Avid Roleplayer
- Joined
- Nov 19, 2023
Author's Note : So this is an intriguing story for me. Overall I like it for it portrays unabashed desire rather well, I think and also it explores one of my favorite kinks i.e. raceplay. It's fairly light on story and the focus is heavily on the attraction and the smut. As always, feedback is welcome!
Maya is sitting on her comfortable couch in her swanky apartment. She’d taken a leave from work. Yet, she can’t stop thinking about work - that’s all she’s done all her life. She’d been the stereotypical good Indian girl, focusing on grades and then a career and family. She’d surpassed her peers but something was missing.
Maya’s eyes floated over to the degrees & quiz prizes and yet, all she sees are years gone by. The highlight of her life in her twenties was kissing a stranger at a party. She didn’t do those things back then because she was a good girl, and good girls don’t do that. Then with marriage any sort of thought of fun and excitement was pushed away for decades on end until finally the kids grew old enough to leave home and husband grew bored enough to ask for a divorce. That was actually pretty rare in Indian families, it was more customary to just continue living in misery until death, but new times breed new attitudes. That and being immigrants in a Western nation, made divorce more palatable.
These thoughts milled around her mind for a while, Maya was eager to silence her mind and try to do some work, but she resisted the temptation to open her work laptop. Instead she went through her phone. Same boilerplate Instagram stuff, she sighed as she scrolled through mindlessly for a few moments. She was almost ready to throw the phone away when she remembered about this new app she’s on. Tinder.
She had overheard an intern talk about it, and made a profile. It felt weird and wrong, she’d installed and deleted it multiple times, but drive close to the edge enough times and you’re bound to slip off once. She’d bit the bullet and finally made a profile.
It wasn’t anything racy, just some pictures in work clothes, skirts and a top with stockings. She was a professional afterall, a gym selfie and a dress which showed a bit of her ample bosom - something she thought was risqué.
In the past two weeks she had talked to a couple men, or boys really. Didn’t matter how young or old, they all seemed the same to her. This morning however, she had finally come across a profile which made her stop & consider.
“Hmm, he looks…”. The thought trailed off, but he looked like the boys back in college. The ones she’d oogle at in the library when she pretended to be studying. She swiped right, but she had no hopes - those kinds of men certainly don't go for a forty something brown lady, who’s certainly not all that anymore.
Opening the app now, Maya was pleasantly surprised when the man with the remarkable profile had actually messaged her.
The message Jim had sent was a typical one that he’d used a few times before. “Looking for a reason to delete this app. Are you her?” A combination of cheesy and a bit tongue-in-cheek.
Maya looked puzzled as she read the message. What does this mean, does he want to ask me out? After staring at the screen for some time, all Maya could muster was “I don’t know, am I?”
Jim’s phone buzzed in his pocket, he stopped in his tracks, pulling it out to read the message from a girl called Maya on Tinder. He’d sent quite a few messages this morning so he had to remind himself which one of his matches she was. The moment Jim tapped away from his profile, the screen showed the profile of the girl, or actually, woman. The number starting with 4 next to her name had Jim tilting his head to the side, taking just a second to recall the reason why he'd swiped right on a woman in her 40s. To be honest, there were two of them.
You couldn't make out much given her work attire, but the gym pics and one with a bit of cleavage showing let him know that this woman wasn't like the college floozies he was used to who could barely claim a C cup. If he was honest, it wasn't just her bust which was unlike any he'd ever seen or felt, but rather everything about her. You go through enough lithe college floozies and suddenly you start to crave some variety. He realized after a while that this woman's pics had him frozen in the middle of the campus quad, so he put his phone away and resumed his walk, yet she was still on his mind.
As he walked to his dorm room, he was split about messaging this woman or not. There was a non-zero chance she was actually married and looking for some fun, the type of fun that could see him getting chased off with a cricket bat by an irate spouse. With that thought in mind, Jim pulled out his phone, went to the chat and started to type.
"So kind of your husband to help with your Tinder profile pics. If that's not #relationshipgoals then I don't know what is."
Perhaps he was being unfair, perhaps there was no hubby in the scene, but either way that message perfectly conveyed Jim's interest, as well as trepidation.
Maya was frozen for a good minute before she realized the only thing heaving was her breath…and her bosom. Why did she reply to that text? This is not something girls like her…women like her did! Why would a man like him want anything to do with her? He probably lived in the gym. Maya only started going like a year ago because she’s well…old? Nah, She’s oldish. He probably smiled and moved around with ease in the gym, while she awkwardly stumbled around lost. That sports bra had been a mistake!
As her thoughts wandered off, her phone buzzed again. That was so Maya, alone in her home & yet the phone was on silent. She read the message, Husband? What did he….? She shook her head, this was a mistake and set the phone away. But she couldn’t get it out of her mind.
“Hey I deserve some credit too - I did all the posing myself!”
Mayas head fell with…shame? Regret? The feeling of being naughty? Her dark hair across her shoulders, dark glasses perched up on her nose. Her small shoulders contracted with tension, as she stretched in her black sports bra & legs stretched in her pink yoga pants. She decided to get a glass of water, planting her feet clad in white socks on the cold, cold ground. All these years, and London was still so damn cold & chilly.
As he put his phone down, Jim came back down to the real world. All of this sleeping around was fun, he loved it, but just like the end of high school he'd started to get a bit bored of it. He recalled the girl he'd dated for almost 6 months before he came for college. They thought they could make long-distance work, but they couldn't and frankly the way she so quickly moved on, did hurt him. It had been an incentive for Jim to not care so much, but lately he'd been craving something different. Something that involved commitment?
That's when he got a message, looking down to notice her name first. "Maya..." it rolled off his lips so easily, as if it was a sign of things to come. Her message provoked a smirk from the young man. She certainly did have a sense of humor. ‘She's married, leave her be.’ he thought.
Jim tried to imagine an angry Indian man with a big mustache chasing after him, hoping that might dissuade him from picking up his phone again, but before he knew it, he was back on the chat screen. He was inclined to think that perhaps she was joking.
"I'd invite you for a coffee, but I'm not sure who pays in that case. On the one hand I am a gentleman, on the other...I'm just a 20 something year old broke student." With these excuses he was hoping she might be the sensible one and call things off because he felt a draw that was a bit too strong to resist.
Maya poured herself a tall drink of water and sat herself down on the chair by the dining table. As her phone buzzed again, she couldn’t wait to see the message - a childlike enthusiasm swept across her.
She read the message. She knew what he meant. Did she want to meet him?
It all sounded too good to be true. He was the guy she had really, really wanted to date back in Uni but never got around to. Did she deserve a second chance? She decided she did, after all those long years. She deserved it & some more.
“I have a coffee machine in my apartment.”
Maya didn’t know if this is something she was ready for. Inviting a stranger over? This wasn’t her style, or even remotely something she did. In the last eight months that she’d been living alone, only two men had finally gotten around to her house, and only one of them she’d kissed. And that was after weeks of dinners and dates and discussions. Every step was a roller coaster drop for her.
Maya walked to her bedroom and combed her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror, the brown complexion, the dark hair, the tiny gold necklace around her soft brown neck. She clutched her comb harder and started to go through hair faster. What. Was. She. Thinking?!
What if he said yes? What if he really came over? What if he, what if he wanted things? Maya couldn’t compete with those young women, not now & not when she had been young.
Jim had resolved to change things. He wasn't happy anymore with the carefree fuckboy lifestyle. He didn't think he'd be ready to go for something a bit more serious, but perhaps that's the change he needs right now. There was this girl, from one of his classes, Victoria. He'd barely spoken to her until a few days ago, but there was something about her. It had taken him asking her out almost 4 times until she finally said yes. As he arrived at his dorm, the young man tossed his bag on the floor, collapsing onto his futon. That's when he got a message reply from Maya.
It was a simple and direct reply to his 'dilemma'. Also it was an invitation into her home, with an implication of what might happen once there. On the one hand Jim was excited, on the other the pace, the uncertainty over her hubby...he wasn't sure, but he couldn't walk away so easily either.
"That's very kind, but I have a rule to always meet in public for the first time. That's how I've avoided getting kidnapped." he typed and sent that, a small chuckle escaping from his lips.
"Would you do me a favour? Would you take a pic for me, holding two fingers up? There are an awful lot of catfishes on Tinder."
Right, okay that was done. Victoria, he had to set something up with Victoria. This distraction over Tinder simply wasn't right.
Maya played with her golden necklace for a while, until she realized some time had elapsed since she had sent the message. Did he not reply? Where was her phone? Damn.
She walked back to the dining table and checked her phone. No reply. Huh.
She sat staring at the phone for a bit until the phone finally went pinged/
Kidnap? What….okay he’s clearly got some moves, funny. Public…what if, what if someone saw her? Her with a younger, white man? What would they think? Maybe she’d just make up a story about him being an intern or whatever, taking him out to a “work lunch”.
Picture? Okay, maybe she’d send him one. But like this? She wasn’t even dressed up. What if he saw that she was wearing a sports bra? What then? Maya hurried to her room & opened her closet. Hmm. She needed to find something. Something interesting but not too much.
She got it! The mango colored top would be perfect. V-neck, but not too low cut. Tight, but not suffocating.
She hurriedly put her top on & adjusted it around her ample breasts. It was a little tight around the stomach, but it was meant for a much younger woman afterall.
She took a couple of pictures. She didn’t like any. Finally took one with two fingers making a V sign and winking. This would work.
“How about some fish & chips & a pint?” And sent him the picture. Wait, is he even allowed to drink? Think straight Maya, this is London. Everyone drinks.
The moment right after he sent that message, Jim looked up, picturing the very same thing he'd suggested. Him and Maya out on a date, in public. Sure it afforded him the security of 'not getting kidnapped' but also, in public, the two of them? If it weren't for the different races, one might even assume they were mother and son. He couldn't have something like that circulating freely. Jim is going out with a woman twice his age?! He had a reputation on campus afterall.
Yeah he was being nuts, a married woman, an older woman...he had to stop all of that, arrange a date with Victoria and that would be the end of it. Just as his resolve solidified, it melted into putty the moment he opened up the picture that she sent him. Suddenly the image of the two of them out in public didn't look so bad in his head if he got to bury his face in her chest a while later, cricket bat be damned!
She was cute, attractive, hot even and those two reasons that had first caught his gaze peeked up at him. More than that, there was a look in her eye that made the young man eager to know more about this woman.
"I'm down. Shakespeare's Duck pub, you know it? I can be there in around 30 minutes." Jim typed and sent. He took a hot shower, trimmed his beard a bit more and then stepped out to find his outfit. He opted for something rather casual, dark blue jeans, white Tee underneath a grey open hoodie. Walking back to the bathroom, he ran his hand through his auburn hair, messing them up a bit. His dark green eyes focused down on his hoodie, adjusting it over his broad shoulders. The white T-shirt underneath was tight enough that his toned chest made the fabric of the shirt swell noticeably. Jim got out of his dorm, grabbing a bus to head over to said pub. Stepping inside he looked around to see if he could spot her.
Maya couldn’t believe it. Her. She. Maya. Had a date. With this tall handsome white man. It was like the romance novels she'd sneaked into her bedroom when she was younger. She quickly snapped out of it, she only had 30 minutes to get ready!
She hurried to her room. What was she going to wear? She couldn’t wear the loungewear she was in? Maya went through her dresses, too short, too motherly, too bright. Then she saw it. The black dress she’s worn at her company gala. It wasn’t too much of anything and it was perfect! It was conservative enough to cover her entire cleavage, but at the same time tight enough that her bosom formed a prominent outline onto the dress fabric. Maybe she’d pair it with her new teal heels!
Just before Jim could walk deeper into the pub to locate his date,he heard the old door creak open, looking over his shoulder, stopping instantly as he realized she’d just stepped in. His body turned to face her, but as he took a step forward he was frozen.
His eyes opened wide, in an instant his gaze had been hijacked by the lovely outline of her breasts struggling against the fabric of her dress. The 'two reasons' that had made him swipe right, had merely winked at him through the photos, but now as she stood in front of him, head on, his only regret was that he'd not found her sooner.
Jim wasn't sure how much time had passed, he wasn't even sure if or what she'd said to him, only as the silence grew more and more awkward did he even think to look up at her. A warm, almost motherly and yet also appealing face smiled at him. The shape of her face was framed beautifully by her hair which she'd let down for the date. He cleared his throat to say something, but really he wasn't done taking his date in.
The young man took a step back, letting his gaze down once more, with immense hardship he focused on the rest of her body, her thick brown thighs kept his focus for quite a bit, before he looked up once more, noting the way age had painted her features in quite a remarkable way.
"Maya right?" he inquired, drawing closer. "At least I better hope so, otherwise my Tinder date is getting stood up." he added with a smile and stepped forward, opening his arms to pull her in for a hug, feeling a handshake would be too formal and really something primal inside him wanted to feel her body pressed against his. "It's great to meet you." he whispered in her ear.
Maya ran into Jim at the pub’s entrance. She took it all in. The height. The soft hair & the hard muscles. The eyes which looked at her the way she’d always hoped to be looked at by someone like him. Maya was wondering what to say until she noticed that Jim didn’t say anything either.
Her eyes were fixed on his handsome face, so young and so handsome. It was an effort keeping her knees buckling under her. This was it. And he looked right back at her. Her breasts. They had always driven attention and hollers, but this, this she did not mind. This was welcome.
She didn’t know if he noticed that her legs were shaking from the nerves, and here he was was looking at her thighs. Did he think they were too big? No, the way he looked at them…
It was strange. Being desired like that. Being overwhelmed by his singular attention. And at the same time she couldn’t keep her eyes off him.
That grey hoodie was just in the way! That white tee needed to come off like right now! That pair of jeans would look better on her bedroom carpet!
He said something and before she could respond he was hugging her. It felt good. So good. Smelling him. His strong arms around her.
“It’s good to meet you too. Shall we? Maybe some table with not so many around….”
Jim leaned back from the hug. With introductions out of the way, Jim had to think about what came next. They came for a fish and chips and a pint afterall. He eyed the booths in the distance, thinking they'd be much better than the rather distant wooden tables spread throughout the pub. The place was not very crowded, but it wasn't empty either. Maya's comment about a table with not so many around caused him to look over her way, the look on his face could be read as 'you naughty girl', but he didn't say anything.
He led her to the bar, they had to order there first. He thought about taking her hand, but opted against that. This whole thing about being in public, he'd suggested it, but now he was detesting it. He had to be careful, at least until they got to the booth.
"What can I get you?" the man behind the bar asked.
"Two fish and chips please and two pints of..." he looked over at the ales on offer. Glancing at Maya. "I'll trust your judgement on that one." he placed his hand on her shoulder as if to encourage her to order for them, yet in that moment he couldn't resist, his finger dipping into the fabric of her dress, a soft squeeze by his fingers was but a hint of the intense desire burning within.
In that moment Jim stepped back just a bit, craning his neck down to look at her heavenly derriere. The fabric of her dress stretched out by her plump cheeks, he could only imagine what it would be like to have his white seed contrasting so beautifully against her brown rump.
"Cash or card?" the man asked, not sure who to look at, not sure if this was a date or a business meeting or if they were even related??
"I got it." Jim said, pulling out his wallet, offering his card to the man.
Maya wanted to pinch herself. Oh my God, it was happening. Just like those novels & movies! As he gave her that “naughty girl” look Maya smiled softly What a dreamy, handsome man! And he was looking at her like that! She followed him to the bar, and saw him take the lead and order. What a rush. What a man. A MAN!!
As he urged her to order the drinks, she almost fumbled something stupid. Then she seemed to gather her senses again, not without some self-scolding.
“Something golden. Something Belgian.” she said. As she felt him touch her she felt literal sparks. Her body was frozen but her mind roared, “Something fine & British, like this man next to me!” she finally decided.
As the man asked for payment, and Jim tried to offer, Maya knew this was her moment. No. She wasn’t gonna let this happen. Not their first time.
She softly touched Jim’s hand as if to stop him, & withdrew her card from her purse, placing it on the counter, she could see the barman knew - this wasn’t business. This was personal.
Jim let his hand with the card remain just a second longer, if it meant he could savor the feeling of her fingers touching his hand like that. As Jim put the card back into his wallet, he was struggling to suppress a smile, thinking of her comment about 'something fine and British', unable to believe she'd actually said that outloud. He could worry about the ramifications of them being openly on a date later on, right now he was having a hard time figuring out why a woman almost twice his age had made such an impression on him.
“I see a table back there, what do you think?” Maya pointed to it.
"That one's a bit more hidden." Jim eyed another table, now echoing the same sentiment that had had him call her naughty in his mind.
Table decided, Maya followed Jim to the table. As Jim sat down, she sat next to him, so that their backs were against the wall, and they were next to each other.Giddy, she straightened her posture, threw her chest out and crossed her legs.
“So…you…you look nice, I have to say!” she said, almost like a giggly fourteen year old schoolgirl.
"I reckon we got about a minute before they bring our drinks." he rested his arm across her shoulders, turning his body towards hers, the other hand delicately came up, two fingers under her chin lifting her face towards him.
"I have to know..." he whispered as he leaned down, planting a soft kiss on her lips, stopping only for a moment as he let out a hot breath, then another kiss, and another one as he tilted his head to the side, a slow erotic dance begun between their lips, her taste, her perfume, it was almost surreal. Reluctantly Jim drew away, his nose gently bumping hers. "...what you taste like." he whispered.
Maya felt Jim’s fingers on her shoulders and an electric sensation ran down the small of her back. Oh. She was in trouble. Big trouble. As she felt his lips on hers for the first time, her body gave in. She uncrossed her legs and her torso turned towards him.
Her cheeks flushed, her little brown nose red. A content smile on her face. This was the moment. Her body wanted to give in. Her mind already had.
It felt so right. It smelt so right. B-U-T-T-E-R-F-L-I-E-S.
As he drew away, Maya knew she wanted more. So much more, that it would never be enough. His hands on her shoulders, his lips on hers. She didn’t want it to end.She felt something inside her. Not her chest. But between her legs. This was new and exciting and scary. To be with someone so attractive.
As he drew away and their noses bumped, all Maya could muster was “I’m right here.” She leaned into him, kissing him back, this time her curious lips all over his, her right hand in his soft hair and the brown fingers of her left hand, save the small band of faded skin on her ring finger grabbing his thigh, her nails digging into him.
He was a 20 year old guy studying in London. He should be fooling around with girls his age and yet despite all the dates he'd been to, all of the crazy parties...he'd not felt as excited as he did in this half-empty pub, with an Indian woman old enough to be his mom, hungrily kissing him, grabbing his thigh. He was conscious that someone would walk around with their beers any time now, but he found it hard to resist.
Jim's hand remained on her shoulder, gripping it tightly now as he pulled her body towards him, the other hand caressed her cheek, his fingers reaching back, gripping the back of her neck and pulling her deeper into his lips, his mouth parting open, his tongue lashing at her lips, slipping in between, demanding entrance into her sweet filthy mouth.
Even Jim who only looked at dates as the short prelude before he had the girl in his dorm room, spreading her legs for him...even he could not imagine that just mere seconds after sitting together, he'd be tonguing this woman so openly, so ravenously. Yet he was addicted to her taste, having gotten glimpses of it through her lips, now her saliva coated his tongue as it danced with hers.
Yeah he was past the point of self control now. She provoked something within him, something that even he didn't know was there, but right now all he cared about was to get his fill, as if the Indian woman was his toy, his doll. He detached his lips from hers, leaning back as his hand on her cheek was removed only briefly, giving her a soft slap.
"Keep an eye out..." he instructed her, and in that moment Jim leaned in, he pushed her head up, his hand, moving from her cheek to her jaw as his lips kissed and sucked the spot between her neck and her shoulder, the supple brown skin driving him insane.
Maya could not help herself. She wanted to binge on this fine young white man. She had to have him. She needed him. She craved him. Yeah, this was going to end in only one possible way. Maya, whose dating experiences were either being set up by friends or vetting the man for a few weeks - now wanted nothing more to have his manhood take her. Ravage her.
As she felt him grab her neck, her resolve broke. She was hooked. She didn’t care if they saw, whoever ‘they’ were. They could all see for all she cared, because in the moment all she wanted was to keep feeling this man in her mouth and not just there!
As he softly slapped her, she heaved, her breasts rising & falling. She wanted more of that. Please, please. Then he instructed her. Ordered her! This was a man who was going to bend her will & her back, and she’d go crawling back to him.
She felt his manhood as her hand slowly grazed over his crotch. Wait - that was not - real? They weren’t really supposed to be that large in real life, let alone when constricted by jeans. She had to know. She had to. She began to slowly rub against his cock, as she breathed heavily.
“I don’t care.” She whispered as she continued. She felt so small against him. But she wanted all of him - his body & his largeness. She ached for it!
Arousal coursed through Jim’s body, the closeness between them, the way her body leaned wantonly against his, he could feel himself getting hotter and hotter. The crook of her neck was ambrosial, giving the young man just a hint of what the rest of her body tasted like. When he felt her manicured hand slide over to his crotch, rubbing, pressing down onto his jean-covered manhood, as if she was trying to ascertain the length and the girth underneath her palm was real.
Desire burned bright within the young man, purging any thoughts of caution that might pop up. He was very much aware that they would get caught. Someone might recognise him, the charismatic young man from the college nearby, with his face buried in the neck of an woman twice his age. That was terrible...she was terrible for allowing this to happen, her 'I don't care' sealed their fate and yet he was powerless to stop it, letting out only a grunt in the shape of her name. "Maya..." before forming a seal with his lips, sucking ardently on her skin.
Just as he expected, a couple of cleared throats later, the young man had pulled back from Maya, his breathing heavy as he looked up at the irate waitress holding their pints. His body was removed from Maya's and that’s when the young girl realized the age of Jim's date, a mixture of surprise, maybe disdain, painted her face.
She dropped the pints onto the table. "Should I call security?"
Jim, with his lips reddened from the kissing, his hair disheveled, yet flashing a smile nonetheless. "No need, we're just famished." he added, reaching for his pint, then for Maya's, sliding it in front of her.
The waitress nodded and left and with that Jim was left there with a raging hard on, but despite that his sense had returned. He looked to Maya, an unhappy look on his face as she'd disregarded his instructions.
"You don't care?" He repeated her words, scooting himself away from her on the booth, leaving some distance between them. "Letting yourself go, I can understand, but not listening..." he had lifted his pint, throwing a disappointed look her way before taking a sip. "I wonder if because you're older you think you can do that? Or is it that you haven't had any discipline in your life?"
As the waitress chastised them, Maya’s senses returned. She wanted to plead, but Jim handled it. So smoothly. In that British accent. Now she was slipping away again.
As Jim pushed her pint towards her, Maya blushed. She wasn’t used to such attention. The waitress probably was gonna tell stories about her. Maybe she was upset seeing this older brown woman with this handsome white man that she might snag. Whatever, he was hers for now. But she had to be smart about it
As she saw his face and heard him question her intentions, Maya was struck. Did he want more or not? For herself, wild horses could not stop her from being with him. Didn’t he want her?
Discipline? What was that? Doing what you are supposed to? Wasn’t she doing EXACTLY what she was supposed to? Wasn’t that what he wanted? Wasn’t that what she wanted? “I don’t know…maybe you could teach me?” she meeked and hastily took a gulp too large of her beer. She snorted. “Very sexy Maya, why don’t you just chug like a bro, I’m sure that’s what he finds attractive!” she thought to herself.
The chemistry between them had been off the charts. Unlike anything Jim had felt with any other girl. Even his first girlfriend had not had such an effect on him. He'd assumed he'd get to feel like this when he finally met 'the one', or whatever naive notion of love he had when he was younger. He'd never assumed that a woman whom he wasn't sure was married or not, a brown woman and a woman twice his age at least...would make him feel like this. It felt unnatural to sit there and not ravage her lips, but he kept his distance. Every cell in his body longed to feel her body pressed against his and yet as he held off, taking another sip, he felt a pleasurable tingle start in his fingertips and slowly spread throughout his body.
As she offered that maybe he could teach him, he looked up, noting the confusion on her face. Like that there was some smudged lipstick at the edge of her lips. That's when Jim recalled that he might have some on his face too. He grabbed a napkin, wiping off his lips and around, though it seems like he left most of her lipstick on her neck. "Reapply your lipstick, you look sexier." he told her nonchalantly as he took another sip.
"I imagine you don't live around here. Maybe that's why you don't care if the waitress caught us." he was calling attention to the need to keep this a secret, as if their union was illicit or forbidden. "Whereas for me, my campus is just nearby. I don't have the same luxury."
Maya didn’t know what to say. Here he was - tall and handsome and white. The kind of man if she’s met years earlier, she'd abandon everything for. The kind of man with whom she’d make “cute babies” because interracial babies are always cute.
As he ordered her to redo her lipstick, Maya felt it - the peak. The peak of arousal. That happens so very few times in life. She just didn’t know the highs that the future held. So she did, put on lipstick again and smacked her lips at him. The same lips she’d mark her man with, saying he’s mine, just so the rest of you blonde Beckys can just fuck off?
“Haha, I live close enough actually. I could show you around the neighborhood - maybe even my apartment, it’s a neat place only 20 minutes away. And it’s mine so it’s all discrete.” she cooed.
It felt so forbidden. A white man younger than her.
“Log kya kahenge” - “what will people say” rang in her mind.
“Bahaad me jaaye sab log” - “To hell with them” her body said.
The passions were high, you could feel it in the air that the separation between them was simply unnatural. Jim had to take a deep breath to dismiss any thoughts of closing the distance once again. In no time their fish and chips would arrive. He could see that the Indian woman was far gone, but despite their age he had to be sensible enough for both of them.
Her reply made him lift an eyebrow, so it seemed she lived close enough as well and she didn't care if they got caught. Likely the same as Jim with his head buried in her neck, your primal urges override any sense that might have been left in you.
"Second time you invite me over. I must say I am more tempted...actually that's an understatement, far more tempted than the first time around, but I feel like you plan on showing me your apartment, among other things…" he looked up for a moment. There's nothing he wanted more, but at the same time he felt uneasy about it.
"I'm trying to figure you out Maya." the way her body latched onto his, the way her lips sought after his, he could sense that she'd not had that kind of attention in a while and he found that incredibly sexy. On the other hand, her more cavalier words made it seem like Tinder dates were common for her. "How many other cute white guys have gotten the tour of your apartment?"
Maya felt out of place, but also so right in her place, on the passenger seat of a car he was driving. To all the places she’d wanted to see, the Scottish castles and Welsh moors and Irish cliffs. All the places she could have him.
Figure her out! What was she, and equation? She was a woman, he was a man. It was simple. She wanted him. With her, inside her, above her and below her. She wasn’t Shelly’s poems, she wasn’t a metaphor. She was a woman who needed him - wanted him.
“Only third I swear - but the first guy I really, really want. I don’t want the old bankers in the city and football hooligans. I want you. Plain as day.“
Maya paused to see his reaction unable to keep herself from insisting again. “It’s not even far, I swear! And there’s a cute park which overlooks the apartment. We can drink wine and watch the sun set - and rise. Trust me.”
And Maya laid her hand on his, not for the first time as she would learn, but in all those times one thing would remain constant, if not grow - the yearning.
Her answer produced a mixed reaction within the young man. His gaze remained in the distance, for one it wasn't as high as her words might have led him to believe. solidified in his mind that she was unmarried, blind to the faded circle around her wedding finger.
Her confession was nothing new to the young man, he got that much by the way she kissed him, the way her fingers rubbed at his crotch. All of this was stroking his ego, but he hesitated. He didn't know this woman, I mean kissing her he thought he could tell quite a few things about her, but she really was a stranger and who knows how real that number she gave him is. Even if it is, is this a dance that Jim would be happy to join?
As she reached for his hand, Jim was in thought.
The waitress came back around with their order. A bit thankful she didn't find them devouring each other, yet that sting of jealousy was visible in her this time around as Maya's brown digits rested on Jim's palm.
"Thank you." he told the waitress, and just as she left he pulled his hand away.
"I have to confess I am tempted. There is just the question of your temperament and discipline." he added, reaching for a chip(fry) and tossing it in his mouth. Before she could pull her hand away, he grabbed it holding it for a moment, his eyes locked with hers, the look in his as if to say 'I'm not done with you yet.'
Jim looked away from the booth, making sure no eyes were on them before he drew her hand beneath the booth, resting her hand on his thigh. "Could you imagine it?" tilted his head, lost in those chocolate pupils, wanting to see how they reacted as he placed her hand on top of his crotch.
His hardon had merely softened, the imprint it left on the jeans, very much still there. His palm pressed hers down onto his crotch, the girth, almost comparable to a coke can...okay not that thick, but some girl in a frenzy had called it that.
"...that...filling you up. Can you?" his hand made hers roll around the crotch, as if to mimic his hips rolling against hers. "You lift your head to see the sun inside you...spilling myself in you."
He let that picture build in her mind, before removing his hand, for a moment leaving hers there to have its fun, but it was short lived as he took her hand off as well and then nonchalantly went to grab another chip. "Thing is, if I'm the third white's not as special is it?"
He was not done with her yet! He wanted more! Quick party on the inside!
Okay, so he wants me too. I want him. I crave him. I need him. Just fill this brown crevice with his white manhood already. Maya grew shy as those words filled her head.
She could not look him in the eyes, and they switched from his neck to his crotch. This man. This thick, thick man. She needed him.
Maya knew what she had to do. Convince him how much she wanted him. She gently took his hand and guided it beneath her dress onto her underwear. Onto her wetness.
“Those men, none of them made me feel like this. None of them ever can dream of it. You are the only one who’s driven me like this. Made my legs shake and my lips quiver.” Maya leaned in for a kiss but instead went for Jim’s neck. Kissing, licking, biting - it was all the same to her. He was meant for her. For her body. Desire. She wanted to plead and beg. Get on her knees and worship this handsome white man with a monstrosity in his pants.
“You feel that, that’s all you, only for you.” Then she took his hand off her wetness and into her mouth. “This is all I need - and you. Let me show you. Let me prove it to you.”
Jim's resolve was being chipped away with each kiss and lick of Maya's onto his neck. The way she pressed his fingers to her wetness, licking them and then letting him have a small taste as well as a whiff.
Always a goody good girl, this wasn’t her. She didn’t get wet, EVER and here she was - wet as a cloud for this handsome stranger.Letting him feel her up, taste herself on his fingers and then giving him a taste. Who was this man and what was he doing to her?
It didn’t matter. All she knew was she wanted more of him. In fact, so much more that she’d probably drown & still ask for a pour. As she sat there wondering, her phone buzzed. “Immediate Alert!” buzzed the phone. Damn her bank. Damn her boss. And damn the systems which broke at the wrong moment.
Maya breathed heavily. Her breasts rose & fell, and she was clearly stuck in flight or fight - more aptly; frozen. She had to get to her work, she just knew she had to. But what about him? He was here for her, and she probably wouldn’t meet him again. He’d probably go back to those blonde white bimbos.
Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. Maybe she was dreaming. Asking too much. A forty something Indian woman, and a strapping young white man. Not now. Not ever. Not. Going. To. Happen.
So she did what she did best - tried to run away. Awkwardly explaining that she had to get back, and left. Her heart beating out loud, chastising her. It continued beating loud in her Uber back home. And it was a distraction as she dealt with her emergency.
When her boss messaged her later thanking her, it didn’t make her feel good like it always did. It made her feel pissed off. Fuck the work. Fuck the school. Fuck the homework. What had all of that ever gotten her?
For Jim the date had ended very abruptly, one moment her phone rang and next thing he knew she was scampering to leave. He had his doubts, not about her, but about them...their age difference, the way everyone looked at them. Was it right to start this now? He'd half convinced himself it was a stupid idea in the first place, but as he walked back to his dorm room, Maya was on his mind, the little bit of wetness that had latched onto his finger, bore just a tiny hint of her taste even hours later.
He could not sleep that night, tossing and turning until finally he went to Tinder once more, texting "You up?" to Maya, hoping she'd not reply. This woman wasn't good for him. If he knew what was best for him, he'd stay away
As she was contemplating getting out of her little black dress & heels, the phone buzzed again. Not another emergency, please!! But it wasn’t work. It was him. Yeah she was up. How could she even fall asleep!
“Yes, you too?” was all she could feebly manage.
Having put some distance between him and Maya, Jim had managed to get some sense back into his life. It was ludicrous to think that a man like him, with a reputation that he'd cultivated, would risk being caught with a woman twice his age, making out shamelessly in public.
Thank god she had that emergency at work. Thank god things did not go any further. Who knew what would happen if someone had come across them? The Jim Ross that would bring girls over to his dorm on the regular, walking down the street, clutching the hand of a woman that was old enough to be his mom. His friends wouldn't let him hear the end of it. Yet for as wrong and as inappropriate as it was, he also felt an excitement that he'd never felt before.
Maybe it was just because it was taboo, the forbidden apple tasting sweetest, type of phenomenon. He couldn't deny that, but at the same time the more he thought of this woman the more he resolved that he couldn't just easily walk away. For one it was her curvaceous body, putting to shame all of the fit, lithe girls of his college. Her lips, the way she kissed, so wholeheartedly, so shamelessly, sloppy wet kisses that kept him from being able to sleep right now. As his phone vibrated, she'd seen and replied to his text almost right away. Jim was lying on his bed, he was wearing just a pair of boxers and nothing else.
He pressed the icon to call her, his phone to his ear as his breathing was growing shallower.
"Hey you." he let out as she came on the line. "How was that emergency? You took care of it?"
Maya was nervous. She didn’t know if he’d respond. Maybe he was upset and would just tell her off. Maya kicked off her heels and curled up on the couch. Her bare legs against each other, and thick brown thighs smushed together. There was still some residual wetness between her legs, a cold spot within the confines of her burning hot body, like an oasis of desire. Like the last light which refused to go out. Like a reminder that maybe, maybe there was some hope for her.
Her upper torso was stretched out against a giant pillow, and hair rested gently on top of it. Realizing for the first time how tight the dress was against her breasts, she stretched a bit. Then her phone buzzed & it didn’t stop. It was a call. From Jim. No. Freaking. Way.
She answered the phone & put it on speaker, only to hear his voice. In that accent. Composing herself, Maya said, “I did. Are you mad at me?”
Jim could sense his manhood hardening, pushing up against the fabric of his boxers, reaching down to adjust his erection in his boxers as the other hand held the phone to his ear. That sweet voice, that lovely Indian accent, it caused a twitch of arousal to course through his entire body, culminating at the thick bulbous tip of his cock.
"Hmm I can’t say. Right now?" he reached down, gripping at his shaft, causing the girthy rod to harden even more. "Can you be hard and mad at the same time??"
Maya couldn’t believe it. He was hard for her. She remembered what that meant - she had felt him from outside his tight jeans. And he felt huge. She needed to know. She had to know. Maya adjusted her posture, and drew her breasts together to adjust her cleavage. Show a little more. She sat up, and knew she just had to do it. She pressed the camera button in the app, hoping he’d answer her video call.
He was curious what she'd say, yet he only got silence, her breathing on the other end of the line told him she was still there, she had listened to what he said.
In that moment Jim felt his phone vibrate, holding it up, he saw that Maya wanted to facetime. His room was dark, but he reached for the bed lamp next to him, turning it on as a faint orange hue illuminated his face and his body. He was shirtless, the top of his chiseled chest on display as the camera was turned on. He saw she was lying down too, on a sofa of some kind.
"There you are." he smiled. "Has hubby taken the bed and you're sleeping on the sofa tonight?" teasing her, half wondering if that was actually the case.
Maya held her breath, waiting for Jim to answer. She needed him to answer. She leaned against the big pillow, and saw her reflection on the phone’s screen. Dark hair which fell gently on her shoulders, cute small nose twitching, and her big breasts smushed against each other.
As he answered, a sly smile broke out on her face. She crossed her legs, enjoying how they felt against each other. She saw his chiseled chest and almost whistled. What a nice view. A man’s chest. Complimentary to hers. Everything about him was like that - he was tall and hard and manly, she was tiny & soft & womanly.
“Well, it’s my home so I can lie wherever. With whoever. Whenever.” She said and bit her lip.
Jim smiled in turn, kicking himself for not accepting her invitation to come and watch the sun set and rise in her apartment. "With whoever? I wonder if a lucky person is getting to lie with you tonight." he wondered, smacking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, Jim looked away.
"You know that emergency that took you away from me. I'm sure you fixed whatever problem pulled you from our date, but..." he tilted his camera down, giving just a glimpse of his boxers and the imprint that his erection had created on them.
"...seems like you created a bigger problem in turn." Jim tilted the camera back to his face. "I think it's only fair, you make up for it.” he pondered for but a second before adding, “That dress of yours...take it off."
Maya inhaled sharply as she saw the outline of Jim’s manhood against his boxers. She kicked herself for not ignoring work, she would have been peeling back those boxers right now.
She smiled as she heard Jim’s suggestion. Maybe all hope was not lost. Maybe she could still make up for it. She set her phone against the showpiece on the coffee table, and got on her knees on the sofa. He could see all of her. Just like he would have wanted. “Hmm….it is getting a bit hot in here. Do you mind if I take it off?”
That devilish smile on those lovely full lips. The thought of those lips pleasuring him right now nearly drove Jim to the edge, but he got it together long enough to appreciate the outline of her curvaceous body as she stood on her knees.
"Nuh uh...not like that. Get on your feet like a proper lady. I'll tell you how to do it." he took in a breath. "You're a good girl Maya, aren't you? Get on your feet, turn around, reach back and pull down the zipper and THEN I want you to pull your dress down."
Yes. She. Was. She was a proper good girl. She had been all her life. But now, she was going to be a proper good naughty girl.
“Yes daddy” she whispered and did as she was told. She set the phone a bit further back so she was still in frame, and turned around, her hair flying as she did.
She turned, stuck a pose with her ass out towards the side and smiled.
Then, she reached around and pulled her zipper down all the way, but not all the way.“Like this?” she asked coyly, revealing the backside of a lacy violet bra.
As she came in frame fully, her butt poking out, that lovely bit butt that Jim could sink his head in and die happy. He noticed some trepidation in the way she pulled down the zipper, but then again it was to be expected. "Violet huh?" he asked whilst tilting his head. "I wonder if what's downstairs matches in color...."
Before she continued, Jim suddenly got an idea. "Before you go on...Maya! Get the phone for a moment. I want to talk to you. You know, you left so early, you left me to pay for the fish and chips which you didn't even touch, and the pints. Now, given that I'm just a poor college students, I'd say that's inconsiderate...and not at all what a good girl would do, now is it?"
He let those words sink in for a moment before continuing, "You also took away my appetite for fish and chips by giving me a taste of the desert between your legs. How cruel is it to offer a taste and walk away?" he tilted his head. "Now I have all this hunger and nothing to satisfy it. Maybe you could order something for me?"
Maya smiled as she heard Jim tease her about her bra. “Maybe we’ll find out if it’s violet downstairs soon enough…”
Maya was struck when Jim suddenly asked her to speak. What was it? Did he have a girlfriend? Of course he did, look at him. Oh no….a pit formed in Maya’s stomach.
“Ohh….I’m sorry about that! I should have not skipped out on you like that! You must be so hungry now. I didn’t realize! I’ll make it up to you - I’ll order … I’ll bring over some food myself! How about that? What do you feel like eating?” Maya stumbled. She knew she had screwed up. But maybe she wasn’t so screwed, and maybe she could also get a bit screwed.
Jim was thinking about an order, but as she offered to bring something over, he felt a twitch pass through his shaft, his hand reaching down to grip at his crotch.
"Oysters." he replied without thinking twice. "There's this Italian place not too far from Piccadilly and it's open late. They've got amazing oysters." Jim had a smile throughout, as if he didn't just ask for a 100 Pound dinner like it was nothing.
"If you're coming, I think violet doesn't suit you all that well. Black or..." he looked up as if to think. "...or white. In fact with your lovely caramel skin, white is definitely your color, it gives off the right contrast." With that he hung up.
Two seconds later this text came from Jim. "Oh and I want you to put your panties inside the order bag too. A souvenir for me."
As Jim spoke, the inside of Maya’s head went off like a checklist. Done. Done. Done. And he was hers then. Finally. Maybe she could salvage the day.
“I’ll be there in 20 mins.” Maya let out keenly.
She hurried to her closet, and found her white lingerie. It did look sexy against her skin. Check. He was right about the contrast.
Next, she put a pickup order at the Italian place. Oysters. Maybe some pasta too. And a nice bottle of wine. It came out to about $190. Not bad. She was getting much much more in return. Check.
Giddily, she put her dress back on again, and as she left she texted Jim “On my way!”.
Of course, before she shut off the lights & closed her apartment she did the last thing - put her wet violet panties in her purse. Check.
As the facetime call ended, Jim threw his phone away, taking in a deep breath as he appreciated what he was doing. He was too far into it now to judge himself. The only thing left to do was to savour the rest of the night and what it held in store for him.
He reached down, seeing that there was some precum already on the tip of his dick, staining his boxers too. He removed them entirely for easier access, putting on a pair of grey sweatpants, his cock stuck out quite a lot as it pressed against the grey fabric, but with time his erection came down.
The 20 minute wait was not the easiest to get through, but before he knew it his phone buzzed again. Jim grabbed a hoodie, tossing it on, despite having nothing underneath that. Zipping it up, he came out wearing a pair of trainers, grey sweatpants and white hoodie. His campus was quiet at this time and as Jim came out of his dorm building, next to the lawn, he saw a pair of headlights not too far. He pointed to an alley just behind the dorm building for Maya to park the car there.
He opened the door to the passenger's side, hopping in just as Maya was turning off the car. He was already hard from the anticipation, that much was clear from the imprint on his sweatpants.
"You made it." he said a bit out of breath, his gaze peeking down to his crotch only momentarily, wanting to see her reaction now that she got a good look at what he was packing. At the pub she'd only felt it. Maybe she'd thought he'd shoved a cucumber in there. In a bit she'd know for sure.
Maya blew through two red lights, nervous driver that she was. She’d never made her Mercedes go that fast, but here she was. Not a good driver. Not a safe one definitely.
She hurriedly picked up the order. Her hands shaking, she wrote her number down on the receipt in the bag. Maybe he’d text her directly the next time instead of using the Tinder app.
Getting back into her car she got the idea of removing her dress. She struggled with it for a bit from the driver’s seat but finally she was free from it, tossing the dress to the back, looking down at the white lingerie.
And then she drove again, threat to herself & anyone who had the misfortune of driving that night. She wondered what would a cop think if she was caught - clad only in a white lacy bra and white panties.
She parked her car - badly and waited. She kept the lights on just in case he couldn’t find her car. He had to. He must.
She left the door open & saw Jim plant himself in the passenger seat. She was breathing heavily, her lush brown body revolting against her white lingerie.
She turned on the light in the car, only to see Jim’s massive package standing against his grey sweatpants. He was big. He was a monster. “May I?” she asked with a smile of lust written across her pretty brown face.
As Jim stepped into the car, he took everything in about his brown companion. His eyes widened as he noticed she was wearing the requested lingerie…and nothing else. He saw the look on her face too and where her eyes had been fixed.
"Not so fast." His hand reached up, gripping the back of her neck, pulling her head towards his side of the car. "I want to taste your lips first. Before they get all messy..." and with that he leaned in for a slow and passionate kiss, tonguing the older woman almost immediately, as his hand pulled hers onto his crotch.
As he broke the kiss, still gripping the back of her neck, he now shoved her head down to his crotch, lifting himself up a little as he pulled down his sweatpants. His cock sprang upwards, the tip smacking Maya in the forehead, leaving a stain of precum before dropping back down a bit.
Jim was uncut, his cock so hard that the foreskin had been pulled back, just below the rim of the bulbous purple tip, which glistened under the car light. His shaft was pale, with faint dark blue veins criss crossing it.
"Some girls say they can barely wrap their hands around it..." Jim reached for her hand, turning it around as if to inspect it. "I wonder if yours can."
As Jim grabbed Maya’s neck and she felt his tongue inside her mouth, all she could think was this was the first time he was really inside her. She hoped that it wouldn’t be the only time & only way that night. As he guided her face towards his crotch, Maya felt herself twitching in between her legs. Flutters all over her pussy.
It was finally happening. She was going to get a chance to please!
The first thing which came to Maya’s head as she saw Jim’s manhood was - Dragon. Ferocious and large and thick. It almost didn’t feel real. It was like the toys she’d seen in those shops in Amsterdam or those videos.
It was beautiful. It was pristine. A beautiful, pristine white cock all for her. She wondered if she could wrap her tiny brown hands against his magnificent cock.
She barely could. Her tiny brown wrists & fingers grasped desperately at his manhood but it was all swollen and inviting. For her. A sexy, sexy man with a massive beautiful white cock. Oh, what had she done to deserve this good fortune!
She slowly bent over, as her hair fell into Jim’s lap and began toying with his shaft with both her tiny hands. Her lips wrapped around his big head, she was shy at first - just kisses and light touches. As she felt Jim’s body shift under her, she kissed some more and started licking the head.
Maya could feel Jim’s manhood get agitated, it was trying to find more of its way inside her little brown mouth. But Maya didn’t know she could handle it, she’d never really taken one inside her mouth, far less touched such a big white one.
But like a great white shark after his prey, Jim’s manhood persisted, parting Maya’s full red lips as it slowly entered her mouth. It even tasted delicious. Or maybe she was that horny.
Maya had never expected something like this to happen to her, on a dark night in a car outside a university dormitory, her back all bare and her hair spread over a handsome stranger’s lap as she sucked him off. Correction - tried to suck him off. She didn’t want to let Jim down. She wanted him to enjoy her, as she enjoyed him.
Jim took a hold of Maya’s hair and tugged at it, as Maya followed his cues bobbing her brown mouth over his massive white cock. She wanted his hands all over him, so she took a long slurpy lick and got off his cock. She reached around and from the brown paper bag with the food got herself one of the rubber bands used to keep the food containers together. She tied her hair and resumed her womanly duties, but not before Jim unhooked her bra. She struggled out of it, her tiny brown shoulders smushing her large breasts together until they were finally free. She felt Jim feel them up, caress the nipples and smack them.
All Maya could think of was how hot those strong white hands looked over her big brown breasts. It’s where her breast belonged.
“You like them?” she asked, and Jim only grunted in approval. “Mhmm”.
He held her neck and pulled her in for a kiss, as she felt her body give in. He kissed her & tongued her, while he played with her breasts and turned her on. All Maya could think about was his white seed and how much she wanted it inside her.
As they kissed, Maya’s tiny hands stroked off his massive cock, whispering “I need your big white cock, daddy!”
“Yeah?” Jim teased her as he kissed and teased her.
“Yes” begged Maya.
“It needs to be wetter. Open your mouth.” Maya obediently opened her mouth as Jim took a good look at her and spat in her mouth.
“Now be a good girl and polish daddy’s cock.”
Maya bent over and started working Jim’s massive boner, leaving all her red lipstick over it. A minute ago it seemed ridiculously large, now she wanted nothing more. Or nothing less, she knew she could never go back, even if she had to buy him oysters every day of the week.
Maya sucked and licked and struggled, but could not fit all of Jim inside her mouth. She felt his hand on her head, slowly nudging her deeper and deeper, as she finally touched the base and gagged. Before she could take another breath, Jim was nudging her again, and she continued eating up his engorged white manhood.
As Maya struggled to keep Jim inside her, she felt his hand slowly reach over her behind, over her ample ass. She felt his fingers enter her white panties from behind, and find their way to her clitoris.
“So wet for me.” a grunt filled the car.
“Yeughhdaggy” Maya responded, with his cock in her mouth. He played with her as she sucked him off, and Maya could feel herself getting close to the edge. Pretty soon, the dams would be broken.
It was at that precise moment that she felt Jim’s fingers slip away.
“Me first.”
Maya doubled her efforts, and she felt Jim’s hips thrust back. Was he fucking her face?
The large slurping sounds continued, until she could feel Jim getting close. Surely, he was going to explode. So hard. Maya needed a breather, but Jim continued pushing her down while he pushed himself into her mouth - until Maya’s hands tapped & slapped his strong thighs. She was choking!
But Jim carried on, the struggle of this poor brown beauty only making him harder, if that was possible. Finally, with a grunt, Jim orgasmed.
Maya tried to struggle away, but Jim held her firm, submitting her to his power. Maya felt his sticky mess inside her mouth, and as she tried to spit some out she felt even more come in. There was only one way for the splooge, she had to swallow it.
As Maya finally struggled to break free, Jim let go and she finally took a breath, her mouth full of his cum, and sticky strings from her lips to his cock.
As Maya looked up at Jim with her big dark eyes, Jim said, “You made this mess. You clean it up.”
Obediently, Maya licked and swallowed every drop of Jim’s cum.
“I love your white cock daddy” she pleaded as she slurped up all his juices.
“Good girl. I have classes early tomorrow morning. Make yourself decent and drive yourself home.” said Jim.
Before Maya could protest, Jim had grabbed his food & was gone, a loud thud as he slammed the door. Maya sat there, her lipstick smudgy & sticky with cum and makeup undone. Hair all over the place. Breasts hanging out and her pretty white panties all wet.
Maya is sitting on her comfortable couch in her swanky apartment. She’d taken a leave from work. Yet, she can’t stop thinking about work - that’s all she’s done all her life. She’d been the stereotypical good Indian girl, focusing on grades and then a career and family. She’d surpassed her peers but something was missing.
Maya’s eyes floated over to the degrees & quiz prizes and yet, all she sees are years gone by. The highlight of her life in her twenties was kissing a stranger at a party. She didn’t do those things back then because she was a good girl, and good girls don’t do that. Then with marriage any sort of thought of fun and excitement was pushed away for decades on end until finally the kids grew old enough to leave home and husband grew bored enough to ask for a divorce. That was actually pretty rare in Indian families, it was more customary to just continue living in misery until death, but new times breed new attitudes. That and being immigrants in a Western nation, made divorce more palatable.
These thoughts milled around her mind for a while, Maya was eager to silence her mind and try to do some work, but she resisted the temptation to open her work laptop. Instead she went through her phone. Same boilerplate Instagram stuff, she sighed as she scrolled through mindlessly for a few moments. She was almost ready to throw the phone away when she remembered about this new app she’s on. Tinder.
She had overheard an intern talk about it, and made a profile. It felt weird and wrong, she’d installed and deleted it multiple times, but drive close to the edge enough times and you’re bound to slip off once. She’d bit the bullet and finally made a profile.
It wasn’t anything racy, just some pictures in work clothes, skirts and a top with stockings. She was a professional afterall, a gym selfie and a dress which showed a bit of her ample bosom - something she thought was risqué.
In the past two weeks she had talked to a couple men, or boys really. Didn’t matter how young or old, they all seemed the same to her. This morning however, she had finally come across a profile which made her stop & consider.
“Hmm, he looks…”. The thought trailed off, but he looked like the boys back in college. The ones she’d oogle at in the library when she pretended to be studying. She swiped right, but she had no hopes - those kinds of men certainly don't go for a forty something brown lady, who’s certainly not all that anymore.
Opening the app now, Maya was pleasantly surprised when the man with the remarkable profile had actually messaged her.
The message Jim had sent was a typical one that he’d used a few times before. “Looking for a reason to delete this app. Are you her?” A combination of cheesy and a bit tongue-in-cheek.
Maya looked puzzled as she read the message. What does this mean, does he want to ask me out? After staring at the screen for some time, all Maya could muster was “I don’t know, am I?”
Jim’s phone buzzed in his pocket, he stopped in his tracks, pulling it out to read the message from a girl called Maya on Tinder. He’d sent quite a few messages this morning so he had to remind himself which one of his matches she was. The moment Jim tapped away from his profile, the screen showed the profile of the girl, or actually, woman. The number starting with 4 next to her name had Jim tilting his head to the side, taking just a second to recall the reason why he'd swiped right on a woman in her 40s. To be honest, there were two of them.
You couldn't make out much given her work attire, but the gym pics and one with a bit of cleavage showing let him know that this woman wasn't like the college floozies he was used to who could barely claim a C cup. If he was honest, it wasn't just her bust which was unlike any he'd ever seen or felt, but rather everything about her. You go through enough lithe college floozies and suddenly you start to crave some variety. He realized after a while that this woman's pics had him frozen in the middle of the campus quad, so he put his phone away and resumed his walk, yet she was still on his mind.
As he walked to his dorm room, he was split about messaging this woman or not. There was a non-zero chance she was actually married and looking for some fun, the type of fun that could see him getting chased off with a cricket bat by an irate spouse. With that thought in mind, Jim pulled out his phone, went to the chat and started to type.
"So kind of your husband to help with your Tinder profile pics. If that's not #relationshipgoals then I don't know what is."
Perhaps he was being unfair, perhaps there was no hubby in the scene, but either way that message perfectly conveyed Jim's interest, as well as trepidation.
Maya was frozen for a good minute before she realized the only thing heaving was her breath…and her bosom. Why did she reply to that text? This is not something girls like her…women like her did! Why would a man like him want anything to do with her? He probably lived in the gym. Maya only started going like a year ago because she’s well…old? Nah, She’s oldish. He probably smiled and moved around with ease in the gym, while she awkwardly stumbled around lost. That sports bra had been a mistake!
As her thoughts wandered off, her phone buzzed again. That was so Maya, alone in her home & yet the phone was on silent. She read the message, Husband? What did he….? She shook her head, this was a mistake and set the phone away. But she couldn’t get it out of her mind.
“Hey I deserve some credit too - I did all the posing myself!”
Mayas head fell with…shame? Regret? The feeling of being naughty? Her dark hair across her shoulders, dark glasses perched up on her nose. Her small shoulders contracted with tension, as she stretched in her black sports bra & legs stretched in her pink yoga pants. She decided to get a glass of water, planting her feet clad in white socks on the cold, cold ground. All these years, and London was still so damn cold & chilly.
As he put his phone down, Jim came back down to the real world. All of this sleeping around was fun, he loved it, but just like the end of high school he'd started to get a bit bored of it. He recalled the girl he'd dated for almost 6 months before he came for college. They thought they could make long-distance work, but they couldn't and frankly the way she so quickly moved on, did hurt him. It had been an incentive for Jim to not care so much, but lately he'd been craving something different. Something that involved commitment?
That's when he got a message, looking down to notice her name first. "Maya..." it rolled off his lips so easily, as if it was a sign of things to come. Her message provoked a smirk from the young man. She certainly did have a sense of humor. ‘She's married, leave her be.’ he thought.
Jim tried to imagine an angry Indian man with a big mustache chasing after him, hoping that might dissuade him from picking up his phone again, but before he knew it, he was back on the chat screen. He was inclined to think that perhaps she was joking.
"I'd invite you for a coffee, but I'm not sure who pays in that case. On the one hand I am a gentleman, on the other...I'm just a 20 something year old broke student." With these excuses he was hoping she might be the sensible one and call things off because he felt a draw that was a bit too strong to resist.
Maya poured herself a tall drink of water and sat herself down on the chair by the dining table. As her phone buzzed again, she couldn’t wait to see the message - a childlike enthusiasm swept across her.
She read the message. She knew what he meant. Did she want to meet him?
It all sounded too good to be true. He was the guy she had really, really wanted to date back in Uni but never got around to. Did she deserve a second chance? She decided she did, after all those long years. She deserved it & some more.
“I have a coffee machine in my apartment.”
Maya didn’t know if this is something she was ready for. Inviting a stranger over? This wasn’t her style, or even remotely something she did. In the last eight months that she’d been living alone, only two men had finally gotten around to her house, and only one of them she’d kissed. And that was after weeks of dinners and dates and discussions. Every step was a roller coaster drop for her.
Maya walked to her bedroom and combed her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror, the brown complexion, the dark hair, the tiny gold necklace around her soft brown neck. She clutched her comb harder and started to go through hair faster. What. Was. She. Thinking?!
What if he said yes? What if he really came over? What if he, what if he wanted things? Maya couldn’t compete with those young women, not now & not when she had been young.
Jim had resolved to change things. He wasn't happy anymore with the carefree fuckboy lifestyle. He didn't think he'd be ready to go for something a bit more serious, but perhaps that's the change he needs right now. There was this girl, from one of his classes, Victoria. He'd barely spoken to her until a few days ago, but there was something about her. It had taken him asking her out almost 4 times until she finally said yes. As he arrived at his dorm, the young man tossed his bag on the floor, collapsing onto his futon. That's when he got a message reply from Maya.
It was a simple and direct reply to his 'dilemma'. Also it was an invitation into her home, with an implication of what might happen once there. On the one hand Jim was excited, on the other the pace, the uncertainty over her hubby...he wasn't sure, but he couldn't walk away so easily either.
"That's very kind, but I have a rule to always meet in public for the first time. That's how I've avoided getting kidnapped." he typed and sent that, a small chuckle escaping from his lips.
"Would you do me a favour? Would you take a pic for me, holding two fingers up? There are an awful lot of catfishes on Tinder."
Right, okay that was done. Victoria, he had to set something up with Victoria. This distraction over Tinder simply wasn't right.
Maya played with her golden necklace for a while, until she realized some time had elapsed since she had sent the message. Did he not reply? Where was her phone? Damn.
She walked back to the dining table and checked her phone. No reply. Huh.
She sat staring at the phone for a bit until the phone finally went pinged/
Kidnap? What….okay he’s clearly got some moves, funny. Public…what if, what if someone saw her? Her with a younger, white man? What would they think? Maybe she’d just make up a story about him being an intern or whatever, taking him out to a “work lunch”.
Picture? Okay, maybe she’d send him one. But like this? She wasn’t even dressed up. What if he saw that she was wearing a sports bra? What then? Maya hurried to her room & opened her closet. Hmm. She needed to find something. Something interesting but not too much.
She got it! The mango colored top would be perfect. V-neck, but not too low cut. Tight, but not suffocating.
She hurriedly put her top on & adjusted it around her ample breasts. It was a little tight around the stomach, but it was meant for a much younger woman afterall.
She took a couple of pictures. She didn’t like any. Finally took one with two fingers making a V sign and winking. This would work.
“How about some fish & chips & a pint?” And sent him the picture. Wait, is he even allowed to drink? Think straight Maya, this is London. Everyone drinks.
The moment right after he sent that message, Jim looked up, picturing the very same thing he'd suggested. Him and Maya out on a date, in public. Sure it afforded him the security of 'not getting kidnapped' but also, in public, the two of them? If it weren't for the different races, one might even assume they were mother and son. He couldn't have something like that circulating freely. Jim is going out with a woman twice his age?! He had a reputation on campus afterall.
Yeah he was being nuts, a married woman, an older woman...he had to stop all of that, arrange a date with Victoria and that would be the end of it. Just as his resolve solidified, it melted into putty the moment he opened up the picture that she sent him. Suddenly the image of the two of them out in public didn't look so bad in his head if he got to bury his face in her chest a while later, cricket bat be damned!
She was cute, attractive, hot even and those two reasons that had first caught his gaze peeked up at him. More than that, there was a look in her eye that made the young man eager to know more about this woman.
"I'm down. Shakespeare's Duck pub, you know it? I can be there in around 30 minutes." Jim typed and sent. He took a hot shower, trimmed his beard a bit more and then stepped out to find his outfit. He opted for something rather casual, dark blue jeans, white Tee underneath a grey open hoodie. Walking back to the bathroom, he ran his hand through his auburn hair, messing them up a bit. His dark green eyes focused down on his hoodie, adjusting it over his broad shoulders. The white T-shirt underneath was tight enough that his toned chest made the fabric of the shirt swell noticeably. Jim got out of his dorm, grabbing a bus to head over to said pub. Stepping inside he looked around to see if he could spot her.
Maya couldn’t believe it. Her. She. Maya. Had a date. With this tall handsome white man. It was like the romance novels she'd sneaked into her bedroom when she was younger. She quickly snapped out of it, she only had 30 minutes to get ready!
She hurried to her room. What was she going to wear? She couldn’t wear the loungewear she was in? Maya went through her dresses, too short, too motherly, too bright. Then she saw it. The black dress she’s worn at her company gala. It wasn’t too much of anything and it was perfect! It was conservative enough to cover her entire cleavage, but at the same time tight enough that her bosom formed a prominent outline onto the dress fabric. Maybe she’d pair it with her new teal heels!
Just before Jim could walk deeper into the pub to locate his date,he heard the old door creak open, looking over his shoulder, stopping instantly as he realized she’d just stepped in. His body turned to face her, but as he took a step forward he was frozen.
His eyes opened wide, in an instant his gaze had been hijacked by the lovely outline of her breasts struggling against the fabric of her dress. The 'two reasons' that had made him swipe right, had merely winked at him through the photos, but now as she stood in front of him, head on, his only regret was that he'd not found her sooner.
Jim wasn't sure how much time had passed, he wasn't even sure if or what she'd said to him, only as the silence grew more and more awkward did he even think to look up at her. A warm, almost motherly and yet also appealing face smiled at him. The shape of her face was framed beautifully by her hair which she'd let down for the date. He cleared his throat to say something, but really he wasn't done taking his date in.
The young man took a step back, letting his gaze down once more, with immense hardship he focused on the rest of her body, her thick brown thighs kept his focus for quite a bit, before he looked up once more, noting the way age had painted her features in quite a remarkable way.
"Maya right?" he inquired, drawing closer. "At least I better hope so, otherwise my Tinder date is getting stood up." he added with a smile and stepped forward, opening his arms to pull her in for a hug, feeling a handshake would be too formal and really something primal inside him wanted to feel her body pressed against his. "It's great to meet you." he whispered in her ear.
Maya ran into Jim at the pub’s entrance. She took it all in. The height. The soft hair & the hard muscles. The eyes which looked at her the way she’d always hoped to be looked at by someone like him. Maya was wondering what to say until she noticed that Jim didn’t say anything either.
Her eyes were fixed on his handsome face, so young and so handsome. It was an effort keeping her knees buckling under her. This was it. And he looked right back at her. Her breasts. They had always driven attention and hollers, but this, this she did not mind. This was welcome.
She didn’t know if he noticed that her legs were shaking from the nerves, and here he was was looking at her thighs. Did he think they were too big? No, the way he looked at them…
It was strange. Being desired like that. Being overwhelmed by his singular attention. And at the same time she couldn’t keep her eyes off him.
That grey hoodie was just in the way! That white tee needed to come off like right now! That pair of jeans would look better on her bedroom carpet!
He said something and before she could respond he was hugging her. It felt good. So good. Smelling him. His strong arms around her.
“It’s good to meet you too. Shall we? Maybe some table with not so many around….”
Jim leaned back from the hug. With introductions out of the way, Jim had to think about what came next. They came for a fish and chips and a pint afterall. He eyed the booths in the distance, thinking they'd be much better than the rather distant wooden tables spread throughout the pub. The place was not very crowded, but it wasn't empty either. Maya's comment about a table with not so many around caused him to look over her way, the look on his face could be read as 'you naughty girl', but he didn't say anything.
He led her to the bar, they had to order there first. He thought about taking her hand, but opted against that. This whole thing about being in public, he'd suggested it, but now he was detesting it. He had to be careful, at least until they got to the booth.
"What can I get you?" the man behind the bar asked.
"Two fish and chips please and two pints of..." he looked over at the ales on offer. Glancing at Maya. "I'll trust your judgement on that one." he placed his hand on her shoulder as if to encourage her to order for them, yet in that moment he couldn't resist, his finger dipping into the fabric of her dress, a soft squeeze by his fingers was but a hint of the intense desire burning within.
In that moment Jim stepped back just a bit, craning his neck down to look at her heavenly derriere. The fabric of her dress stretched out by her plump cheeks, he could only imagine what it would be like to have his white seed contrasting so beautifully against her brown rump.
"Cash or card?" the man asked, not sure who to look at, not sure if this was a date or a business meeting or if they were even related??
"I got it." Jim said, pulling out his wallet, offering his card to the man.
Maya wanted to pinch herself. Oh my God, it was happening. Just like those novels & movies! As he gave her that “naughty girl” look Maya smiled softly What a dreamy, handsome man! And he was looking at her like that! She followed him to the bar, and saw him take the lead and order. What a rush. What a man. A MAN!!
As he urged her to order the drinks, she almost fumbled something stupid. Then she seemed to gather her senses again, not without some self-scolding.
“Something golden. Something Belgian.” she said. As she felt him touch her she felt literal sparks. Her body was frozen but her mind roared, “Something fine & British, like this man next to me!” she finally decided.
As the man asked for payment, and Jim tried to offer, Maya knew this was her moment. No. She wasn’t gonna let this happen. Not their first time.
She softly touched Jim’s hand as if to stop him, & withdrew her card from her purse, placing it on the counter, she could see the barman knew - this wasn’t business. This was personal.
Jim let his hand with the card remain just a second longer, if it meant he could savor the feeling of her fingers touching his hand like that. As Jim put the card back into his wallet, he was struggling to suppress a smile, thinking of her comment about 'something fine and British', unable to believe she'd actually said that outloud. He could worry about the ramifications of them being openly on a date later on, right now he was having a hard time figuring out why a woman almost twice his age had made such an impression on him.
“I see a table back there, what do you think?” Maya pointed to it.
"That one's a bit more hidden." Jim eyed another table, now echoing the same sentiment that had had him call her naughty in his mind.
Table decided, Maya followed Jim to the table. As Jim sat down, she sat next to him, so that their backs were against the wall, and they were next to each other.Giddy, she straightened her posture, threw her chest out and crossed her legs.
“So…you…you look nice, I have to say!” she said, almost like a giggly fourteen year old schoolgirl.
"I reckon we got about a minute before they bring our drinks." he rested his arm across her shoulders, turning his body towards hers, the other hand delicately came up, two fingers under her chin lifting her face towards him.
"I have to know..." he whispered as he leaned down, planting a soft kiss on her lips, stopping only for a moment as he let out a hot breath, then another kiss, and another one as he tilted his head to the side, a slow erotic dance begun between their lips, her taste, her perfume, it was almost surreal. Reluctantly Jim drew away, his nose gently bumping hers. "...what you taste like." he whispered.
Maya felt Jim’s fingers on her shoulders and an electric sensation ran down the small of her back. Oh. She was in trouble. Big trouble. As she felt his lips on hers for the first time, her body gave in. She uncrossed her legs and her torso turned towards him.
Her cheeks flushed, her little brown nose red. A content smile on her face. This was the moment. Her body wanted to give in. Her mind already had.
It felt so right. It smelt so right. B-U-T-T-E-R-F-L-I-E-S.
As he drew away, Maya knew she wanted more. So much more, that it would never be enough. His hands on her shoulders, his lips on hers. She didn’t want it to end.She felt something inside her. Not her chest. But between her legs. This was new and exciting and scary. To be with someone so attractive.
As he drew away and their noses bumped, all Maya could muster was “I’m right here.” She leaned into him, kissing him back, this time her curious lips all over his, her right hand in his soft hair and the brown fingers of her left hand, save the small band of faded skin on her ring finger grabbing his thigh, her nails digging into him.
He was a 20 year old guy studying in London. He should be fooling around with girls his age and yet despite all the dates he'd been to, all of the crazy parties...he'd not felt as excited as he did in this half-empty pub, with an Indian woman old enough to be his mom, hungrily kissing him, grabbing his thigh. He was conscious that someone would walk around with their beers any time now, but he found it hard to resist.
Jim's hand remained on her shoulder, gripping it tightly now as he pulled her body towards him, the other hand caressed her cheek, his fingers reaching back, gripping the back of her neck and pulling her deeper into his lips, his mouth parting open, his tongue lashing at her lips, slipping in between, demanding entrance into her sweet filthy mouth.
Even Jim who only looked at dates as the short prelude before he had the girl in his dorm room, spreading her legs for him...even he could not imagine that just mere seconds after sitting together, he'd be tonguing this woman so openly, so ravenously. Yet he was addicted to her taste, having gotten glimpses of it through her lips, now her saliva coated his tongue as it danced with hers.
Yeah he was past the point of self control now. She provoked something within him, something that even he didn't know was there, but right now all he cared about was to get his fill, as if the Indian woman was his toy, his doll. He detached his lips from hers, leaning back as his hand on her cheek was removed only briefly, giving her a soft slap.
"Keep an eye out..." he instructed her, and in that moment Jim leaned in, he pushed her head up, his hand, moving from her cheek to her jaw as his lips kissed and sucked the spot between her neck and her shoulder, the supple brown skin driving him insane.
Maya could not help herself. She wanted to binge on this fine young white man. She had to have him. She needed him. She craved him. Yeah, this was going to end in only one possible way. Maya, whose dating experiences were either being set up by friends or vetting the man for a few weeks - now wanted nothing more to have his manhood take her. Ravage her.
As she felt him grab her neck, her resolve broke. She was hooked. She didn’t care if they saw, whoever ‘they’ were. They could all see for all she cared, because in the moment all she wanted was to keep feeling this man in her mouth and not just there!
As he softly slapped her, she heaved, her breasts rising & falling. She wanted more of that. Please, please. Then he instructed her. Ordered her! This was a man who was going to bend her will & her back, and she’d go crawling back to him.
She felt his manhood as her hand slowly grazed over his crotch. Wait - that was not - real? They weren’t really supposed to be that large in real life, let alone when constricted by jeans. She had to know. She had to. She began to slowly rub against his cock, as she breathed heavily.
“I don’t care.” She whispered as she continued. She felt so small against him. But she wanted all of him - his body & his largeness. She ached for it!
Arousal coursed through Jim’s body, the closeness between them, the way her body leaned wantonly against his, he could feel himself getting hotter and hotter. The crook of her neck was ambrosial, giving the young man just a hint of what the rest of her body tasted like. When he felt her manicured hand slide over to his crotch, rubbing, pressing down onto his jean-covered manhood, as if she was trying to ascertain the length and the girth underneath her palm was real.
Desire burned bright within the young man, purging any thoughts of caution that might pop up. He was very much aware that they would get caught. Someone might recognise him, the charismatic young man from the college nearby, with his face buried in the neck of an woman twice his age. That was terrible...she was terrible for allowing this to happen, her 'I don't care' sealed their fate and yet he was powerless to stop it, letting out only a grunt in the shape of her name. "Maya..." before forming a seal with his lips, sucking ardently on her skin.
Just as he expected, a couple of cleared throats later, the young man had pulled back from Maya, his breathing heavy as he looked up at the irate waitress holding their pints. His body was removed from Maya's and that’s when the young girl realized the age of Jim's date, a mixture of surprise, maybe disdain, painted her face.
She dropped the pints onto the table. "Should I call security?"
Jim, with his lips reddened from the kissing, his hair disheveled, yet flashing a smile nonetheless. "No need, we're just famished." he added, reaching for his pint, then for Maya's, sliding it in front of her.
The waitress nodded and left and with that Jim was left there with a raging hard on, but despite that his sense had returned. He looked to Maya, an unhappy look on his face as she'd disregarded his instructions.
"You don't care?" He repeated her words, scooting himself away from her on the booth, leaving some distance between them. "Letting yourself go, I can understand, but not listening..." he had lifted his pint, throwing a disappointed look her way before taking a sip. "I wonder if because you're older you think you can do that? Or is it that you haven't had any discipline in your life?"
As the waitress chastised them, Maya’s senses returned. She wanted to plead, but Jim handled it. So smoothly. In that British accent. Now she was slipping away again.
As Jim pushed her pint towards her, Maya blushed. She wasn’t used to such attention. The waitress probably was gonna tell stories about her. Maybe she was upset seeing this older brown woman with this handsome white man that she might snag. Whatever, he was hers for now. But she had to be smart about it
As she saw his face and heard him question her intentions, Maya was struck. Did he want more or not? For herself, wild horses could not stop her from being with him. Didn’t he want her?
Discipline? What was that? Doing what you are supposed to? Wasn’t she doing EXACTLY what she was supposed to? Wasn’t that what he wanted? Wasn’t that what she wanted? “I don’t know…maybe you could teach me?” she meeked and hastily took a gulp too large of her beer. She snorted. “Very sexy Maya, why don’t you just chug like a bro, I’m sure that’s what he finds attractive!” she thought to herself.
The chemistry between them had been off the charts. Unlike anything Jim had felt with any other girl. Even his first girlfriend had not had such an effect on him. He'd assumed he'd get to feel like this when he finally met 'the one', or whatever naive notion of love he had when he was younger. He'd never assumed that a woman whom he wasn't sure was married or not, a brown woman and a woman twice his age at least...would make him feel like this. It felt unnatural to sit there and not ravage her lips, but he kept his distance. Every cell in his body longed to feel her body pressed against his and yet as he held off, taking another sip, he felt a pleasurable tingle start in his fingertips and slowly spread throughout his body.
As she offered that maybe he could teach him, he looked up, noting the confusion on her face. Like that there was some smudged lipstick at the edge of her lips. That's when Jim recalled that he might have some on his face too. He grabbed a napkin, wiping off his lips and around, though it seems like he left most of her lipstick on her neck. "Reapply your lipstick, you look sexier." he told her nonchalantly as he took another sip.
"I imagine you don't live around here. Maybe that's why you don't care if the waitress caught us." he was calling attention to the need to keep this a secret, as if their union was illicit or forbidden. "Whereas for me, my campus is just nearby. I don't have the same luxury."
Maya didn’t know what to say. Here he was - tall and handsome and white. The kind of man if she’s met years earlier, she'd abandon everything for. The kind of man with whom she’d make “cute babies” because interracial babies are always cute.
As he ordered her to redo her lipstick, Maya felt it - the peak. The peak of arousal. That happens so very few times in life. She just didn’t know the highs that the future held. So she did, put on lipstick again and smacked her lips at him. The same lips she’d mark her man with, saying he’s mine, just so the rest of you blonde Beckys can just fuck off?
“Haha, I live close enough actually. I could show you around the neighborhood - maybe even my apartment, it’s a neat place only 20 minutes away. And it’s mine so it’s all discrete.” she cooed.
It felt so forbidden. A white man younger than her.
“Log kya kahenge” - “what will people say” rang in her mind.
“Bahaad me jaaye sab log” - “To hell with them” her body said.
The passions were high, you could feel it in the air that the separation between them was simply unnatural. Jim had to take a deep breath to dismiss any thoughts of closing the distance once again. In no time their fish and chips would arrive. He could see that the Indian woman was far gone, but despite their age he had to be sensible enough for both of them.
Her reply made him lift an eyebrow, so it seemed she lived close enough as well and she didn't care if they got caught. Likely the same as Jim with his head buried in her neck, your primal urges override any sense that might have been left in you.
"Second time you invite me over. I must say I am more tempted...actually that's an understatement, far more tempted than the first time around, but I feel like you plan on showing me your apartment, among other things…" he looked up for a moment. There's nothing he wanted more, but at the same time he felt uneasy about it.
"I'm trying to figure you out Maya." the way her body latched onto his, the way her lips sought after his, he could sense that she'd not had that kind of attention in a while and he found that incredibly sexy. On the other hand, her more cavalier words made it seem like Tinder dates were common for her. "How many other cute white guys have gotten the tour of your apartment?"
Maya felt out of place, but also so right in her place, on the passenger seat of a car he was driving. To all the places she’d wanted to see, the Scottish castles and Welsh moors and Irish cliffs. All the places she could have him.
Figure her out! What was she, and equation? She was a woman, he was a man. It was simple. She wanted him. With her, inside her, above her and below her. She wasn’t Shelly’s poems, she wasn’t a metaphor. She was a woman who needed him - wanted him.
“Only third I swear - but the first guy I really, really want. I don’t want the old bankers in the city and football hooligans. I want you. Plain as day.“
Maya paused to see his reaction unable to keep herself from insisting again. “It’s not even far, I swear! And there’s a cute park which overlooks the apartment. We can drink wine and watch the sun set - and rise. Trust me.”
And Maya laid her hand on his, not for the first time as she would learn, but in all those times one thing would remain constant, if not grow - the yearning.
Her answer produced a mixed reaction within the young man. His gaze remained in the distance, for one it wasn't as high as her words might have led him to believe. solidified in his mind that she was unmarried, blind to the faded circle around her wedding finger.
Her confession was nothing new to the young man, he got that much by the way she kissed him, the way her fingers rubbed at his crotch. All of this was stroking his ego, but he hesitated. He didn't know this woman, I mean kissing her he thought he could tell quite a few things about her, but she really was a stranger and who knows how real that number she gave him is. Even if it is, is this a dance that Jim would be happy to join?
As she reached for his hand, Jim was in thought.
The waitress came back around with their order. A bit thankful she didn't find them devouring each other, yet that sting of jealousy was visible in her this time around as Maya's brown digits rested on Jim's palm.
"Thank you." he told the waitress, and just as she left he pulled his hand away.
"I have to confess I am tempted. There is just the question of your temperament and discipline." he added, reaching for a chip(fry) and tossing it in his mouth. Before she could pull her hand away, he grabbed it holding it for a moment, his eyes locked with hers, the look in his as if to say 'I'm not done with you yet.'
Jim looked away from the booth, making sure no eyes were on them before he drew her hand beneath the booth, resting her hand on his thigh. "Could you imagine it?" tilted his head, lost in those chocolate pupils, wanting to see how they reacted as he placed her hand on top of his crotch.
His hardon had merely softened, the imprint it left on the jeans, very much still there. His palm pressed hers down onto his crotch, the girth, almost comparable to a coke can...okay not that thick, but some girl in a frenzy had called it that.
"...that...filling you up. Can you?" his hand made hers roll around the crotch, as if to mimic his hips rolling against hers. "You lift your head to see the sun inside you...spilling myself in you."
He let that picture build in her mind, before removing his hand, for a moment leaving hers there to have its fun, but it was short lived as he took her hand off as well and then nonchalantly went to grab another chip. "Thing is, if I'm the third white's not as special is it?"
He was not done with her yet! He wanted more! Quick party on the inside!
Okay, so he wants me too. I want him. I crave him. I need him. Just fill this brown crevice with his white manhood already. Maya grew shy as those words filled her head.
She could not look him in the eyes, and they switched from his neck to his crotch. This man. This thick, thick man. She needed him.
Maya knew what she had to do. Convince him how much she wanted him. She gently took his hand and guided it beneath her dress onto her underwear. Onto her wetness.
“Those men, none of them made me feel like this. None of them ever can dream of it. You are the only one who’s driven me like this. Made my legs shake and my lips quiver.” Maya leaned in for a kiss but instead went for Jim’s neck. Kissing, licking, biting - it was all the same to her. He was meant for her. For her body. Desire. She wanted to plead and beg. Get on her knees and worship this handsome white man with a monstrosity in his pants.
“You feel that, that’s all you, only for you.” Then she took his hand off her wetness and into her mouth. “This is all I need - and you. Let me show you. Let me prove it to you.”
Jim's resolve was being chipped away with each kiss and lick of Maya's onto his neck. The way she pressed his fingers to her wetness, licking them and then letting him have a small taste as well as a whiff.
Always a goody good girl, this wasn’t her. She didn’t get wet, EVER and here she was - wet as a cloud for this handsome stranger.Letting him feel her up, taste herself on his fingers and then giving him a taste. Who was this man and what was he doing to her?
It didn’t matter. All she knew was she wanted more of him. In fact, so much more that she’d probably drown & still ask for a pour. As she sat there wondering, her phone buzzed. “Immediate Alert!” buzzed the phone. Damn her bank. Damn her boss. And damn the systems which broke at the wrong moment.
Maya breathed heavily. Her breasts rose & fell, and she was clearly stuck in flight or fight - more aptly; frozen. She had to get to her work, she just knew she had to. But what about him? He was here for her, and she probably wouldn’t meet him again. He’d probably go back to those blonde white bimbos.
Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. Maybe she was dreaming. Asking too much. A forty something Indian woman, and a strapping young white man. Not now. Not ever. Not. Going. To. Happen.
So she did what she did best - tried to run away. Awkwardly explaining that she had to get back, and left. Her heart beating out loud, chastising her. It continued beating loud in her Uber back home. And it was a distraction as she dealt with her emergency.
When her boss messaged her later thanking her, it didn’t make her feel good like it always did. It made her feel pissed off. Fuck the work. Fuck the school. Fuck the homework. What had all of that ever gotten her?
For Jim the date had ended very abruptly, one moment her phone rang and next thing he knew she was scampering to leave. He had his doubts, not about her, but about them...their age difference, the way everyone looked at them. Was it right to start this now? He'd half convinced himself it was a stupid idea in the first place, but as he walked back to his dorm room, Maya was on his mind, the little bit of wetness that had latched onto his finger, bore just a tiny hint of her taste even hours later.
He could not sleep that night, tossing and turning until finally he went to Tinder once more, texting "You up?" to Maya, hoping she'd not reply. This woman wasn't good for him. If he knew what was best for him, he'd stay away
As she was contemplating getting out of her little black dress & heels, the phone buzzed again. Not another emergency, please!! But it wasn’t work. It was him. Yeah she was up. How could she even fall asleep!
“Yes, you too?” was all she could feebly manage.
Having put some distance between him and Maya, Jim had managed to get some sense back into his life. It was ludicrous to think that a man like him, with a reputation that he'd cultivated, would risk being caught with a woman twice his age, making out shamelessly in public.
Thank god she had that emergency at work. Thank god things did not go any further. Who knew what would happen if someone had come across them? The Jim Ross that would bring girls over to his dorm on the regular, walking down the street, clutching the hand of a woman that was old enough to be his mom. His friends wouldn't let him hear the end of it. Yet for as wrong and as inappropriate as it was, he also felt an excitement that he'd never felt before.
Maybe it was just because it was taboo, the forbidden apple tasting sweetest, type of phenomenon. He couldn't deny that, but at the same time the more he thought of this woman the more he resolved that he couldn't just easily walk away. For one it was her curvaceous body, putting to shame all of the fit, lithe girls of his college. Her lips, the way she kissed, so wholeheartedly, so shamelessly, sloppy wet kisses that kept him from being able to sleep right now. As his phone vibrated, she'd seen and replied to his text almost right away. Jim was lying on his bed, he was wearing just a pair of boxers and nothing else.
He pressed the icon to call her, his phone to his ear as his breathing was growing shallower.
"Hey you." he let out as she came on the line. "How was that emergency? You took care of it?"
Maya was nervous. She didn’t know if he’d respond. Maybe he was upset and would just tell her off. Maya kicked off her heels and curled up on the couch. Her bare legs against each other, and thick brown thighs smushed together. There was still some residual wetness between her legs, a cold spot within the confines of her burning hot body, like an oasis of desire. Like the last light which refused to go out. Like a reminder that maybe, maybe there was some hope for her.
Her upper torso was stretched out against a giant pillow, and hair rested gently on top of it. Realizing for the first time how tight the dress was against her breasts, she stretched a bit. Then her phone buzzed & it didn’t stop. It was a call. From Jim. No. Freaking. Way.
She answered the phone & put it on speaker, only to hear his voice. In that accent. Composing herself, Maya said, “I did. Are you mad at me?”
Jim could sense his manhood hardening, pushing up against the fabric of his boxers, reaching down to adjust his erection in his boxers as the other hand held the phone to his ear. That sweet voice, that lovely Indian accent, it caused a twitch of arousal to course through his entire body, culminating at the thick bulbous tip of his cock.
"Hmm I can’t say. Right now?" he reached down, gripping at his shaft, causing the girthy rod to harden even more. "Can you be hard and mad at the same time??"
Maya couldn’t believe it. He was hard for her. She remembered what that meant - she had felt him from outside his tight jeans. And he felt huge. She needed to know. She had to know. Maya adjusted her posture, and drew her breasts together to adjust her cleavage. Show a little more. She sat up, and knew she just had to do it. She pressed the camera button in the app, hoping he’d answer her video call.
He was curious what she'd say, yet he only got silence, her breathing on the other end of the line told him she was still there, she had listened to what he said.
In that moment Jim felt his phone vibrate, holding it up, he saw that Maya wanted to facetime. His room was dark, but he reached for the bed lamp next to him, turning it on as a faint orange hue illuminated his face and his body. He was shirtless, the top of his chiseled chest on display as the camera was turned on. He saw she was lying down too, on a sofa of some kind.
"There you are." he smiled. "Has hubby taken the bed and you're sleeping on the sofa tonight?" teasing her, half wondering if that was actually the case.
Maya held her breath, waiting for Jim to answer. She needed him to answer. She leaned against the big pillow, and saw her reflection on the phone’s screen. Dark hair which fell gently on her shoulders, cute small nose twitching, and her big breasts smushed against each other.
As he answered, a sly smile broke out on her face. She crossed her legs, enjoying how they felt against each other. She saw his chiseled chest and almost whistled. What a nice view. A man’s chest. Complimentary to hers. Everything about him was like that - he was tall and hard and manly, she was tiny & soft & womanly.
“Well, it’s my home so I can lie wherever. With whoever. Whenever.” She said and bit her lip.
Jim smiled in turn, kicking himself for not accepting her invitation to come and watch the sun set and rise in her apartment. "With whoever? I wonder if a lucky person is getting to lie with you tonight." he wondered, smacking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, Jim looked away.
"You know that emergency that took you away from me. I'm sure you fixed whatever problem pulled you from our date, but..." he tilted his camera down, giving just a glimpse of his boxers and the imprint that his erection had created on them.
"...seems like you created a bigger problem in turn." Jim tilted the camera back to his face. "I think it's only fair, you make up for it.” he pondered for but a second before adding, “That dress of yours...take it off."
Maya inhaled sharply as she saw the outline of Jim’s manhood against his boxers. She kicked herself for not ignoring work, she would have been peeling back those boxers right now.
She smiled as she heard Jim’s suggestion. Maybe all hope was not lost. Maybe she could still make up for it. She set her phone against the showpiece on the coffee table, and got on her knees on the sofa. He could see all of her. Just like he would have wanted. “Hmm….it is getting a bit hot in here. Do you mind if I take it off?”
That devilish smile on those lovely full lips. The thought of those lips pleasuring him right now nearly drove Jim to the edge, but he got it together long enough to appreciate the outline of her curvaceous body as she stood on her knees.
"Nuh uh...not like that. Get on your feet like a proper lady. I'll tell you how to do it." he took in a breath. "You're a good girl Maya, aren't you? Get on your feet, turn around, reach back and pull down the zipper and THEN I want you to pull your dress down."
Yes. She. Was. She was a proper good girl. She had been all her life. But now, she was going to be a proper good naughty girl.
“Yes daddy” she whispered and did as she was told. She set the phone a bit further back so she was still in frame, and turned around, her hair flying as she did.
She turned, stuck a pose with her ass out towards the side and smiled.
Then, she reached around and pulled her zipper down all the way, but not all the way.“Like this?” she asked coyly, revealing the backside of a lacy violet bra.
As she came in frame fully, her butt poking out, that lovely bit butt that Jim could sink his head in and die happy. He noticed some trepidation in the way she pulled down the zipper, but then again it was to be expected. "Violet huh?" he asked whilst tilting his head. "I wonder if what's downstairs matches in color...."
Before she continued, Jim suddenly got an idea. "Before you go on...Maya! Get the phone for a moment. I want to talk to you. You know, you left so early, you left me to pay for the fish and chips which you didn't even touch, and the pints. Now, given that I'm just a poor college students, I'd say that's inconsiderate...and not at all what a good girl would do, now is it?"
He let those words sink in for a moment before continuing, "You also took away my appetite for fish and chips by giving me a taste of the desert between your legs. How cruel is it to offer a taste and walk away?" he tilted his head. "Now I have all this hunger and nothing to satisfy it. Maybe you could order something for me?"
Maya smiled as she heard Jim tease her about her bra. “Maybe we’ll find out if it’s violet downstairs soon enough…”
Maya was struck when Jim suddenly asked her to speak. What was it? Did he have a girlfriend? Of course he did, look at him. Oh no….a pit formed in Maya’s stomach.
“Ohh….I’m sorry about that! I should have not skipped out on you like that! You must be so hungry now. I didn’t realize! I’ll make it up to you - I’ll order … I’ll bring over some food myself! How about that? What do you feel like eating?” Maya stumbled. She knew she had screwed up. But maybe she wasn’t so screwed, and maybe she could also get a bit screwed.
Jim was thinking about an order, but as she offered to bring something over, he felt a twitch pass through his shaft, his hand reaching down to grip at his crotch.
"Oysters." he replied without thinking twice. "There's this Italian place not too far from Piccadilly and it's open late. They've got amazing oysters." Jim had a smile throughout, as if he didn't just ask for a 100 Pound dinner like it was nothing.
"If you're coming, I think violet doesn't suit you all that well. Black or..." he looked up as if to think. "...or white. In fact with your lovely caramel skin, white is definitely your color, it gives off the right contrast." With that he hung up.
Two seconds later this text came from Jim. "Oh and I want you to put your panties inside the order bag too. A souvenir for me."
As Jim spoke, the inside of Maya’s head went off like a checklist. Done. Done. Done. And he was hers then. Finally. Maybe she could salvage the day.
“I’ll be there in 20 mins.” Maya let out keenly.
She hurried to her closet, and found her white lingerie. It did look sexy against her skin. Check. He was right about the contrast.
Next, she put a pickup order at the Italian place. Oysters. Maybe some pasta too. And a nice bottle of wine. It came out to about $190. Not bad. She was getting much much more in return. Check.
Giddily, she put her dress back on again, and as she left she texted Jim “On my way!”.
Of course, before she shut off the lights & closed her apartment she did the last thing - put her wet violet panties in her purse. Check.
As the facetime call ended, Jim threw his phone away, taking in a deep breath as he appreciated what he was doing. He was too far into it now to judge himself. The only thing left to do was to savour the rest of the night and what it held in store for him.
He reached down, seeing that there was some precum already on the tip of his dick, staining his boxers too. He removed them entirely for easier access, putting on a pair of grey sweatpants, his cock stuck out quite a lot as it pressed against the grey fabric, but with time his erection came down.
The 20 minute wait was not the easiest to get through, but before he knew it his phone buzzed again. Jim grabbed a hoodie, tossing it on, despite having nothing underneath that. Zipping it up, he came out wearing a pair of trainers, grey sweatpants and white hoodie. His campus was quiet at this time and as Jim came out of his dorm building, next to the lawn, he saw a pair of headlights not too far. He pointed to an alley just behind the dorm building for Maya to park the car there.
He opened the door to the passenger's side, hopping in just as Maya was turning off the car. He was already hard from the anticipation, that much was clear from the imprint on his sweatpants.
"You made it." he said a bit out of breath, his gaze peeking down to his crotch only momentarily, wanting to see her reaction now that she got a good look at what he was packing. At the pub she'd only felt it. Maybe she'd thought he'd shoved a cucumber in there. In a bit she'd know for sure.
Maya blew through two red lights, nervous driver that she was. She’d never made her Mercedes go that fast, but here she was. Not a good driver. Not a safe one definitely.
She hurriedly picked up the order. Her hands shaking, she wrote her number down on the receipt in the bag. Maybe he’d text her directly the next time instead of using the Tinder app.
Getting back into her car she got the idea of removing her dress. She struggled with it for a bit from the driver’s seat but finally she was free from it, tossing the dress to the back, looking down at the white lingerie.

And then she drove again, threat to herself & anyone who had the misfortune of driving that night. She wondered what would a cop think if she was caught - clad only in a white lacy bra and white panties.
She parked her car - badly and waited. She kept the lights on just in case he couldn’t find her car. He had to. He must.
She left the door open & saw Jim plant himself in the passenger seat. She was breathing heavily, her lush brown body revolting against her white lingerie.
She turned on the light in the car, only to see Jim’s massive package standing against his grey sweatpants. He was big. He was a monster. “May I?” she asked with a smile of lust written across her pretty brown face.
As Jim stepped into the car, he took everything in about his brown companion. His eyes widened as he noticed she was wearing the requested lingerie…and nothing else. He saw the look on her face too and where her eyes had been fixed.
"Not so fast." His hand reached up, gripping the back of her neck, pulling her head towards his side of the car. "I want to taste your lips first. Before they get all messy..." and with that he leaned in for a slow and passionate kiss, tonguing the older woman almost immediately, as his hand pulled hers onto his crotch.
As he broke the kiss, still gripping the back of her neck, he now shoved her head down to his crotch, lifting himself up a little as he pulled down his sweatpants. His cock sprang upwards, the tip smacking Maya in the forehead, leaving a stain of precum before dropping back down a bit.
Jim was uncut, his cock so hard that the foreskin had been pulled back, just below the rim of the bulbous purple tip, which glistened under the car light. His shaft was pale, with faint dark blue veins criss crossing it.
"Some girls say they can barely wrap their hands around it..." Jim reached for her hand, turning it around as if to inspect it. "I wonder if yours can."
As Jim grabbed Maya’s neck and she felt his tongue inside her mouth, all she could think was this was the first time he was really inside her. She hoped that it wouldn’t be the only time & only way that night. As he guided her face towards his crotch, Maya felt herself twitching in between her legs. Flutters all over her pussy.
It was finally happening. She was going to get a chance to please!
The first thing which came to Maya’s head as she saw Jim’s manhood was - Dragon. Ferocious and large and thick. It almost didn’t feel real. It was like the toys she’d seen in those shops in Amsterdam or those videos.
It was beautiful. It was pristine. A beautiful, pristine white cock all for her. She wondered if she could wrap her tiny brown hands against his magnificent cock.
She barely could. Her tiny brown wrists & fingers grasped desperately at his manhood but it was all swollen and inviting. For her. A sexy, sexy man with a massive beautiful white cock. Oh, what had she done to deserve this good fortune!
She slowly bent over, as her hair fell into Jim’s lap and began toying with his shaft with both her tiny hands. Her lips wrapped around his big head, she was shy at first - just kisses and light touches. As she felt Jim’s body shift under her, she kissed some more and started licking the head.
Maya could feel Jim’s manhood get agitated, it was trying to find more of its way inside her little brown mouth. But Maya didn’t know she could handle it, she’d never really taken one inside her mouth, far less touched such a big white one.
But like a great white shark after his prey, Jim’s manhood persisted, parting Maya’s full red lips as it slowly entered her mouth. It even tasted delicious. Or maybe she was that horny.
Maya had never expected something like this to happen to her, on a dark night in a car outside a university dormitory, her back all bare and her hair spread over a handsome stranger’s lap as she sucked him off. Correction - tried to suck him off. She didn’t want to let Jim down. She wanted him to enjoy her, as she enjoyed him.
Jim took a hold of Maya’s hair and tugged at it, as Maya followed his cues bobbing her brown mouth over his massive white cock. She wanted his hands all over him, so she took a long slurpy lick and got off his cock. She reached around and from the brown paper bag with the food got herself one of the rubber bands used to keep the food containers together. She tied her hair and resumed her womanly duties, but not before Jim unhooked her bra. She struggled out of it, her tiny brown shoulders smushing her large breasts together until they were finally free. She felt Jim feel them up, caress the nipples and smack them.
All Maya could think of was how hot those strong white hands looked over her big brown breasts. It’s where her breast belonged.
“You like them?” she asked, and Jim only grunted in approval. “Mhmm”.
He held her neck and pulled her in for a kiss, as she felt her body give in. He kissed her & tongued her, while he played with her breasts and turned her on. All Maya could think about was his white seed and how much she wanted it inside her.
As they kissed, Maya’s tiny hands stroked off his massive cock, whispering “I need your big white cock, daddy!”
“Yeah?” Jim teased her as he kissed and teased her.
“Yes” begged Maya.
“It needs to be wetter. Open your mouth.” Maya obediently opened her mouth as Jim took a good look at her and spat in her mouth.
“Now be a good girl and polish daddy’s cock.”
Maya bent over and started working Jim’s massive boner, leaving all her red lipstick over it. A minute ago it seemed ridiculously large, now she wanted nothing more. Or nothing less, she knew she could never go back, even if she had to buy him oysters every day of the week.
Maya sucked and licked and struggled, but could not fit all of Jim inside her mouth. She felt his hand on her head, slowly nudging her deeper and deeper, as she finally touched the base and gagged. Before she could take another breath, Jim was nudging her again, and she continued eating up his engorged white manhood.
As Maya struggled to keep Jim inside her, she felt his hand slowly reach over her behind, over her ample ass. She felt his fingers enter her white panties from behind, and find their way to her clitoris.
“So wet for me.” a grunt filled the car.
“Yeughhdaggy” Maya responded, with his cock in her mouth. He played with her as she sucked him off, and Maya could feel herself getting close to the edge. Pretty soon, the dams would be broken.
It was at that precise moment that she felt Jim’s fingers slip away.
“Me first.”
Maya doubled her efforts, and she felt Jim’s hips thrust back. Was he fucking her face?
The large slurping sounds continued, until she could feel Jim getting close. Surely, he was going to explode. So hard. Maya needed a breather, but Jim continued pushing her down while he pushed himself into her mouth - until Maya’s hands tapped & slapped his strong thighs. She was choking!
But Jim carried on, the struggle of this poor brown beauty only making him harder, if that was possible. Finally, with a grunt, Jim orgasmed.
Maya tried to struggle away, but Jim held her firm, submitting her to his power. Maya felt his sticky mess inside her mouth, and as she tried to spit some out she felt even more come in. There was only one way for the splooge, she had to swallow it.
As Maya finally struggled to break free, Jim let go and she finally took a breath, her mouth full of his cum, and sticky strings from her lips to his cock.
As Maya looked up at Jim with her big dark eyes, Jim said, “You made this mess. You clean it up.”
Obediently, Maya licked and swallowed every drop of Jim’s cum.
“I love your white cock daddy” she pleaded as she slurped up all his juices.
“Good girl. I have classes early tomorrow morning. Make yourself decent and drive yourself home.” said Jim.
Before Maya could protest, Jim had grabbed his food & was gone, a loud thud as he slammed the door. Maya sat there, her lipstick smudgy & sticky with cum and makeup undone. Hair all over the place. Breasts hanging out and her pretty white panties all wet.