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Fx Male Long time gone. Some spicy fun inside.


Mar 13, 2017
Niagara Falls
An Ideal Broodmare( Story heavy&Smut heavy):

You aren't human, at least not completely, and your kind is dying out, though other species can carry your young, it's rare that both mother and child survive. Not only is the coupling strenuous and taxing but carrying your young is as well.

You hadn't hired her for this. Your younger siblings Nanny was supposed to just keep the children out from under your feet after your parents untimely deaths and she is good at it, the children seem to adore her.

But she is weak, even for human standards frail an lean in the way that humans like their woman, not your type at all, but with a proper feeding regime....Maybe it's time for you to hire a new Nanny and for her to take on a new role? Has she always made you this...Hungry?

Would like to include,
Mild Non-con,
Lots of cum feeding,
Bit of body modification( fattening her up a bit),
Pregnancy play,
Mind break,
Size Play

The Curse Of Being Loved By Gods( Story Heavy, Romance heavy& Smut light) Historic setting ?

At some point ages ago a stranger helped another stranger in a time of need and since then there has been an understanding of a debt to be paid.

While one stranger went on to acquire power beyond measure, the other in his kindness unfortunately faced nothing but bad luck and the same bad luck befell his descendants. Illness, famine, war, poverty and filth and still the family seemed as kind as that initial stranger.

It came to be known as a curse and the family was shunned. As always is the case for those that are different or strange.

Her parents were siblings brought together out of loneliness and desperation, as such she was born mute, with silvery grey hair. Proving the rumours of a curse to the ignorant. Providing means to those who would manipulate the situation.

When she was 16 she was whisked away to the temple, put to work as a vessel for all the secrets of the people. They could tell her something and as she could not speak, it was locked away. A true confession.Now, after three years of drought, her public execution is set in stone, unless the God that owes her family a favor, intervienes.

Would like to include,
-Anal play
-Power dynamics

Not One of Us.( Smut &Story heavy& Light romance)

Humans hunt and enslave Elves, not only do they make excellent pleasure slaves but as domestic workers they have no rival. They are however, expensive.

You've been saving up since your first hunt, to have one of your own. Even with the discount you'd recieved from the slavers it's taken years for you to get to this point. So many that now as Captain of your band of hunters, you are the only one who hasn't bought one. Sure returning from successful hunts it has been customary to take one or two to warm your bed, but unlike your kinfolk, one has never tempted you to purchase, until now.

Would like to include,

Size play,
Pregnancy play,
Cum feeding,
Romantic d/s play,
Public Play

Pm here or on discord too discussšŸ„µšŸ˜˜
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