Mx Female The Jewel of the Burlesque Revue - teasing, obsession, stalking (NSFW)


Jun 21, 2019

A fun week in Las Vegas got my imagination spinning!

The Concept
You'd play a young woman working as a dancer in a Las Vegas burlesque show - but don't picture cheesy feather boas and jazz-age trumpets; this is a modern show with updated costumes, energetic choreography, and pumping pop music.

I'd play as someone who develops a crush, and perhaps even an obsession, with your character. I'm open to discussing who exactly my character is... he could be anyone from one of the security staff to a creepy guest to a suave casino owner. At first your character might enjoy having such a devoted admirer. She might be willing to give him extra attention and meet up with him on the side for private shows, for the thrill of it or maybe for the money. Perhaps eventually your character finds herself in over her head and thinks take a turn for the non-con. Or maybe it's dark from the start and your character doesn't encourage it at all. I'm open to discussing how it could all play out.

What I offer
As an RP partner I like to think I can bring:
  • Consistency: I can post at a mostly regular schedule. Daily is probably a good average, but more is possible. If I'm travelling and will be away for multiple days I'll certainly let you know.
  • Quality: I'd consider myself a highly literate writer, offering replies with some substance and length. I try not to do novellas for every post but you can expect a good few paragraphs, typically.
  • Imagination: I love to build up a setting, to really get into its mood and to come with twists and ideas of how to ratchet up the tension.
  • Communication: I'm generally an open-minded, communicative RP partner. Drama free and happy to kick around ideas.
What I'm looking for
Aside from someone who matches with the on the points above, for this RP I'd really like someone who enjoys teasing and who wants to get creative with building their character, their costumes, dances, and all the little descriptive details this sort of RP calls for. Someone who wants to be get into the role of a fantasy girl, and who maybe likes it when things take a dark turn and her character gets in over her head.

Please check out my F-list but overall I'd like to include some of: domination, objectification, anticipation, voyeurism, exploitation, clothes/dressup, dub-con, non-con, bondage, tickle torture. I trend towards the more psychological aspects of kinky. No hyper pornographic raunchiness, no unrealistic sizes, no ahegao, etc.


Apply Now!
If you're interested, tell me why! Tell me what excites you, ask any questions you have about the setting, give me a good sense of who you are as a player, what you're looking for from a GM, and what you're offering. If you really want to go the extra mile, feel free to submit an "audition" or "resume" or something! I hope to hear from you!
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