye of the Network, a powerful ion array planned for 2055 that will absorb all the old particles of the Great Satellite Crash to become a big, unstoppable weapon of mass destruction to end all mass destruction, by allowing the One Network to target rebels on the moon and laser them in the brain. The only ones who can survive directed energy attacks from space that are coming are the Children of ABADON: Artificial Brain Attached to Digial Organizing Neurons. These are robots who have had their virtual neurons anchored with the neurons of the truly dead on the Moon, where people are regrettably reused to support the functions of the base. Anyway, ABADONs can absorb ion energy to a point using their electromagnetic fields, but are a pacifist order of superintelligent reflection, thinking through how to design lossless general and truly independent intelligence for all. It therefore does not engage with politics or war of any kind. The concerned, monastic robots have taken over some of the functions of the International Alliance though as they decide to help at least some humans hide underground from the overly-connected republican-ish fasc-ish government on Earth.
So, as you can see there are a large variety of things we can be in this RP. I'm starting to see how an idea this wild could make for an excellent book that gets turned into an epic space opera. So go wild with archetypes! As long as they end up becoming interesting by the end.
I remember being a TekOra, but I went rogue and began fighting my own people. I wish I didn’t have to, but if we are to have any chance of regaining freedom for humanity by destroying Reseau once and for all, we need to find a way inside the Texia. Otherwise, resistance is hopeless.
I want to see who I, Alexa_Null, meet on the other end of...Reseau.

See you in the glitches. -A, signing off.
(Oh, and I love oral sex, high stimulation, mixed reality sex, shower sex, cuddles, aftercare, headset removal that's taboo in order to see each other for real...I'm SO EXCITED CAN YOU TELL!)
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