Professor we really shouldn't...(Zabrian x Kiki)

KiKi Umara Death

Jan 26, 2009
The lights in the girls dormitories clicked on signifying the morning hours. Kiki groaned as she covered her head up with her silver comforter. Knowing that she had to get up she sat and swung her legs over the side of the bed. Standing up she stretched. Kiki was a slender girl standing at an even 5'. She had knee length raven black hair, ice blue eyes, and soft pale skin. After taking a few minutes to wake up she got dressed, grabbed her things, and walked out of the dorms into the common room.

Her first class of the morning was potions and she was secretly excited. It was an awful thing, and Kiki was a normally a well behaved girl, but she had had a crush on the school's Potion Master ever since her first year. As she left the common room she headed for the great hall where she ate breakfast quickly. After that she headed back down to the dungeons and walked into the classroom. Seeing that she was the only one there she just walked over to her seat and began setting up. She had always liked being the first one there. That meant she got to be the first one he laid his eyes on. She liked that feeling.
Snape was up as it always seemed he was, and walked out of the back of the classroom in his black robe. He looked at the girl who had been in his class since her first year and had started getting here well before everyone else. With a cant of his head he greeted her but said nothing and walked back to his desk and flipped through the lesson for the day.

“Kiki I have noticed you have been in my class every year, are you really that interested in potions? Because if so your grades do not show it.” He scolded her and then slammed the book and started to brew the potion of the day. His slider face and pointed nose drew his features out as his flesh was pale his hair a bit longer this year but he wanted that potion ready so he continued to work seeming to ignore the girl.
She smiled at his small greeting and went back to setting up. But when she heard his comment her face fell slightly. Biting her bottom lip she didn't know if she should answer him or not. He had gone about his morning duties and she didn't want to interrupt him. But he needed to know she was interested in the subject...And him...But she wouldn't let him know the second part. "But I am interested. I just have a hard time concentrating I suppose." She replied pursing her lips. After all it was kind of hard when your own teacher was distracting you,
Looking up to her he shook his head and then looked to the door. Then his eyes danced over her body as inconspicuously as he could to take in her form and curves. The potion popped and bubbled because he had been distracted, and quickly started to recover it. Once it was done he pulled it off and set it to hang and cool looking towards her.

His eyes meet hers and he tossed his rob behind him and started to stalk back towards her desk making his way through the class room till he was leaning in close his hands on the desk and he spoke softly and clearly so that she understood. “Then make a potion to focus better, and stay after class we need to discuss a few things.”
As their eyes met she froze up. She watched as he walked over and placed his hands on her desk. As he leaned over and spoke to her she felt her bottom lip tremble. He had never been this close to her before and it was making her heart race. She nodded in understanding as she tried to keep from blushing but it couldn't be helped.
He watched her and noticed the blush and turned to her. “Go to Chapter 32 and brew the passion potion listed there. If you can do it properly I may give you more tutoring after class” and just then the other students started to pour into the class and he stood at the front and started his lecture leaving her to the specific assignment he had given her. His eyes averted to her and as he wondered the class his hand came across her ass and he squeezed once but it was so simple an action he hide it from the rest of the class.
She nodded at his direction but she was confused as to why he would give her such a strange assignment. As she went about her work she tried so hard to get everything right. But As Snape moved around the classroom he made things so hard. She was more interested in watching him that she lost track of where she was. Plus she was getting weird looks for everyone because she wasn't working on the same thing. Just as she broke her gaze from him and went back to work she felt his hand brush across her ass and squeeze. She dropped one of her ingredients and began blushing like mad. Had he just done that?...Shaking it off nervously she went about her work again her hands shaking.
He watched the class and looked back to her and didn’t even change the stone stoic look on his face. “Is your Potion done Kiki” he asked then looked about the rest of the class then looked to the hourglass and headed back to the front of the class. “5 minutes and class is over you have 2 too complete your potions for my inspection.” Snape then started about the class as each of the students asked for his inspection none so far were up to his standards as far as quality until he stopped at one young girl and nodded. “That is what I would expect from you… Class Dismissed.” He then headed back to his desk and waited for Kiki.
She managed to finish both the normal assignment and her special assignment before class was dismissed. After everyone else has dispersed she poured a vial of each and walked up to the front of the room her blush still apparent. Placing both of them on his desk she waited for him to speak not wanting to get in trouble by talking first.
He looked at the one potion and took and poured it into an iron chalice as the iron became silver and smiled."Very good now drink the passion one so i can see if it works."the potion worked almost like a love potion but it made your passion stronger to were you were willing to go after it it also would increase ones pleasure to great heights that was an unspoken property of the potion.
Her eyes widened as soon as he directed her to drink it. "Wh-what?" She asked her bottom lip trembling. But she finally nodded softly and downed the potion. She stood there for a moment before her body began to heat up. "H-how can you tell if it's w-working?" She asked pursing her lips together.
"For starters tell me how you feel what you are passionate about." he asked and sat there running over a few papers and marking down grades. he had a feeling he knew the answer but wasn't about to give anything away so he just continued to do his work.
She looked surprised by his question. She knew what she wanted to say. But she was afraid of rejection and she wasn't sure if he would. "Ummm well...You see..." She muttered having a hard time phrasing it without it sounding strange. But who was she kidding. There was no way to phrase it without telling him exactly how she felt.
"seems your potion did not work you fail a dose like that and you would of told me exactly what your passion and desires were so detention here tonight unless you have something to tell me." he was prying for answers and waiting for her to decide how she wanted this to go. he wasn't going to push the matter right now but detention tonight was a different story. He then thought it would make things easier for her he glanced around no one was in the room or within ear shot."What type of panties are you wearing today?"
She was trying to stutter out an answer when he gave her a detention. Oh hell. But then he asked her an embarrassing question. W-what?...."U-Ummmm a thong professor..." She muttered blushing like mad. At this point her body felt like it was on fire and she was having a hard time containing herself.
"then tell me what your passion and desire is and while you do show me your thong so i can see what color it is." he was serious the whole time he was acting like he was simply teaching a lesson. He watched her trying to stammer out an answer and just waited for his questions to be answered. "maybe it was weak maybe you should drink the whole batch?" he offered.
She blushed and with shaking hands she pulled her skirt up revealing her thong. It was emerald green with silver matching her slytherin tie. "Uuuummm I-I...You're my desire professor...I-I want you..." She muttered blushing as she let her skirt fall. She then folded her hands in front of her and her gaze fell to the floor.
He nodded and pushed himself away from his desk."Then come and bend over my desk Kiki." he then lifted his wand and flicked it and the doors locked to the classroom he didn't have class for some time and he looked over her and smiled."So your Slytherin through and through want some slytherin deep in you?"
She blushed at his comment and shyly walked over to him behind his desk. Hesitating for a second she thought twice about it before she took off her house robe and bent over his desk. "L-like this?" She asked softly.
Snape ran his hands up her thighs brushing his fingers along her inner thighs and slowly lifted her skirt to reveal her beautiful ass and he messaged it softly before flipping her skirt so it rested across her hips and back.

“Now Kiki tell me how you want me.” He stated still acting much like the professor as his finger ran along the back of her thong and slowly to her covered pussy. Softly his finger ran against the silken emerald fabric that covered it pressing his finger against it adding gradual pressure. His own shaft was hardening as he stood behind her and loosened his robed so that he would be able to expose it and smile. He knew he would stretch and possibly tare her pussy with his cock which was the point of the potion to make sure she was good and hot and very wet.
She let off a small whine as he pressed his fingers against her clothed sex. He could probably tell that she was already wet from how the fabric felt against his fingers. She had heard his question but didn't quite know how to answer it considering she had never done this before. "I-I really don't know..." She stuttered.
Snape smiled and continued for several moments more with the gentle rubbing against her soft flesh. "You see this is something that I do not normally do Kiki." With his words flowing out he pulled his hand from her. Reaching under his sleeve he pulled his wand and touched the tip to her gentle folds with flick of it against her clit and leaned in close to whisper in her ear. "Depending on how well this goes that will be 100 points for Slytherin." A further enticement to bring her to letting go. slowly he trailed the tip of his wand along those soft folds and gently pushed it into her pumping it ever so lightly he wasn't ready to pop her cherry just yet.
She moaned softly as she felt his wand tip graze her folds. Squirming softly she felt the tip brush against her clit. This produced another slightly louder moan from her. Hearing him whisper to her she blushed. Was he trying to bribe her. A nice as the offer was she needed no enticement. Especially when the wand slid inside and he started moving it. It felt so strange. But at the same time it felt so good as it invaded her tight slick passage.
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