Avid Roleplayer
- Joined
- Nov 19, 2023
Author's Note : Part 2 and as promised there's almost zero smut in this one either, although things are starting to heat up a bit, especially with those revealing dresses. As always feedback is welcome!
It had been almost a week since Jim had moved into his friend’s Terry’s home. Despite the initial chemistry between Jim and Terry’s mom, Jennifer, throughout this week they'd had little interactions here and there, merely passing through, a good morning here or a good evening there. She'd been a big part as to why Jim took the room in the first place but he hadn't really had the chance to talk much with her, due to the intensity of his workload.
In fact even Terry had gotten curious about how Jim's first week had gone. That teasing comment Terry had received, the thought of a guy with Jim's reputation in the same house as his mom, his father being gone for long periods of time, had indeed caused Terry more than a few sleepless nights. On the other hand, Terry trusted in his mom to be far more sensible than a college floozy that Jim could easily lure to his bed.
Now that the weekend was here and Jim had a bit more free time, he realized he needed to enjoy some more of Jennifer’s companionship. He came down the stairs, walking over to the kitchen where it was more likely to come across Jennifer. As he passed the threshold, Jim raised his eyes to Jennifer’s frame by the sink, he leaned against the door frame of the kitchen, smiling as she turned her face towards him a bit startled.
"I didn't mean to scare you." he smiled, noting that she’d made food for her husband Robert. Jim pushed himself off of the doorframe, walking over towards the laid food on the table. “It’s officially one week since I moved in. I’m kind of surprised Robert hasn’t torn up the lease agreement yet.” he added in jest.
Jennifer’s back had been facing Jim, the ties of her apron at her neck and right above her rear. She wasn’t wearing anything special of note, really. A pair of yellow bermuda shorts with a floral print top.
"Oh, it's okay." She replied, smiling but keeping her eyes on the dishes as she continued to work through them. There weren't many - she always did finish them while she cooked - but she also didn't want to be rude and keep her back to the young man for too long. “Nearly done.”
She was done with the dishes in just a moment, untying the apron and setting it aside. Her top did its best to hide her curves, but, considering their size, it was difficult to do so, especially when the rest of her figure was more slender than not. Letting her hair down, she gave him a small smile, watching as he moved to sit at the table... right where Robert's food was. She'd already eaten, so there was no place for her, and she'd put away the leftovers by now. A faint smirk grew on her face as she leaned against the counter. "If I were you, I wouldn't sit there. Who knows, Robert might shred that contract you're worried about if you eat his food." She teased lightly. He... could be moody sometimes, and she knew that well enough. While it was a jest of a remark, there was a hint of seriousness in her voice.
Jim settled into the seat, a satisfied smile on his face as he ignored her warning. Jennifer did not look like she was hungry at all, but regardless he pushed out the chair to his right. "Why don't you find us a good red and take a seat. I've got a favor to ask of you."
"If you do want some, though, I can heat you up a plate. It'll only take a moment." She hummed.
"And it's Friday. You're lucky I was going to get a glass for myself." She added playfully, humming to herself as she began to prepare a second plate for Jim. It was quick, and the food hadn't cooled enough in the fridge to require much reheating. She'd also taken her weekly bottle of red and uncorked it, pouring a second glass for Jim that she swirled lightly, taking a small sniff. While she was no sommelier, she did love the scent of a good red.
As soon as Jim's plate was heated, she brought it to the table. "Here. Taste for yourself if it's as good as your work." She teased, offering him the glass of wine before taking a seat for herself. "Now, what's this favor of yours?" She asked, swirling the glass, and crossing her legs as she sat. Settling her glass on the table, she took her hair out of the bun, relaxing as she watched the young man.
As Jim leaned back on the chair, he admired the view in front of him. It left the young man satisfied to reacquaint his gaze with what made this woman so special. Her deliciously thick hips and rear, her strikingly ginger hair and that loose top she had on. The way her body jiggled as she scrubbed the dishes, he could imagine the way her bosom would shake inside her top. He didn't need to imagine for long as she turned around just as the apron was untied, her bosom leaving quite the imprint onto her top, occupying the young man's attention so definitively that he had to try and recall her words to keep up with the conversation. He wanted so much more than just Robert's food.
"I'll take my chances with Robert." Jim declared diving into Robert’s plate.She did go and make him a second plate which would serve for Robert as Jim did not wait.
The big smile on Jim's face already gave her the answer and yet he took a sip out of the glass, whilst putting the second plate aside for Robert later.
"It's one of a kind." he remarked, cutting another piece of the ribs as he got another bite, letting out an audible 'Mmm'.
As she relaxed on her seat Jim shook his head with a smile, "I think you've irreparably spoiled me. I don't think I can ever stay late at work if you'll make such a delicious feast each time. Though I have to say having you here is what elevates this beyond anything else."
Then he recalled her question, "The favour, yes." he looked up, "I have a friend, a very good female friend of mine whose birthday is coming up quite soon. I'm required to get a gift and I'm kind of hopeless at that."
Jim picked up his fork again, cutting up another piece as he spoke nonchalantly.
"There's this new mall that's opened up, on Brook's Street? You know it? Yeah I've thought about heading over there to find something and..." Jim glanced at Jennifer, his gaze taking the whole of her in, his eyes noticeably lingering on her bosom.
"...I think I'd appreciate having a second opinion from a woman who carries herself so well." Jim waved his fork in the air. "You see, this friend of mine, she's not like other girls, an airhead..." he laughed. "...she carries herself in a quite unique way too. Having you help me pick something out would make for the perfect gift."
Jim knew he'd pushing things if he said this too, but fuck it. "Maybe you might try a few things yourself. You and her are not dissimilar..." he eyed her body to insinuate their forms were also identical.
Seeing Jim had already begun eating, she let out a sigh. Robert at least wouldn't be able to tell the difference, but it did bother her. Jennifer rolled her eyes, but a wide smile grew on her face at Jim's complimentary tone.
"You're too much." She teased, shaking her head. "It's not that impressive." She replied, but she ate up the compliments, giving him a faint smirk. "I can't promise you'll always have the company, but at least the food will be good." She replied, before taking a sip of her drink, listening as Jim explained himself and his favor.
The woman couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, you men should know better than to try picking out clothes for a lady." She teased, "A woman has her own tastes - and buying her clothes is one way to find out just what the opposite of those tastes are." She giggled a little more.
Was he really so bold as to try and get a girl something to wear? She had countless stories from her friends who had gotten worked up when their SOs tried to buy them something. Most of the time, they weren't exactly complimentary.
Another giggle escaped her. "At least you've the sense to ask another woman for advice. But if this lady friend of yours is like me, then I would suggest trying to find something different for her."
She watched him curiously as she swirled her glass. "I wouldn't want to help you only for her to not be appreciative of your efforts. Wouldn't that be such a waste? Even if I were to find something for myself..." She mused, then let out a little sigh, shrugging her shoulders. It had been a little since she'd gone shopping for herself, and the offer was tempting. Still, she couldn't see this being a very good idea for the young man. Especially if this girl friend of his was not an airhead.
Jim got a scoop of the mashed potatoes, the fork froze just before it reached his mouth as Jennifer's laughter echoed throughout the kitchen. She had quite a nice laugh. Not that Jim was all that versed in gifts and things of that nature. Really those typically came with committed relationships, something that was rather alien to Jim, but she was making the case for him, something that he appreciated.
"Yeah well, that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid." he added, nodding ardently. "It's good to know your limitations and ask for backup when necessary."
Putting down the forkful of mashed potatoes, Jim reached for the wine. Taking a sip, loving the way the crimson liquid coated his tongue as Jennifer made him aware of her reservations. Her words put him in thought, Jim glanced upwards momentarily, before setting the glass of wine down with a click of his tongue against his cheek.
"You're not doubting yourself are you?" he wondered with a hint of a smile on his face. Taking in a breath, his face acquiring a more serious look. "This friend of mine is someone quite special and it is true I want to make a good impression. I wouldn't ask just anyone to help me out." Jim leaned back on the chair.
"There's something about you Jennifer, it's hard to put my finger on it, but it's sort of everywhere, the house, the way you talk, your mannerisms, your clothes, an air of sophistication that I can tell you is rare as a unicorn among my usual company. So you'd be perfect for what I have in mind, don't you doubt that. Unless of course there are other considerations..."
Jim picked up the fork again, averting her gaze. "Your son or is it your husband...?"
"Doubting myself?" She raised an eyebrow at the slight challenge, listening as Jim eloquently explained what he meant. Her eyebrow inclined at the insinuation that she had reservations because of her husband or because of Terry. That had nothing to do with what she'd told him. Nor was she really doubting herself at all. She swirled her glass, peering through it, thinking to herself on what to tell the young man. The invitation was tempting, certainly. Still, it felt as though she would be setting him up for failure - not because of herself, but because a woman like herself wouldn't like receiving clothing as a gift.
"I'm surprised you keep company like myself." She teased him lightly, leaning forward and setting the glass down. Jennifer gave Jim an accidental look down her blouse, but it was truly impossible for her to actually hide it.
"I don't know your friend - what her style is, who she's trying to impress, what she prefers... Just because two women are similar, doesn't mean they've got the same sense." She offered, though she was certain that the young man already knew this well enough. Still, she smiled. "But if you're so set on leaving an impression like this, then..."
She shrugged her shoulders, leaning back. "I could find some time to help you." She offered with a smile. "When would you like to go? I'll have to make sure Robert and I don't have anything planned." To be fair, the two didn't have very frequent plans together.
Jim swallowed hard, the words stuck to his throat as Jennifer leaned down, the patterned top hanging just just enough to form almost like a tunnel straight down her cleavage. Her breasts hung down slightly, though were still confined in her bra for the most part.
At her explanation Jim nodded along, not wanting to say it, but thinking it. Babe you're overthinking this, just come. I want you there with me.
In the end the decision Jim wanted was taken. He set the fork down. "Well today's Friday, tomorrow's Saturday. Tomorrow will work for me. I have to get some work done in the morning, right after lunch should be fine."
As for their plans not clashing with any plans she might have with Robert, Jim took it at face value. He thought for a moment. "I can take care of Robert if you like. I can have Terry occupy him." Jim knew he could pull strings as far as Terry was concerned and it wouldn't cost him much to call his father and have lunch or some other mundane stuff to free up his lovely mom.
Hearing some stirring upstairs, Jim knew his time was up. Not that he cared that much about confronting Robert. It's just he couldn't be bothered to do it. "This was great." he says and gets up on his feet. "Find out for tomorrow and text me." he instructed her, his hand placed on her shoulder, giving it a small squeeze. "Night." and with that Jim walked off.
Jim was... well, a little demanding, the way that he spoke to her. Jennifer didn't quite appreciate it, but she let it slide for now. While she was trying to be a good host, she did not want him to feel entitled to her help. Still, as he made the plans, she nodded along. She didn't have any plans tomorrow, that much she already knew, so she shook her head, waving her hand as he said he could get Terry to occupy him.
"Don't worry about that." That was an odd statement, though. Getting Terry to occupy him? It certainly did sound like Jim had something to motivate her son to do things for him. It was concerning, but not enough for her to really be that concerned. Only if she knew, would she bother. Terry had made himself exceptionally clear when he went to college that he 'was no longer a baby' and that he refused to be coddled. Jennifer, as much as she hadn't appreciated it, was simply letting Terry be the adult that he was.
Tomorrow Jim got some work down from his laptop. When noon came along he realized he was still in his underwear in bed. He decided to change into something more appropriate as he waited for Jennifer to confirm the timing on her end, a plan black T-shirt, dark jeans and sneakers.
The next morning, after she and Robert had eaten, she went upstairs to get changed. Nothing too fancy, of course, and something she could change out of relatively quickly if she wanted to try on something. She opted for jean shorts and a floral blouse with short sleeves. They were only going to the mall, after all. She'd told Robert that she was going out, and he didn't seem to care too much, having holed himself into their office - he truly did work too much. That did make it easy as she waited in the kitchen, sending a text to the young man upstairs.
"I'm ready to go whenever you are." She sent, standing and checking to make sure she had what she needed. Her purse and keys, her phone…
Jim had taken note of Robert's car in the driveway. It meant her husband was still in the house and perhaps she wouldn't get the chance to free up like he'd expected. He was ready to call on Terry and ask for a favour when instead the screen of his phone lit up with a message from Jennifer.
Moments later Jim appeared at the base of the stairs, looking over to Jennifer, taking in her outfit. "I'm ready as well. look great." he added.
The outfit certainly could not hide her hefty bosom, but more so her elegant legs were also on full display which was more of a rare treat. Particularly because of the dream he had last night : That lovely dinner concluded with the best dessert he'd ever had...Jennifer getting on the table, spreading her legs for him as he ate her out.
The mall wasn't that far, but with the heat, he knew it wouldn't be convenient to walk. "We're taking Robert's car?" Jim questioned at first, before nodding, answering his own question.
"Yeah we are. We could walk, but arriving at the mall drenched in sweat and panting is not what I had in mind." Jim at that moment smirked, imagining the woman exactly that...sweaty and panting for breath, yet in an altogether different context. Jim turned towards the bowl of keys by the door, picking out the keyfob of Robert's car.
"Come on, I'll drive." beckoned Jennifer towards him as he reached towards the door. Moments later Jim was in the driver's seat as Jennifer stepped into the passenger's side.
Jennifer smiled at the little compliment. "Thank you," she replied.
"You look sharp yourself." She returned lightly, glancing at him. Certainly more stylish that her son would have been, but that didn't matter too much. Jim was a different set than her boy, that much was for sure. Either way, as Jim took the keys, the woman didn't complain. She never did care for driving, only doing so when she really needed to. Her own car would have been fine, but Robert wouldn't have minded them taking his car, either. At least, he probably thought she was driving, so there wasn't any issue there.
The car was on the way, the young man stealing a glance, her legs drawing the most attention, though the way the seatbelt ate into her cleavage was also impressive. "I thought about what you said last night. I got the impression that you weren't too certain that clothes would be a good gift for you. Or a woman like you more accurately. It got me wondering what you'd want instead..."
Soon enough, the two were on their way to the mall. Jennifer idly looked outside, unaware of Jim's gaze of her long legs, or his view of the seatbelt hidden between the valley of her breasts. As he spoke up, she turned her attention back to the young man. She let out a laugh.
"Oh, I made no sort of statement like that, I'll have you know." She teased. "I do love getting clothes - except, clothes that I picked out. Not that someone else did." She replied with a smile on her face. "I only said that gifting clothes to someone - a woman like myself - is a risky business." She explained herself. "If you're going to give a gift to me - one that I didn't pick out - don't give me clothes."
She let out a soft laugh, looking forward again. "If you were to give me something that I didn't pick out... Jewellery. Something not too gaudy. That's something that I would like. It doesn't have to be expensive either - but don't get something that looks cheap." She went on, her hands resting on her thighs. "Your friend might appreciate that."
Right about then, their short ride had come to an end as Jim had pulled up into the mall's parking lot, driving amidst the rows of parked cars, finding a spot towards the end as Jennifer explained that clothes would be a risky gift for a woman like her.
"Really?" he called out with a tone that indicated clothes were indeed what he had in mind. As the car came to a halt, Jim glanced over pondering the suggestion she'd made about jewellery. "I get what you're saying, but I vehemently disagree." doing so with an easy smile. "Come on, let's head inside." he stepped outside, waiting for Jennifer to join him as he stood in front of the car.
"I'm of the opinion that jewellery, little ornaments and such merely try to add to a woman's beauty and charm. Certainly can be handy for certain women, but for others, like my friend and you..." he looked at her as she walked over to him. "I think their beauty is staring one in the face." he eyed down her body. "It's merely a matter of letting it out. Clothes accomplish that better than jewellery."
As she joined him, Jim turned to walk towards the main door that led into the mall, the wave of cool air greeting them was a welcome respite from the sweltering heat outside. The section of the mall they went into was the food quarter, food stalls lining the sides of the wide, crowded corridor.
The clothes and jewellery stores were deeper into the building. "Let's go grab a drink before we get the party started." Jim suggested, deviating Jennifer towards a small coffee shop in the corner, he placed his hand on the small of her back to guide her to it and simply let his hand linger on it until they reached the counter. "I'll get an ice green tea." he told the barista, removing his hand as he took his wallet out. "Jennifer? It's on me by the way."
The older woman shrugged her shoulders, stepping out of the car as he parked it. Listening to him, she shook her head as he continued his explanation, a smile on her face. "Oh, you might have a little bit of a point." She hummed, a smile on her face. "True, it is meant as an addition. Or, it could draw one's attention to something a woman might want to highlight. Think of... say, a necklace." She offered, walking along with the young man.
"Drawing one's eyes further down, with a complimentary outfit might draw his attention elsewhere, something that she wants." She kept a smile on her face.
"And you should also consider that the beauty of the item itself is a gift and provokes a woman like myself to consider other outfits that could make use of such an... 'additional' trinket or ornament. For letting out that beauty of theirs. The provocation helps, and it isn't as useless as you think."
Jim wasn't going to give so easily to her explanations, she knew, and she herself did not agree with the young man either. But that was okay. He could pick out whatever outfit he wanted for his friend and take that risk if he so chose. As for herself... well, she might pick out something. Maybe for a datenight for her husband later this month. He had been exceptionally stressed as of late, so something to get his mind off of that would be good.
Still, the line for coffee wasn't too bad. A smile grew on her face, glancing at the young man. He was bold to place his hand at her back, though she didn't brush it away. Considering it was after lunch, the crowd was getting thicker, so the light touch was just to keep her close. It was just an innocent gesture. "Your internship paying you well?" She teased lightly, moving to make her order. "Salted caramel cold brew."
To others, maybe the touch looked more affectionate, the way it lingered. She certainly had to look older, plenty older, than Jim himself, though perhaps people didn't really see it that way.
After Jim paid, Jennifer stepped to the side with him, waiting for their drinks to be made. "So this friend of yours... a friend from college?" She asked. "What sort of clothing were you thinking of getting her? Something for special occasions? For regular wear?"
At her comment about his internship paying him well, he smiled whilst putting the change in his wallet and then reinserting it into his jeans backpocket.
"Irrelevant in this case. I was taught to never let a lady pay," he replied, though not drawing attention to the fact that the lady in this case was twice his age.
He was suddenly reminded of that fact by the glances they were getting from the other patrons of the coffee place. Even the barista had a curious look for a moment as if she was wondering if the two were mother and son, certainly the age ranges would fit though the way Jim's hand lingered on her back as they approached the bar would speak against it.
As they waited for their drinks, Jim looked up. "Aah, could say that." he replied to her question about this friend being one from college. "Well she's not someone who goes out a lot so I'd like to encourage more of that. In fact she's stuck in a rather monotonous routine for ages now that I just know is not good for her. Giving her one more reason to enjoy herself a bit would be a nice gift in my opinion." Jim reached for the two drinks, offering Jennifer hers as he turned to scan the place for a free table.
"There's one at the back." he said and right then his free hand slid onto the small of her back again, guiding her as they swerved through the busy tables and other patrons. When somepatron was getting up, Jim had to swipe Jennifer out of the way, his fingers dug into the fabric of her jeans to pull her towards him, yet the bottom part of his hand rested a bit too low, almost at the top of her butt. "Careful." he let out, continuing onto their table as if nothing happened and yet he did not correct the downward slide of his hand, only taking it off entirely as he offered her chair to sit.
Jim sat across from her, a smile playing on his face. "What about you? I feel like you're in a similar spot to my friend, but as you made it clear during the house viewing, you're content with where you are." pausing for a moment before adding "Or was it very content? I'm a bit foggy on that." he chuckled as a hint of irony laced his words whilst he recalled how she'd made it clear there was more to marriage than making the bed rock.
"I wonder if you ever think about perhaps doing something differently if you were to go back?” he leaned in to take a sip of his tea, glancing up at her eyes.
Once the two had received their drinks, Jennifer followed Jim on towards the back of the cafe. She made no mention of him tugging her aside nor where he had touched at all, though she was conscious of it. Just to keep her out of the way for a moment, considering she hadn't quite been paying attention. Her own fault.
As they sat, she crossed her legs, watching the young man across from him as he explained what this girl was like, nodding her head thoughtfully. Jim's thoughts of getting this girl out was... interesting to say the least. Giving her something nice to wear out... well, she would let him live his fancy, if that was what he chose to do. If a woman didn't want to go out, or she had her own routine that she preferred... well, men could be stubborn, but so could women, she had to admit.
Jennifer laughed lightly, sipping on her coffee, hearing the light clatter of ice in it as she swirled it a moment afterwards. "Oh, I am quite content, thank you very much." She replied, giving him a nod of the head. "I doubt I would change much, if anything."
She pondered for a moment. Well, her life was good. Easy, normal. She could basically do as she pleased, and she never really had an empty purse. Maybe she could have enjoyed her youth a little more, but the years were gone now, and her family was more important now. Besides, what more could she really want? Then again, if only Robert was a little more... no, she was fine. Even if it wasn't often, she was pleased enough when she and Robert had sex.
Looking back to Jim, she offered him a smile. "No, I can't think of anything." It wasn't really a lie now, was it? No, it wasn't. She sipped at her coffee, uncrossing and recrossing her legs as she relaxed back. "Where do you want to look first?" She asked, changing the subject. Jim had brought her here to help him shop, but she was sure had something in mind for where he wanted to look.
Jim leaned back against the chair of the cafe, taking a quick look around. He did not fail to miss that some of the curious glances from the other patrons persisted. The way he'd let his hand linger on Jennifer's back as he led her to the table likely raised more eyebrows, so it was understandable. Besides that they weren't doing anything untoward.
If anything, Jim can easily recall far more scandalous dates, ones where the virtue of patience had failed him and some of the bedroom rituals might have started in public places.
Likely this was the fact why Terry wasn't all that concerned about Jim and his mom despite the young man's reputation. It was improbable that his mom would fall for any of his tricks. Made even more improbable by the fact that Jennifer was 'quite content' seemingly.
Jim pursed his lips, drawing in a breath through his nose as he reached for his tea. Taking a sip Jim looked down, smiling to himself as she reconfirmed that she couldn't think of anything she'd change. "Okay..." he nodded as he gave the tea a small swirl around the cup with the wooden stirring stick.
Finally he looked up, locking eyes with her. "You're quite stubborn too, you know that?" not hiding the fact she'd given him the opposite answer of what he expected or wanted to hear, but offering that typical smile of his regardless.
He took another sip of the tea, before glancing towards the wave of people streaming towards the inner part of the mall and shops therein. "Well I do have a few ideas." Jim mused out loud. "I am tempted however to let you pick out your first destination. What's the point of bringing along a fashion expert if you don't heed her advice, huh?” He raised an eyebrow, enjoying more of the tea, a small smack of his lips filling the air as set the cup down.
"So think as if you're going to be the recipient of this gift. Imagine a very good friend, maybe someone who wants to be more than just a friend. What would you like him to bring you?" he raised his hand briefly.
"Naturally within the budget of someone with an internship." he clarified with a smile. "I thought about this gift in terms of what I want out of my friend, instead of thinking what she might want. I still think I am not 100% wrong, but I'm curious to know what you'd come up with Jennifer." he let his voice trail off just as he got up to leave. "Shall we?"
"Stubborn? I have no idea what you mean." She replied jovially, a smirk on her face.
A bit of her knew that the young man was hoping for something else, that he was hoping to say that marriage wasn't all that, that she wished she could be wild and live a fun life. To be truthful, that wasn't unappealing, but it wasn't what she desired. She enjoyed her stable little life. It was comfortable. It was different from what the young man with his plenty of airheaded girls lived, but that was completely okay. He could live his life. She would live hers.
A sigh escaped her lips, her eyes wandering away for a moment to the crowd of people, then back to Jim. "I still feel that you're not quite right, but if that's what you want..."
If she were to have someone give her something... well, her husband came to mind. If he gave her a dress for the two to go out on a date in, then maybe she would like it. God knows he would never do that, considering that she'd told him not to buy her clothes on many occasions.
Standing up, she swirled her empty cup - she'd been idly sipping through it and hadn't noticed it was gone until he asked if she was ready to go. "Of course."
There were a couple of little boutique shops that she did like and if she was going to pick out something for herself on this trip, then maybe a nice dress for a dinner out with her husband would be good. Might as well pick out something she liked and something for Jim to give this friend of his. Waiting for him, the two set out into the mall. The crowds had picked up a little more now, so she stayed close beside Jim.
Jim shook his head slightly as she made her doubts known, a small smile peeking through. "I suppose this doesn't reflect that well on me, but you're the first woman I've come across who's so opposed to each and everyone of my suggestions. I don't know if it's good or bad that I find that intriguing." he confessed just as they headed out onto the throng of people streaming deeper inside the mall.
"Let's see…" She murmured, eyeing stores for a moment, then nudged Jim. "That one. Let's head there." She pointed out one. It was a modern store, the storefront displaying mannequins with dresses and accessories.
As they approached the string of shops, walking past them Jim's eyes scanned the mannequins displayed on the windows, whilst also glancing at the patrons. Some stores were blatantly not what they were after. Forever 21, H&M and so on, a bunch of young girls, nothing that would suit the lovely curves of his companion. Jennifer picked something out that held quite a bit of promise.
"Alright, let's go." Jim echoed, leading the way to the store. Just as they passed the threshold of the door, a smiling shopping assistant approached them.
"Hello there, what can I help you with today ma'am?" she saw Jim standing nearby but she clearly assumed he was separate.
"Sir, are you looking for a gift for your girlfriend? I'll have my colleague be right with you." and she turned her body towards Jennifer entirely.
Jim smiled, as he placed a hand across Jennifer's waist. "We're together," he declared. "And we'll just browse for now, if we need anything, we'll give you a shout." and with that he pressed his hand into Jennifer's back, guiding her away from the shopping assistant and deeper into the boutique.
Jennifer peered over to her compatriot as he introduced them as being together. She looked back to the shopkeeper, giving her a gentle smile. "I think we'll be fine, thank you." She replied hastily, before Jim could whisk her off as he placed his hand at her back.
The shopkeeper definitely peered at the two of them curiously, her brow knitting tightly as she watched the two. They seemed much too different, but after a moment, the shopkeeper decided it wasn't worth worrying about and went back to the register to wait for any new patrons.
Jim ran his fingers through a rack of dresses, as Jennifer took her time picking out something. There was this one dress that did stand out to Jim. He glanced over to see Jennifer occupied next to another rack. He pulled the coat hanger with the dress on it and walked over.
"I know I told you to pick, but what do you think about this?" he held up the dress "It caught my eyes instantly. Though I'm not sure how it would fit her...'' he eyed Jennifer from the corner of his eyes. "You two are the same, if you tried it on then I'd know for sure."
There were already some people in the shop, but most were alone. Generally, they looked similarly aged to Jennifer, anywhere from their 30s to early 50s. It didn't bother Jennifer - some girls might have had mature tastes. To be honest, though, she was really looking for herself and ignoring what Jim had asked her. Peering through a couple of racks, she had already picked out a couple dresses that she did like.
Still, she glanced at Jim as he came over to her.
"Oh?" She looked at it over a moment, then smiled. "As long as you think that she'd enjoy the style." She replied lightly, picking out her own dresses as well.
A smirk grew on her face. "Well, I did come here to go shopping for myself too." She teased lightly, looking at his choice, then taking it. "Mm..." Inspecting it, she did think it would fit, before giving him a nod. "Okay, well, I'll try it on in a moment." She offered, taking the three outfits and heading on into the changing room for herself. "Wait out here, I'll just be a few."
Of course, it took a moment to get the dress fitted just right - she had her buxom bosom to thank for that. But a few minutes later, she stepped out, wearing a floral dress that was rather tight. The cups of the dress drew her bosom up so tightly that it looked as if her tits were ready to spill out over the top. "Well?"
Jim waited outside, looking over a few other dresses when he heard footsteps coming out from around the corner where the changing rooms were. Soon as Jennifer came into view the young man froze.
The floral fabric wrapped tightly and yet elegantly around her form, highlighting her perfectly curvaceous figure and more importantly the cups of the dress swelled to accommodate the outline of her breasts which seemed to be pushed up and forming the deepest and most inviting cleavage.
He could not resist taking a few steps closer. "Wow! It's..." he found it hard to hide the fact where his attention was focused...sure enough taking the whole of her in, but yeah, the main event was evidently on her bosom.
He shook his head in a bit of disbelief. "Your husband is one lucky man." he admitted, "It'd also look great on my friend..." he laughed a bit, clearly that consideration was now secondary. "You're not wearing a bra underneath, yeah?" He raised an eyebrow.
Jennifer was by no means oblivious to the ample bosom she was showing. Oftentimes it made finding clothes for herself incredibly difficult - dresses cut for her figure often never accounted for such a large bust. Hence, most dresses that she wore always highlighted that curvature of hers, and this dress Jim had chosen was no different. She had to take a moment to tug the dress up before she had even stepped out, feeling like her tits might pop up the top.
She laughed, shaking her head at Jim's response. "Oh, where have I heard that before...?" She teased, remembering that was something he'd said when she had first met him.
Rolling her eyes slightly, she turned her back to him as Jim asked about her bra, letting the tight fabric around her hips cling to her backside. "What's it to you if I am?" She hummed lightly, looking over her shoulder back at the young man, then forward again, admiring herself in a mirror.
She could be vain, sometimes, and when she was dressing up like this, she certainly was.
"And you think your friend would look good in this?" She turned back to face him, smiling as she did. "Well, she'll find it a little tight. Just around here..." Her hands gestured broadly, serving to draw Jim's attention to her breasts. "But otherwise it fits very nicely."
The smiling shopping assistant that had greeted them at the door was craning up her neck to look over the racks of clothes towards the part of the boutique where Jim and Jennifer were right now. Mostly this part of the store was deserted. Her eyes seemed to ask whether Jim and his companion needed any help.
Jim locked eyes with her, quickly shaking his head to tell her no, the last thing he wanted was to lose this little bit of privacy they had in this corner of the store.
Jim positioned himself right behind Jennifer, conscious of the reflection on the mirror, he didn't want to betray the fact that he was intently focused on how Jennifer's butt filled out the dress so nicely. The moment she turned her head to look over her shoulder Jim forced his gaze up.
The sultry tone of her answer about the bra made him narrow his eyes. "It's not for me, it's for my friend. It'd be nice to know if she'll need to let her 'girls' free or not?"
More questions followed as she turned around, that little gesture with her hand failed utterly in drawing Jim's attention to her bosom, because it already was there. Unable to resist the temptation, the young man took a few paces forward. If before the relative height would allow him to peek down through that lovely gap between her tits, this time around, the tight dress had smushed her tits together in such a way that the delightful gap was vanishingly small.
"I very much doubt she'd look as good as you do right now. As for the tightness..." he raised his hand, one finger hooking under one of the straps over Jennifer’s shoulder, pulling at it to test how taut it was. He knew his hand touching her like that was dangerous, but there was only so much self-control Jim could exercise.
"Ooh that's very tight...but, I think my friend will be alright. She's certainly not as 'blessed' as you are. Very few women are."
Truthfully, she wasn't wearing a bra, the dress tight enough and with enough support to keep her bosom up as Jim peered over her. She knew where he was looking - most men looked there as well. Though, as he stepped forward and tugged at the strap, she was definitely surprised. She laughed lightly at his remark, brushing his hand away from the strap, though. No need for him to be that familiar with her - and she wasn't about to invite more touches from him either. The small touches in the coffee shop and in the crowd were one thing, but that was another.
"You don't need to remind me. I know well enough about that." She replied with a smirk on her face.
"So? Suitable for your friend?" She asked, doing one more small twirl, simultaneously stepping back from the young man. "If it is, I'm going to go and try one my own dresses..." She murmured, tossing her hair back slightly, tilting her head and smiling warmly to the young man.
"You might want to pick out some shoes for her too - go the extra mile, if you're going to try and get her into something you think she should wear." She teased.
The woman was keenly aware of what was and what wasn't appropriate in this dynamic that they'd established and she had been quick to shoo away his wandering hand. Jim mirrored her, taking a step back himself as she did, his fingers gently clasping his chin as he seemed to ponder. "I think so. Very suitable." he finally confirmed.
At her comment about shoes, Jim tossed his eyes back for a moment. Truth be told, the woman standing in front of him had dazzled him to such a degree that he hardly thought it possible he could concentrate on picking out shoes. "I think it is far more important to hang around for a bit more, give you my 2 cents on the dresses you picked. Least I could do for you helping me out." His graciousness was largely impacted by the fact that he’d taken a peek at the dresses she’d picked out and they were just as if not more revealing than his choice. Especially a white dress that seemed to have a large opening out in the front, the kind that likely revealed 80% of the tit, straps to the side merely covering the nipples.
When Jennifer was away Jim had to fend off the smiling shopping assistant who veered over this way.
"Does the madam need any assistance? Have you two found what you were looking for?" she asked kindly.
"We're set on one dress. Very likely the madam will get the rest as well. I think we're good for now, but I'll make sure to ask for you when we need you." Jim let out politely, keeping an eye out for the corner that led to the changing rooms.
She laughed at Jim’s suggestion to stick around and watch her essentially model for him. Well, a little modelling never hurt, she thought to herself. Originally, she was going to just try them on herself, but what was the harm in letting Jim see and offer his own thoughts? She knew what she liked, and... well, she thought she knew what her husband liked too. Either way, she nodded her head, swivelling on her feet and sauntered off to the dressing room.
Jennifer had picked out a strapless tube black dress.
She inspected the outfit in the mirror of the dressing room first, swivelling one way, then the other, enjoying how the black dress hung off her shoulders and cut slightly down her cleavage. Her hands moved to press her bosom up a little, though the dress supported it well enough, ample amount of her breasts shown just above the neckline. She smiled, then walked out, a couple moments after Jim had dismissed the shopping assistant.
"What do you think?" She asked, looking over herself. "I like it." She hummed.
A slight frown came over Jim's countenance as the black fabric peeked back at him soon as Jennifer rounded off the corner. It wasn't the white dress, though...he tilted his head to the side slightly, taking a better look down the woman's figure and the way the dress hugged it. Maybe he was a bit quick to jump to conclusions. The black dress was elegant, short enough to tease the woman's lovely thighs and naturally her best assets were nicely on display, offering a nice peek at her cleavage, whilst the tops of her breasts sort of swelled upwards above the neckline.
Jim crossed his arms over his chest as he tilted his head, his gaze running down her frame. "It's niceee..." his voice trailed off, a hint of uncertainty painting the words. He clicked his tongue off of his cheek before narrowing his eyes, focusing down at Jennifer's legs. "It doesn't really do justice to your two most attractive assets." he added with a small laugh, referring to her breasts. "It comes close to redeeming itself further South, but I just think if it was a couple inches shorter it'd be infinitely better."
A laugh escaped her lips as Jim explained himself, the woman rolling her eyes a little bit. "I suppose we'll disagree there too." She replied, moving her hands to bounce her bosom very slightly, the tops of her breasts peeking up further over the black fabric that held them back. Of course he would say something like that - but she liked the dress, despite his own desires. Besides, it wasn't for him, anyways. It was for Robert - and sort of for herself as well.
She laughed again at his mention of the dress being too long. "Oh, you like when girls dress like that, do you?" She teased, a smirk on her face.
"Well, that's not really my style, personally." She replied, glancing at the hem of her dress. Just a little past her mid thighs... and he wanted it further up? Of course she'd seen girls wearing less - Terry's new girlfriend wore something that barely past her ass in half the pictures that Jennifer had seen from her son. Maybe it was just something boys liked here.
Either way, she let out a little breath. "I'm going to get it." She decided, smiling at Jim.
"I like it." Glancing to the mirror, she admired herself a moment longer, then glanced at him. "One more, and then we can head home. Or, maybe I can help you with shoes for your friend."
Jim echoed her laughter. "I suppose we wi-” which was then almost cut off in an abrupt fashion as her bosom began to bounce rather vigorously.
Right then and there he couldn't help but think of that tight dress hiked up, all the way past her hips, her legs spread to straddle his hips, Jim sat on a chair as she rode him, bouncing up and down on his co-
Jim had to shake his head a bit to dismiss this particular train of lewd thoughts and snap back to reality as she posed that question to him. "Well the girls I've fooled around with, to tell the truth they're not very 'blessed' up there, as you know very well." Jim rolled his eyes, echoing her previous sentiment when she admitted to the fact that not many other women were gifted with such a hefty bust.
"So if they don't have much to write home about up there..." he eyed her bosom. "...they attempt to make things interesting down there." his gaze fell down to her legs. Jim let out a sigh, stopping himself from elaborating further.
It was a nice dress regardless, though it paled in comparison to the first one she tried and the white one, which he was certain would be mind blowing. Still he knew enough of Jennifer to realise she was going to get it regardless, so he saved his breath.
Instead he raised his index finger, wagging it to indicate 'no'. "I won't hang around to check out the third one. I just know it'll be the best out of the three and..." I want you to wear it for me in a more intimate setting he wanted to say, but was well aware that would be insinuating too much. "...and I'd rather head to the cash counter and pay for the first dress." he finished the sentence finally.
With that, Jim turned around and stepped away. He found the helpful shopping assistant and paid for the first dress that was supposedly for his friend. In the midst of it, he told her to charge his card for the white dress too. It'd be his gift to Jennifer, despite his finances not really permitting it, but what the hell!
She laughed lightly at his response. Well, considering his attentions today - she'd very clearly seen where they had been - she was not surprised at his thoughts. The white dress was small for her, but she did like the design.
"Suit yourself." She replied, turning on her heels and heading right back into the dressing room. She didn't think too much of it, stripping from the black dress and sliding on the white one
Admiring herself in the mirror, she toyed with the window to her breasts a little. IT was definitely on the small side, but it covered enough of her to feel fine going on a date with Robert in. He would love it, sharing at least some of Jim's proclivities when it came to that. She debated taking a picture and sending it to him, then decided it would be a surprise for her husband. She had some nice heels to go along with it, a beautiful necklace and pearl earrings that would be exactly what the dress needed…
It was a little while later that she returned, both dresses resting over her arm as she came to the register. "Just these two, thank you." She spoke to the assistant, who gave her a curious look. "What?" She asked the attendant.
"The white dress, the young man has paid for already." She replied.
Jennifer glanced towards her compatriot, then laughed, paying off the black dress. "Does that internship of yours pay that much?" She asked incredulously. Why in the world would he pay for it?
Jim stood up from one of those seat things that were placed in the middle of mall hallways for frustrated husbands to wait for their wives to come out of the store. He looked at the bags that Jennifer brought out, finding the one with the first dress and holding out his hand for it. At Jennifer's question Jim just waved it off. "Not really, but I wanted to say thanks for your help today."
Their little shopping trip done, it wasn't long before they headed back home. Jim got his shopping bag with the first dress he'd picked out as Jennifer got the other two. Sure enough he teased her a few times on the way, but nothing too pushy, though the young man's interest in the older woman was certainly not very well-concealed.
It did not suit Jim all that well to find out that Jennifer intended to wear one of the dresses, likely the white one in an anniversary thing that was coming up with Robert. Regardless he kept his mouth shut, knowing that this one would require patience.
As they stepped back inside the house, Jim stopped at the foot of the stairs, as Jennifer was going to head to the kitchen or to Rober's study. "Hey, I had fun today. We should do it again sometime." with that he headed back up.
As soon as they'd arrived home, Jennifer only nodded her head to him. It had been enjoyable, sure, though it wasn't something she felt she would repeat. Helping himm help his friend - although, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that friend didn't exist. She giggled to herself. Had he bought two dresses solely to impress her and flirt with her? He was indeed barking up the wrong tree. Anyways, she found her way into Robert's study to find him, pressing a light kiss to his cheeks. "Honey, you've been working yourself raw. I know you're busy, but why don't we find some time next weekend to go out to dinner? Maybe Friday evening?" She kissed his cheek again, massaging his shoulders lightly. The man only glanced to her, then gave a nod. "Sure." It was... underwhelming of a response, but Jennifer was glad enough that he'd agreed. "Love you." "Mm.." He grunted out, and she sighed again, kissing his cheek then leaving him be.
That anniversary night thing wasn't far off and somehow, someway, Jim felt he'd be involved. How exactly? He could not tell.
==== THE WINE ====
Another week passed. Jennifer did see Jim occasionally, but he did appear to be quite busy. This internship really was working him - or he was going to see acquaintances, which was more than fine for Jennifer.
She still thought about that particular evening, when Jim had had some girl over to his bedroom. Jennifer had heard the girl for three hours straight. God, she did hope for at least a little action tonight on her anniversary night with her husband Robert.
She was starved for attention in a way her hand simply could not satisfy. Taking her time getting ready, she'd made reservations for 7 tonight. It was Friday, so usually Robert was home by then, and she'd texted him a few times throughout the day just to make sure he knew. It always said he read them, even if he didn't always respond.
Maybe it was subconscious, or maybe because of Jim's statement the week prior, Jennifer had decided on the white dress. Robert would love it. She'd found herself admiring herself again, adjusting the 'window' to her bosom, to just cover enough to be appropriate for going out. She'd done up her makeup, only light touches really, with a pair of pearl earrings and matching necklace. That floral perfume that Robert loved, as expensive as it was, she used. Strappy black heels as well, and she'd taken the time to curl her hair very loosely for him.
He'd need to get home at around 6:30 - Robert hadn't said to meet at the restaurant. Jennifer was ready. And... she waited. She texted her husband. Once, twice. The third time, around 6:50, she got a response. And that was why, about an hour later, she was more than halfway through a bottle of wine, swirling a near empty glass with a dour look on her face, mumbling to herself.
So work had gone long, had it? He wouldn't be done until 9? A week was plenty enough time to adjust his schedule, wasn't it? Couldn't he have just taken a little time off? He already worked all damn weekend anyways, why couldn't he have just ignored the meeting and come out with her?
Jim had chanced upon Jennifer from time to time since their little outing together. He was well aware that she'd planned a big night with her husband and Jim was certain she was going to wear one of the dresses she'd picked out whilst she was out with Jim.
The fact that that weasley bastard, Robert would get to savour her in a dress that Jim had helped pick out did not sit all that well with the young man.
Worst of all, that gleeful smile on Jennifer's face that morning had convinced him that the usually occupied Robert would actually make some time to attend this dinner she'd planned. That fact alone had Jim trepidatious about returning home. Last thing he wanted was to hear Robert and Jennifer going at it.
He let out a sigh whilst checking out the time. Being Friday most everyone had already headed home and Jim could not postpone it any longer. He grabbed his things and headed out of the office. Being Casual Friday he was wearing a pair of jeans with a grey shirt.
The young man figured he'd just drop his work stuff at home, maybe grab a quick shower and go out tonight. One of his friends from college was spending a few days in town and it'd be good to recall some of that wild partying they were so used to on term time. Not seeing Robert's car in the driveway, made Jim think he'd already picked up Jennifer and they were in some restaurant by now. To his surprise however, he heard some noises from the kitchen upon entering the house. That was odd.
The scratch of a glass bottle against the counter was heard as Jim drew closer to the kitchen, some unintelligible sounds also grew louder. Jennifer had not left yet? Turning the corner he confirmed as much.
The look of surprise on his face was quickly replaced by a look of...well she was wearing the white dress and it was a treat to take all of it in. For the first few moments he didn't say a word, really, all his attention was focused on trying to comprehend how the dress made her bosom pop out from the 'window' like that without actually spilling out entirely.
He managed to snap out of it though upon seeing the look on Jennifer's face. The half empty bottle of wine told him the rest of the story.
"That fucking asshole…" Jim muttered, carelessly tossing the house keys towards the kitchen counter. He shook his head in exasperation, genuinely not believing how her husband could stand up such a woman, though certainly part of Jim was glad.
He took in a breath. "Come on, I'm not going to let you drown your sorrows here. Come on." he walked over, snatching the bottle by the neck and taking out a glass for himself. Looking over to Jennifer. "The kitchen chairs are crap. Let's go to the living room. You look stunning by the way. I told you this was a good choice, didn't I? Come on." he stepped out of the kitchen.
Jennifer hadn't noticed the young man arriving, muttering under her breath now. She wasn't quite drunk, but she wasn't sober either, complaining to herself.
"I always do everything, make sure he gets everything that he ever needs, and the one time I ask for something, he shrugs it off..." She trailed off as the bottle she'd been drinking from was snatched from her, earning Jim a heated glare, then a huff of breath as he continued on to try and compliment her.
"I'll do what I want." She snapped back at him with a light huff of breath, swirling her glass for a moment. She felt like being petulant today, considering how much she desired more from her husband that he had been giving. This wasn't even the first time, nor her first disappointment with him either. He did things like this constantly.
It took her a few moments before she finally decided to follow her tenant into the living room, sitting quietly into the couch not right beside him. "Give that to me." She snatched the bottle back, pouring herself another full glass and then relaxed back onto the couch, letting her lipstick stain the glass further as she drank from it. She was tempted to simply take the bottle and drink from that, but she held that desire in for the moment. There was no reason to explain herself to Jim - she was sure he already knew what had happened.
"If I want to drink, then I will." She grumbled, sipping down more of her wine now.
Jim quickly stopped feeling all that bad about the half-drunk missy here. Truth be told she brought this on herself by holding out hope for a man like Robert. What Jim still could not decipher what she actually saw in the man, when she herself was leaps and bounds objectively better.
As they sat down, she snatched the bottle right back and Jim did not fight her, observing as she poured herself another one and eagerly taking a sip, for a brief moment feeling quite jealous of that glass being stained by those lovely lips of hers. He glanced down between his legs, thinking of at least another thing that could benefit from a bit of staining.
"Yeah of course, you're a strong independent woman, aren't you?" Jim replied to her grumbly protest. "You picked the dress out yourself, you made those plans for tonight all by yourself and now here you are drinking, all by yourself." he reached over to snatch the bottle, lifting it to his lips to take a sip before he put the bottle onto the coffee table in front.
"One can't do everything. It's too much. It's nice to get some help. Not from Robert, that much is clear...but that's why I'm here." Jim declared moving back a bit to create some more space for her to scoot over to him.
"Come here…" he reached down, his hand placed on her hip as he pulled her butt closer to him, turning her to face away from him as Jim angled his body towards her.
"All of that stress on your shoulders, let's see if we can't do something about can keep drinking okay?" Jim pulled her only half-way through by the hip, letting her close in for the remaining half.
"Let's move that pretty hair to one side." he used the back of his hand to swipe her hair over one shoulder, revealing her pristine neck. "How long since you've had a massage?"
She let out another little huff. Jim didn't need to be a smartass about it. No one liked a smartass, no matter how good looking he was. She gave him another little glare as he drank from the bottle, doing just what she wanted to do except that she hadn't done it. She rolled her eyes a little, swirling the glass as she crossed her legs, unwilling to speak much more than she already had. She was seething inside and just wanted to drink until she decided to go to bed.
Jim grabbing her by the hips and practically pulling her to him did catch her off guard, but she didn't stop him. Nor did she stop him brushing her hair aside, her bare skin showing to him, save for the necklace that she had on that broke the pristine, fair skin.
"I don't know." She mumbled, her head looking down to the glass at hand, finishing it off and setting it aside for the moment. Her hands folded lightly into her lap. Is that what he did to get his way with women? Just declare he was going to do something, and then girls would just let him? Not that she was stopping him either, but she was also drunk.
"You don't know?" Jim repeated her words back to her, scooting a bit closer towards Jennifer whose back was now facing the young man. He shook his head in disapproval, tutting for a few seconds as his hands grazed the sides of her arms, rising up and coming to rest on her shoulders.
"Then again if Robert won't even show up for dinner, why would he ever give you a massage?" he mumbled, more so to himself before resolving to not mention Robert again for the remainder of the evening. He wanted to savour this moment without that prick intruding upon their thoughts.
His hands laid onto her shoulders, giving them a firm squeeze. "Oh wow...I can sense quite a bit of tension." he let out, the volume of his voice lowering with each word. Rhythmically Jim squeezed her shoulders, his hand sliding towards her neck, four fingers hooking around her neck for support as he used his thumbs to press slow circles into her back. The sensation of her skin alone caressing the pads of his fingers was enough to get the young man start to heat up.
Still he managed to restrain himself, using his fingers to touch upon all the pressure points that he could feel had tensed up, slow rolling circles aimed to relieve some of the pressure.
"How's that? Feeling a bit better?" he whispered once more, drawing closer, his breath gently teasing the back of her neck.
"A beautiful woman like you Jennifer should not be so stressed...there's nothing you should stress about…just lay back…" he pressed just under the back of her neck, a particular spot that he knew provided a lot of relief when prodded just right. "...just let go…" he whispered, leaning to complement the massage he was giving with a kiss, his lips gently touching the spot where her neck touched her shoulder, a small kiss, almost a peck, followed by a lengthier one, savouring the supple skin beneath his lips as his hands continued to massage her without stopping.
It wasn't that much of a surprise to her that she'd not gotten a massage any time recently. Most of her friends were in the same boat. Their husbands, some now ex-husbands, were satisfied with working and using their wives to basically be at home help. And that was it. There was no care for making sure her needs were met. Maybe she had kidded herself into believing that Robert was doing his best and that he was providing for her. In a way, he was. Monetarily, she never floated an empty purse. She had the things she wanted. It was just never directly from him. Little affection or love for her seemed to remain, even on those occasional nights they got more passionate. How many evenings had ended with her drinking a little bit of her sorrows away? More than she would admit.
She let out an involuntary sigh as Jim's hands pressed to her shoulders, his finger probing deeper and working out the knots in her back. God, how long had it been since anyone really touched her like that? She struggled to remain silent, half wanting to moan in delight from the relief she felt.
"Better." She murmured, smiling a little at his compliments to her. She felt herself leaning back, even without Jim beckoning her closer.
It felt good, like she could just let herself fall into his arms. That would be wrong - he was just her tenant. A friend of her son's she was hosting for a summer. She was married. All these reasons echoed in her head, and for the moment, she felt them suppressed by the relief that she felt.
Even as his lips brushed her neck... instead of pulling forward, she felt her head tilt, enjoying the touch of a man's lips to her skin.
What was Jim thinking at that moment? Truth be told there wasn't a lot of thinking going on. He simply went with the flow. It felt good to run his hands all over Jennifer's shoulders and back, the sensation of her skin pressing up against his wandering hands, the perfume she'd picked for the evening, evidently for her husband and yet now teasing the senses of another man as she leaned closer toward Jim.
More than all of that though, was the way she reacted to his touch. All of that however faded in comparison to that little whimper that escaped from her lips. What he was doing to her and the sensations he felt was secondary, what Jim enjoyed the most was the palpable manner that she reacted to him.
The subtle tilt of her head as he kissed her neck, made his lips clamp down, forming a seal over her skin which was followed by a small, gentle suck. Another suck as he pulled his lips away, the seal of his lips broken with an audible smack.
"Oh god..." Jim whispered, an involuntary utterance at having savoured her and wanting more, so much more... He removed one hand from her shoulder, reaching up, he cradled the top side of her head, his fingers disappearing into the luscious hair, the pads of his fingers pressing into her scalp to provide a scalp massage and at the same time allowing Jim to move her head to the side, exposing more of her shoulder to the young man who used his free hand to slowly push the strap of the dress down her arm.
"Just relax…" he whispered as more of the supple buffet was uncovered under him. The revealed skin of her shoulder was begging for his lips and he did not hesitate to make the acquaintance, kissing his way from her shoulder to her neck. As his head bent down, he could see down her front, the moved strap meant her right breast was ready to pop out and so Jim reached down with his free hand, moving the dress fabric to the side as he gently sucked on her neck.
The woman relaxed, her mind sinking into the feeling, enjoying his strong, firm touch, yet gentle. A sound she tried to suppress came out, a light moan as Jim's lips lightly sucked to skin.
"Careful…" she murmured, knowing well how easily her fair skin bruised. The subconscious in her was still there, reminding her she was married, that there was a ring on her finger that twinkled… a twinkle she couldn't see with her eyes closed as they were. She kept her eyes shut, humming softly the more than Jim toyed with her.
Even as his hand moved to brush her dress strap aside, she made no effort to stop him. There was no bra underneath. As the strap moved to the side, tugged by the young man's hand, her heavy breast finally came free. She let out a soft sigh, the slight sag letting it fall a little further from the window of her dress.
She made no acknowledgement consciously, yet a moment later she'd brought Jim's hand up, caressing it to her bosom and sighing out in delight. How long had she desired this? Another light moan came out, her eyes closed tight.
The little warning alone could have been a red flag that the young man was overstepping his bounds and Jennifer was well aware of it. He certainly was and yet the little moan that spilled out of her lips made him understand the context behind that subtle warning.
"Don't worry." was his hushed reply, breaking the seal around his lips only briefly before he kissed her skin tenderly once again. The kissing seemed to slow down, even came to a complete halt as Jim had his eyes open, glancing down the front of her dress, watching as the voluptuous tit spilled out of the window of her dress, sagging down just a little bit. Maybe he caught a brief momentary glimpse of her now freed nipple, before the porcelain-like breast fell a bit more, concealing the tiny bud from the young man's gaze.
To his surprise, Jennifer actually sought out his hand, guiding it up to her now exposed breast. The palm of his hand slid down, to place itself between the displaced strap and the breast, he lifted his hand a bit to feel the weight of her tit, a trembling breath left his lips, caressing her ear as a wave of excitement washed over his body as he felt just how heavy the mound was.
"You're gorgeous, you know that?" he whispered, before leaning in to nibble on her earlobe, right as the fingers on his hand were splayed so as to 'hold' as much of her tit as he could.
He felt the supple flesh fill his hand almost in an instant, her tit spilling out from the gaps between his fingers as he gave it a small squeeze and right then as Jim moved his hand, he felt something brush the bottom side of his palm. It moved across his palm as he repositioned his hand.
Jim moved his hand away only briefly, before his thumb and his index finger closed in on the elusive bud, he had not gotten a glimpse, but he was copping a feel as he rolled her nipple between his fingers whilst he sucked on her earlobe.
Jennifer knew she should stop. She should've told him to stop, to get out of her house and stop trying to destroy her little idyllic life. To tell her son how this man was sowing discord in their family, and for what? Yet, she succumbed to the feeling, enjoying his hand grasping and groping at her breast, toying her nipple, pinching it between his fingers.
"I've heard it before…" She whispered, though a giggle escaped her lips as she said it. Oh, it was so nice to have a man compliment and feel her like this, how much she had missed it! Another light moan escaped her lips, her eyes opening... happening upon her free hand. The wedding ring glinted lightly, in the lowly lit room.
Doubt swirled in her mind again. Those suppressed thoughts were gently pushing back into her mind. She was upset, it was just one day, Robert got caught up, and it was fine... but it wasn't just one time. Or maybe it would get better?
Her body began to stiffen a little, leaning forward slightly. There was hesitation in the motion as she felt herself trying to untangle from Jim. It was too late to tell him he shouldn't touch her and too late for her to say that she didn't like the touch at all. She loved it and perhaps even felt she was addicted to it... but it couldn't happen. It couldn't!
Her hand slowly reached up to Jim's, pulling it away. "I think... I think I'm going to go wash up." She said lightly, slowly pulling her body forward from him. She held her breath, keeping her eyes forward.
Was she panting? Very nearly sweating, she felt. "I'm going to... head to bed. I think the wine’s hitting me." She didn't quite rebuff Jim, but the simple fact of her not facing him as she got up from the couch was enough, she felt. She didn't want to continue, as much as she knew she did. Contradictory, perhaps, but... she wouldn't think too much more of it. She needed to go.
Biting down on her earlobe, Jim shook his head a bit as she said she 'heard it before' as if to tell her that she herself did not realise how gorgeous she was. If she did, she wouldn't accept that pathetic excuse for a man to stand her up like this.
He squeezed her tit wantonly, his fingers seemed to get lost in the vast endless sea of flesh that was her tit, the supple skin providing the most perfect sensation to his digits.
"It's okay…" Jim whispered as he let go of her earlobe, unable to complete the sentence he wanted to say I’ll give you the anniversary, you deserve but instead the soaring desire within made him lean down, kissing the end of her jaw, kisses that started to trail towards her lips as he used his hold on her scalp to try and turn her face, but right then Jennifer leaned forward, his lips kissing the air at one point.
Next thing he felt was her hand pulling his off of her tit, not that Jim wanted to resist, though his hand as if it had a mind of its own latched onto her mound momentarily, like a spoiled child told to scram from the candy shop, it stubbornly resisted her pull before he had to force himself to let go.
Next thing he knew Jennifer was stood up. She faced away from Jim, speaking to him whilst not turning to face him, though the wedding ring on her hand did face him. The momentary sensations had made Jim forget about that fact and given her moans just moments prior she forgot about it too, but apparently it was short-lived. Jim didn't accept that. Did not want to accept that. "It's not the wine." he added, making it clear this wasn't a fluke. This was what she had felt for the longest time now and that's why she'd allowed herself to experience it.
"Jennifer, come on…" his tone of voice was half pleading, half serious, as if telling her to face the truth here. Robert was not good for her. She needed something else, someone else. She knew it. He knew it. Jim was not willing to let it end here. He reached forward, his hand firstly wrapping around her wrist, before he let it fall to cup the entirety of her hand, almost as if he wanted his hand to cover up her wedding ring, that terrible reminder that she belonged to someone else.
He pulled on it to make her turn, looking up briefly as her tit was still out, this time seeing the nipple and the way his fingers had made the skin of her breast start to tinge red. "Take a seat baby…no more wine, we'll just relax."
She had very nearly started moving before Jim took her hand. The woman was not unaware of her excuse. It was just an excuse, after all, that she was feeling the alcohol. If anything, she wanted to take the rest of the nearly empty bottle and finish it. Either way, she knew she had to go, even as the young man turned her around.
She didn't hide her breast immediately, not with her hand in his. She looked at him, a regretful look, almost sad, but she shook her head.
"Jim, no." She said softly, tugging her hand back and re-exposing that reminder of her. Her hands moved to her breast, tucking it back in and fixing the dress. He would hate her for this, she knew - maybe it would make it easier. As enjoyable as the moment had been, it couldn't continue.
"I'm sorry. I just can't. Have a good night." As she spoke, she had slowly stepped back from the living room, then turned again and quietly left the room, leaving the young man on his own to grasp at the memory. As much as she was grasping at the memory herself, gone to her bedroom. She shut the door tight and locked the bathroom, stripped bare as she stood in the shower.
Soft moans resounded in the bathroom, drowned out by the pour of the shower head as her finger rubbed at herself. Robert was not on her mind.
It had been almost a week since Jim had moved into his friend’s Terry’s home. Despite the initial chemistry between Jim and Terry’s mom, Jennifer, throughout this week they'd had little interactions here and there, merely passing through, a good morning here or a good evening there. She'd been a big part as to why Jim took the room in the first place but he hadn't really had the chance to talk much with her, due to the intensity of his workload.
In fact even Terry had gotten curious about how Jim's first week had gone. That teasing comment Terry had received, the thought of a guy with Jim's reputation in the same house as his mom, his father being gone for long periods of time, had indeed caused Terry more than a few sleepless nights. On the other hand, Terry trusted in his mom to be far more sensible than a college floozy that Jim could easily lure to his bed.
Now that the weekend was here and Jim had a bit more free time, he realized he needed to enjoy some more of Jennifer’s companionship. He came down the stairs, walking over to the kitchen where it was more likely to come across Jennifer. As he passed the threshold, Jim raised his eyes to Jennifer’s frame by the sink, he leaned against the door frame of the kitchen, smiling as she turned her face towards him a bit startled.
"I didn't mean to scare you." he smiled, noting that she’d made food for her husband Robert. Jim pushed himself off of the doorframe, walking over towards the laid food on the table. “It’s officially one week since I moved in. I’m kind of surprised Robert hasn’t torn up the lease agreement yet.” he added in jest.
Jennifer’s back had been facing Jim, the ties of her apron at her neck and right above her rear. She wasn’t wearing anything special of note, really. A pair of yellow bermuda shorts with a floral print top.
"Oh, it's okay." She replied, smiling but keeping her eyes on the dishes as she continued to work through them. There weren't many - she always did finish them while she cooked - but she also didn't want to be rude and keep her back to the young man for too long. “Nearly done.”
She was done with the dishes in just a moment, untying the apron and setting it aside. Her top did its best to hide her curves, but, considering their size, it was difficult to do so, especially when the rest of her figure was more slender than not. Letting her hair down, she gave him a small smile, watching as he moved to sit at the table... right where Robert's food was. She'd already eaten, so there was no place for her, and she'd put away the leftovers by now. A faint smirk grew on her face as she leaned against the counter. "If I were you, I wouldn't sit there. Who knows, Robert might shred that contract you're worried about if you eat his food." She teased lightly. He... could be moody sometimes, and she knew that well enough. While it was a jest of a remark, there was a hint of seriousness in her voice.
Jim settled into the seat, a satisfied smile on his face as he ignored her warning. Jennifer did not look like she was hungry at all, but regardless he pushed out the chair to his right. "Why don't you find us a good red and take a seat. I've got a favor to ask of you."
"If you do want some, though, I can heat you up a plate. It'll only take a moment." She hummed.
"And it's Friday. You're lucky I was going to get a glass for myself." She added playfully, humming to herself as she began to prepare a second plate for Jim. It was quick, and the food hadn't cooled enough in the fridge to require much reheating. She'd also taken her weekly bottle of red and uncorked it, pouring a second glass for Jim that she swirled lightly, taking a small sniff. While she was no sommelier, she did love the scent of a good red.
As soon as Jim's plate was heated, she brought it to the table. "Here. Taste for yourself if it's as good as your work." She teased, offering him the glass of wine before taking a seat for herself. "Now, what's this favor of yours?" She asked, swirling the glass, and crossing her legs as she sat. Settling her glass on the table, she took her hair out of the bun, relaxing as she watched the young man.
As Jim leaned back on the chair, he admired the view in front of him. It left the young man satisfied to reacquaint his gaze with what made this woman so special. Her deliciously thick hips and rear, her strikingly ginger hair and that loose top she had on. The way her body jiggled as she scrubbed the dishes, he could imagine the way her bosom would shake inside her top. He didn't need to imagine for long as she turned around just as the apron was untied, her bosom leaving quite the imprint onto her top, occupying the young man's attention so definitively that he had to try and recall her words to keep up with the conversation. He wanted so much more than just Robert's food.
"I'll take my chances with Robert." Jim declared diving into Robert’s plate.She did go and make him a second plate which would serve for Robert as Jim did not wait.
The big smile on Jim's face already gave her the answer and yet he took a sip out of the glass, whilst putting the second plate aside for Robert later.
"It's one of a kind." he remarked, cutting another piece of the ribs as he got another bite, letting out an audible 'Mmm'.
As she relaxed on her seat Jim shook his head with a smile, "I think you've irreparably spoiled me. I don't think I can ever stay late at work if you'll make such a delicious feast each time. Though I have to say having you here is what elevates this beyond anything else."
Then he recalled her question, "The favour, yes." he looked up, "I have a friend, a very good female friend of mine whose birthday is coming up quite soon. I'm required to get a gift and I'm kind of hopeless at that."
Jim picked up his fork again, cutting up another piece as he spoke nonchalantly.
"There's this new mall that's opened up, on Brook's Street? You know it? Yeah I've thought about heading over there to find something and..." Jim glanced at Jennifer, his gaze taking the whole of her in, his eyes noticeably lingering on her bosom.
"...I think I'd appreciate having a second opinion from a woman who carries herself so well." Jim waved his fork in the air. "You see, this friend of mine, she's not like other girls, an airhead..." he laughed. "...she carries herself in a quite unique way too. Having you help me pick something out would make for the perfect gift."
Jim knew he'd pushing things if he said this too, but fuck it. "Maybe you might try a few things yourself. You and her are not dissimilar..." he eyed her body to insinuate their forms were also identical.
Seeing Jim had already begun eating, she let out a sigh. Robert at least wouldn't be able to tell the difference, but it did bother her. Jennifer rolled her eyes, but a wide smile grew on her face at Jim's complimentary tone.
"You're too much." She teased, shaking her head. "It's not that impressive." She replied, but she ate up the compliments, giving him a faint smirk. "I can't promise you'll always have the company, but at least the food will be good." She replied, before taking a sip of her drink, listening as Jim explained himself and his favor.
The woman couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, you men should know better than to try picking out clothes for a lady." She teased, "A woman has her own tastes - and buying her clothes is one way to find out just what the opposite of those tastes are." She giggled a little more.
Was he really so bold as to try and get a girl something to wear? She had countless stories from her friends who had gotten worked up when their SOs tried to buy them something. Most of the time, they weren't exactly complimentary.
Another giggle escaped her. "At least you've the sense to ask another woman for advice. But if this lady friend of yours is like me, then I would suggest trying to find something different for her."
She watched him curiously as she swirled her glass. "I wouldn't want to help you only for her to not be appreciative of your efforts. Wouldn't that be such a waste? Even if I were to find something for myself..." She mused, then let out a little sigh, shrugging her shoulders. It had been a little since she'd gone shopping for herself, and the offer was tempting. Still, she couldn't see this being a very good idea for the young man. Especially if this girl friend of his was not an airhead.
Jim got a scoop of the mashed potatoes, the fork froze just before it reached his mouth as Jennifer's laughter echoed throughout the kitchen. She had quite a nice laugh. Not that Jim was all that versed in gifts and things of that nature. Really those typically came with committed relationships, something that was rather alien to Jim, but she was making the case for him, something that he appreciated.
"Yeah well, that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid." he added, nodding ardently. "It's good to know your limitations and ask for backup when necessary."
Putting down the forkful of mashed potatoes, Jim reached for the wine. Taking a sip, loving the way the crimson liquid coated his tongue as Jennifer made him aware of her reservations. Her words put him in thought, Jim glanced upwards momentarily, before setting the glass of wine down with a click of his tongue against his cheek.
"You're not doubting yourself are you?" he wondered with a hint of a smile on his face. Taking in a breath, his face acquiring a more serious look. "This friend of mine is someone quite special and it is true I want to make a good impression. I wouldn't ask just anyone to help me out." Jim leaned back on the chair.
"There's something about you Jennifer, it's hard to put my finger on it, but it's sort of everywhere, the house, the way you talk, your mannerisms, your clothes, an air of sophistication that I can tell you is rare as a unicorn among my usual company. So you'd be perfect for what I have in mind, don't you doubt that. Unless of course there are other considerations..."
Jim picked up the fork again, averting her gaze. "Your son or is it your husband...?"
"Doubting myself?" She raised an eyebrow at the slight challenge, listening as Jim eloquently explained what he meant. Her eyebrow inclined at the insinuation that she had reservations because of her husband or because of Terry. That had nothing to do with what she'd told him. Nor was she really doubting herself at all. She swirled her glass, peering through it, thinking to herself on what to tell the young man. The invitation was tempting, certainly. Still, it felt as though she would be setting him up for failure - not because of herself, but because a woman like herself wouldn't like receiving clothing as a gift.
"I'm surprised you keep company like myself." She teased him lightly, leaning forward and setting the glass down. Jennifer gave Jim an accidental look down her blouse, but it was truly impossible for her to actually hide it.
"I don't know your friend - what her style is, who she's trying to impress, what she prefers... Just because two women are similar, doesn't mean they've got the same sense." She offered, though she was certain that the young man already knew this well enough. Still, she smiled. "But if you're so set on leaving an impression like this, then..."
She shrugged her shoulders, leaning back. "I could find some time to help you." She offered with a smile. "When would you like to go? I'll have to make sure Robert and I don't have anything planned." To be fair, the two didn't have very frequent plans together.
Jim swallowed hard, the words stuck to his throat as Jennifer leaned down, the patterned top hanging just just enough to form almost like a tunnel straight down her cleavage. Her breasts hung down slightly, though were still confined in her bra for the most part.
At her explanation Jim nodded along, not wanting to say it, but thinking it. Babe you're overthinking this, just come. I want you there with me.
In the end the decision Jim wanted was taken. He set the fork down. "Well today's Friday, tomorrow's Saturday. Tomorrow will work for me. I have to get some work done in the morning, right after lunch should be fine."
As for their plans not clashing with any plans she might have with Robert, Jim took it at face value. He thought for a moment. "I can take care of Robert if you like. I can have Terry occupy him." Jim knew he could pull strings as far as Terry was concerned and it wouldn't cost him much to call his father and have lunch or some other mundane stuff to free up his lovely mom.
Hearing some stirring upstairs, Jim knew his time was up. Not that he cared that much about confronting Robert. It's just he couldn't be bothered to do it. "This was great." he says and gets up on his feet. "Find out for tomorrow and text me." he instructed her, his hand placed on her shoulder, giving it a small squeeze. "Night." and with that Jim walked off.
Jim was... well, a little demanding, the way that he spoke to her. Jennifer didn't quite appreciate it, but she let it slide for now. While she was trying to be a good host, she did not want him to feel entitled to her help. Still, as he made the plans, she nodded along. She didn't have any plans tomorrow, that much she already knew, so she shook her head, waving her hand as he said he could get Terry to occupy him.
"Don't worry about that." That was an odd statement, though. Getting Terry to occupy him? It certainly did sound like Jim had something to motivate her son to do things for him. It was concerning, but not enough for her to really be that concerned. Only if she knew, would she bother. Terry had made himself exceptionally clear when he went to college that he 'was no longer a baby' and that he refused to be coddled. Jennifer, as much as she hadn't appreciated it, was simply letting Terry be the adult that he was.
Tomorrow Jim got some work down from his laptop. When noon came along he realized he was still in his underwear in bed. He decided to change into something more appropriate as he waited for Jennifer to confirm the timing on her end, a plan black T-shirt, dark jeans and sneakers.
The next morning, after she and Robert had eaten, she went upstairs to get changed. Nothing too fancy, of course, and something she could change out of relatively quickly if she wanted to try on something. She opted for jean shorts and a floral blouse with short sleeves. They were only going to the mall, after all. She'd told Robert that she was going out, and he didn't seem to care too much, having holed himself into their office - he truly did work too much. That did make it easy as she waited in the kitchen, sending a text to the young man upstairs.
"I'm ready to go whenever you are." She sent, standing and checking to make sure she had what she needed. Her purse and keys, her phone…
Jim had taken note of Robert's car in the driveway. It meant her husband was still in the house and perhaps she wouldn't get the chance to free up like he'd expected. He was ready to call on Terry and ask for a favour when instead the screen of his phone lit up with a message from Jennifer.
Moments later Jim appeared at the base of the stairs, looking over to Jennifer, taking in her outfit. "I'm ready as well. look great." he added.
The outfit certainly could not hide her hefty bosom, but more so her elegant legs were also on full display which was more of a rare treat. Particularly because of the dream he had last night : That lovely dinner concluded with the best dessert he'd ever had...Jennifer getting on the table, spreading her legs for him as he ate her out.
The mall wasn't that far, but with the heat, he knew it wouldn't be convenient to walk. "We're taking Robert's car?" Jim questioned at first, before nodding, answering his own question.
"Yeah we are. We could walk, but arriving at the mall drenched in sweat and panting is not what I had in mind." Jim at that moment smirked, imagining the woman exactly that...sweaty and panting for breath, yet in an altogether different context. Jim turned towards the bowl of keys by the door, picking out the keyfob of Robert's car.
"Come on, I'll drive." beckoned Jennifer towards him as he reached towards the door. Moments later Jim was in the driver's seat as Jennifer stepped into the passenger's side.
Jennifer smiled at the little compliment. "Thank you," she replied.
"You look sharp yourself." She returned lightly, glancing at him. Certainly more stylish that her son would have been, but that didn't matter too much. Jim was a different set than her boy, that much was for sure. Either way, as Jim took the keys, the woman didn't complain. She never did care for driving, only doing so when she really needed to. Her own car would have been fine, but Robert wouldn't have minded them taking his car, either. At least, he probably thought she was driving, so there wasn't any issue there.
The car was on the way, the young man stealing a glance, her legs drawing the most attention, though the way the seatbelt ate into her cleavage was also impressive. "I thought about what you said last night. I got the impression that you weren't too certain that clothes would be a good gift for you. Or a woman like you more accurately. It got me wondering what you'd want instead..."
Soon enough, the two were on their way to the mall. Jennifer idly looked outside, unaware of Jim's gaze of her long legs, or his view of the seatbelt hidden between the valley of her breasts. As he spoke up, she turned her attention back to the young man. She let out a laugh.
"Oh, I made no sort of statement like that, I'll have you know." She teased. "I do love getting clothes - except, clothes that I picked out. Not that someone else did." She replied with a smile on her face. "I only said that gifting clothes to someone - a woman like myself - is a risky business." She explained herself. "If you're going to give a gift to me - one that I didn't pick out - don't give me clothes."
She let out a soft laugh, looking forward again. "If you were to give me something that I didn't pick out... Jewellery. Something not too gaudy. That's something that I would like. It doesn't have to be expensive either - but don't get something that looks cheap." She went on, her hands resting on her thighs. "Your friend might appreciate that."
Right about then, their short ride had come to an end as Jim had pulled up into the mall's parking lot, driving amidst the rows of parked cars, finding a spot towards the end as Jennifer explained that clothes would be a risky gift for a woman like her.
"Really?" he called out with a tone that indicated clothes were indeed what he had in mind. As the car came to a halt, Jim glanced over pondering the suggestion she'd made about jewellery. "I get what you're saying, but I vehemently disagree." doing so with an easy smile. "Come on, let's head inside." he stepped outside, waiting for Jennifer to join him as he stood in front of the car.
"I'm of the opinion that jewellery, little ornaments and such merely try to add to a woman's beauty and charm. Certainly can be handy for certain women, but for others, like my friend and you..." he looked at her as she walked over to him. "I think their beauty is staring one in the face." he eyed down her body. "It's merely a matter of letting it out. Clothes accomplish that better than jewellery."
As she joined him, Jim turned to walk towards the main door that led into the mall, the wave of cool air greeting them was a welcome respite from the sweltering heat outside. The section of the mall they went into was the food quarter, food stalls lining the sides of the wide, crowded corridor.
The clothes and jewellery stores were deeper into the building. "Let's go grab a drink before we get the party started." Jim suggested, deviating Jennifer towards a small coffee shop in the corner, he placed his hand on the small of her back to guide her to it and simply let his hand linger on it until they reached the counter. "I'll get an ice green tea." he told the barista, removing his hand as he took his wallet out. "Jennifer? It's on me by the way."
The older woman shrugged her shoulders, stepping out of the car as he parked it. Listening to him, she shook her head as he continued his explanation, a smile on her face. "Oh, you might have a little bit of a point." She hummed, a smile on her face. "True, it is meant as an addition. Or, it could draw one's attention to something a woman might want to highlight. Think of... say, a necklace." She offered, walking along with the young man.
"Drawing one's eyes further down, with a complimentary outfit might draw his attention elsewhere, something that she wants." She kept a smile on her face.
"And you should also consider that the beauty of the item itself is a gift and provokes a woman like myself to consider other outfits that could make use of such an... 'additional' trinket or ornament. For letting out that beauty of theirs. The provocation helps, and it isn't as useless as you think."
Jim wasn't going to give so easily to her explanations, she knew, and she herself did not agree with the young man either. But that was okay. He could pick out whatever outfit he wanted for his friend and take that risk if he so chose. As for herself... well, she might pick out something. Maybe for a datenight for her husband later this month. He had been exceptionally stressed as of late, so something to get his mind off of that would be good.
Still, the line for coffee wasn't too bad. A smile grew on her face, glancing at the young man. He was bold to place his hand at her back, though she didn't brush it away. Considering it was after lunch, the crowd was getting thicker, so the light touch was just to keep her close. It was just an innocent gesture. "Your internship paying you well?" She teased lightly, moving to make her order. "Salted caramel cold brew."
To others, maybe the touch looked more affectionate, the way it lingered. She certainly had to look older, plenty older, than Jim himself, though perhaps people didn't really see it that way.
After Jim paid, Jennifer stepped to the side with him, waiting for their drinks to be made. "So this friend of yours... a friend from college?" She asked. "What sort of clothing were you thinking of getting her? Something for special occasions? For regular wear?"
At her comment about his internship paying him well, he smiled whilst putting the change in his wallet and then reinserting it into his jeans backpocket.
"Irrelevant in this case. I was taught to never let a lady pay," he replied, though not drawing attention to the fact that the lady in this case was twice his age.
He was suddenly reminded of that fact by the glances they were getting from the other patrons of the coffee place. Even the barista had a curious look for a moment as if she was wondering if the two were mother and son, certainly the age ranges would fit though the way Jim's hand lingered on her back as they approached the bar would speak against it.
As they waited for their drinks, Jim looked up. "Aah, could say that." he replied to her question about this friend being one from college. "Well she's not someone who goes out a lot so I'd like to encourage more of that. In fact she's stuck in a rather monotonous routine for ages now that I just know is not good for her. Giving her one more reason to enjoy herself a bit would be a nice gift in my opinion." Jim reached for the two drinks, offering Jennifer hers as he turned to scan the place for a free table.
"There's one at the back." he said and right then his free hand slid onto the small of her back again, guiding her as they swerved through the busy tables and other patrons. When somepatron was getting up, Jim had to swipe Jennifer out of the way, his fingers dug into the fabric of her jeans to pull her towards him, yet the bottom part of his hand rested a bit too low, almost at the top of her butt. "Careful." he let out, continuing onto their table as if nothing happened and yet he did not correct the downward slide of his hand, only taking it off entirely as he offered her chair to sit.
Jim sat across from her, a smile playing on his face. "What about you? I feel like you're in a similar spot to my friend, but as you made it clear during the house viewing, you're content with where you are." pausing for a moment before adding "Or was it very content? I'm a bit foggy on that." he chuckled as a hint of irony laced his words whilst he recalled how she'd made it clear there was more to marriage than making the bed rock.
"I wonder if you ever think about perhaps doing something differently if you were to go back?” he leaned in to take a sip of his tea, glancing up at her eyes.
Once the two had received their drinks, Jennifer followed Jim on towards the back of the cafe. She made no mention of him tugging her aside nor where he had touched at all, though she was conscious of it. Just to keep her out of the way for a moment, considering she hadn't quite been paying attention. Her own fault.
As they sat, she crossed her legs, watching the young man across from him as he explained what this girl was like, nodding her head thoughtfully. Jim's thoughts of getting this girl out was... interesting to say the least. Giving her something nice to wear out... well, she would let him live his fancy, if that was what he chose to do. If a woman didn't want to go out, or she had her own routine that she preferred... well, men could be stubborn, but so could women, she had to admit.
Jennifer laughed lightly, sipping on her coffee, hearing the light clatter of ice in it as she swirled it a moment afterwards. "Oh, I am quite content, thank you very much." She replied, giving him a nod of the head. "I doubt I would change much, if anything."
She pondered for a moment. Well, her life was good. Easy, normal. She could basically do as she pleased, and she never really had an empty purse. Maybe she could have enjoyed her youth a little more, but the years were gone now, and her family was more important now. Besides, what more could she really want? Then again, if only Robert was a little more... no, she was fine. Even if it wasn't often, she was pleased enough when she and Robert had sex.
Looking back to Jim, she offered him a smile. "No, I can't think of anything." It wasn't really a lie now, was it? No, it wasn't. She sipped at her coffee, uncrossing and recrossing her legs as she relaxed back. "Where do you want to look first?" She asked, changing the subject. Jim had brought her here to help him shop, but she was sure had something in mind for where he wanted to look.
Jim leaned back against the chair of the cafe, taking a quick look around. He did not fail to miss that some of the curious glances from the other patrons persisted. The way he'd let his hand linger on Jennifer's back as he led her to the table likely raised more eyebrows, so it was understandable. Besides that they weren't doing anything untoward.
If anything, Jim can easily recall far more scandalous dates, ones where the virtue of patience had failed him and some of the bedroom rituals might have started in public places.
Likely this was the fact why Terry wasn't all that concerned about Jim and his mom despite the young man's reputation. It was improbable that his mom would fall for any of his tricks. Made even more improbable by the fact that Jennifer was 'quite content' seemingly.
Jim pursed his lips, drawing in a breath through his nose as he reached for his tea. Taking a sip Jim looked down, smiling to himself as she reconfirmed that she couldn't think of anything she'd change. "Okay..." he nodded as he gave the tea a small swirl around the cup with the wooden stirring stick.
Finally he looked up, locking eyes with her. "You're quite stubborn too, you know that?" not hiding the fact she'd given him the opposite answer of what he expected or wanted to hear, but offering that typical smile of his regardless.
He took another sip of the tea, before glancing towards the wave of people streaming towards the inner part of the mall and shops therein. "Well I do have a few ideas." Jim mused out loud. "I am tempted however to let you pick out your first destination. What's the point of bringing along a fashion expert if you don't heed her advice, huh?” He raised an eyebrow, enjoying more of the tea, a small smack of his lips filling the air as set the cup down.
"So think as if you're going to be the recipient of this gift. Imagine a very good friend, maybe someone who wants to be more than just a friend. What would you like him to bring you?" he raised his hand briefly.
"Naturally within the budget of someone with an internship." he clarified with a smile. "I thought about this gift in terms of what I want out of my friend, instead of thinking what she might want. I still think I am not 100% wrong, but I'm curious to know what you'd come up with Jennifer." he let his voice trail off just as he got up to leave. "Shall we?"
"Stubborn? I have no idea what you mean." She replied jovially, a smirk on her face.
A bit of her knew that the young man was hoping for something else, that he was hoping to say that marriage wasn't all that, that she wished she could be wild and live a fun life. To be truthful, that wasn't unappealing, but it wasn't what she desired. She enjoyed her stable little life. It was comfortable. It was different from what the young man with his plenty of airheaded girls lived, but that was completely okay. He could live his life. She would live hers.
A sigh escaped her lips, her eyes wandering away for a moment to the crowd of people, then back to Jim. "I still feel that you're not quite right, but if that's what you want..."
If she were to have someone give her something... well, her husband came to mind. If he gave her a dress for the two to go out on a date in, then maybe she would like it. God knows he would never do that, considering that she'd told him not to buy her clothes on many occasions.
Standing up, she swirled her empty cup - she'd been idly sipping through it and hadn't noticed it was gone until he asked if she was ready to go. "Of course."
There were a couple of little boutique shops that she did like and if she was going to pick out something for herself on this trip, then maybe a nice dress for a dinner out with her husband would be good. Might as well pick out something she liked and something for Jim to give this friend of his. Waiting for him, the two set out into the mall. The crowds had picked up a little more now, so she stayed close beside Jim.
Jim shook his head slightly as she made her doubts known, a small smile peeking through. "I suppose this doesn't reflect that well on me, but you're the first woman I've come across who's so opposed to each and everyone of my suggestions. I don't know if it's good or bad that I find that intriguing." he confessed just as they headed out onto the throng of people streaming deeper inside the mall.
"Let's see…" She murmured, eyeing stores for a moment, then nudged Jim. "That one. Let's head there." She pointed out one. It was a modern store, the storefront displaying mannequins with dresses and accessories.
As they approached the string of shops, walking past them Jim's eyes scanned the mannequins displayed on the windows, whilst also glancing at the patrons. Some stores were blatantly not what they were after. Forever 21, H&M and so on, a bunch of young girls, nothing that would suit the lovely curves of his companion. Jennifer picked something out that held quite a bit of promise.
"Alright, let's go." Jim echoed, leading the way to the store. Just as they passed the threshold of the door, a smiling shopping assistant approached them.
"Hello there, what can I help you with today ma'am?" she saw Jim standing nearby but she clearly assumed he was separate.
"Sir, are you looking for a gift for your girlfriend? I'll have my colleague be right with you." and she turned her body towards Jennifer entirely.
Jim smiled, as he placed a hand across Jennifer's waist. "We're together," he declared. "And we'll just browse for now, if we need anything, we'll give you a shout." and with that he pressed his hand into Jennifer's back, guiding her away from the shopping assistant and deeper into the boutique.
Jennifer peered over to her compatriot as he introduced them as being together. She looked back to the shopkeeper, giving her a gentle smile. "I think we'll be fine, thank you." She replied hastily, before Jim could whisk her off as he placed his hand at her back.
The shopkeeper definitely peered at the two of them curiously, her brow knitting tightly as she watched the two. They seemed much too different, but after a moment, the shopkeeper decided it wasn't worth worrying about and went back to the register to wait for any new patrons.
Jim ran his fingers through a rack of dresses, as Jennifer took her time picking out something. There was this one dress that did stand out to Jim. He glanced over to see Jennifer occupied next to another rack. He pulled the coat hanger with the dress on it and walked over.
"I know I told you to pick, but what do you think about this?" he held up the dress "It caught my eyes instantly. Though I'm not sure how it would fit her...'' he eyed Jennifer from the corner of his eyes. "You two are the same, if you tried it on then I'd know for sure."
There were already some people in the shop, but most were alone. Generally, they looked similarly aged to Jennifer, anywhere from their 30s to early 50s. It didn't bother Jennifer - some girls might have had mature tastes. To be honest, though, she was really looking for herself and ignoring what Jim had asked her. Peering through a couple of racks, she had already picked out a couple dresses that she did like.
Still, she glanced at Jim as he came over to her.
"Oh?" She looked at it over a moment, then smiled. "As long as you think that she'd enjoy the style." She replied lightly, picking out her own dresses as well.
A smirk grew on her face. "Well, I did come here to go shopping for myself too." She teased lightly, looking at his choice, then taking it. "Mm..." Inspecting it, she did think it would fit, before giving him a nod. "Okay, well, I'll try it on in a moment." She offered, taking the three outfits and heading on into the changing room for herself. "Wait out here, I'll just be a few."
Of course, it took a moment to get the dress fitted just right - she had her buxom bosom to thank for that. But a few minutes later, she stepped out, wearing a floral dress that was rather tight. The cups of the dress drew her bosom up so tightly that it looked as if her tits were ready to spill out over the top. "Well?"
Jim waited outside, looking over a few other dresses when he heard footsteps coming out from around the corner where the changing rooms were. Soon as Jennifer came into view the young man froze.
The floral fabric wrapped tightly and yet elegantly around her form, highlighting her perfectly curvaceous figure and more importantly the cups of the dress swelled to accommodate the outline of her breasts which seemed to be pushed up and forming the deepest and most inviting cleavage.
He could not resist taking a few steps closer. "Wow! It's..." he found it hard to hide the fact where his attention was focused...sure enough taking the whole of her in, but yeah, the main event was evidently on her bosom.
He shook his head in a bit of disbelief. "Your husband is one lucky man." he admitted, "It'd also look great on my friend..." he laughed a bit, clearly that consideration was now secondary. "You're not wearing a bra underneath, yeah?" He raised an eyebrow.
Jennifer was by no means oblivious to the ample bosom she was showing. Oftentimes it made finding clothes for herself incredibly difficult - dresses cut for her figure often never accounted for such a large bust. Hence, most dresses that she wore always highlighted that curvature of hers, and this dress Jim had chosen was no different. She had to take a moment to tug the dress up before she had even stepped out, feeling like her tits might pop up the top.
She laughed, shaking her head at Jim's response. "Oh, where have I heard that before...?" She teased, remembering that was something he'd said when she had first met him.
Rolling her eyes slightly, she turned her back to him as Jim asked about her bra, letting the tight fabric around her hips cling to her backside. "What's it to you if I am?" She hummed lightly, looking over her shoulder back at the young man, then forward again, admiring herself in a mirror.
She could be vain, sometimes, and when she was dressing up like this, she certainly was.
"And you think your friend would look good in this?" She turned back to face him, smiling as she did. "Well, she'll find it a little tight. Just around here..." Her hands gestured broadly, serving to draw Jim's attention to her breasts. "But otherwise it fits very nicely."

The smiling shopping assistant that had greeted them at the door was craning up her neck to look over the racks of clothes towards the part of the boutique where Jim and Jennifer were right now. Mostly this part of the store was deserted. Her eyes seemed to ask whether Jim and his companion needed any help.
Jim locked eyes with her, quickly shaking his head to tell her no, the last thing he wanted was to lose this little bit of privacy they had in this corner of the store.
Jim positioned himself right behind Jennifer, conscious of the reflection on the mirror, he didn't want to betray the fact that he was intently focused on how Jennifer's butt filled out the dress so nicely. The moment she turned her head to look over her shoulder Jim forced his gaze up.
The sultry tone of her answer about the bra made him narrow his eyes. "It's not for me, it's for my friend. It'd be nice to know if she'll need to let her 'girls' free or not?"
More questions followed as she turned around, that little gesture with her hand failed utterly in drawing Jim's attention to her bosom, because it already was there. Unable to resist the temptation, the young man took a few paces forward. If before the relative height would allow him to peek down through that lovely gap between her tits, this time around, the tight dress had smushed her tits together in such a way that the delightful gap was vanishingly small.
"I very much doubt she'd look as good as you do right now. As for the tightness..." he raised his hand, one finger hooking under one of the straps over Jennifer’s shoulder, pulling at it to test how taut it was. He knew his hand touching her like that was dangerous, but there was only so much self-control Jim could exercise.
"Ooh that's very tight...but, I think my friend will be alright. She's certainly not as 'blessed' as you are. Very few women are."
Truthfully, she wasn't wearing a bra, the dress tight enough and with enough support to keep her bosom up as Jim peered over her. She knew where he was looking - most men looked there as well. Though, as he stepped forward and tugged at the strap, she was definitely surprised. She laughed lightly at his remark, brushing his hand away from the strap, though. No need for him to be that familiar with her - and she wasn't about to invite more touches from him either. The small touches in the coffee shop and in the crowd were one thing, but that was another.
"You don't need to remind me. I know well enough about that." She replied with a smirk on her face.
"So? Suitable for your friend?" She asked, doing one more small twirl, simultaneously stepping back from the young man. "If it is, I'm going to go and try one my own dresses..." She murmured, tossing her hair back slightly, tilting her head and smiling warmly to the young man.
"You might want to pick out some shoes for her too - go the extra mile, if you're going to try and get her into something you think she should wear." She teased.
The woman was keenly aware of what was and what wasn't appropriate in this dynamic that they'd established and she had been quick to shoo away his wandering hand. Jim mirrored her, taking a step back himself as she did, his fingers gently clasping his chin as he seemed to ponder. "I think so. Very suitable." he finally confirmed.
At her comment about shoes, Jim tossed his eyes back for a moment. Truth be told, the woman standing in front of him had dazzled him to such a degree that he hardly thought it possible he could concentrate on picking out shoes. "I think it is far more important to hang around for a bit more, give you my 2 cents on the dresses you picked. Least I could do for you helping me out." His graciousness was largely impacted by the fact that he’d taken a peek at the dresses she’d picked out and they were just as if not more revealing than his choice. Especially a white dress that seemed to have a large opening out in the front, the kind that likely revealed 80% of the tit, straps to the side merely covering the nipples.

When Jennifer was away Jim had to fend off the smiling shopping assistant who veered over this way.
"Does the madam need any assistance? Have you two found what you were looking for?" she asked kindly.
"We're set on one dress. Very likely the madam will get the rest as well. I think we're good for now, but I'll make sure to ask for you when we need you." Jim let out politely, keeping an eye out for the corner that led to the changing rooms.
She laughed at Jim’s suggestion to stick around and watch her essentially model for him. Well, a little modelling never hurt, she thought to herself. Originally, she was going to just try them on herself, but what was the harm in letting Jim see and offer his own thoughts? She knew what she liked, and... well, she thought she knew what her husband liked too. Either way, she nodded her head, swivelling on her feet and sauntered off to the dressing room.
Jennifer had picked out a strapless tube black dress.

She inspected the outfit in the mirror of the dressing room first, swivelling one way, then the other, enjoying how the black dress hung off her shoulders and cut slightly down her cleavage. Her hands moved to press her bosom up a little, though the dress supported it well enough, ample amount of her breasts shown just above the neckline. She smiled, then walked out, a couple moments after Jim had dismissed the shopping assistant.
"What do you think?" She asked, looking over herself. "I like it." She hummed.
A slight frown came over Jim's countenance as the black fabric peeked back at him soon as Jennifer rounded off the corner. It wasn't the white dress, though...he tilted his head to the side slightly, taking a better look down the woman's figure and the way the dress hugged it. Maybe he was a bit quick to jump to conclusions. The black dress was elegant, short enough to tease the woman's lovely thighs and naturally her best assets were nicely on display, offering a nice peek at her cleavage, whilst the tops of her breasts sort of swelled upwards above the neckline.
Jim crossed his arms over his chest as he tilted his head, his gaze running down her frame. "It's niceee..." his voice trailed off, a hint of uncertainty painting the words. He clicked his tongue off of his cheek before narrowing his eyes, focusing down at Jennifer's legs. "It doesn't really do justice to your two most attractive assets." he added with a small laugh, referring to her breasts. "It comes close to redeeming itself further South, but I just think if it was a couple inches shorter it'd be infinitely better."
A laugh escaped her lips as Jim explained himself, the woman rolling her eyes a little bit. "I suppose we'll disagree there too." She replied, moving her hands to bounce her bosom very slightly, the tops of her breasts peeking up further over the black fabric that held them back. Of course he would say something like that - but she liked the dress, despite his own desires. Besides, it wasn't for him, anyways. It was for Robert - and sort of for herself as well.
She laughed again at his mention of the dress being too long. "Oh, you like when girls dress like that, do you?" She teased, a smirk on her face.
"Well, that's not really my style, personally." She replied, glancing at the hem of her dress. Just a little past her mid thighs... and he wanted it further up? Of course she'd seen girls wearing less - Terry's new girlfriend wore something that barely past her ass in half the pictures that Jennifer had seen from her son. Maybe it was just something boys liked here.
Either way, she let out a little breath. "I'm going to get it." She decided, smiling at Jim.
"I like it." Glancing to the mirror, she admired herself a moment longer, then glanced at him. "One more, and then we can head home. Or, maybe I can help you with shoes for your friend."
Jim echoed her laughter. "I suppose we wi-” which was then almost cut off in an abrupt fashion as her bosom began to bounce rather vigorously.
Right then and there he couldn't help but think of that tight dress hiked up, all the way past her hips, her legs spread to straddle his hips, Jim sat on a chair as she rode him, bouncing up and down on his co-
Jim had to shake his head a bit to dismiss this particular train of lewd thoughts and snap back to reality as she posed that question to him. "Well the girls I've fooled around with, to tell the truth they're not very 'blessed' up there, as you know very well." Jim rolled his eyes, echoing her previous sentiment when she admitted to the fact that not many other women were gifted with such a hefty bust.
"So if they don't have much to write home about up there..." he eyed her bosom. "...they attempt to make things interesting down there." his gaze fell down to her legs. Jim let out a sigh, stopping himself from elaborating further.
It was a nice dress regardless, though it paled in comparison to the first one she tried and the white one, which he was certain would be mind blowing. Still he knew enough of Jennifer to realise she was going to get it regardless, so he saved his breath.
Instead he raised his index finger, wagging it to indicate 'no'. "I won't hang around to check out the third one. I just know it'll be the best out of the three and..." I want you to wear it for me in a more intimate setting he wanted to say, but was well aware that would be insinuating too much. "...and I'd rather head to the cash counter and pay for the first dress." he finished the sentence finally.
With that, Jim turned around and stepped away. He found the helpful shopping assistant and paid for the first dress that was supposedly for his friend. In the midst of it, he told her to charge his card for the white dress too. It'd be his gift to Jennifer, despite his finances not really permitting it, but what the hell!
She laughed lightly at his response. Well, considering his attentions today - she'd very clearly seen where they had been - she was not surprised at his thoughts. The white dress was small for her, but she did like the design.
"Suit yourself." She replied, turning on her heels and heading right back into the dressing room. She didn't think too much of it, stripping from the black dress and sliding on the white one
Admiring herself in the mirror, she toyed with the window to her breasts a little. IT was definitely on the small side, but it covered enough of her to feel fine going on a date with Robert in. He would love it, sharing at least some of Jim's proclivities when it came to that. She debated taking a picture and sending it to him, then decided it would be a surprise for her husband. She had some nice heels to go along with it, a beautiful necklace and pearl earrings that would be exactly what the dress needed…
It was a little while later that she returned, both dresses resting over her arm as she came to the register. "Just these two, thank you." She spoke to the assistant, who gave her a curious look. "What?" She asked the attendant.
"The white dress, the young man has paid for already." She replied.
Jennifer glanced towards her compatriot, then laughed, paying off the black dress. "Does that internship of yours pay that much?" She asked incredulously. Why in the world would he pay for it?
Jim stood up from one of those seat things that were placed in the middle of mall hallways for frustrated husbands to wait for their wives to come out of the store. He looked at the bags that Jennifer brought out, finding the one with the first dress and holding out his hand for it. At Jennifer's question Jim just waved it off. "Not really, but I wanted to say thanks for your help today."
Their little shopping trip done, it wasn't long before they headed back home. Jim got his shopping bag with the first dress he'd picked out as Jennifer got the other two. Sure enough he teased her a few times on the way, but nothing too pushy, though the young man's interest in the older woman was certainly not very well-concealed.
It did not suit Jim all that well to find out that Jennifer intended to wear one of the dresses, likely the white one in an anniversary thing that was coming up with Robert. Regardless he kept his mouth shut, knowing that this one would require patience.
As they stepped back inside the house, Jim stopped at the foot of the stairs, as Jennifer was going to head to the kitchen or to Rober's study. "Hey, I had fun today. We should do it again sometime." with that he headed back up.
As soon as they'd arrived home, Jennifer only nodded her head to him. It had been enjoyable, sure, though it wasn't something she felt she would repeat. Helping himm help his friend - although, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that friend didn't exist. She giggled to herself. Had he bought two dresses solely to impress her and flirt with her? He was indeed barking up the wrong tree. Anyways, she found her way into Robert's study to find him, pressing a light kiss to his cheeks. "Honey, you've been working yourself raw. I know you're busy, but why don't we find some time next weekend to go out to dinner? Maybe Friday evening?" She kissed his cheek again, massaging his shoulders lightly. The man only glanced to her, then gave a nod. "Sure." It was... underwhelming of a response, but Jennifer was glad enough that he'd agreed. "Love you." "Mm.." He grunted out, and she sighed again, kissing his cheek then leaving him be.
That anniversary night thing wasn't far off and somehow, someway, Jim felt he'd be involved. How exactly? He could not tell.
==== THE WINE ====
Another week passed. Jennifer did see Jim occasionally, but he did appear to be quite busy. This internship really was working him - or he was going to see acquaintances, which was more than fine for Jennifer.
She still thought about that particular evening, when Jim had had some girl over to his bedroom. Jennifer had heard the girl for three hours straight. God, she did hope for at least a little action tonight on her anniversary night with her husband Robert.
She was starved for attention in a way her hand simply could not satisfy. Taking her time getting ready, she'd made reservations for 7 tonight. It was Friday, so usually Robert was home by then, and she'd texted him a few times throughout the day just to make sure he knew. It always said he read them, even if he didn't always respond.
Maybe it was subconscious, or maybe because of Jim's statement the week prior, Jennifer had decided on the white dress. Robert would love it. She'd found herself admiring herself again, adjusting the 'window' to her bosom, to just cover enough to be appropriate for going out. She'd done up her makeup, only light touches really, with a pair of pearl earrings and matching necklace. That floral perfume that Robert loved, as expensive as it was, she used. Strappy black heels as well, and she'd taken the time to curl her hair very loosely for him.
He'd need to get home at around 6:30 - Robert hadn't said to meet at the restaurant. Jennifer was ready. And... she waited. She texted her husband. Once, twice. The third time, around 6:50, she got a response. And that was why, about an hour later, she was more than halfway through a bottle of wine, swirling a near empty glass with a dour look on her face, mumbling to herself.
So work had gone long, had it? He wouldn't be done until 9? A week was plenty enough time to adjust his schedule, wasn't it? Couldn't he have just taken a little time off? He already worked all damn weekend anyways, why couldn't he have just ignored the meeting and come out with her?
Jim had chanced upon Jennifer from time to time since their little outing together. He was well aware that she'd planned a big night with her husband and Jim was certain she was going to wear one of the dresses she'd picked out whilst she was out with Jim.
The fact that that weasley bastard, Robert would get to savour her in a dress that Jim had helped pick out did not sit all that well with the young man.
Worst of all, that gleeful smile on Jennifer's face that morning had convinced him that the usually occupied Robert would actually make some time to attend this dinner she'd planned. That fact alone had Jim trepidatious about returning home. Last thing he wanted was to hear Robert and Jennifer going at it.
He let out a sigh whilst checking out the time. Being Friday most everyone had already headed home and Jim could not postpone it any longer. He grabbed his things and headed out of the office. Being Casual Friday he was wearing a pair of jeans with a grey shirt.
The young man figured he'd just drop his work stuff at home, maybe grab a quick shower and go out tonight. One of his friends from college was spending a few days in town and it'd be good to recall some of that wild partying they were so used to on term time. Not seeing Robert's car in the driveway, made Jim think he'd already picked up Jennifer and they were in some restaurant by now. To his surprise however, he heard some noises from the kitchen upon entering the house. That was odd.
The scratch of a glass bottle against the counter was heard as Jim drew closer to the kitchen, some unintelligible sounds also grew louder. Jennifer had not left yet? Turning the corner he confirmed as much.
The look of surprise on his face was quickly replaced by a look of...well she was wearing the white dress and it was a treat to take all of it in. For the first few moments he didn't say a word, really, all his attention was focused on trying to comprehend how the dress made her bosom pop out from the 'window' like that without actually spilling out entirely.
He managed to snap out of it though upon seeing the look on Jennifer's face. The half empty bottle of wine told him the rest of the story.
"That fucking asshole…" Jim muttered, carelessly tossing the house keys towards the kitchen counter. He shook his head in exasperation, genuinely not believing how her husband could stand up such a woman, though certainly part of Jim was glad.
He took in a breath. "Come on, I'm not going to let you drown your sorrows here. Come on." he walked over, snatching the bottle by the neck and taking out a glass for himself. Looking over to Jennifer. "The kitchen chairs are crap. Let's go to the living room. You look stunning by the way. I told you this was a good choice, didn't I? Come on." he stepped out of the kitchen.
Jennifer hadn't noticed the young man arriving, muttering under her breath now. She wasn't quite drunk, but she wasn't sober either, complaining to herself.
"I always do everything, make sure he gets everything that he ever needs, and the one time I ask for something, he shrugs it off..." She trailed off as the bottle she'd been drinking from was snatched from her, earning Jim a heated glare, then a huff of breath as he continued on to try and compliment her.
"I'll do what I want." She snapped back at him with a light huff of breath, swirling her glass for a moment. She felt like being petulant today, considering how much she desired more from her husband that he had been giving. This wasn't even the first time, nor her first disappointment with him either. He did things like this constantly.
It took her a few moments before she finally decided to follow her tenant into the living room, sitting quietly into the couch not right beside him. "Give that to me." She snatched the bottle back, pouring herself another full glass and then relaxed back onto the couch, letting her lipstick stain the glass further as she drank from it. She was tempted to simply take the bottle and drink from that, but she held that desire in for the moment. There was no reason to explain herself to Jim - she was sure he already knew what had happened.
"If I want to drink, then I will." She grumbled, sipping down more of her wine now.
Jim quickly stopped feeling all that bad about the half-drunk missy here. Truth be told she brought this on herself by holding out hope for a man like Robert. What Jim still could not decipher what she actually saw in the man, when she herself was leaps and bounds objectively better.
As they sat down, she snatched the bottle right back and Jim did not fight her, observing as she poured herself another one and eagerly taking a sip, for a brief moment feeling quite jealous of that glass being stained by those lovely lips of hers. He glanced down between his legs, thinking of at least another thing that could benefit from a bit of staining.
"Yeah of course, you're a strong independent woman, aren't you?" Jim replied to her grumbly protest. "You picked the dress out yourself, you made those plans for tonight all by yourself and now here you are drinking, all by yourself." he reached over to snatch the bottle, lifting it to his lips to take a sip before he put the bottle onto the coffee table in front.
"One can't do everything. It's too much. It's nice to get some help. Not from Robert, that much is clear...but that's why I'm here." Jim declared moving back a bit to create some more space for her to scoot over to him.
"Come here…" he reached down, his hand placed on her hip as he pulled her butt closer to him, turning her to face away from him as Jim angled his body towards her.
"All of that stress on your shoulders, let's see if we can't do something about can keep drinking okay?" Jim pulled her only half-way through by the hip, letting her close in for the remaining half.
"Let's move that pretty hair to one side." he used the back of his hand to swipe her hair over one shoulder, revealing her pristine neck. "How long since you've had a massage?"
She let out another little huff. Jim didn't need to be a smartass about it. No one liked a smartass, no matter how good looking he was. She gave him another little glare as he drank from the bottle, doing just what she wanted to do except that she hadn't done it. She rolled her eyes a little, swirling the glass as she crossed her legs, unwilling to speak much more than she already had. She was seething inside and just wanted to drink until she decided to go to bed.
Jim grabbing her by the hips and practically pulling her to him did catch her off guard, but she didn't stop him. Nor did she stop him brushing her hair aside, her bare skin showing to him, save for the necklace that she had on that broke the pristine, fair skin.
"I don't know." She mumbled, her head looking down to the glass at hand, finishing it off and setting it aside for the moment. Her hands folded lightly into her lap. Is that what he did to get his way with women? Just declare he was going to do something, and then girls would just let him? Not that she was stopping him either, but she was also drunk.
"You don't know?" Jim repeated her words back to her, scooting a bit closer towards Jennifer whose back was now facing the young man. He shook his head in disapproval, tutting for a few seconds as his hands grazed the sides of her arms, rising up and coming to rest on her shoulders.
"Then again if Robert won't even show up for dinner, why would he ever give you a massage?" he mumbled, more so to himself before resolving to not mention Robert again for the remainder of the evening. He wanted to savour this moment without that prick intruding upon their thoughts.
His hands laid onto her shoulders, giving them a firm squeeze. "Oh wow...I can sense quite a bit of tension." he let out, the volume of his voice lowering with each word. Rhythmically Jim squeezed her shoulders, his hand sliding towards her neck, four fingers hooking around her neck for support as he used his thumbs to press slow circles into her back. The sensation of her skin alone caressing the pads of his fingers was enough to get the young man start to heat up.
Still he managed to restrain himself, using his fingers to touch upon all the pressure points that he could feel had tensed up, slow rolling circles aimed to relieve some of the pressure.
"How's that? Feeling a bit better?" he whispered once more, drawing closer, his breath gently teasing the back of her neck.
"A beautiful woman like you Jennifer should not be so stressed...there's nothing you should stress about…just lay back…" he pressed just under the back of her neck, a particular spot that he knew provided a lot of relief when prodded just right. "...just let go…" he whispered, leaning to complement the massage he was giving with a kiss, his lips gently touching the spot where her neck touched her shoulder, a small kiss, almost a peck, followed by a lengthier one, savouring the supple skin beneath his lips as his hands continued to massage her without stopping.
It wasn't that much of a surprise to her that she'd not gotten a massage any time recently. Most of her friends were in the same boat. Their husbands, some now ex-husbands, were satisfied with working and using their wives to basically be at home help. And that was it. There was no care for making sure her needs were met. Maybe she had kidded herself into believing that Robert was doing his best and that he was providing for her. In a way, he was. Monetarily, she never floated an empty purse. She had the things she wanted. It was just never directly from him. Little affection or love for her seemed to remain, even on those occasional nights they got more passionate. How many evenings had ended with her drinking a little bit of her sorrows away? More than she would admit.
She let out an involuntary sigh as Jim's hands pressed to her shoulders, his finger probing deeper and working out the knots in her back. God, how long had it been since anyone really touched her like that? She struggled to remain silent, half wanting to moan in delight from the relief she felt.
"Better." She murmured, smiling a little at his compliments to her. She felt herself leaning back, even without Jim beckoning her closer.
It felt good, like she could just let herself fall into his arms. That would be wrong - he was just her tenant. A friend of her son's she was hosting for a summer. She was married. All these reasons echoed in her head, and for the moment, she felt them suppressed by the relief that she felt.
Even as his lips brushed her neck... instead of pulling forward, she felt her head tilt, enjoying the touch of a man's lips to her skin.
What was Jim thinking at that moment? Truth be told there wasn't a lot of thinking going on. He simply went with the flow. It felt good to run his hands all over Jennifer's shoulders and back, the sensation of her skin pressing up against his wandering hands, the perfume she'd picked for the evening, evidently for her husband and yet now teasing the senses of another man as she leaned closer toward Jim.
More than all of that though, was the way she reacted to his touch. All of that however faded in comparison to that little whimper that escaped from her lips. What he was doing to her and the sensations he felt was secondary, what Jim enjoyed the most was the palpable manner that she reacted to him.
The subtle tilt of her head as he kissed her neck, made his lips clamp down, forming a seal over her skin which was followed by a small, gentle suck. Another suck as he pulled his lips away, the seal of his lips broken with an audible smack.
"Oh god..." Jim whispered, an involuntary utterance at having savoured her and wanting more, so much more... He removed one hand from her shoulder, reaching up, he cradled the top side of her head, his fingers disappearing into the luscious hair, the pads of his fingers pressing into her scalp to provide a scalp massage and at the same time allowing Jim to move her head to the side, exposing more of her shoulder to the young man who used his free hand to slowly push the strap of the dress down her arm.
"Just relax…" he whispered as more of the supple buffet was uncovered under him. The revealed skin of her shoulder was begging for his lips and he did not hesitate to make the acquaintance, kissing his way from her shoulder to her neck. As his head bent down, he could see down her front, the moved strap meant her right breast was ready to pop out and so Jim reached down with his free hand, moving the dress fabric to the side as he gently sucked on her neck.
The woman relaxed, her mind sinking into the feeling, enjoying his strong, firm touch, yet gentle. A sound she tried to suppress came out, a light moan as Jim's lips lightly sucked to skin.
"Careful…" she murmured, knowing well how easily her fair skin bruised. The subconscious in her was still there, reminding her she was married, that there was a ring on her finger that twinkled… a twinkle she couldn't see with her eyes closed as they were. She kept her eyes shut, humming softly the more than Jim toyed with her.
Even as his hand moved to brush her dress strap aside, she made no effort to stop him. There was no bra underneath. As the strap moved to the side, tugged by the young man's hand, her heavy breast finally came free. She let out a soft sigh, the slight sag letting it fall a little further from the window of her dress.
She made no acknowledgement consciously, yet a moment later she'd brought Jim's hand up, caressing it to her bosom and sighing out in delight. How long had she desired this? Another light moan came out, her eyes closed tight.
The little warning alone could have been a red flag that the young man was overstepping his bounds and Jennifer was well aware of it. He certainly was and yet the little moan that spilled out of her lips made him understand the context behind that subtle warning.
"Don't worry." was his hushed reply, breaking the seal around his lips only briefly before he kissed her skin tenderly once again. The kissing seemed to slow down, even came to a complete halt as Jim had his eyes open, glancing down the front of her dress, watching as the voluptuous tit spilled out of the window of her dress, sagging down just a little bit. Maybe he caught a brief momentary glimpse of her now freed nipple, before the porcelain-like breast fell a bit more, concealing the tiny bud from the young man's gaze.
To his surprise, Jennifer actually sought out his hand, guiding it up to her now exposed breast. The palm of his hand slid down, to place itself between the displaced strap and the breast, he lifted his hand a bit to feel the weight of her tit, a trembling breath left his lips, caressing her ear as a wave of excitement washed over his body as he felt just how heavy the mound was.
"You're gorgeous, you know that?" he whispered, before leaning in to nibble on her earlobe, right as the fingers on his hand were splayed so as to 'hold' as much of her tit as he could.
He felt the supple flesh fill his hand almost in an instant, her tit spilling out from the gaps between his fingers as he gave it a small squeeze and right then as Jim moved his hand, he felt something brush the bottom side of his palm. It moved across his palm as he repositioned his hand.
Jim moved his hand away only briefly, before his thumb and his index finger closed in on the elusive bud, he had not gotten a glimpse, but he was copping a feel as he rolled her nipple between his fingers whilst he sucked on her earlobe.
Jennifer knew she should stop. She should've told him to stop, to get out of her house and stop trying to destroy her little idyllic life. To tell her son how this man was sowing discord in their family, and for what? Yet, she succumbed to the feeling, enjoying his hand grasping and groping at her breast, toying her nipple, pinching it between his fingers.
"I've heard it before…" She whispered, though a giggle escaped her lips as she said it. Oh, it was so nice to have a man compliment and feel her like this, how much she had missed it! Another light moan escaped her lips, her eyes opening... happening upon her free hand. The wedding ring glinted lightly, in the lowly lit room.
Doubt swirled in her mind again. Those suppressed thoughts were gently pushing back into her mind. She was upset, it was just one day, Robert got caught up, and it was fine... but it wasn't just one time. Or maybe it would get better?
Her body began to stiffen a little, leaning forward slightly. There was hesitation in the motion as she felt herself trying to untangle from Jim. It was too late to tell him he shouldn't touch her and too late for her to say that she didn't like the touch at all. She loved it and perhaps even felt she was addicted to it... but it couldn't happen. It couldn't!
Her hand slowly reached up to Jim's, pulling it away. "I think... I think I'm going to go wash up." She said lightly, slowly pulling her body forward from him. She held her breath, keeping her eyes forward.
Was she panting? Very nearly sweating, she felt. "I'm going to... head to bed. I think the wine’s hitting me." She didn't quite rebuff Jim, but the simple fact of her not facing him as she got up from the couch was enough, she felt. She didn't want to continue, as much as she knew she did. Contradictory, perhaps, but... she wouldn't think too much more of it. She needed to go.
Biting down on her earlobe, Jim shook his head a bit as she said she 'heard it before' as if to tell her that she herself did not realise how gorgeous she was. If she did, she wouldn't accept that pathetic excuse for a man to stand her up like this.
He squeezed her tit wantonly, his fingers seemed to get lost in the vast endless sea of flesh that was her tit, the supple skin providing the most perfect sensation to his digits.
"It's okay…" Jim whispered as he let go of her earlobe, unable to complete the sentence he wanted to say I’ll give you the anniversary, you deserve but instead the soaring desire within made him lean down, kissing the end of her jaw, kisses that started to trail towards her lips as he used his hold on her scalp to try and turn her face, but right then Jennifer leaned forward, his lips kissing the air at one point.
Next thing he felt was her hand pulling his off of her tit, not that Jim wanted to resist, though his hand as if it had a mind of its own latched onto her mound momentarily, like a spoiled child told to scram from the candy shop, it stubbornly resisted her pull before he had to force himself to let go.
Next thing he knew Jennifer was stood up. She faced away from Jim, speaking to him whilst not turning to face him, though the wedding ring on her hand did face him. The momentary sensations had made Jim forget about that fact and given her moans just moments prior she forgot about it too, but apparently it was short-lived. Jim didn't accept that. Did not want to accept that. "It's not the wine." he added, making it clear this wasn't a fluke. This was what she had felt for the longest time now and that's why she'd allowed herself to experience it.
"Jennifer, come on…" his tone of voice was half pleading, half serious, as if telling her to face the truth here. Robert was not good for her. She needed something else, someone else. She knew it. He knew it. Jim was not willing to let it end here. He reached forward, his hand firstly wrapping around her wrist, before he let it fall to cup the entirety of her hand, almost as if he wanted his hand to cover up her wedding ring, that terrible reminder that she belonged to someone else.
He pulled on it to make her turn, looking up briefly as her tit was still out, this time seeing the nipple and the way his fingers had made the skin of her breast start to tinge red. "Take a seat baby…no more wine, we'll just relax."
She had very nearly started moving before Jim took her hand. The woman was not unaware of her excuse. It was just an excuse, after all, that she was feeling the alcohol. If anything, she wanted to take the rest of the nearly empty bottle and finish it. Either way, she knew she had to go, even as the young man turned her around.
She didn't hide her breast immediately, not with her hand in his. She looked at him, a regretful look, almost sad, but she shook her head.
"Jim, no." She said softly, tugging her hand back and re-exposing that reminder of her. Her hands moved to her breast, tucking it back in and fixing the dress. He would hate her for this, she knew - maybe it would make it easier. As enjoyable as the moment had been, it couldn't continue.
"I'm sorry. I just can't. Have a good night." As she spoke, she had slowly stepped back from the living room, then turned again and quietly left the room, leaving the young man on his own to grasp at the memory. As much as she was grasping at the memory herself, gone to her bedroom. She shut the door tight and locked the bathroom, stripped bare as she stood in the shower.
Soft moans resounded in the bathroom, drowned out by the pour of the shower head as her finger rubbed at herself. Robert was not on her mind.