Mx Female One More Idea

Mature Male Writer

Nov 19, 2019
Coastal Georgia, US
First, to all of you who take the time to consider my ideas, and especially those of you look over them again and again, Thank You.

Second, about my writing style. I tend to write third person past tense with post lengths of up to 300 words. I guess if word count is important, I can add lots of superfluous details. I tend write here in private message and on Discord. I can do face claims, but be ready, most of my men are dead in real life.

Third, the character and plots I am seeking. My character is an older man (55-65), who is generally healthy and interested in being with and loving a woman, but his body is beginning to suffer diminishing sexual function, but his mental sexual drive his still high.
Plot A, And the one I would really crave. A long time couple after years of a good sex life realize their bodies just aren't up to traditional sex. Intercourse is a frustrating experience, even with drugs and lubricants. After an honest discussion, they begin a journey of sexual exploration into alternative means of sharing love. I am thinking a lot of oral and toys.
Plot B, is much like Plot A, but the couple meets in a retirement community. They are both single, and fall in love, but discover quickly old fashion sex is out, and they begin the adventure of alternative love making.
Plot C1, The classic tale of a gold digger who discovers in her marriage contract she is obligated to perform at least one sexual act with her husband per week. The act can be a number of things, from dressing for him, to a threesome with another woman.
Plot C2, A young woman meets and discovers the man of her dreams in the body of an older man. He is the man she has dreamed of in so many ways, but not up to physically loving her. She loves him enough to try other things.
Plot C3, A young woman who knows she is a masochist meets an older Dominant at a munch, and for a change of pace decides to give herself to him.

In closing, to all who have read my thread, Thank You for your consideration. If any of the ideas with slight variation strike your interest, please drop me a line.
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