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NBx Any The Spouse Swap Program


Best Cuddles this Side of Mississippi
Dec 23, 2023
Spouse Swap Program Contract

By signing below, you agree to the following terms:

I _____ and my spouse ______ agree to abide by Spouse Swap Program’s rules and regulations, including abiding by the host family’s customs.

I (Spouse 1) agree to treat the new Spouse 2 as my own, and care for them as I would my own spouse. I will do my best to make sure they are comfortable, and are welcomed into my family for the two-week swap period.

I (Spouse 2) will accept, to the best of my ability, the customs of my host family, and treat them as I would my own.

We both agree to be filmed, for the purposes of the study, and will be honest and open about our needs and desires. When the two weeks is over, I agree to return to my original family, and will not hold my spouse’s actions against them during the duration of the program.

Spouse 1: __________

Spouse 2: __________

Three weeks later and I am getting on a plane to fly across the country to meet my new family for the first time. I wasn’t entirely sure if they were going to accept my application, especially as a futa, but now I’m excited to try something new for two weeks!

I have no doubt whatever happens, I’ll find some way to enjoy myself. And I’m sure my family back home will too!
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