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Light Vs. Dark (Specific Request)

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Aug 15, 2010
I've been thinking of roleplaying a story that I created a while back. The theme is basically Light vs. Dark, and I'll be roleplaying the protagonist and main antagonist, and whatever characters I feel like putting in. You would would be the protagonists main love intrest, her friends, and a possible side antagonist.

I've done this story before, but I lost the transcript and it's been way to long since Riku has last used his sword.

The Premise

There are two swords, who's power resides in the extreme light and extreme dark. One is owned by, Riku who a 19 year old residing in the slums of a city. One day he bumps into a very old friend. Neither of them recognize each other, but they have a short moment before he runs off to fulfill his own agenda.

The beginning of it would explore the back story of both Riku and the love interest, but they don't realize who each other until somewhere around the middle of the story.

Later plots will focus on Riku's sword, Tensai and how it plays into a plot to bring about a weapon of mass destruction.

Naturally most of the characters featured in this story have powers above normal humans, but that's how I normally roleplay.
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