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A sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare. (Zabrian x Kiki)

KiKi Umara Death

Jan 26, 2009
A light flipped on in a small bedroom upstairs. Kiki looked around her new room in dismay. She hated moving A LOT. The worst part about it all was the unpacking portion. So many damn boxes. Grumbling she moved over to her bed and cleaned it off. Well at least now she'd be able to go to sleep when she was finished. Her parents had got on her case about her room and said it was high time she accepted this new house. So she decided to unpack finally.

Kiki was normally a well behaved girl and never caused any trouble. But she never liked moving much and on top of it all there was something about this house she didn't like. Picking up a random box she set it on her bed and began to sort through it. Halfway through it her blue eyes focused on a picture. Picking it up she looked over it. It was of her and her friends from her old school. Biting her bottom lip she dropped it back into the box.

She couldn't do this right now. She was still highly uncomfortable and sad. Having always been socially awkward it had been hard to make friends. Now it was going to be hard all over again. She brushed her long raven black hair over her shoulders and sat on her bed. Sighing she flopped backwards and closed her eyes. Oh what a day. Even though it was only six she felt so drained. Maybe if she took a nap and with that thought in mind she let herself drift off...

It was just another dream. One of the many reoccurring dreams she had had through out her life. This one was about her elementary days. Third grade had always been one of her favorite years simply because her teacher, Mrs. Purdy, had been one of her favorite teachers of her entire school career. There was never really anything odd about these dreams. She was just in class answering questions. It always started out like this. They were always the same questions too. Math questions to be exact. She watched eagerly from her desk as Mrs. Purdy scribbled problems on the board.
Eagerly waiting for someone to remember him he had started trying to branch out but no one beyond this town knew him and no one dreamed in this town. He wondered the dream world running his blades along the fabric of night and turned feeling a prick of a dream and smiled it grew stronger and he started for it in a dead set run and hovered above it watching slowly entering the dream. She then heard the sound of nails on a chalk board as he carved an equation in the chalk board. 1+1= … Turning to look at her there he stood in his red stripped sweater and smiled at her. “Welcome back to school Kiki.” He said and she then felt a pain across her chest as You was carved into her chest just as he turned and started to carve Y O U after the equals sign.
Kiki had been writing something on her paper when she heard the nails across the board. Looking up she saw a horrid looking man standing up front instead of her teacher. What the hell?...As she looked around she saw that all of her classmates were gone and upon further inspection of herself she realized that she had reverted back to her teenage self. Looking back up she watched the monster carve "You" after the equation. Feeling white hot pain seethe through her chest she looked down to see the word also carved into her chest leaving the top of her shirt in tatters. Suddenly standing up she clutched her wound and backed away from the scene before her.
As she backed up he was behind her and she saw his bladed hand come around and gripped her chin and he leaned in and whispered into her ear. “Now now your not a little girl anymore still scared of the boogie man?” he then held her close his arm wrapping around her waist and kept her close to him her arms pinned to her sides with how he was holding her and he dove into her mind to find out what she feared most.
She let out a surprised gasp as he gripped her chin. He was behind her now? What the fuck? Who was this guy? As he pulled her closer she resisted and tried to fight against him. But she was shaking and most of her efforts were feeble and useless due to how terrified she was. But she fell still as he delved through her mind to find out what she feared most. He eventually found it. She had a classic case of Virginitiphobia. Violation, unfeeling cruelty as she lost her innocence unwillingly scared the living daylights out of her.
“Oh so that’s your fear how beautifully poetic.”He spun her and she was on her bed her hands tied to her bed posts in her tattered shirt and her panties and he stood over her and smiled, and moved to stand beside her. Those blades resting in the bed and he slammed one into the mattress sliding it towards her crotch the sides of her inner thighs being cut superficially by his thumb and other fingers. His other hand ran up her belly. “Looks like I will be your first and last.”
Kiki's eyes widened as she was spun around and suddenly she was laying down and tied to a bed. She began to panic and tug against the restraints as he moved around her. But she froze when his blades began their journey towards her crotch. Crying out in pain she felt his blades cut her thighs slightly as his other hand caressed her soft skin on her stomach. "St-stop please..." She whined as she began to cry.
His hand slide up under her shirt as that leather ran along her skin and he gripped her breast through her bra messaging the flesh as he smiled."Little old for my tastes but you will do just fine" he said as the blade that had been cutting the bed like butter ran along her panties slowly dragging it up her body with a smile. then slowly ran it back down gently applying pressure to her crotch.

She then could hear chanting like school kids all around"Deflower the virgin deflower the virgin." and he started to laugh.
She squirmed and cried beneath his touches as he violated her. This wasn't right at all. But it was all just a bad nightmare. Maybe she would just wake up and she'd be just fine. Just as she had that thought she heard the chanting in the background. "N-No you can't! Please no!" She cried trying to move away to no avail.
He chuckled and quickly brought that bladed finger quickly up her panties cutting the fabric and the tip of her clit got hit by the blade and he then placed it at the center of her neck and drug it down the fabric of her bloody torn shirt as cut away as he trailed it down to the waistline of those panties. "Lets see if the Carpet matches the drapes." he said his other hand came down and slowly pulled the panties down just enough so he could see if she shaved or not the blades on his glove though were running up her abdomen she could feel the cold steel as it soon touched her breasts and he ran the tip of one of the blades along her nipple."wonder how many fingers you can take of mine?"
She jerked against her restraints as the blade grazed her clit. She caught herself just in time to bite her bottom lip keeping herself from moaning. Oh god why had that have to happen? Closing her eyes she felt more hot tears spill down her cheeks as he cut the rest of her shirt away. She shivered as the blade trailed back down to her panties. As he pulled her panties down he could see that even though she was a virgin she kept herself cleanly shaved. "P-please stop..." She whined as one of his blades grazed one of her nipples. Her eyes shot open as she heard his last statement. "No no d-don't do that..." She whimpered trying to desperately close her legs but she knew she couldn't.
His fingers trailed down to her pussy and pressed between the cut fabric and found that clit messaging it softly as he fanned his gloved hand out and gently messaged both nipples with the tip of a blade listening to her cry's he quivered his lip and looked at her. "no stop don't ahhhhhh" he then started to laugh again and she then felt two fingers press against that sweet entrance and circled it before trailing back up to her clit."Let's see if you can scream?" Lifting his hand from her chest he ran it down her body and ran his bladed index finger up and down her slit slowly pressing between the cut fabric so she could feel the cold steel pressing against her bare flesh.
She arched and bit back several unwanted moans as he massaged her clit. More tears squeezed from her eyes as he mocked her. God why wouldn't she wake up? Feeling his fingers press against her entrance her eyes opened again. But they shut again and she let out an accidental moan as his fingers brushed against her clit. But her eyes opened once more as his bladed finger slid down her body and against her slit. Her really wouldn't would he? Oh no. "No No no no Please don't please!" She cried her pleas getting louder and louder as he tortured her.
He then plunged the blade into her body pushing it all the way into her as she was begging him not to then slowly teasingly pulled it out or at least what was teasing for him. his other hand gripped one of her free breasts and messaged it forcefully his thumb rolling her nipple and he smiled."Don't do what?" he asked then laughed and placed his blades against her abdomen and made small scratches down her belly and chuckled as the cuts twisted and wrote out the words fuck me.
She let out a pained scream as he plunged his blade all the way into her body. As he pulled it out she was shaking and crying. She was trying so hard to pull away but as he gripped her breast and pinched her nipple she arched into his touch. It was pissing her off how she was reacting to his torture. Her moaning was getting harder to hide as he sliced "fuck me" into her belly. Looking down she saw the words and laid her head back crying still.
The writing was her own. He then jump and shifted so he was straddling her head and as she lead it back he leaned down and plunged his long thick shaft that completely filled her mouth down into her face and his hand pushed her legs further apart and he pushed two of those bladed fingers into her and slowly started to pump them into her and laughed as his cock was filling her mouth. "oh i will fuck you since you asked so directly."
She closed her eyes squeezing them shut as his cock invaded her mouth filling it. Whining she tried to pull away but she let out another pained moan as he shoved two of his blades into her tight passage. She knew if he even moved those things wrong he would split her open and make her bleed. She would actually prefer his cock inside of her at this point more than those damn things.
he pulled them from her and pulled his cock form her mouth and pushed it back down her throat then slide down her and rolled off her bed and turned licking the blades that had been in her. he smiled and jumped at the bed and landed on her his gloved palm against her throat holding her down. and then in one swift motion slammed his hard cock into her filling her deeply with his hard cock all 10 inches. feeling how she stretched to accommodated his 8 inch girth.
She let out a pained scream as he filled her with his huge length. "Oh Christ..." She whimpered sobbing. This hurt so bad but her body had begun to heat up from the teasing and was starting to feel a little good.
Grinning at her sounds and he pulled out of her completely and then slammed back into her hard grinding and he made small cuts on her neck but nothing that would truly cause much damage just enough to remind her who was in her and he laughed at her. Making squeaking sounds and moans as the chanting got louder then clapping and she saw she was in class and the other students were around watching he slam into her beautiful young pussy. His shaft was throbbing inside her and seemed to be stretching her with each pulse. He laughed at her and started to carve Freddy into her left breast with his fingers as he pushed himself harder into her and laughed as he did.
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