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Pantsless Pirates [Character Repository]


Jun 21, 2015
Captain Sasha LeFleur
Age: 20
Captain of the Highwind
Trying to throw back the Anslan Hegemony and get rich in the process

Zahn Cragscale
PC, Lizardfolk

PC, Tabaxi

Helena Morgan
PC, Human

Joy Pleasance
PC, Aasimar

Age: 26
Well-muscled and stoic human crewmember, but not without compassion

Kadah "Tabby" Snowyear
Age: 19
Rather fickle tabaxi woman, but with a strong loyalty to Sasha and the Highwind

Age: 30
A talented but lazy dragonborn. She still follows orders, just tries to find time to herself often

Nasaar of Gudruun
Age: 18
Golbin financier of the Highwind, well-educated but also foul-mouthed. Very good at economics

Alshshay Alqatil
Age: 32
A yuan-ti pureblood, though not all know that. Ship's surgeon, with a gift for medicine

Sin Tent
Age: 47
Tiefling man aboard the Damnation. Concerned

Orns Greff
Age: 22
Orcish woman aboard the Damnation.

Henry Tort
Age: 30
Human man aboard the Damnation. Not liked by Sin.

Orin ?
Age: 147
Dwarven man aboard the Damnation. Part of Henry's group.

Ivran ?
Age: 112
Elven man aboard the Damnation. Brother to Javil. Part of Henry's group.

Javil ?
Age: 115
Elven man aboard the Damnation. Brother to Ivran. Part of Henry's group.
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Name: Zahn Cragscale
Species: Lizardfolk
Gender: Male
Eyes: Almond
Height: 198cm (6'6")
Weight: 104kg (229lbs)
Description: a lizardkin with Slate Gray scales with hues leaning towards a richer blue, as well as a second, more ochre, light coloration on his belly and lower jaw. Some of his scales show signs of scarring, on the belly and on his back especially. But the most prominent and eye-catching feature of this humanoid is his sheer bulk. Towering over most people, with biceps wider than some folk's shoulders, this combatant cuts an impressive figure.

Personality: a humble lizardfolk, who speaks softly but is prone to bursts of wrathful violence. He enjoys the company of folks that, like him, are brave and do not frighten easily.

Background: his tribe has long been destroyed by forces beyond the ken of most kindred, but his cousin managed to flee just in time, with Zahn and his younger sister in tow. For years, the three lived in the marshes that bordered the most infamous swamp of the mainland and the sea, relying only on each other and even that, only occasionally- in true Lizardkin fashion. Each of them were mostly self-sufficient, which would have gotten them killed if they did not come together to tackle the biggest issues together. Then, once Zahn and his kin were grown up, they all decided to go their separate ways and exit the marshes, to find something in the wide world.

Character Sheet: Myth-Weavers Online Character Sheets
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stng.png NPC Contribution

: Aaron
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 197cm (6'5")
Weight: 100kg

Description: a burly man of dark hair and fair skin, with rippling muscles that are visible due to his preference for revealing or unrestrictive clothes.

Personality: a stoic man, who does not like to show pain or weakness. Nevertheless, he is compassionate towards those who are worse off than him, even to his own detriment.

tab-wmn.png Name: Kadah "Tabby" Snowyear
Species: Tabaxi
Gender: Female
Height: 174cm
Weight: 65kg

Description: a slim tabaxi woman, with hair and fur that ranges from raven black to snow white. She usually wears little clothing, as the fur on her arms and legs gets irritated when restricted too much. She has a heavy crossbow that she favors fighting with in combat engagements.

Personality: a fickle woman, who doesn't linger on one project or topic for long and changes her mind quite often. This fickleness has one exception: she is very loyal to the captain of the Pantsless Pirates and would not betray the trust she receives in turn lightly.
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Player Character
Weight:150 Pounds

Description:A young woman with a natural excitement and energy about her. Athletic and lithe with visible muscles and flexibility she is happy to show off given the opportunity. Loves excitement, risk, and finding new things, especially valuable things, to collect and research.
Personality:A wanderer at heart, even her time onboard is a transient thing. Just another story in her journey though how long that part of her story is yet to be determined. Likes items and artifacts rich in history and importance if not monetary value. Preferring a ring owned by a kingdom now long forgotten versus a pile of gold. Her scholarly nature, combined with her faith in the Lady of Luck will hopefully guide her towards things she can find interest in. Or else boredom will soon cause the feline femme fatale to find her own sources of entertainment.

Mythweavers Sheet: Nanbako

NPC Contribution
Height: 6'3

Description:A white dragonborn with gleaming white scales and piercing blue eyes. Relies on her natural armor and strength more often than naught and prefers to fight from far away or using her natural breath attack when all else fails.

A lazy dragon with any number of ways to avoid tedious work. But work she does take seriously she excels at. Still, more often than not if not given a direct order by the captain or someone with authority she will be found lounging about somewhere on the ship preferably where no one will see her lazing about.

Name: Helena Morgan
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 200 Pounds

A tall, fiery red haired human woman, with a perfect hourglass figure. Helena cuts a striking figure, standing head and shoulders around most people. Descriptions of her vary between skirt chasing alcoholic and vicious psychopath.. both versions fairly accurate. Despite her strong accent, she's an excellent singer, musician, and dancer. Though she enjoys music, it's more a means to an end than anything. Fierce, untamable, and unyielding, much like the ocean she so loves... is how she'd describe herself when she's in a good mood.

(I might edit this later, writing this at 6am because i forgot what time was)

Char sheet

Joy Pleasance

Race: Aasimar

Background: Acolyte

Gestalt: Bard (College of Eloquence) / Sorcerer (Divine Soul)

Appearance: Joy looks close to human, but not quite. Her hair is too fire-truck red, her eyes are too shining blue, her skin is too flushed and vibrant and clear. She has the body of a supermodel, with just the right amount of curves in just the right places, and while the machinations of the gods are a mystery, it's entirely believable she was literally built for sex. Less alluring is the six fingers on her right hand, most likely another artifact of her inhuman ancestry.

Backstory: Joy's mother is a priestess of a goddess of joy, pleasure, celebration, and freedom. She was not married when she fell pregnant with Joy and claimed the father was a celestial, but most people were skeptical until Joy was born and her aasimar nature discovered. Joy was raised within the church to become a priestess like her mother, though the nature of this priesthood was different than most gods - inherently light on rules and heavy on leisure, with a focus on worship through song, dance, and the sharing of joy.

Under the Free League of the People, Joy's church was considered eccentric but harmless, appreciated by the common people and tolerated by the powers that be. The Anslan Hegemony, however, considers them dangerous political subversives that impair the output of the nation's workers. Joy is a particularly dangerous figure, as her claim of divine lineage presents a threat to established political power.

Personality: Joy's goddess is devoted to all forms of celebration and shared pleasure. Joy herself represents a narrow stripe of this portfolio: that of sex and lust. She is sensual, passionate, and a bit dumb, and a pansexual, service-oriented submissive in a constant state of semi-arousal who loves and desires everyone she knows. She believes the purpose of her life is to bring joy to the world, and that her body and mind are this way in order to do so sexually. She sees no shame in her own nudity or sexualization and considers herself free use to everyone on the Highwind's crew.



Name: Nasaar of the Gudruun clan

Race: Goblin

Role: Purser

Personality: An educated man at ease with danger, Nasaar administer's the Highwind's finances, cargo, and supplies. He's a little rough around the edges - impatient, foul-mouthed, and perfectionist - he is completely loyal to Captain LaFleur and almost as loyal to the rest of the crew, and handles negotiations for logding, resupply, and all the other financial minutiae when the Highwind is at dock.
Name: Alshshay Alqatil
Race: Yuan-ti Pureblood
Class: Monk (mercy)
Role: Ship's Surgeon (when magic isn't an option, she'll fix you the ol' fashioned way. But for no particular reason, how attached are you to your lungs?)
Standing at 5'5", Alshshay isn't a particularly imposing woman. With her stoic, reserved demeanor, it's very easy to think of her as a meek pushover. However she's removed more than a few wandering fingers. Unlike the seeming majority of the Highwind's crew, Alshshay seems to have no interest in sex, money, drinking, or other vices, and seems content to simply put people back together when needed. In a fight, she's proven herself more than enough times, and has shown she's just as capable of disassembling a person as reassembling them. Even then she's rather detached and aloof, and it seems the only thing that causes her to show interest is practicing medicine. She's also never seen without her mask, so her appearance under it is a constant source of rumours and conversation. Some find her rather creepy.

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