Mx Female First roleplay thread looking for someone to help me flesh out an idea


Mar 12, 2024
Hello this is my first time posting a thread so bear with me I’m trying to get it right but my idea might be something more than a 1x1 can do but perhaps there is someone on here that can help I don’t have all the details quite so I am also looking for someone to help me work out the finer details but enough stalling the plot is essentially an isekai where the MC is the only male in a world populated by solely females so whoever shows interest in this roleplay has a good time of creative freedom because they can any fantasy species/race, an oc, or a fandom character that fits the narrative just about anything they want if you are curious of whether or not a character will work just ask and I will let you know. they can play one character at a time or multiple I’m very open to suggestions and ideas to help improve this also I’m fine with any length of respond as long as it gives me something to work with in my message back I’m mostly limitless beside blood during sex (blood from battle is fine but no blood from intercourse) vore and toilet play. If that all sounds good to you please pm if you have any advice to improve this plot or if you’re interested in trying this plot out
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