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Mx Female Dilemmas Deliberations- various ideas and prompts.

Jun 10, 2023

Having never really been adept at planning much of my characters or role desires before this will no doubt appear as unstructured and unfinished. Hopefully you find something interesting here non the less in this place of collected thoughts and imagined ideas.

I am very easy going, with many interests in life so I have almost no expectations of reply frequency other than I'd like to ask you do your utmost to let me know if you're going to be away for a prolonged period or if you no longer desire to continue writing. All the same though, I get it, sometimes one just doesn't have that capacity.
Looking for decently competent writers, my interest will quickly wane if I am put off by your poor writing. For myself I tend to write fairly detailed and enjoy getting into the minutia of a character most of the time.

General Writing Style-

I enjoy writing realistic characters even if they are set in ridiculous worlds so a sense of realism to how a being may operate is what you should expect from me. Something that goes hand in hand with this is I much prefer more romantic, no expectations, slice of life realistic type sexual encounters. At least to begin with as the relationship between our characters grow.
All writing done from a third person perspective.
I love progressing and developing some kind of story and depth as much as writing the naughty stuff, I generally don't have much expectation for ratios, sometimes one feels like more than the other. If the story is going well and we're enjoying the sexual gratification seems to come naturally.
Above all, I welcome communication and dialogue in both trying to progress the story and making sure we're both on the same page sexually.

Sexual Interests-
- a work in progress F-List -

Some specific interests outside of the more vanilla stuff include but in no way limited to-
Teasing, accidental voyeurism, underwear.
Light to moderate restraints.
Light worship and light pain.
Light to moderate alcohol and drug use.

Surrealism, Anthro Furry characters, ghosts, monsters, futa characters also exist somewhere on my interest lists. In truth I'm into a lot of various things dependent on the world and story I'm writing in.
My dislikes revolve around anything overly rough, predefined power roles as I much prefer things to be generally mutual with the natural variation of power dynamics that might present themselves.

Very scattered thoughts here for the moment-

Would you Fuck Yourself? -
The idea-
Your character either through fantasy, mystical, magical or technological means finds a version of herself. Is this through accident, perhaps a dream manifest, or was it on purpose though there has been unintended errors in the process and the version of yourself that you have created or discovered has one rather major deviation...they have a dick.
Let's find out what our characters decide to do given the main driving plot we come up with.

A Harsh Fenris-
A world based in the lore of Warhammer 40,000. Not much of a thought here apart from it would be great to write something based on the world of Fenris. Using some lore from the universe and the Viking styled theme of Fenris.

Horizon, Forbidden Dawn -
Again not much a thought other than it would be great to write in the world of Horizon.

A more robust idea-
-Of Magic and Mystery-
Somewhere deep in the vaults of Hogwarts a rather unassuming mirror began to shiver. The glass which should have been stable by the laws of all known physics and extended magical lore distorted and threatened to melt itself for no discernable reason that could be observed. There was nothing notable about the weather, time, day or location. If certain conditions had been met it would seem undeniable that the mirror could melt away completely and resolve whatever instability was happening. That wouldn't come to pass however and within moments the rather unassuming mirror returned to being entirely unnoticeable.

Somewhere else within the castle, located in a structurally significant area there was an office that attracted little attention and few people outside of the castles faculty knew existed. Hogwarts required more than meets the eye, magical or not, to operate anywhere close to it's potential. It was undeniable the guiding light of the Headmaster, the teachers beneath them as well as the support faculty themselves were the sparks of life and the emotional expression of the school. The majority of people ignored the castle itself, not to say that Hogwarts could be considered sentient or anything of the sort, simply that as an ancient structure it had endured existence far longer than any witch or wizard could hope to. This simple state of being made the castle infinitely fascinating to those very few who were drawn to the discipline of geology, ancient structures and indeed magical history in general. And it had been found again and again that structures as old as Hogwarts were dripping with forgotten magic, charms misremembered by the original caster, curses undiscovered, other more unexplainable phenomena.

This office was residence to one such individual. The young man was unusual for his position although if you examined his lineage and field of study one would quickly realise his suitability for the role. Denrik was just passed his thirty fifth birthday and going through somewhat of an uncertain time, crisis definitely wouldn't be the word he would use to describe such, no extravagant or spontaneous purchases had been made. No foundational shattering choices had been accidently decided…he was simply, a bit uncertain. And so when he received an owl from Hogwarts with an unexpected, unusual suggestion and prospect it was considered with all seriousness.
Here then he found himself the Artificer Professor at Hogwarts, though technically having no scheduled lectures it was within his duty should the school decided to implement. The weight of his role then at the school was in the study and maintenance of the physical castle and indeed in the magic that may cross over into his skillset. The more traditional magical tasks were reserved for those more adept at the task, Denrik covered the foundational tasks suited to a specialist as well as someone who understood the architecture of stone and ancient magic structures more deeply than the average Headmaster or professor.
Although young for the role at Hogwarts Denrik had an extensive list of experience to offset the significance of that role.
Having only arrived at Hogwarts late yesterday he barely had the capacity to undress before falling asleep and so as he awoke to the chamber assigned to his role his breath was slow and gentle as his mind relaxed into where he was. There was no urgency to his immediate schedule, though he knew must find the Headmistress this morning to take care of formalities…

Soon the day fell into an uninspired though at times interesting hustle of ensuring everything was in order and those that needed to know of his role were informed. Having given many evenings to pouring over whatever schematics and scrolls that he could find of the castle of Hogwarts Denrik felt rather comfortable finding his way around, though of course as it was always the thing with ancient magical structures mystery prevailed sometimes. As it approached twelve o'clock he was pleased to be able to make his way back to his office, many things required his attention. Denrik's avocation had inspired him to ensure he had access to the tools and knowledge resources any artificer could ever desire at any time. And so one could be mistaken for thinking that the unassuming wardrobe Denrik was standing before was anything but that, an unassuming wardrobe. Ordinary though it might seem on closer inspection the wardrobe was a beautifully ornate creation, deep ebony timber etched with silver livery of untold origin. Powerful though not unusual protection enchantments were cast upon it to ensure it's existence. Large enough for the door to accommodate a larger than average person to step through the wardrobe was also of course charmed by the extension charm, allowing a grand room to exist within the confines of the wardrobe.

It was this room that Denrik could call his own. His home if he thought about it long enough. The room wasn't so large it felt cavernous however it could be considered grand, onyx stone and ebony timber formed the majority of the structure with both functional and decorative light placed throughout. In initial glances one could lose themselves in the amount of stuff happening, there were areas of organized chaos where a stonemason and metallurgy workshop seemed to strive for some aspiration under various charms, be it cleaning, sorting or other more specific endeavors. This was interrupted by areas of immaculate tooling or those of academic nature, a watchmakers workshop and moderate library also busied themselves with their own tasks.

Other various workshops of intrigue could be found amongst the brilliance of Denriks office. Tapestries hung along the walls in places to soften the feel of the room or to facilitate some form of function, such as telling of instruction or inspiration. A few large stone segments seemed to draw focus from both ones eye and the various lights within the room, they told of extremely ancient structure and they all held strange runes carved into the stone surface. Display pieces or research items, perhaps both. Books, scrolls and relics or simple intriguing objects could be found wherever one looked though apart from the chaos of the crafting workshops there was a deep sense of care and organisation to his office. A more astounding aspect of this room was the feeling of attention to detail, Denriks personality quirks always guided his desire for perfection and unity, with any colour hue that could be found presenting itself as shades of blue, purple, green or yellow. There was something obsessive about it.

Towards the far end of the room against the wall there seemed to be an area of calm where Denriks more personal affects were kept. He made his way towards this area as he very much needed to refresh and begin unpacking his more personal things before the day disappeared…

My hopes for this story is to be mostly realistic though exploring deep fantasy ideas and powerful characters, anything we would like being a magical based reality and all. I would like to adhere to the Harry Potter lore where applicable though there is more than enough room to play around with that and I would love to introduce anything that might slot in well.

Story Ideas-
-For the purposes of this story our timeline will be set well beyond the Harry Potter story and not include any known characters -

I have a couple of loose ideas that I'd like to use as a guiding light though am entirely open to writing anything we would like. Almost like a main quest and side quest system.
The main idea I would like to follow concerns the mirror. For an unknown reason that we could explore or not- something causes the mirror to awaken when both of our characters are at Hogwarts. This mirror is a portal to an alternate world- with heavy demonic influence.
This is definitely a departure from the Harry Potter lore, the introduction of the demonic and what that could mean. My idea there is it could introduce another form of ancient magic our characters could be sensitive to. Do our characters need to stop a demon from entering Hogwarts, do they need to travel through the portal…?

Along with the realistic nature of the story I would enjoy characters to follow this theme as well as considering the deep fantasy elements of the world.

Me- As written in the prompt my character will be Denrik, a young wizard who you could equate to an engineer, architect, artisan, machinist type. Having always been a romantic no expectations kind of lover, he is strong in who he feels himself to be but can be quiet and reserved. Carrying some anxious nerdy energy. Some anxiety and love of the mystery of the world constantly tries to find reconciliation with the deep void of lust carried in his veins. Being a well traveled individual his accent is an unusual but pleasant blend carried by a comforting deep tone. Denrik was unassuming in most ways, standing a little under six foot with a figure that told of someone with a mostly disciplined diet, who spent their days doing manual tasks with the occasional focus on exertion. His masculine face never seemed to have more or less than a couple days worth of stubble and his onyx black hair was shaved short. With a bit of a pale complexion and light spattering of freckles across his nose and cheeks. There was something intriguing about his eyes though that not many people had been able to discern.

You- This is entirely up to you and I would enjoy hearing who you would like to write as.
Are you also a new Professor, the Headmistress, a visiting dignitary from another institution or establishment…someone else entirely?

Story specific interests-
Surrealism- with the magic of the world we're writing in this could be very interesting. Transformation, transfiguration.
This kind of has an endless possibility. I'm quite open to hearing about what you'd like to incorporate as we write.
Optional interests-
Given the world of our story things like anthro characters, ghosts, monsters, futa characters, light blood play.
Multiple characters- I'm torn on this, I always much prefer to write as one character and build from there, so I always feel like I want the same for my writing accomplice. However there are so many naughty and interesting individuals we could play around with. Including staying as who we are in our characters and using magic or potions to change our appearance or state of being. So that could be a very convenient way to cover that need.

Should you have read all that and are interested and excited by any idea I'd love to hear from you and your ideas about your character and what the world could be.

- Prevailing Cravings at the moment...
Would love to write against a goblin or fairy, or other similarly small character 🩵

Have a lovely day.
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A Tale of Fairies
A current craving I have been pondering this weekend has revolved around the idea of the foundation of the female character being the size of a fairy or something similar. As a purely size thing and not age just as a disclaimer.
Depending on your thoughts this could be a fantasy style adventure, or scifi even, many worlds many species kind of thing. Did we stumble upon each other, is it a love story or did we just fall in lust at first sight.
Some thoughts on the size thing- I am envisioning there would be some kind of method we discover to eventually bring us to an equal size or something similar. In the meantime I would imagine that a finger could be considered an adequate size suitable for vaginal play, and that we find any and all means to satisfy each other before the size change system. Or something to that affect.
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